public void TestNameProperty() { var ui = new NamePropertyUi(); Console.WriteLine(ui.Label); var uiw = new IsConfigurationActivePropertyUi(); Console.WriteLine(uiw.Label); }
public void TestFindUi() { // apparently need to instantiate something for assembly to be loaded ?? var ui = new NamePropertyUi(); // var t = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().ToList(); var types = Application.Reflection.Helper.Instance.TypesImplementingInterface(typeof(IWorkflowEntityUi)); Assert.IsTrue(types.Count() > 0); }
public void TestUiResolver() { // apparently need to instantiate something for assembly to be loaded ?? var uix = new NamePropertyUi(); // var t = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().ToList(); var ui = WorkflowEntityUiResolver.Instance.Resolve(new WorkflowConfiguration()); Assert.IsNotNull(ui); Console.WriteLine(ui.GetType().ToString()); }
public void TestUiFromEntityInstance() { // apparently need to instantiate something for assembly to be loaded ?? var ui = new NamePropertyUi(); var types = Application.Reflection.Helper.Instance.TypesImplementingInterface(typeof(IWorkflowEntityUi)); var w = new WorkflowConfiguration(); foreach (var x in types) { var ux = (IWorkflowEntityUi)Activator.CreateInstance(x); Console.WriteLine(ux.SupportsType(w)); } }