コード例 #1
        public JObject BuildResourcesJson(IDotvvmRequestContext context, Func <string, bool> predicate)
            var manager     = context.ResourceManager;
            var resourceObj = new JObject();

            foreach (var resource in manager.GetNamedResourcesInOrder())
                if (predicate(resource.Name))
                    resourceObj[resource.Name] = JValue.CreateString(resource.GetRenderedTextCached(context));

            // propagate warnings to JS Console
            var warningScript = BodyResourceLinks.RenderWarnings(context);

            if (warningScript != "")
                var name     = "warnings" + Guid.NewGuid();
                var resource = new NamedResource(name, new InlineScriptResource(warningScript));

                resourceObj[resource.Name] = JValue.CreateString(resource.GetRenderedTextCached(context));

コード例 #2
 public void RegisterBundle(NamedResource bundleResource, params string[] resolves)
     foreach (var res in resolves)
         BundleInverseIndex.Add(res, bundleResource);
コード例 #3
        private static object DBAttribute(DbSet db, JToken attr)
            NamedResource fromJSON = attr.ToObject <NamedResource>();
            int           key      = Utility.URLIndex(fromJSON.url, true);

コード例 #4
        private IEnumerable <NamedResource> ProcessNamedResource(NamedResource namedResource, IAmpStylesheetResourceCollection ampStylesheetResourceCollection)
            var resource = namedResource.Resource;

            var isMerged = false;

            if (resource is StylesheetResource stylesheetResource)
                isMerged = true;
            else if (resource is InlineStylesheetResource inlineStylesheetResource)
                ampStylesheetResourceCollection.Add(new InlineResourceLocation(inlineStylesheetResource.Code));
                isMerged = true;

            if (!isMerged)
                yield return(namedResource);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides an implementation of the AppDomain.AssemblyResolve handler that
        /// will attempt to lookup .NET Satellite Assemblies that have been re-packaged
        /// as MRT Resource Packs.
        /// Note that if you already use the AssemblyResolve handler to perform other
        /// assembly look-up tasks, you will need to incorporate this code into your
        /// existing handler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Unused</param>
        /// <param name="args">Information about the assembly that failed to load</param>
        /// <returns>The newly-loaded assembly, or null if it can't be found</returns>
        internal static Assembly AssemblyResolveHandler(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
            Debug.WriteLine("---- Begin AssemblyResolve event handler ----");
            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Requested Assembly='{0}'", args.Name));

            // First, we need to get the base filename and language from the full assembly name string.
            // It's of the form "AssemblyName, Version=a.b.c.d, Culture=xx-yy, PublicKeyToken=xxxx, etc."
            // We don't need to parse it by hand; the AssemblyName class will do it for us
            AssemblyName fullAssemblyName    = new AssemblyName(args.Name);
            string       desiredAssemblyName = fullAssemblyName.Name;
            string       desiredCulture      = fullAssemblyName.CultureName;

            Debug.WriteLine("Requested Assembly Name='{0}', language='{1}'", desiredAssemblyName, desiredCulture);

            // The only expected exceptions are for use in a non-AppX context (when the app is sharing
            // code with (eg) a Windows 7 desktop app) or for missing fallback resources.
                // A ResourceContext includes things like the current language, scale factor etc.
                // In a normal UWP you would use GetForCurrentView(), but this is a Win32 app
                // and it doesn't have 'views'. We will use the generic context instead
                ResourceContext resourceContext = ResourceContext.GetForViewIndependentUse();

                // Override whatever the context's language is with the language requested by .NET
                // This would cover the case where (eg) .NET code had explicitly set a different
                // culture from the user's preferred culture.
                resourceContext.Languages = new[] { desiredCulture };

                // Get the current WinRT ResourceManager instance. Note this would require a
                // 'using' alias if we were trying to mix and match .NET resource code and
                // WinRT resource code in the same file, since they both have a type with this name.
                ResourceManager resourceManager = ResourceManager.Current;

                // The resource manager groups together different resources types under different sub-trees.
                // All files are under the "Files" subtree, so we retrieve that
                // (This is optional - we could prepend "files/" to the resource name instead)
                ResourceMap fileResources = resourceManager.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("Files");

                // TODO: Add your own naming conventions here, if necessary
                // This is the filename as it appeared on-disk when the package was created. At a minimum, you
                // need to add ".dll" on the end, but you might also need to prepend a folder name or do other
                // modifications to match your configuration.
                string targetFileName = string.Format(@"{0}.dll", desiredAssemblyName);

                // From all the resources available, we want to look for the one with the target filename
                NamedResource desiredResource = fileResources[targetFileName];

                // Print out the list of candidates and their qualifiers, in sorted order
                // Useful if something isn't resolving the way you expect. See MSDN for more information
                // on the properties being used.
                int i = 0;
                Debug.WriteLine(" Candidates:");
                foreach (ResourceCandidate candidate in desiredResource.ResolveAll(resourceContext))
                    Debug.WriteLine("  {0}: {1}, Match={2}, Default={3}", i,
                                    candidate.ValueAsString, candidate.IsMatch, candidate.IsDefault);
                    Debug.WriteLine("   Qualifiers:");
                    foreach (var qualifier in candidate.Qualifiers)
                        Debug.WriteLine("    {0}={1}, Match={2}, Default={3}",
                                        qualifier.QualifierName, qualifier.QualifierValue,
                                        qualifier.IsMatch, qualifier.IsDefault);

                // Get the best-matching candidate (filename) to load as an assembly
                // NOTE: If this throws the following exception:
                //   The ResourceMap or NamedResource has an item that does not have default or neutral
                //   resource. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80073B0C)
                // then double-check your MakePRI command and ensure it didn't complain about missing files:
                //   MakePRI: warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for '<filename>'.
                //   The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when
                //   retrieving the resources.
                ResourceCandidate bestCandidate = desiredResource.Resolve(resourceContext);

                // Candidates have various properties, but we really only need the value at this point
                string absoluteFileName = bestCandidate.ValueAsString;

                // Now we have the filename, we should be able to do this:
                //   Assembly resourceAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(absoluteFileName);
                // but due to a limitation with .NET and Windows resource packages, we need
                // to use an "Unsafe" load operation. To make sure we don't accidentally load
                // assemblies that really are unsafe (eg, from the network) we use this helper
                // function to validate the input first.
                // In this scenario the extra protections are uneccessary, but for anyone who copies
                // this code into a broader context, it will be useful.
                Assembly resourceAssembly = LoadAssemblyFromPackageGraph(absoluteFileName, Package.Current);

                Debug.WriteLine("Resolved Assembly Name='{0}', language='{1}'",
                                absoluteFileName, resourceAssembly.GetName().CultureName);

                // Finally, return the assembly we have loaded
            catch (Exception ex)
                // This is expected to fail for non-AppX contexts.
                if (ex.HResult == KnownMrtFailureCodes.MrtNeedsAppXPackagedApp)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Info: MRT only works for AppX packaged apps; returning null.");

                // This happens if you are missing a fallback file, but might not be fatal.
                // See comment above about MakePRI warnings
                if (ex.HResult == KnownMrtFailureCodes.MissingDefaultOrNeutralResource)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error: No neutral resource supplied; returning null.");

                // Otherwise, something else went wrong that needs to be looked at.
                Console.WriteLine("Excpetion while trying to find assembly: {0}\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.ToString());
                Debug.WriteLine("---- End AssemblyResolve event handler   ----");
コード例 #6
 public abstract IEnumerable<NamedResource> ProcessOne(NamedResource resource);
コード例 #7
 public override IEnumerable<NamedResource> ProcessOne(NamedResource resource)
     => new[] { BundleInverseIndex[resource.Name] };