コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">Paths to source code, referenced assemblies and compiler directives</param>
        /// <returns>Any resulting errors, logs and executables.</returns>
        public static CompilationResult Compile(CrawlCompilerConfiguration configuration)
            TextWriter output = Utils.GetPrimaryOutputStream(configuration);
            //TraceListners.AssemblyResolverListner =
            //    new System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener(Utils.GetPrimaryOutputStream(configuration));

            //From referenced files, build list of existing namespaces
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, Namespace> allNamespaces = NamespaceLoader.LoadAll(configuration.Assemblies);


            //Set up logging and status
            SideeffectHelper  sideeffectHelper = new SideeffectHelper();
            CompilationStatus status           = CompilationStatus.Success;

                //single line comments with /* */ are referering to a stage in general_archtechture.md

                bool parallel = !configuration.ForceSingleThreaded;

                //The ConcurrentBag is an unordered, thread safe, collection
                ConcurrentBag <AstData> parsedFiles = Run <AstData, string>(configuration.Files, parallel, sideeffectHelper,
                                                                            (destination, helper) =>
                    //Syntax is slightly wonky, but cannot assign variable to method group.
                    //_Could_ be hidden in ParsePipeline by making them properties instead....

                    //Get the starting transformaton
                    /* Create parse tree */
                    Func <string, SideeffectHelper, ParseTreeData> parsePT = ParsePipeline.ReadFileToPt;

                    //Jump out if we are intrested in earlier stage.
                    if (configuration.TargetStage == TargetStage.ParseTree)
                        return(parsePT.EndWith(output.WriteLine, helper));

                    /* Create AST */
                    var parseASt = parsePT
                                   .Then(ParsePipeline.CreateAst); //.Then adds another stage

                    if (configuration.TargetStage == TargetStage.AbstractSyntaxTree)
                        return(parseASt.EndWith(output.WriteLine, helper));

                    /* Collect types*/
                    var firstscopepass = parseASt.Then(SemanticAnalysisPipeline.CollectTypes);

                    //.EndWith collects it
                    return(firstscopepass.EndWith(destination.Add, helper));

                /* Merge type tables */
                foreach (AstData file in parsedFiles)
                    TranslationUnitNode node          = (TranslationUnitNode)file.Tree.RootNode;
                    Namespace           exportedTypes = new Namespace(node.Namespace.Module, node.Code.Scope.Classes());


                //TODO: finish Semantic analysis
                ConcurrentBag <AstData> filesWithScope = Run <AstData, AstData>(parsedFiles, parallel, sideeffectHelper,
                                                                                (destination, helper) =>
                    /* Find visible namespace*/
                    //NamespaceDecorator is a hack to pass all namespaces in to the function that finds the relevant ones
                    Func <AstData, SideeffectHelper, AstData> first = new SemanticAnalysisPipeline.NamespaceDecorator(allNamespaces).AddExport;

                           /* Decorate TypeNode */
                           /* Collect remaining scope information */
                           /* Finish types */
                           .EndWith(destination.Add, helper));

                //TODO: Merge namespaces again with extra (Methods/Variables) from scope. Right now, only classes are visible
                //in other files

                ConcurrentBag <AstData> decoratedAsts = Run <AstData, AstData>(filesWithScope, parallel, sideeffectHelper,
                                                                               (destination, helper) =>
                    /* scope check */
                    Func <AstData, SideeffectHelper, AstData> first = SemanticAnalysisPipeline.DeclerationOrderCheck;
                    var final = first
                                .EndWith(destination.Add, helper); //Typechecker would be added here or line above


                ConcurrentBag <AstData> optimizedAsts = Run <AstData, AstData>(decoratedAsts, parallel, sideeffectHelper,
                                                                               (destination, helper) =>
                    Func <AstData, SideeffectHelper, AstData> first = OptimizationPipeline.FoldConstants;
                    var final = first
                                .EndWith(destination.Add, helper);

                //TODO: Interpeter or code generation

                //Until meaningfull end, print everything

                Execute(decoratedAsts, output.WriteLine, parallel);
                output.WriteLine("\n===Optimized To===>\n");
                Execute(optimizedAsts, output.WriteLine, parallel);

                if (sideeffectHelper.CompilationMessages.Count(message => message.Severity >= MessageSeverity.Error) > 0)
                    status = CompilationStatus.Failure;
            catch (ExitCompilationException)
            { status = CompilationStatus.Failure; }
            catch (Exception e) when(false && !Debugger.IsAttached)
                sideeffectHelper.CompilationMessages.Add(CompilationMessage.CreateNonCodeMessage(MessageCode.InternalCompilerError, e.ToString(), MessageSeverity.Fatal));
                status = CompilationStatus.Failure;

            return(new CompilationResult(status, sideeffectHelper.CompilationMessages));