private void TestPreTrainedModels(string opset, string modelName) { var modelsDir = GetTestModelsDir(); string onnxModelFileName = null; var modelDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(modelsDir, opset, modelName)); try { var onnxModelNames = modelDir.GetFiles("*.onnx"); bool validModelFound = false; if (onnxModelNames.Length > 0) { // TODO remove file "._resnet34v2.onnx" from test set for (int i = 0; i < onnxModelNames.Length; i++) { if (onnxModelNames[i].Name != "._resnet34v2.onnx") { onnxModelNames[0] = onnxModelNames[i]; validModelFound = true; } } } if (validModelFound) { onnxModelFileName = Path.Combine(modelDir.FullName, onnxModelNames[0].Name); } else { var modelNamesList = string.Join(",", onnxModelNames.Select(x => x.ToString())); throw new Exception($"Opset {opset} Model {modelName}. Can't determine model file name. Found these :{modelNamesList}"); } using (var session = new InferenceSession(onnxModelFileName)) { var inMeta = session.InputMetadata; string testDataDirNamePattern = "test_data*"; if (opset == "opset9" && modelName == "LSTM_Seq_lens_unpacked") { testDataDirNamePattern = "seq_lens*"; // discrepancy in data directory } foreach (var testDataDir in modelDir.EnumerateDirectories(testDataDirNamePattern)) { var inputContainer = new List <NamedOnnxValue>(); var outputContainer = new List <NamedOnnxValue>(); foreach (var f in testDataDir.EnumerateFiles("input_*.pb")) { inputContainer.Add(TestDataLoader.LoadTensorFromFilePb(f.FullName, inMeta)); } foreach (var f in testDataDir.EnumerateFiles("output_*.pb")) { outputContainer.Add(TestDataLoader.LoadTensorFromFilePb(f.FullName, session.OutputMetadata)); } using (var resultCollection = session.Run(inputContainer)) { foreach (var result in resultCollection) { Assert.True(session.OutputMetadata.ContainsKey(result.Name)); var outputMeta = session.OutputMetadata[result.Name]; NamedOnnxValue outputValue = null; foreach (var o in outputContainer) { if (o.Name == result.Name) { outputValue = o; break; } } if (outputValue == null) { outputValue = outputContainer.First(); // in case the output data file does not contain the name } if (outputMeta.IsTensor) { if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(float)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <float>(), outputValue.AsTensor <float>(), new FloatComparer()); } else if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(double)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <double>(), outputValue.AsTensor <double>(), new DoubleComparer()); } else if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(int)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <int>(), outputValue.AsTensor <int>(), new ExactComparer <int>()); } else if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(uint)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <uint>(), outputValue.AsTensor <uint>(), new ExactComparer <uint>()); } else if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(short)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <short>(), outputValue.AsTensor <short>(), new ExactComparer <short>()); } else if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(ushort)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <ushort>(), outputValue.AsTensor <ushort>(), new ExactComparer <ushort>()); } else if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(long)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <long>(), outputValue.AsTensor <long>(), new ExactComparer <long>()); } else if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(ulong)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <ulong>(), outputValue.AsTensor <ulong>(), new ExactComparer <ulong>()); } else if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(byte)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <byte>(), outputValue.AsTensor <byte>(), new ExactComparer <byte>()); } else if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(bool)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <bool>(), outputValue.AsTensor <bool>(), new ExactComparer <bool>()); } else if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(Float16)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <Float16>(), outputValue.AsTensor <Float16>(), new Float16Comparer { tolerance = 2 }); } else if (outputMeta.ElementType == typeof(BFloat16)) { Assert.Equal(result.AsTensor <BFloat16>(), outputValue.AsTensor <BFloat16>(), new BFloat16Comparer { tolerance = 2 }); } else { Assert.True(false, $"{nameof(TestPreTrainedModels)} does not yet support output of type {outputMeta.ElementType}"); } } else { Assert.True(false, $"{nameof(TestPreTrainedModels)} cannot handle non-tensor outputs yet"); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { var msg = $"Opset {opset}, Model {modelName}: ModelFile = {onnxModelFileName} error = {ex.Message}"; if (ex.Message.Contains("ONNX Runtime only *guarantees* support for models stamped with official released onnx opset versions")) { // If the exception is thrown because the opset version of the test model is // not supported by ONNXRuntime yet, then ignore the test and proceed. // ORT allows commits from ONNX master and in such cases we do come across new opsets which are // not supported in ORT yet. In order to force these tests to run set env var ALLOW_RELEASED_ONNX_OPSET_ONLY=0 output.WriteLine("Skipping the model test as the latest ONNX opset is not supported yet. Error Message: " + msg); } else { throw new Exception(msg + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } } }