static async Task Main(string[] args) { Transceiver audioTransceiver = null; Transceiver videoTransceiver = null; AudioTrackSource audioTrackSource = null; VideoTrackSource videoTrackSource = null; LocalAudioTrack localAudioTrack = null; LocalVideoTrack localVideoTrack = null; try { bool needVideo = Array.Exists(args, arg => (arg == "-v") || (arg == "--video")); bool needAudio = Array.Exists(args, arg => (arg == "-a") || (arg == "--audio")); // Asynchronously retrieve a list of available video capture devices (webcams). var deviceList = await PeerConnection.GetVideoCaptureDevicesAsync(); // For example, print them to the standard output foreach (var device in deviceList) { Console.WriteLine($"Found webcam {} (id: {})"); } // Create a new peer connection automatically disposed at the end of the program using var pc = new PeerConnection(); // Initialize the connection with a STUN server to allow remote access var config = new PeerConnectionConfiguration { IceServers = new List <IceServer> { new IceServer { Urls = { "" } } } }; await pc.InitializeAsync(config); Console.WriteLine("Peer connection initialized."); // Record video from local webcam, and send to remote peer if (needVideo) { Console.WriteLine("Opening local webcam..."); videoTrackSource = await DeviceVideoTrackSource.CreateAsync(); Console.WriteLine("Create local video track..."); var trackSettings = new LocalVideoTrackInitConfig { trackName = "webcam_track" }; localVideoTrack = LocalVideoTrack.CreateFromSource(videoTrackSource, trackSettings); Console.WriteLine("Create video transceiver and add webcam track..."); videoTransceiver = pc.AddTransceiver(MediaKind.Video); videoTransceiver.DesiredDirection = Transceiver.Direction.SendReceive; videoTransceiver.LocalVideoTrack = localVideoTrack; } // Record audio from local microphone, and send to remote peer if (needAudio) { Console.WriteLine("Opening local microphone..."); audioTrackSource = await DeviceAudioTrackSource.CreateAsync(); Console.WriteLine("Create local audio track..."); var trackSettings = new LocalAudioTrackInitConfig { trackName = "mic_track" }; localAudioTrack = LocalAudioTrack.CreateFromSource(audioTrackSource, trackSettings); Console.WriteLine("Create audio transceiver and add mic track..."); audioTransceiver = pc.AddTransceiver(MediaKind.Audio); audioTransceiver.DesiredDirection = Transceiver.Direction.SendReceive; audioTransceiver.LocalAudioTrack = localAudioTrack; } // Setup signaling Console.WriteLine("Starting signaling..."); var signaler = new NamedPipeSignaler.NamedPipeSignaler(pc, "testpipe"); signaler.SdpMessageReceived += async(SdpMessage message) => { await pc.SetRemoteDescriptionAsync(message); if (message.Type == SdpMessageType.Offer) { pc.CreateAnswer(); } }; signaler.IceCandidateReceived += (IceCandidate candidate) => { pc.AddIceCandidate(candidate); }; await signaler.StartAsync(); // Start peer connection pc.Connected += () => { Console.WriteLine("PeerConnection: connected."); }; pc.IceStateChanged += (IceConnectionState newState) => { Console.WriteLine($"ICE state: {newState}"); }; int numFrames = 0; pc.VideoTrackAdded += (RemoteVideoTrack track) => { track.I420AVideoFrameReady += (I420AVideoFrame frame) => { ++numFrames; if (numFrames % 60 == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Received video frames: {numFrames}"); } }; }; if (signaler.IsClient) { Console.WriteLine("Connecting to remote peer..."); pc.CreateOffer(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Waiting for offer from remote peer..."); } Console.WriteLine("Press a key to stop recording..."); Console.ReadKey(true); signaler.Stop(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } localAudioTrack?.Dispose(); localVideoTrack?.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Program termined."); localAudioTrack.Dispose(); localVideoTrack.Dispose(); audioTrackSource.Dispose(); videoTrackSource.Dispose(); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { DataChannel dataChannel = null; try { // Create a new peer connection automatically disposed at the end of the program using var pc = new PeerConnection(); // Initialize the connection with a STUN server to allow remote access var config = new PeerConnectionConfiguration { IceServers = new List <IceServer> { new IceServer { Urls = { "" } } } }; await pc.InitializeAsync(config); Console.WriteLine("Peer connection initialized."); Console.WriteLine("Opening data channel"); dataChannel = await pc.AddDataChannelAsync("data", true, true); // Setup signaling Console.WriteLine("Starting signaling..."); var signaler = new NamedPipeSignaler.NamedPipeSignaler(pc, "testpipe"); signaler.SdpMessageReceived += (string type, string sdp) => { pc.SetRemoteDescription(type, sdp); if (type == "offer") { pc.CreateAnswer(); } }; signaler.IceCandidateReceived += (string sdpMid, int sdpMlineindex, string candidate) => { pc.AddIceCandidate(sdpMid, sdpMlineindex, candidate); }; await signaler.StartAsync(); // Start peer connection pc.Connected += () => { Console.WriteLine("PeerConnection: connected."); }; pc.IceStateChanged += (IceConnectionState newState) => { Console.WriteLine($"ICE state: {newState}"); }; pc.DataChannelAdded += (DataChannel c) => { Console.WriteLine("DataChannel added"); c.MessageReceived += (byte[] _msg) => { Console.WriteLine("received {0} bytes", _msg.Length); }; }; if (signaler.IsClient) { Console.WriteLine("Connecting to remote peer..."); pc.CreateOffer(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Waiting for offer from remote peer..."); } Console.WriteLine("Press a 'S' to send data. 'Esc' to exit ..."); ConsoleKeyInfo key; while ((key = Console.ReadKey(true)).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape) { if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.S) { Console.WriteLine("Sending data"); dataChannel.SendMessage(new byte[3000]); } } signaler.Stop(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("Program termined."); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { try { bool needVideo = Array.Exists(args, arg => (arg == "-v") || (arg == "--video")); bool needAudio = Array.Exists(args, arg => (arg == "-a") || (arg == "--audio")); // Asynchronously retrieve a list of available video capture devices (webcams). var deviceList = await PeerConnection.GetVideoCaptureDevicesAsync(); // For example, print them to the standard output foreach (var device in deviceList) { Console.WriteLine($"Found webcam {} (id: {})"); } // Create a new peer connection automatically disposed at the end of the program using var pc = new PeerConnection(); // Initialize the connection with a STUN server to allow remote access var config = new PeerConnectionConfiguration { IceServers = new List <IceServer> { new IceServer { Urls = { "" } } } }; await pc.InitializeAsync(config); Console.WriteLine("Peer connection initialized."); // Record video from local webcam, and send to remote peer if (needVideo) { Console.WriteLine("Opening local webcam..."); await pc.AddLocalVideoTrackAsync(); } // Record audio from local microphone, and send to remote peer if (needAudio) { Console.WriteLine("Opening local microphone..."); await pc.AddLocalAudioTrackAsync(); } // Setup signaling Console.WriteLine("Starting signaling..."); var signaler = new NamedPipeSignaler.NamedPipeSignaler(pc, "testpipe"); signaler.SdpMessageReceived += (string type, string sdp) => { pc.SetRemoteDescription(type, sdp); if (type == "offer") { pc.CreateAnswer(); } }; signaler.IceCandidateReceived += (string sdpMid, int sdpMlineindex, string candidate) => { pc.AddIceCandidate(sdpMid, sdpMlineindex, candidate); }; await signaler.StartAsync(); // Start peer connection pc.Connected += () => { Console.WriteLine("PeerConnection: connected."); }; pc.IceStateChanged += (IceConnectionState newState) => { Console.WriteLine($"ICE state: {newState}"); }; int numFrames = 0; pc.I420RemoteVideoFrameReady += (I420AVideoFrame frame) => { ++numFrames; if (numFrames % 60 == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Received video frames: {numFrames}"); } }; if (signaler.IsClient) { Console.WriteLine("Connecting to remote peer..."); pc.CreateOffer(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Waiting for offer from remote peer..."); } Console.WriteLine("Press a key to stop recording..."); Console.ReadKey(true); signaler.Stop(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("Program termined."); }
public async Task <string> InitiateCallRTC() { var list = new List <string>(); list.Add(this.Configuration.GetSection("Key")["iceServer"]); AudioTrackSource microphoneSource = null; LocalAudioTrack localAudioTrack = null; Transceiver audioTransceiver = null; var iceServer = new IceServer { Urls = list, TurnPassword = this.Configuration.GetSection("Key")["turnPwd"], TurnUserName = this.Configuration.GetSection("Key")["turnUser"] }; var serverList = new List <IceServer>(); serverList.Add(iceServer); var connectionConfig = new PeerConnectionConfiguration { IceServers = serverList, IceTransportType = IceTransportType.All, BundlePolicy = BundlePolicy.Balanced, SdpSemantic = SdpSemantic.UnifiedPlan }; var connection = new PeerConnection(); await connection.InitializeAsync(connectionConfig); microphoneSource = await DeviceAudioTrackSource.CreateAsync(); var audioTrackConfig = new LocalAudioTrackInitConfig { trackName = "microphone_track" }; localAudioTrack = LocalAudioTrack.CreateFromSource(microphoneSource, audioTrackConfig); audioTransceiver = connection.AddTransceiver(MediaKind.Audio); audioTransceiver.LocalAudioTrack = localAudioTrack; audioTransceiver.DesiredDirection = Transceiver.Direction.SendReceive; var signaler = new NamedPipeSignaler.NamedPipeSignaler(connection, "testpipe"); connection.Connected += () => { Console.WriteLine("PeerConnection: connected."); }; signaler.SdpMessageReceived += async(SdpMessage message) => { // Note: we use 'await' to ensure the remote description is applied // before calling CreateAnswer(). Failing to do so will prevent the // answer from being generated, and the connection from establishing. await connection.SetRemoteDescriptionAsync(message); if (message.Type == SdpMessageType.Offer) { connection.CreateAnswer(); } }; await signaler.StartAsync(); signaler.IceCandidateReceived += (IceCandidate candidate) => { connection.AddIceCandidate(candidate); }; connection.IceStateChanged += (IceConnectionState newState) => { Console.WriteLine($"ICE state: {newState}"); }; if (signaler.IsClient) { Console.WriteLine("Connecting to remote peer..."); connection.CreateOffer(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Waiting for offer from remote peer..."); } return(connection.IsConnected + "-" + connection.Name + "-"); }