コード例 #1
        internal static Procedure findProc(Interp interp, string procName)
            WrappedCommand cmd;
            WrappedCommand origCmd;

                cmd = NamespaceCmd.findCommand(interp, procName, null, 0);
            catch (TclException e)
                // This should never happen
                throw new TclRuntimeError("unexpected TclException: " + e.Message);

            if (cmd == null)

            origCmd = NamespaceCmd.getOriginalCommand(cmd);
            if (origCmd != null)
                cmd = origCmd;
            if (!(cmd.cmd is Procedure))
コード例 #2
ファイル: InterpAliasCmd.cs プロジェクト: BclEx/GpuStructs
        internal WrappedCommand getTargetCmd(Interp interp)
            TclObject[] objv = TclList.getElements(interp, prefix);

            string targetName = objv[0].ToString();

            return(NamespaceCmd.findCommand(targetInterp, targetName, null, 0));
コード例 #3
ファイル: InterpAliasCmd.cs プロジェクト: BclEx/GpuStructs
        internal static void create(Interp interp, Interp slaveInterp, Interp masterInterp, TclObject name, TclObject targetName, int objIx, TclObject[] objv)
            string inString = name.ToString();

            InterpAliasCmd alias = new InterpAliasCmd();

            alias.name = name;

            alias.slaveInterp  = slaveInterp;
            alias.targetInterp = masterInterp;

            alias.prefix = TclList.NewInstance();
            TclList.Append(interp, alias.prefix, targetName);
            TclList.insert(interp, alias.prefix, 1, objv, objIx, objv.Length - 1);

            slaveInterp.CreateCommand(inString, alias);
            alias.slaveCmd = NamespaceCmd.findCommand(slaveInterp, inString, null, 0);

                interp.preventAliasLoop(slaveInterp, alias.slaveCmd);
            catch (TclException e)
                // Found an alias loop!  The last call to Tcl_CreateObjCommand made
                // the alias point to itself.  Delete the command and its alias
                // record.  Be careful to wipe out its client data first, so the
                // command doesn't try to delete itself.


            // Make an entry in the alias table. If it already exists delete
            // the alias command. Then retry.

            if (slaveInterp._aliasTable.ContainsKey(inString))
                InterpAliasCmd oldAlias = (InterpAliasCmd)slaveInterp._aliasTable[inString];

            alias.aliasEntry = inString;
            SupportClass.PutElement(slaveInterp._aliasTable, inString, alias);

            // Create the new command. We must do it after deleting any old command,
            // because the alias may be pointing at a renamed alias, as in:
            // interp alias {} foo {} bar		# Create an alias "foo"
            // rename foo zop				# Now rename the alias
            // interp alias {} foo {} zop		# Now recreate "foo"...

            SupportClass.PutElement(masterInterp._targetTable, alias.slaveCmd, slaveInterp);

コード例 #4
         * InfoProcsCmd --
         *      Called to implement the "info procs" command that returns the
         *      procedures in the current namespace that match an optional pattern.
         *      Handles the following syntax:
         *          info procs ?pattern?
         * Results:
         *      Returns if successful, raises TclException otherwise.
         * Side effects:
         *      Returns a result in the interpreter's result object.

        private static void InfoProcsCmd(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
            string cmdName, pattern;

            NamespaceCmd.Namespace currNs = NamespaceCmd.getCurrentNamespace(interp);
            IDictionaryEnumerator  search;
            WrappedCommand         cmd, realCmd;
            TclObject list;

            if (objv.Length == 2)
                pattern = null;
            else if (objv.Length == 3)
                pattern = objv[2].ToString();
                throw new TclNumArgsException(interp, 2, objv, "?pattern?");

            // Scan through the current namespace's command table and return a list
            // of all procs that match the pattern.

            list = TclList.newInstance();
            for (search = currNs.cmdTable.GetEnumerator(); search.MoveNext();)
                cmdName = ((string)search.Key);
                cmd     = (WrappedCommand)search.Value;

                // If the command isn't itself a proc, it still might be an
                // imported command that points to a "real" proc in a different
                // namespace.

                realCmd = NamespaceCmd.getOriginalCommand(cmd);

                if (Procedure.isProc(cmd) || ((realCmd != null) && Procedure.isProc(realCmd)))
                    if (((System.Object)pattern == null) || Util.stringMatch(cmdName, pattern))
                        TclList.append(interp, list, TclString.newInstance(cmdName));

コード例 #5
         *  InfoGlobalsCmd --
         *      Called to implement the "info globals" command that returns the list
         *      of global variables matching an optional pattern. Handles the
         *      following syntax:
         *          info globals ?pattern?*
         * Results:
         *      Returns if successful, raises TclException otherwise.
         * Side effects:
         *      Returns a result in the interpreter's result object.

        private static void InfoGlobalsCmd(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
            string varName, pattern;

            NamespaceCmd.Namespace globalNs = NamespaceCmd.getGlobalNamespace(interp);
            IDictionaryEnumerator  search;
            Var       var;
            TclObject list;

            if (objv.Length == 2)
                pattern = null;
            else if (objv.Length == 3)
                pattern = objv[2].ToString();
                throw new TclNumArgsException(interp, 2, objv, "?pattern?");

            // Scan through the global :: namespace's variable table and create a
            // list of all global variables that match the pattern.

            list = TclList.newInstance();

            for (search = globalNs.varTable.GetEnumerator(); search.MoveNext();)
                varName = ((string)search.Key);
                var     = (Var)search.Value;
                if (var.isVarUndefined())
                if (((System.Object)pattern == null) || Util.stringMatch(varName, pattern))
                    TclList.append(interp, list, TclString.newInstance(varName));

コード例 #6
ファイル: ProcCmd.cs プロジェクト: ekicyou/pasta
        /// <summary>
        /// Tcl_ProcObjCmd -> ProcCmd.cmdProc
        /// Creates a new Tcl procedure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="interp">the current interpreter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objv">command arguments.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref=""> TclException If incorrect number of arguments.
        /// </exception>

        public TCL.CompletionCode cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
            Procedure proc;
            string    fullName, procName;

            NamespaceCmd.Namespace ns, altNs, cxtNs;
            Command       cmd;
            StringBuilder ds;

            if (objv.Length != 4)
                throw new TclNumArgsException(interp, 1, objv, "name args body");

            // Determine the namespace where the procedure should reside. Unless
            // the command name includes namespace qualifiers, this will be the
            // current namespace.

            fullName = objv[1].ToString();

            // Java does not support passing an address so we pass
            // an array of size 1 and then assign arr[0] to the value
            NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] nsArr    = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
            NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] altNsArr = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
            NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] cxtNsArr = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
            string[] procNameArr = new string[1];

            NamespaceCmd.getNamespaceForQualName(interp, fullName, null, 0, nsArr, altNsArr, cxtNsArr, procNameArr);

            // Get the values out of the arrays
            ns       = nsArr[0];
            altNs    = altNsArr[0];
            cxtNs    = cxtNsArr[0];
            procName = procNameArr[0];

            if (ns == null)
                throw new TclException(interp, "can't create procedure \"" + fullName + "\": unknown namespace");
            if ((System.Object)procName == null)
                throw new TclException(interp, "can't create procedure \"" + fullName + "\": bad procedure name");
            // FIXME : could there be a problem with a command named ":command" ?
            if ((ns != NamespaceCmd.getGlobalNamespace(interp)) && ((System.Object)procName != null) && ((procName.Length > 0) && (procName[0] == ':')))
                throw new TclException(interp, "can't create procedure \"" + procName + "\" in non-global namespace with name starting with \":\"");

            //  Create the data structure to represent the procedure.

            proc = new Procedure(interp, ns, procName, objv[2], objv[3], interp.ScriptFile, interp.getArgLineNumber(3));

            // Now create a command for the procedure. This will initially be in
            // the current namespace unless the procedure's name included namespace
            // qualifiers. To create the new command in the right namespace, we
            // generate a fully qualified name for it.

            ds = new StringBuilder();
            if (ns != NamespaceCmd.getGlobalNamespace(interp))

            interp.createCommand(ds.ToString(), proc);

            // Now initialize the new procedure's cmdPtr field. This will be used
            // later when the procedure is called to determine what namespace the
            // procedure will run in. This will be different than the current
            // namespace if the proc was renamed into a different namespace.

            // FIXME : we do not handle renaming into another namespace correctly yet!
            //procPtr->cmdPtr = (Command *) cmd;

コード例 #7
         * InfoCommandsCmd --
         *	Called to implement the "info commands" command that returns the
         *	list of commands in the interpreter that match an optional pattern.
         *	The pattern, if any, consists of an optional sequence of namespace
         *	names separated by "::" qualifiers, which is followed by a
         *	glob-style pattern that restricts which commands are returned.
         *	Handles the following syntax:
         *          info commands ?pattern?
         * Results:
         *      Returns if successful, raises TclException otherwise.
         * Side effects:
         *      Returns a result in the interpreter's result object.

        private static void InfoCommandsCmd(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
            string cmdName, pattern, simplePattern;
            IDictionaryEnumerator search;

            NamespaceCmd.Namespace ns;
            NamespaceCmd.Namespace globalNs = NamespaceCmd.getGlobalNamespace(interp);
            NamespaceCmd.Namespace currNs = NamespaceCmd.getCurrentNamespace(interp);
            TclObject      list, elemObj;
            bool           specificNsInPattern = false; // Init. to avoid compiler warning.
            WrappedCommand cmd;

            // Get the pattern and find the "effective namespace" in which to
            // list commands.

            if (objv.Length == 2)
                simplePattern       = null;
                ns                  = currNs;
                specificNsInPattern = false;
            else if (objv.Length == 3)
                // From the pattern, get the effective namespace and the simple
                // pattern (no namespace qualifiers or ::'s) at the end. If an
                // error was found while parsing the pattern, return it. Otherwise,
                // if the namespace wasn't found, just leave ns NULL: we will
                // return an empty list since no commands there can be found.

                pattern = objv[2].ToString();

                // Java does not support passing an address so we pass
                // an array of size 1 and then assign arr[0] to the value
                NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] nsArr     = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
                NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] dummy1Arr = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
                NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] dummy2Arr = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
                string[] simplePatternArr          = new string[1];

                NamespaceCmd.getNamespaceForQualName(interp, pattern, null, 0, nsArr, dummy1Arr, dummy2Arr, simplePatternArr);

                // Get the values out of the arrays!
                ns            = nsArr[0];
                simplePattern = simplePatternArr[0];

                if (ns != null)
                    // we successfully found the pattern's ns
                    specificNsInPattern = (simplePattern.CompareTo(pattern) != 0);
                throw new TclNumArgsException(interp, 2, objv, "?pattern?");

            // Scan through the effective namespace's command table and create a
            // list with all commands that match the pattern. If a specific
            // namespace was requested in the pattern, qualify the command names
            // with the namespace name.

            list = TclList.newInstance();

            if (ns != null)
                search = ns.cmdTable.GetEnumerator();
                while (search.MoveNext())
                    cmdName = ((string)search.Key);
                    if (((System.Object)simplePattern == null) || Util.stringMatch(cmdName, simplePattern))
                        if (specificNsInPattern)
                            cmd     = (WrappedCommand)search.Value;
                            elemObj = TclString.newInstance(interp.getCommandFullName(cmd));
                            elemObj = TclString.newInstance(cmdName);
                        TclList.append(interp, list, elemObj);

                // If the effective namespace isn't the global :: namespace, and a
                // specific namespace wasn't requested in the pattern, then add in
                // all global :: commands that match the simple pattern. Of course,
                // we add in only those commands that aren't hidden by a command in
                // the effective namespace.

                if ((ns != globalNs) && !specificNsInPattern)
                    search = globalNs.cmdTable.GetEnumerator();
                    while (search.MoveNext())
                        cmdName = ((string)search.Key);
                        if (((System.Object)simplePattern == null) || Util.stringMatch(cmdName, simplePattern))
                            if (ns.cmdTable[cmdName] == null)
                                TclList.append(interp, list, TclString.newInstance(cmdName));

コード例 #8
         * InfoVarsCmd --
         *	Called to implement the "info vars" command that returns the
         *	list of variables in the interpreter that match an optional pattern.
         *	The pattern, if any, consists of an optional sequence of namespace
         *	names separated by "::" qualifiers, which is followed by a
         *	glob-style pattern that restricts which variables are returned.
         *	Handles the following syntax:
         *          info vars ?pattern?
         * Results:
         *      Returns if successful, raises TclException otherwise.
         * Side effects:
         *      Returns a result in the interpreter's result object.

        private static void InfoVarsCmd(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
            string varName, pattern, simplePattern;
            IDictionaryEnumerator search;
            Var var;

            NamespaceCmd.Namespace ns;
            NamespaceCmd.Namespace globalNs = NamespaceCmd.getGlobalNamespace(interp);
            NamespaceCmd.Namespace currNs = NamespaceCmd.getCurrentNamespace(interp);
            TclObject list, elemObj;
            bool      specificNsInPattern = false; // Init. to avoid compiler warning.

            // Get the pattern and find the "effective namespace" in which to
            // list variables. We only use this effective namespace if there's
            // no active Tcl procedure frame.

            if (objv.Length == 2)
                simplePattern       = null;
                ns                  = currNs;
                specificNsInPattern = false;
            else if (objv.Length == 3)
                // From the pattern, get the effective namespace and the simple
                // pattern (no namespace qualifiers or ::'s) at the end. If an
                // error was found while parsing the pattern, return it. Otherwise,
                // if the namespace wasn't found, just leave ns = null: we will
                // return an empty list since no variables there can be found.

                pattern = objv[2].ToString();

                // Java does not support passing an address so we pass
                // an array of size 1 and then assign arr[0] to the value
                NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] nsArr     = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
                NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] dummy1Arr = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
                NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] dummy2Arr = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
                string[] simplePatternArr          = new string[1];

                NamespaceCmd.getNamespaceForQualName(interp, pattern, null, 0, nsArr, dummy1Arr, dummy2Arr, simplePatternArr);

                // Get the values out of the arrays!
                ns            = nsArr[0];
                simplePattern = simplePatternArr[0];

                if (ns != null)
                    // we successfully found the pattern's ns
                    specificNsInPattern = (simplePattern.CompareTo(pattern) != 0);
                throw new TclNumArgsException(interp, 2, objv, "?pattern?");

            // If the namespace specified in the pattern wasn't found, just return.

            if (ns == null)

            list = TclList.newInstance();

            if ((interp.varFrame == null) || !interp.varFrame.isProcCallFrame || specificNsInPattern)
                // There is no frame pointer, the frame pointer was pushed only
                // to activate a namespace, or we are in a procedure call frame
                // but a specific namespace was specified. Create a list containing
                // only the variables in the effective namespace's variable table.

                search = ns.varTable.GetEnumerator();
                while (search.MoveNext())
                    varName = ((string)search.Key);
                    var     = (Var)search.Value;
                    if (!var.isVarUndefined() || ((var.flags & VarFlags.NAMESPACE_VAR) != 0))
                        if (((System.Object)simplePattern == null) || Util.stringMatch(varName, simplePattern))
                            if (specificNsInPattern)
                                elemObj = TclString.newInstance(Var.getVariableFullName(interp, var));
                                elemObj = TclString.newInstance(varName);
                            TclList.append(interp, list, elemObj);

                // If the effective namespace isn't the global :: namespace, and a
                // specific namespace wasn't requested in the pattern (i.e., the
                // pattern only specifies variable names), then add in all global ::
                // variables that match the simple pattern. Of course, add in only
                // those variables that aren't hidden by a variable in the effective
                // namespace.

                if ((ns != globalNs) && !specificNsInPattern)
                    search = globalNs.varTable.GetEnumerator();
                    while (search.MoveNext())
                        varName = ((string)search.Key);
                        var     = (Var)search.Value;
                        if (!var.isVarUndefined() || ((var.flags & VarFlags.NAMESPACE_VAR) != 0))
                            if (((System.Object)simplePattern == null) || Util.stringMatch(varName, simplePattern))
                                // Skip vars defined in current namespace
                                if (ns.varTable[varName] == null)
                                    TclList.append(interp, list, TclString.newInstance(varName));
                AppendLocals(interp, list, simplePattern, true);

コード例 #9
        /// <summary> Called when the command is deleted from the interp.</summary>

        public void disposeCmd()
コード例 #10
        /// <summary> Called when the command is invoked in the interp.</summary>

        public TCL.CompletionCode cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
            NamespaceCmd.invokeImportedCmd(interp, this, objv);
コード例 #11
        internal static Interp create(Interp interp, TclObject path, bool safe)
            Interp masterInterp;
            string pathString;

            TclObject[] objv = TclList.getElements(interp, path);

            if (objv.Length < 2)
                masterInterp = interp;

                pathString = path.ToString();
                TclObject obj = TclList.newInstance();

                TclList.insert(interp, obj, 0, objv, 0, objv.Length - 2);
                masterInterp = InterpCmd.getInterp(interp, obj);

                pathString = objv[objv.Length - 1].ToString();
            if (!safe)
                safe = masterInterp.isSafe;

            if (masterInterp.slaveTable.ContainsKey(pathString))
                throw new TclException(interp, "interpreter named \"" + pathString + "\" already exists, cannot create");

            Interp         slaveInterp = new Interp();
            InterpSlaveCmd slave       = new InterpSlaveCmd();

            slaveInterp.slave = slave;
            slaveInterp.setAssocData("InterpSlaveCmd", slave);

            slave.masterInterp = masterInterp;
            slave.path         = pathString;
            slave.slaveInterp  = slaveInterp;

            masterInterp.createCommand(pathString, slaveInterp.slave);
            slaveInterp.slave.interpCmd = NamespaceCmd.findCommand(masterInterp, pathString, null, 0);

            SupportClass.PutElement(masterInterp.slaveTable, pathString, slaveInterp.slave);

            slaveInterp.setVar("tcl_interactive", "0", TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY);

            // Inherit the recursion limit.

            slaveInterp.maxNestingDepth = masterInterp.maxNestingDepth;

            if (safe)
                catch (TclException e)
                    SupportClass.WriteStackTrace(e, Console.Error);

コード例 #12
ファイル: ImportedCmdData.cs プロジェクト: BclEx/GpuStructs
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the command is deleted from the interp.
 /// </summary>
 public void Dispose()