private void StartUpdate() { NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"ProgramUpdater"); bw.DoWork += DownloadAndApplyUpdate; bw.RunWorkerAsync(); UpdateInProgress = true; }
public override void OnPanelVisible() { SaveFileDialog d = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = $@"{M3L.GetString(M3L.string_7zipArchiveFile)}|*.7z", FileName = Utilities.SanitizePath($@"{ModForArchive.ModName}_{ModForArchive.ModVersionString}".Replace(@" ", ""), true) }; var outputarchive = d.ShowDialog(); if (outputarchive.HasValue && outputarchive.Value) { var bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"TestArchiveGenerator"); bw.DoWork += (a, b) => { var stagingPath = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Utilities.GetTempPath(), @"TestGenerator")).FullName; var referencedFiles = ModForArchive.GetAllRelativeReferences(); int numdone = 0; ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_hashingFiles); Parallel.ForEach(referencedFiles, new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 3 }, (x) => { var sourcefile = Path.Combine(ModForArchive.ModPath, x); var destfile = Path.Combine(stagingPath, x); Log.Information(@"Hashing " + sourcefile); var md5 = Utilities.CalculateMD5(sourcefile); Directory.CreateDirectory(Directory.GetParent(destfile).FullName); Log.Information(@"Writing blank hash file " + destfile); File.WriteAllText(destfile, md5); var done = Interlocked.Increment(ref numdone); Percent = (int)(done * 100.0 / referencedFiles.Count); }); Log.Information(@"Copying moddesc.ini"); File.Copy(ModForArchive.ModDescPath, Path.Combine(stagingPath, @"moddesc.ini"), true); Mod testmod = new Mod(Path.Combine(stagingPath, @"moddesc.ini"), Mod.MEGame.Unknown); if (testmod.ValidMod) { ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_creatingArchive); SevenZipCompressor svc = new SevenZipCompressor(); svc.Progressing += (o, details) => { Percent = (int)(details.AmountCompleted * 100.0 / details.TotalAmount); }; svc.CompressDirectory(stagingPath, d.FileName); Utilities.HighlightInExplorer(d.FileName); } }; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { OnClosing(DataEventArgs.Empty); }; bw.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { OnClosing(DataEventArgs.Empty); } }
public void RestoreSFAR(bool batchRestore, Action signalRestoreCompleted = null) { bool?restore = batchRestore; if (!restore.Value) { restore = RestoreConfirmationCallback?.Invoke(FilePath); } if (restore.HasValue && restore.Value) { NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"RestoreSFARThread"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { var backupFile = Path.Combine(BackupService.GetGameBackupPath(target.Game), FilePath); var targetFile = Path.Combine(target.TargetPath, FilePath); Restoring = true; Log.Information($@"Restoring SFAR from backup: {backupFile} {targetFile}"); XCopy.Copy(backupFile, targetFile, true, true, (o, pce) => { RestoreButtonContent = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_restoringXpercent, pce.ProgressPercentage.ToString()); }); var unpackedFiles = Directory.GetFiles(DLCDirectory, @"*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); RestoreButtonContent = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_cleaningUp); foreach (var file in unpackedFiles) { if (!file.EndsWith(@".sfar")) { Log.Information(@"Deleting unpacked file: " + file); File.Delete(file); } } Utilities.DeleteEmptySubdirectories(DLCDirectory); RestoreButtonContent = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_restored); }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error($@"Exception occured in {nbw.Name} thread: {b.Error.Message}"); } //File.Copy(backupFile, targetFile, true); //if (!batchRestore) //{ RevalidateIsModified(); //restoreCompletedCallback?.Invoke(); //} Restoring = false; signalRestoreCompleted?.Invoke(); }; startingRestoreCallback?.Invoke(); nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to endorse/unendorse this mod on NexusMods. /// </summary> /// <param name="newEndorsementStatus"></param> /// <param name="endorse"></param> /// <param name="currentuserid"></param> public void EndorseMod(Action <Mod, bool> newEndorsementStatus, bool endorse, int currentuserid) { if (!NexusModsUtilities.HasAPIKey || !CanEndorse) { return; } NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"ModSpecificEndorsement"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { var client = NexusModsUtilities.GetClient(); string gamename = @"masseffect"; if (Game == MEGame.ME2) { gamename += @"2"; } if (Game == MEGame.ME3) { gamename += @"3"; } string telemetryOverride = null; try { if (endorse) { client.Mods.Endorse(gamename, NexusModID, @"1.0").Wait(); } else { client.Mods.Unendorse(gamename, NexusModID, @"1.0").Wait(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(@"Error endorsing/unendorsing: " + e.ToString()); telemetryOverride = e.ToString(); } checkedEndorsementStatus = false; IsEndorsed = GetEndorsementStatus(currentuserid).Result ?? false; Analytics.TrackEvent(@"Set endorsement for mod", new Dictionary <string, string> { { @"Endorsed", endorse.ToString() }, { @"Succeeded", telemetryOverride ?? (endorse == IsEndorsed).ToString() } }); }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error($@"Exception occured in {nbw.Name} thread: {b.Error.Message}"); } newEndorsementStatus.Invoke(this, IsEndorsed); }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
private void RestoreAllBasegame() { bool restore = false; if (SelectedTarget.TextureModded) { if (!Settings.DeveloperMode) { M3L.ShowDialog(Window.GetWindow(this), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_dialogRestoringFilesWhileAlotIsInstalledNotAllowed), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_cannotRestoreSfarFiles), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } else { var res = M3L.ShowDialog(Window.GetWindow(this), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_dialogRestoringFilesWhileAlotIsInstalledNotAllowedDevMode), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_invalidTexturePointersWarning), MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning); restore = res == MessageBoxResult.Yes; } } else { restore = M3L.ShowDialog(Window.GetWindow(this), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_restoreAllModifiedFilesQuestion), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_confirmRestoration), MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.Yes; } if (restore) { NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"RestoreAllBasegameFilesThread"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { RestoreAllBasegameInProgress = true; var restorableFiles = SelectedTarget.ModifiedBasegameFiles.Where(x => x.CanRestoreFile()).ToList(); //Set UI states foreach (var v in restorableFiles) { v.Restoring = true; } //Restore files foreach (var v in restorableFiles) //to list will make sure this doesn't throw concurrent modification { v.RestoreFile(true); } }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error($@"Exception occurred in {nbw.Name} thread: {b.Error.Message}"); } RestoreAllBasegameInProgress = false; if (SelectedTarget.Game == MEGame.ME3) { AutoTOC.RunTOCOnGameTarget(SelectedTarget); } CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
/// <summary> /// Begins inspection of archive file. This method will spawn a background thread that will /// run asynchronously. /// </summary> /// <param name="filepath">Path to the archive file</param> private void InspectArchiveFile(string filepath) { ScanningFile = Path.GetFileName(filepath); NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"ModArchiveInspector"); nbw.DoWork += InspectArchiveBackgroundThread; ProgressValue = 0; ProgressMaximum = 100; ProgressIndeterminate = true; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error($@"Exception occurred in {nbw.Name} thread: {b.Error.Message}"); } if (CompressedMods.Count > 0) { ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_selectModsToImportIntoModManagerLibrary); if (CompressedMods.Count == 1) { CompressedMods_ListBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //Select the only item } ArchiveScanned = true; TriggerPropertyChangedFor(nameof(CanCompressPackages)); } else if (TextureFilesImported) { CancelButtonText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_close); NoModSelectedText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_dialogImportedALOTMainToTextureLibrary, ScanningFile, Utilities.GetALOTInstallerTextureLibraryDirectory()); ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_importCompleted); } else { ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_noCompatibleModsFoundInArchive); if (filepath.EndsWith(@".exe")) { NoModSelectedText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_executableModsMustBeValidatedByME3Tweaks); } else { NoModSelectedText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_noCompatibleModsFoundInArchiveExtended); } } ProgressValue = 0; ProgressIndeterminate = false; TaskRunning = false; CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }; ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_scanningX, Path.GetFileName(filepath)); nbw.RunWorkerAsync(filepath); }
/// <summary> /// Begins inspection of archive file. This method will spawn a background thread that will /// run asynchronously. /// </summary> /// <param name="filepath">Path to the archive file</param> private void InspectArchiveFile(string filepath) { ScanningFile = Path.GetFileName(filepath); NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"ModArchiveInspector"); bw.DoWork += InspectArchiveBackgroundThread; ProgressValue = 0; ProgressMaximum = 100; ProgressIndeterminate = true; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (CompressedMods.Count > 0) { ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_selectModsToImportIntoModManagerLibrary); if (CompressedMods.Count == 1) { CompressedMods_ListBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //Select the only item } ArchiveScanned = true; //Initial release disables this. //TODO: RE-ENABLE THIS CanCompressPackages = false && CompressedMods.Any() && CompressedMods.Any(x => x.Game == Mod.MEGame.ME3); //Change to include ME2 when support for LZO is improved } else if (TextureFilesImported) { CancelButtonText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_close); NoModSelectedText = $"{ScanningFile} has been imported to the ALOT Installer texture library, located at {Utilities.GetALOTInstallerTextureLibraryDirectory()}. Launch ALOT Installer to install the file. Once you install files with ALOT Installer, you will be unable to use Mod Manager to install further files into this installation without restoring the game. Ensure you install all non-texture mods BEFORE you use ALOT Installer."; ActionText = "Import completed"; } else { ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_noCompatibleModsFoundInArchive); if (filepath.EndsWith(@".exe")) { NoModSelectedText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_executableModsMustBeValidatedByME3Tweaks); } else { NoModSelectedText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_noCompatibleModsFoundInArchiveExtended); } } ProgressValue = 0; ProgressIndeterminate = false; TaskRunning = false; CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }; ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_scanningX, Path.GetFileName(filepath)); bw.RunWorkerAsync(filepath); }
private void BeginInstallingMod() { ModIsInstalling = true; Log.Information($@"BeginInstallingMod(): {ModBeingInstalled.ModName}"); NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker($@"ModInstaller-{ModBeingInstalled.ModName}"); bw.WorkerReportsProgress = true; bw.DoWork += InstallModBackgroundThread; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += ModInstallationCompleted; //bw.ProgressChanged += ModProgressChanged; bw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public override void OnPanelVisible() { NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker("telemetrydatagathering"); bw.DoWork += GatherTelemetryDataBGThread; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { List <TelemetryPackage> list = (List <TelemetryPackage>)b.Result; TelemetryPackages.ReplaceAll(list); }; bw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
/// <summary> /// Asynchronously endorses a file. This call does not wait for a result of the operation. /// </summary> /// <param name="gamedomain"></param> /// <param name="endorse"></param> /// <param name="fileid"></param> /// <param name="currentuserid"></param> public static void EndorseFile(string gamedomain, bool endorse, int fileid, Action <bool> newEndorsementStatusCallback = null) { if (NexusModsUtilities.UserInfo == null) { return; } NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"EndorseMod"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { var client = NexusModsUtilities.GetClient(); string telemetryOverride = null; try { if (endorse) { client.Mods.Endorse(gamedomain, fileid, @"1.0").Wait(); } else { client.Mods.Unendorse(gamedomain, fileid, @"1.0").Wait(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(@"Error endorsing/unendorsing: " + e.ToString()); telemetryOverride = e.ToString(); } var newStatus = GetEndorsementStatusForFile(gamedomain, fileid).Result; Analytics.TrackEvent(@"Set endorsement for mod", new Dictionary <string, string> { { @"Endorsed", endorse.ToString() }, { @"Succeeded", telemetryOverride ?? (endorse == newStatus).ToString() } }); b.Result = newStatus; }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error($@"Exception occurred in {nbw.Name} thread: {b.Error.Message}"); } if (b.Result is bool val) { newEndorsementStatusCallback?.Invoke(val); } }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public override void OnPanelVisible() { NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"telemetrydatagathering"); nbw.DoWork += GatherTelemetryDataBGThread; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error($@"Exception occurred in {nbw.Name} thread: {b.Error.Message}"); } List <TelemetryPackage> list = (List <TelemetryPackage>)b.Result; TelemetryPackages.ReplaceAll(list); }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
private void CheckAuth(string pwOverride = null, Action <object> authCompletedCallback = null) { NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"UpdaterServiceAuthCheck"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { b.Result = false; string host = @""; string username = Username; string password = pwOverride ?? Password_TextBox.Password; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { return; } using (SftpClient sftp = new SftpClient(host, username, password)) { string currentOp = @"Connecting"; try { sftp.Connect(); currentOp = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_checkingLZMAStorageDirectory); sftp.ChangeDirectory(LZMAStoragePath.Trim()); currentOp = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_checkingManifestsStorageDirectory); sftp.ChangeDirectory(ManifestStoragePath.Trim()); b.Result = true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Information($@"Error logging in during operation '{currentOp}': " + e.Message); b.Result = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_errorValidatingSettingsXY, currentOp, e.Message); } } }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error($@"Exception occurred in {nbw.Name} thread: {b.Error.Message}"); } Log.Information(@"Auth checked"); OperationInProgress = false; authCompletedCallback?.Invoke(b.Result); }; OperationInProgress = true; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
/// <summary> /// Begins inspection of archive file. This method will spawn a background thread that will /// run asynchronously. /// </summary> /// <param name="filepath">Path to the archive file</param> private void InspectArchiveFile(string filepath) { ScanningFile = Path.GetFileName(filepath); NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"ModArchiveInspector"); bw.DoWork += InspectArchiveBackgroundThread; ProgressValue = 0; ProgressMaximum = 100; ProgressIndeterminate = true; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (CompressedMods.Count > 0) { ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_selectModsToImportIntoModManagerLibrary); if (CompressedMods.Count == 1) { CompressedMods_ListBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //Select the only item } ArchiveScanned = true; //Initial release disables this. CanCompressPackages = false && CompressedMods.Any() && CompressedMods.Any(x => x.Game == Mod.MEGame.ME3); //Change to include ME2 when support for LZO is improved } else { ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_noCompatibleModsFoundInArchive); if (filepath.EndsWith(@".exe")) { NoModSelectedText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_executableModsMustBeValidatedByME3Tweaks); } else { NoModSelectedText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_noCompatibleModsFoundInArchiveExtended); } } ProgressValue = 0; ProgressIndeterminate = false; TaskRunning = false; CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }; ActionText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_scanningX, Path.GetFileName(filepath)); bw.RunWorkerAsync(filepath); }
public override void OnPanelVisible() { NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"AutoTOC"); bw.DoWork += (a, b) => { if (mode == AutoTOCMode.MODE_GAMEWIDE) { RunTOCOnGameTarget(gameWideModeTarget, x => Percent = x); } }; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { OnClosing(DataEventArgs.Empty); }; bw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
private void GetTopMods() { NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"ModMaker-TopModsFetch"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { b.Result = OnlineContent.FetchTopModMakerMods(); }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error == null && b.Result is List <OnlineContent.ServerModMakerModInfo> topMods) { TopMods.ReplaceAll(topMods); } }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public void RestoreSFAR(bool batchRestore) { bool?restore = batchRestore; if (!restore.Value) { restore = RestoreConfirmationCallback?.Invoke(FilePath); } if (restore.HasValue && restore.Value) { //Todo: Background thread this maybe? NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker("RestoreSFARThread"); bw.DoWork += (a, b) => { var backupFile = Path.Combine(Utilities.GetGameBackupPath(target.Game), FilePath); var targetFile = Path.Combine(target.TargetPath, FilePath); Restoring = true; Log.Information("Restoring SFAR from backup: " + backupFile + " => " + targetFile); XCopy.Copy(backupFile, targetFile, true, true, (o, pce) => { RestoreButtonContent = $"Restoring {pce.ProgressPercentage}%"; }); var unpackedFiles = Directory.GetFiles(DLCDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); RestoreButtonContent = $"Cleaning up"; foreach (var file in unpackedFiles) { if (!file.EndsWith(".sfar")) { Log.Information("Deleting unpacked file: " + file); File.Delete(file); } } Utilities.DeleteEmptySubdirectories(DLCDirectory); RestoreButtonContent = "Restored"; }; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { //File.Copy(backupFile, targetFile, true); //if (!batchRestore) //{ RevalidateIsModified(); //restoreCompletedCallback?.Invoke(); //} Restoring = false; }; startingRestoreCallback?.Invoke(); bw.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
private void RestoreAllBasegame() { bool restore = false; if (SelectedTarget.ALOTInstalled) { if (!Settings.DeveloperMode) { M3L.ShowDialog(Window.GetWindow(this), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_dialogRestoringFilesWhileAlotIsInstalledNotAllowed), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_cannotRestoreSfarFiles), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } else { var res = M3L.ShowDialog(Window.GetWindow(this), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_dialogRestoringFilesWhileAlotIsInstalledNotAllowedDevMode), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_invalidTexturePointersWarning), MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning); restore = res == MessageBoxResult.Yes; } } else { restore = M3L.ShowDialog(Window.GetWindow(this), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_restoreAllModifiedFilesQuestion), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_confirmRestoration), MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.Yes; } if (restore) { NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"RestoreAllBasegameFilesThread"); bw.DoWork += (a, b) => { RestoreAllBasegameInProgress = true; foreach (var v in SelectedTarget.ModifiedBasegameFiles) { v.Restoring = true; } foreach (var v in SelectedTarget.ModifiedBasegameFiles.ToList()) //to list will make sure this doesn't throw concurrent modification { v.RestoreFile(true); } }; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { RestoreAllBasegameInProgress = false; CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }; bw.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
/// <summary> /// Begins inspection of archive file. This method will spawn a background thread that will /// run asynchronously. /// </summary> /// <param name="filepath">Path to the archive file</param> private void InspectArchiveFile(string filepath) { ScanningFile = Path.GetFileName(filepath); NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker("ModArchiveInspector"); bw.DoWork += InspectArchiveBackgroundThread; ProgressValue = 0; ProgressMaximum = 100; ProgressIndeterminate = true; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (CompressedMods.Count > 0) { ActionText = $"Select mods to import into Mod Manager library"; if (CompressedMods.Count == 1) { CompressedMods_ListBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //Select the only item } ArchiveScanned = true; //Initial release disables this. CanCompressPackages = false && CompressedMods.Any() && CompressedMods.Any(x => x.Game == Mod.MEGame.ME3); //Change to include ME2 when support for LZO is improved } else { ActionText = "No compatible mods found in archive"; if (filepath.EndsWith(".exe")) { NoModSelectedText = "Executable installer based mods must be validated by ME3Tweaks before they can be imported into M3. This is to prevent breaking third party mods.\n\nThis executable has not been validated. Check for a ME3Tweaks Mod Manager compatible version from the download page, or ask the developer to make a ME3Tweaks Mod Manager compatible version."; } else { NoModSelectedText = "No compatible mods found in archive. If this is a texture mod, you must install it with ALOT Installer. If this is a known Mod Manager mod, please come to the ME3Tweaks Discord from the Help menu."; } } ProgressValue = 0; ProgressIndeterminate = false; TaskRunning = false; CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }; ActionText = $"Scanning {Path.GetFileName(filepath)}"; bw.RunWorkerAsync(filepath); }
private void RestoreAllBasegame() { bool restore = false; if (SelectedTarget.ALOTInstalled) { if (!Settings.DeveloperMode) { Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), $"Restoring files while ALOT is installed is not allowed, as it will introduce invalid texture pointers into the installation.", $"Cannot restore SFAR files", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } else { var res = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), $"Restoring files while ALOT is installed will introduce invalid texture pointers into the installation, which will cause black textures and possibly cause the game to crash. Please ensure you know what you are doing before continuing.", $"Invalid texture pointers warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning); restore = res == MessageBoxResult.Yes; } } else { restore = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), $"Restore all modified files?", $"Confirm restoration", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.Yes; } if (restore) { NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker("RestoreAllBasegameFilesThread"); bw.DoWork += (a, b) => { RestoreAllBasegameInProgress = true; foreach (var v in SelectedTarget.ModifiedBasegameFiles) { v.Restoring = true; } foreach (var v in SelectedTarget.ModifiedBasegameFiles.ToList()) //to list will make sure this doesn't throw concurrent modification { v.RestoreFile(true); } }; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { RestoreAllBasegameInProgress = false; CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }; bw.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
public override void OnPanelVisible() { NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"PlotManagerUpdate"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { RunPlotManagerUpdate(PlotManagerUpdateTarget); }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error($@"Exception occurred in {nbw.Name} thread: {b.Error.Message}"); } OnClosing(DataEventArgs.Empty); }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public override void OnPanelVisible() { NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"BackupFileFetcher-Load"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { LoadME1FilesList(); LoadME2FilesList(); LoadME3FilesList(); }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { LoadingInProgress = false; ME1FilesView.Filter = FilterBackupFilesME1; ME2FilesView.Filter = FilterBackupFilesME2; ME3FilesView.Filter = FilterBackupFilesME3; }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public override void OnPanelVisible() { lastPercentUpdateTime = DateTime.Now; NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"DeploymentValidation"); bw.DoWork += (a, b) => { foreach (var checkItem in DeploymentChecklistItems) { checkItem.ExecuteValidationFunction(); } }; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { PrecheckCompleted = true; CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }; bw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public override void OnPanelVisible() { NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"RunAndDoneThread"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { runAndDoneDelegate?.Invoke(); }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error($@"Exception occurred in {nbw.Name} thread: {b.Error.Message}"); Result.Error = b.Error; } OnClosing(DataEventArgs.Empty); }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
private void InternalInstallME3Keybinds() { KeybindsInstallingME3 = true; NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"ME3KeybindsInstaller"); nbw.DoWork += (await, b) => { var xmlText = File.ReadAllText(SelectedME3Keybinds.filepath); InstallME3Keybinds(xmlText, SelectedME3Target); }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error(@"Error setting ME3 keybinds: " + b.Error.Message); } KeybindsInstallingME3 = false; CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
/// <summary> /// Starts preparing a mod by launching a background thread. This should be called from a UI thread /// </summary> private void StartPreparingModWrapper() { NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"UpdaterServiceUpload"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { OperationInProgress = true; b.Result = UploadMod(); }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { Analytics.TrackEvent("Uploaded mod to updater service", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { @"Result", b.Result?.ToString() }, { @"Mod", mod.ModName + @" " + mod.ModVersionString } }); OperationInProgress = false; }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public override void OnPanelVisible() { NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker("AutoTOC"); bw.DoWork += (a, b) => { if (mode == AutoTOCMode.MODE_GAMEWIDE) { RunGameWideAutoTOC(); } else if (mode == AutoTOCMode.MODE_MOD) { RunModAutoTOC(); } }; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { OnClosing(DataEventArgs.Empty); }; bw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public override void OnPanelVisible() { NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"AutoTOC"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { if (mode == AutoTOCMode.MODE_GAMEWIDE) { RunTOCOnGameTarget(gameWideModeTarget, x => Percent = x); } }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error($@"Exception occurred in {nbw.Name} thread: {b.Error.Message}"); } OnClosing(DataEventArgs.Empty); }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
private void GetTopMods() { NamedBackgroundWorker nbw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"ModMaker-TopModsFetch"); nbw.DoWork += (a, b) => { b.Result = OnlineContent.FetchTopModMakerMods(); }; nbw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { if (b.Error != null) { Log.Error($@"Exception occured in {nbw.Name} thread: {b.Error.Message}"); } if (b.Error == null && b.Result is List <OnlineContent.ServerModMakerModInfo> topMods) { TopMods.ReplaceAll(topMods); } }; nbw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
private void UpdateClassicMod(OnlineContent.ModUpdateInfo ui) { NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"ModUpdaterThread-" + ui.mod.ModName); bw.DoWork += (a, b) => { OperationInProgress = true; ui.UpdateInProgress = true; ui.Indeterminate = false; ui.DownloadButtonText = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_downloading); //void updateProgressCallback(long bytesReceived, long totalBytes) //{ // ui.By //} bool errorShown = false; void errorCallback(string message) { if (!errorShown) { errorShown = true; Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { M3L.ShowDialog(window, M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_errorOccuredWhileUpdatingXErrorMessage, ui.mod.ModName, message), M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_errorUpdatingX, ui.mod.ModName), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } ); } } var stagingDirectory = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Utilities.GetTempPath(), Path.GetFileName(ui.mod.ModPath))).FullName; var modUpdated = OnlineContent.UpdateMod(ui, stagingDirectory, errorCallback); ui.UpdateInProgress = false; ui.CanUpdate = !modUpdated; AnyModUpdated |= modUpdated; ui.DownloadButtonText = ui.CanUpdate ? M3L.GetString(M3L.string_downloadUpdate) : M3L.GetString(M3L.string_updated); Utilities.DeleteFilesAndFoldersRecursively(stagingDirectory); }; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { OperationInProgress = false; CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }; bw.RunWorkerAsync(); }
private void StartDeployment() { SaveFileDialog d = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = $@"{M3L.GetString(M3L.string_7zipArchiveFile)}|*.7z", FileName = Utilities.SanitizePath($@"{ModBeingDeployed.ModName}_{ModBeingDeployed.ModVersionString}".Replace(@" ", ""), true) }; var result = d.ShowDialog(); if (result.HasValue && result.Value) { NamedBackgroundWorker bw = new NamedBackgroundWorker(@"ModDeploymentThread"); bw.DoWork += Deployment_BackgroundThread; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (a, b) => { DeploymentInProgress = false; CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); }; bw.RunWorkerAsync(d.FileName); DeploymentInProgress = true; } }