コード例 #1
 public override string ToString()
     if (attacker.Id == victim.Id)
         return($"{NameWithOutfit(attacker.Name, attacker.Outfit)} in {attackerVehicle.Name} playing as {attackerLoadoutName} destroyed his own {destroyedVehicle.Name}");
     return($"{NameWithOutfit(attacker.Name, attacker.Outfit)}{(attackerVehicle.Name == null ? "" : " in " + attackerVehicle.Name)} playing as {attackerLoadoutName} destroyed {(victim.Faction == attacker.Faction ? "teammate " : "")}{NameWithOutfit(victim.Name, victim.Outfit)}'s {destroyedVehicle.Name}{(weaponName == null ? "" : " with " + weaponName)}");
コード例 #2
 public override string ToString()
     if (attacker.Id == victim.Id && weaponName == null)
         return($"{NameWithOutfit(attacker.Name, attacker.Outfit)} commited suicide");
     return($"{NameWithOutfit(attacker.Name, attacker.Outfit)}{(attackerVehicle.Name == null ? "" : " in " + attackerVehicle.Name)} playing as {attackerLoadoutName} {(victim.Faction == attacker.Faction ? "team" : "")}killed {NameWithOutfit(victim.Name, victim.Outfit)} playing as {victimLoadoutName}{(weaponName == null ? "" : " with " + weaponName)}{(headshot ? " to HEAD" : "")}");