public override void LowLevelSetAttributes (IntPtr attrs, NSRange range) { BeginEditing (); backingStore.LowLevelSetAttributes (attrs, range); Edited (NSTextStorageEditActions.Attributes, range, 0); EndEditing (); }
void ApplyTokenAttributes (NSRange searchRange) { NSDictionary attributesForToken = Tokens ["DefaultTokenName"]; int startPos = (int)searchRange.Location; string text = backingStore.Value.Substring ((int)searchRange.Location,(int)searchRange.Length); int nextSpace = text.IndexOfAny (" \n\t.".ToCharArray ()); int lastPos = 0; string token; NSRange tokenRange; while (true) { if (nextSpace == -1) nextSpace = text.Length; token = text.Substring (lastPos, nextSpace - lastPos); tokenRange = new NSRange (lastPos + startPos, nextSpace - lastPos); if (Tokens.ContainsKey (token)) attributesForToken = Tokens [token]; else attributesForToken = Tokens ["DefaultTokenName"]; AddAttributes (attributesForToken, tokenRange); if (nextSpace == text.Length) break; lastPos = nextSpace + 1; nextSpace = text.IndexOfAny (" \n\t.".ToCharArray (), nextSpace + 1); } }
/// <exclude/> public int requestCheckingOfString_range_types_options_inSpellDocumentWithTag_completionHandler( NSString stringToCheck, NSRange range, ulong checkingTypes, NSDictionary options, int tag, Action<int, NSArray, NSOrthography, int> callback) { RequestCheckingCallback thunk = (IntPtr context, int sequenceNumber, IntPtr resultsPtr, IntPtr orthographyPtr, int wordCount) => { var results = NSObject.Lookup(resultsPtr).To<NSArray>(); var orthography = NSObject.Lookup(orthographyPtr).To<NSOrthography>(); callback(sequenceNumber, results, orthography, wordCount); }; var block = new ExtendedBlock(thunk); int result = Call("requestCheckingOfString:range:types:options:inSpellDocumentWithTag:completionHandler:", stringToCheck, range, checkingTypes, options, tag, block).To<int>(); GC.KeepAlive(block); return result; }
public static bool ShoudChange(UITextField textField, NSRange range, string toString) { int length = getLength (textField.Text); if(length == 10) { if(range.Length == 0) return false; } if(length == 3) { string num = formatNumber(textField.Text); textField.Text = string.Format ("({0}) ", num); if(range.Length > 0) textField.Text = string.Format ("{0}", num.Substring(0, 3)); } else if(length == 6) { string num = formatNumber(textField.Text); textField.Text = string.Format ("({0}) {1}-",num.Substring (0, 3) ,num.Substring (3)); if(range.Length > 0) textField.Text = string.Format ("({0}) {1}",num.Substring (0, 3) ,num.Substring (3)); } return true; }
public bool IsPartialStringValid(ref NSString partial, ref NSRange selPtr, NSString origString, ref NSRange origSel, IntPtr error) { // Zero length strings are OK if (partial.Length == 0) { return true; } string match = FirstColorKeyForPartialString(partial); // No color match? if (match == null) { return false; } // If no letters were added, it is a delete // Console.WriteLine("orig string: {0}, partial string: {1}", origString, partial); if (oldColorStringLength == partial.Length) { oldColorStringLength--; selPtr.Location = partial.Length -1; selPtr.Length = match.Length - selPtr.Location; partial = (NSString)match; return false; } oldColorStringLength = partial.Length; // If the partial string is shorter than the match, // provide the match and set the selection if (match.Length != partial.Length) { selPtr.Location = partial.Length; selPtr.Length = match.Length - selPtr.Location; partial = (NSString)match; return false; } return true; }
public override bool ShouldChangeCharacters(UITextField textField, NSRange theRange, String replacementString) { System.Console.WriteLine ("ShouldChangeCharacters '{0}' -> {1}, {2}, '{3}' ?", textField.Text, theRange.Location, theRange.Length, replacementString); // We could prevent (or warn of) nonsensical or out-of-bounds values? return true; }
public override void Replace (NSRange range, string newValue) { BeginEditing (); backingStore.Replace (range, newValue); Edited (NSTextStorageEditActions.Characters | NSTextStorageEditActions.Attributes, range, newValue.Length - range.Length); dynamicTextNeedsUpdate = true; EndEditing (); }
public override bool ShouldChangeText (UITextView textView, NSRange range, string text) { if (!text.Contains ("\n")) return true; textView.ResignFirstResponder (); return false; }
/// <summary> /// Clears the present logs. /// </summary> private void ClearLog() { var stor = LogField.TextStorage; var wholeRange = new NSRange(0, stor.Length); stor.BeginEditing(); stor.DeleteRange(wholeRange); stor.EndEditing(); }
public NSAttributedString AttributedMailText(string text) { Random r = new Random (); string randomString = loremIpsum.GenerateString (10 + r.Next (0, 16)); string str = String.Format ("{0}\n{1}", text, randomString); NSMutableAttributedString attrStr = new NSMutableAttributedString (str, new NSDictionary ()); NSRange range = new NSRange (str.IndexOf ("\n"), "\n".Length); attrStr.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, UIColor.Gray, new NSRange(range.Location, str.Length - range.Location)); return attrStr; }
bool ShouldInteractWithUrl (UITextView textView, NSUrl url, NSRange characterRange) { if (url.Host == "") { var webViewController = (WebViewController)Storyboard.InstantiateViewController ("WebViewController"); PresentViewController (webViewController, true, delegate { webViewController.webView.LoadRequest (NSUrlRequest.FromUrl (url)); }); return false; }; return true; }
public override string GetTypo(string txt) { #if __WATCHOS__ return string.Empty; #else var checkRange = new NSRange (0, txt.Length); var typoRange = checker.RangeOfMisspelledWordInString (txt, checkRange, checkRange.Location, false, "en_US"); if (typoRange.Length == 0) return String.Empty; return txt.Substring ((int) typoRange.Location, (int) typoRange.Length); #endif }
public override bool ShouldChangeCharacters(UITextField textField, NSRange range, string replacementString) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(replacementString)) return true; var newText = (textField.Text ?? "").Remove(range.Location, range.Length) .Insert(range.Location, replacementString); //MvxTrace.Trace( // "ShouldChangeCharacters, before: {0}, replace: {1}, newtext: {2}", // this.Text, replacementString, newText); return IsOk(newText); }
public override bool ShouldChangeCharacters(UITextField textField, NSRange range, string replacementString) { var newText = textField.Text.Remove (range.Location, range.Length); newText = newText.Insert (range.Location, replacementString); if (newText.Length > 0) { textField.Text = (UIDecimalField.GetAmountFromString (newText)).ToString ("N2"); return false; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Gets called when pressing the button to calculate PI. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender.</param> partial void HandleCalculatePi(UIButton sender) { this.isCalculating = !this.isCalculating; btnCalculate.SetTitle(this.isCalculating ? "Stop calculating" : "Start calculating", UIControlState.Normal); if(!this.isCalculating) { // Cancel calculation if it is currently running. this.cts.Cancel(); return; } else { // Use a cancellation token to be able to stop the calculation. this.cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); this.txtPi.Text = string.Empty; } // Prepare for background processing. int taskId = -1; // We are running on an extra thread here. Still, the app gets paused if it is backgrounded. Task.Run(() => { // TODO: LongRunningTasks 01 - Comment back in to prevent thread from being interrupted if home button is pressed // taskId = UIApplication.SharedApplication.BeginBackgroundTask(() => { // Console.WriteLine("Background time expires!"); // this.cts.Cancel(); // }); Helpers.CalcPi(pi => { Console.WriteLine("Background time remaining: " + Math.Round(UIApplication.SharedApplication.BackgroundTimeRemaining) + " seconds"); Console.WriteLine("A bit of Pi: " + pi); this.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { this.txtPi.Text += " " + pi; var range = new NSRange(txtPi.Text.Length - 1, 1); txtPi.ScrollRangeToVisible(range); }); }, this.cts.Token); if(taskId != -1) { // Balanced call to BeginBackgroundTask() UIApplication.SharedApplication.EndBackgroundTask(taskId); } }); }
public override bool ShouldChangeCharacters(UITextField textField, NSRange range, string replacementString) { var text = textField.Text; string newText = text; if (range.Location >= text.Length) { newText = text + replacementString; } else { var substr = text.Substring(0, range.Location); var finalIndex = range.Location + range.Length - 1; if(finalIndex >= text.Length - 1) { newText = substr + replacementString; } else { var substr2 = text.Substring(finalIndex + 1); newText = substr + replacementString + substr2; } } var numText = NumberFormattingHelper.StripCurrency(newText); if (numText.Length > _digitLimit) return false; string result = string.Empty; if (numText.Length == 0) { result = "$0"; } else { int number; if (Int32.TryParse(numText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out number)) { result = string.Format("{0:C0}", number); } } if (_postChangeAction != null) { _postChangeAction(result); } textField.Text = result; return false; }
/// <summary> /// Limits the message text to MaxTextLength characters. /// </summary> public override bool ShouldChangeCharacters(UITextField textField, NSRange range, string replacementString) { int limit = MaxTextLength; int newLength = (textField.Text.Length - (int)range.Length) + replacementString.Length; if (newLength <= limit) return true; int emptySpace = Math.Max(0, limit - (textField.Text.Length - (int)range.Length)); string beforeCaret = textField.Text.Substring(0, (int)range.Location) + replacementString.Substring(0, emptySpace); string afterCaret = textField.Text.Substring((int)(range.Location + range.Length)); textField.Text = beforeCaret + afterCaret; return false; }
/// <summary> /// Limits the message text to MaxTextLength characters. /// </summary> public override bool ShouldChangeText(UITextView textView, NSRange range, string text) { int limit = MaxTextLength; int newLength = (textView.Text.Length - (int)range.Length) + text.Length; if (newLength <= limit) return true; int emptySpace = Math.Max(0, limit - (textView.Text.Length - (int)range.Length)); string beforeCaret = textView.Text.Substring(0, (int)range.Location) + text.Substring(0, emptySpace); string afterCaret = textView.Text.Substring((int)(range.Location + range.Length)); textView.Text = beforeCaret + afterCaret; textView.SelectedRange = new NSRange(beforeCaret.Length, 0); return false; }
public static NSMutableAttributedString GetSearchResultAttributedString (this string result, string searchString) { var attrString = new NSMutableAttributedString (result); attrString.AddAttributes (SearchResultStringAttributes, new NSRange (0, result.Length)); var index = result.IndexOf (searchString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (index >= 0 && index + searchString.Length <= result.Length) { var range = new NSRange (index, searchString.Length); attrString.AddAttributes (SearchResultHighlightStringAttributes, range); } return attrString; }
protected override bool AllowTextChange(string currentText, NSRange changedRange, string replacementText, string result) { // Base method checks against the max length for us... if (!base.AllowTextChange (currentText, changedRange, replacementText, result)) return false; // Validate that all of the characters are legal for an airport code for (int i = 0; i < replacementText.Length; i++) { if ((replacementText[i] >= 'A' && replacementText[i] <= 'Z') || (replacementText[i] >= 'a' && replacementText[i] <= 'z') || (replacementText[i] >= '0' && replacementText[i] <= '9')) continue; return false; } return true; }
void PerformReplacementsForCharacterChange (NSRange changeRange) { if (changeRange.Location == 0 && changeRange.Length == 0) return; var searchRange = new NSRange (0,Value.Length); int startLoc = Value.Substring (0, (int)changeRange.Location).LastIndexOfAny (" \n\t.".ToCharArray ()); int endLoc = Value.Substring ((int)(changeRange.Location + changeRange.Length)).IndexOfAny (" \n\t.".ToCharArray ()); if(startLoc != -1) searchRange.Location = startLoc; if (endLoc != -1) searchRange.Length = changeRange.Location + endLoc + 1 - startLoc; else searchRange.Length = searchRange.Length - searchRange.Location; searchRange.Location = Math.Min ((int)searchRange.Location, (int)changeRange.Location); searchRange.Length = Math.Max ((int)searchRange.Length, (int)changeRange.Length); ApplyTokenAttributes (searchRange); }
public void AskQuestion (string question, bool sendNotification) { // Anything to process? if (question == "") return; // Add question to history ChatHistory.Text += string.Format ("\nHuman: {0}", question); // Clear input ChatInput.Text = ""; // Get response var response = Eliza.ProcessInput (question); // Add Eliza's response to history ChatHistory.Text += string.Format ("\nEliza: {0}\n", response); // Scroll output to bottom var bottom = new NSRange (ChatHistory.Text.Length - 1, 1); ChatHistory.ScrollRangeToVisible (bottom); // Sending a user notification as well if (sendNotification) { var content = new UNMutableNotificationContent (); content.Title = "ElizaChat Question"; content.Subtitle = question; content.Body = response; var trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger.CreateTrigger (5, false); var requestID = "ElizaQuestion"; var request = UNNotificationRequest.FromIdentifier (requestID, content, trigger); UNUserNotificationCenter.Current.AddNotificationRequest (request, (err) => { if (err != null) { Console.WriteLine ("Error: {0}", err); } }); } }
/// <summary> /// Based on the user preferences set on the parent <see cref="AppKit.TextKit.Formatter.SourceTextView"/>, this /// method returns the available list of partial word completions. /// </summary> /// <returns>The list of word completions that will be presented to the user.</returns> /// <param name="textView">The source <see cref="AppKit.TextKit.Formatter.SourceTextView"/>.</param> /// <param name="words">A list of default words automatically provided by OS X in the user's language.</param> /// <param name="charRange">The cursor location where the partial word exists.</param> /// <param name="index">The word that should be selected when the list is displayed (usually 0 meaning /// the first item in the list). Pass -1 for no selected items.</param> public override string[] GetCompletions (NSTextView textView, string[] words, NSRange charRange, ref nint index) { List<string> completions = new List<string> (); // Is auto complete enabled? if (TextEditor.AllowAutoComplete) { // Use keywords in auto complete? if (TextEditor.AutoCompleteKeywords) { // Yes, grab word being expanded var range = TextEditor.Formatter.FindWordBoundries (TextEditor.TextStorage.Value, charRange); var word = TextEditor.TextStorage.Value.Substring ((int)range.Location, (int)range.Length); // Scan the keywords for the a possible match foreach (string keyword in TextEditor.Formatter.Language.Keywords.Keys) { // Found? if (keyword.Contains (word)) { completions.Add (keyword); } } } // Use default words? if (TextEditor.AutoCompleteDefaultWords) { // Only if keywords list is empty? if (TextEditor.DefaultWordsOnlyIfKeywordsEmpty) { if (completions.Count == 0) { // No keywords, add defaults completions.AddRange (words); } } else { // No, always include default words completions.AddRange (words); } } } // Return results return completions.ToArray(); }
public override bool ShouldChangeCharacters(UITextField textField, NSRange range, string replacementString) { if (replacementString.Length > 0) { var oldLength = textField.Text.Length; var replacementLength = replacementString.Length; var rangeLength = range.Length; var newLength = oldLength - rangeLength + replacementLength; var inputAllowed = MaxLength == 0 || newLength <= MaxLength; var shouldChange = inputAllowed && (Digits == null || replacementString.IndexOfAny(Digits.ToCharArray()) != -1); if (shouldChange) { textField.Text = textField.Text.FormatToJudoString(Format); } return shouldChange; } return true; }
private bool TextShouldChangeCharacters(UITextField textField, NSRange range, string replacementString) { native.BecomeFirstResponder (); source.Delete = false; if (replacementString == "") { source.Delete = true; } else if (textField.Text.Length > source.MaxLengthFromMask && source.MaxLengthFromMask > 0) { return false; } if (source.Locked) { return false; } else if (source.Mask != null) { source.SelectionStart = (int)textField.GetOffsetFromPosition (textField.BeginningOfDocument, textField.SelectedTextRange.Start); source.SelectionEnd = (int)textField.GetOffsetFromPosition (textField.BeginningOfDocument, textField.SelectedTextRange.End); source.TextLength = native.Text.Length; } else { return true; } return true; }
static extern IntPtr CTTypesetterCreateLine(IntPtr typesetter, NSRange stringRange);
public bool IsPartialStringValid(ref NSString value, IntPtr proposedSelRange, NSString origString, NSRange origSelRange, ref IntPtr error) { var h = Handler; if (h == null) { return(true); } if (h.MaxLength > 0) { int size = (int)value.Length; if (size > h.MaxLength) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public extern static void void_objc_msgSend_stret_rnsrange(ref NSRange stret, IntPtr receiver, IntPtr selector);
public static void SetBuffers(this IMTLArgumentEncoder encoder, IMTLBuffer[] buffers, nuint[] offsets, NSRange range) { if (buffers is null) { ObjCRuntime.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(nameof(buffers)); } if (offsets is null) { ObjCRuntime.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(nameof(offsets)); } var bufferPtrArray = buffers.Length <= 1024 ? stackalloc IntPtr[buffers.Length] : new IntPtr [buffers.Length]; // get all intptr from the array to pass to the lower level call for (var i = 0; i < buffers.Length; i++) { bufferPtrArray [i] = buffers [i].Handle; } unsafe { fixed(void *buffersPtr = bufferPtrArray) fixed(void *offsetsPtr = offsets) // can use fixed { encoder.SetBuffers((IntPtr)buffersPtr, (IntPtr)offsetsPtr, range); } } GC.KeepAlive(buffers); }
public unsafe nuint GetGlyphs( NSRange glyphRange, short[] /* CGGlyph* = CGFontIndex* = unsigned short* */ glyphBuffer, NSGlyphProperty[] /* NSGlyphProperty* = nint* */ props, nuint[] /* NSUInteger */ charIndexBuffer, byte[] /* (unsigned char *) */ bidiLevelBuffer) { if (glyphBuffer != null && glyphBuffer.Length < glyphRange.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("glyphBuffer must have at least {0} elements", glyphRange.Length)); } if (props != null && props.Length < glyphRange.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("props must have at least {0} elements", glyphRange.Length)); } if (charIndexBuffer != null && charIndexBuffer.Length < glyphRange.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("props must have at least {0} elements", glyphRange.Length)); } if (bidiLevelBuffer != null && bidiLevelBuffer.Length < glyphRange.Length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("bidiLevelBuffer must have at least {0} elements", glyphRange.Length)); fixed(short *glyphs = glyphBuffer) { nuint rv; #if ARCH_32 // Unified/32: the output array is not the correct size, it needs to be int[], and it's an array of NSGlyphProperty (which is long) nint[] tmpArray = null; if (props != null) { tmpArray = new nint [props.Length]; } #else // Unified/64 + Classic: the input array is the correct size var tmpArray = props; #endif fixed(void *properties = tmpArray) { fixed(nuint *charIBuffer = charIndexBuffer) { fixed(byte *bidi = bidiLevelBuffer) { rv = GetGlyphs(glyphRange, (IntPtr)glyphs, (IntPtr)properties, (IntPtr)charIBuffer, (IntPtr)bidi); } } } #if ARCH_32 // Marshal back from the tmpArray. if (tmpArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++) { props [i] = (NSGlyphProperty)(long)tmpArray [i]; } } #endif return(rv); } }
public override bool ShouldChangeCharacters(UITextField textField, NSRange range, string replacementString) { return(Validations.ValidateInput(replacementString, Validations.ValidationType.User)); }
bool ShouldChangeText(UISearchBar searchBar, NSRange range, string text) { var newLength = searchBar?.Text?.Length + text.Length - range.Length; return(newLength <= Element?.MaxLength); }
public void GetCoordinates(CLLocationCoordinate2D[] coords, NSRange range) { var ptr = GetPointer(coords); this._GetCoordinates(ptr, range); }
public virtual NSData DataFromRange(NSRange range, Dictionary <NSObject, AnyObject> documentAttributes, NSErrorPointer error) { return(default(NSData)); }
bool OnShouldChangeText(UITextView textView, NSRange range, string replacementString) => VirtualView.TextWithinMaxLength(textView.Text, range, replacementString);
void SetFontAttribute(NSRange range, NSFontTraitMask traitMask, NSFontTraitMask traitUnmask, bool enabled) { SetFontAttribute(range, enabled, f => UpdateFontTrait(f, traitMask, traitUnmask, enabled)); }
internal void UpdateText() { if (_disposed || _renderer == null || _element == null) { return; } var control = Control; if (control == null) { return; } var transformedText = _element.UpdateFormsText(_element.Text, _element.TextTransform); control.SetTitle(transformedText, UIControlState.Normal); var normalTitle = control .GetAttributedTitle(UIControlState.Normal); if (_element.CharacterSpacing == 0 && normalTitle == null) { control.SetTitle(transformedText, UIControlState.Normal); return; } if (control.Title(UIControlState.Normal) != null) { control.SetTitle(null, UIControlState.Normal); } string text = transformedText ?? string.Empty; var colorRange = new NSRange(0, text.Length); var normal = control .GetAttributedTitle(UIControlState.Normal) .WithCharacterSpacing(_element.CharacterSpacing); var highlighted = control .GetAttributedTitle(UIControlState.Highlighted) .WithCharacterSpacing(_element.CharacterSpacing); var disabled = control .GetAttributedTitle(UIControlState.Disabled) .WithCharacterSpacing(_element.CharacterSpacing); normal.AddAttribute( UIStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, Control.TitleColor(UIControlState.Normal), colorRange); highlighted.AddAttribute( UIStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, Control.TitleColor(UIControlState.Highlighted), colorRange); disabled.AddAttribute( UIStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, Control.TitleColor(UIControlState.Disabled), colorRange); Control.SetAttributedTitle(normal, UIControlState.Normal); Control.SetAttributedTitle(highlighted, UIControlState.Highlighted); Control.SetAttributedTitle(disabled, UIControlState.Disabled); UpdateEdgeInsets(); }
void AnimateDynamicNodes () { SCNNode dummyFront = RootNode.FindChildNode ("dummy_front", true); var dynamicNodesWithVertColorAnimation = new List<SCNNode> (); foreach (var split in dummyFront.ChildNodes) foreach (var splitElement in split.ChildNodes) foreach (var child in splitElement.ChildNodes) { var range = new NSRange (); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (child.ParentNode.Name)) { int index = child.ParentNode.Name.LastIndexOf ("vine"); range = new NSRange (index, 4); } if (child.Geometry != null && child.Geometry.GetGeometrySourcesForSemantic (SCNGeometrySourceSemantic.Color) != null && range.Location != NSRange.NotFound) { dynamicNodesWithVertColorAnimation.Add (child); } } string shaderCode = "uniform float timeOffset;\n" + "#pragma body\n" + "float speed = 20.05;\n" + " += (speed * sin(u_time + timeOffset) * _geometry.color.rgb);\n"; foreach (SCNNode dynamicNode in dynamicNodesWithVertColorAnimation) { dynamicNode.Geometry.ShaderModifiers = new SCNShaderModifiers { EntryPointGeometry = shaderCode }; var explodeAnimation = new CABasicAnimation { KeyPath = "timeOffset", Duration = 2.0, RepeatCount = float.MaxValue, AutoReverses = true, To = new NSNumber (MathUtils.RandomPercent ()), TimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction.FromName (CAMediaTimingFunction.EaseInEaseOut) }; dynamicNode.Geometry.AddAnimation (explodeAnimation, (NSString)"sway"); } }
private static bool HandleAttributes( IList <IAttributedTextRun> runs, TextWriter writer, NSAttributedString target, NSDictionary attrs, NSRange range) { var text = target.Substring(range.Location, range.Length).Value; var formatAttributes = new TextAttributes(); var run = new AttributedTextRun((int)range.Location, (int)range.Length, formatAttributes); NSObject font; if (attrs.TryGetValue(NSStringAttributeKey.Font, out font)) { var actualFont = (NSFont)font; #if __MACOS__ var fontName = actualFont.FontName; #else var fontName = actualFont.Name; #endif formatAttributes.SetFontSize((float)actualFont.PointSize); if (!fontName.StartsWith(".", System.StringComparison.Ordinal)) { formatAttributes.SetFontName(fontName); } else { if (fontName.Contains("Italic")) { formatAttributes.SetItalic(true); } if (fontName.Contains("Bold")) { formatAttributes.SetBold(true); } } } NSObject underline; if (attrs.TryGetValue(NSStringAttributeKey.UnderlineStyle, out underline)) { var number = underline as NSNumber; if (number != null && number.Int32Value > 0) { formatAttributes.SetUnderline(true); } } NSObject strikethrough; if (attrs.TryGetValue(NSStringAttributeKey.StrikethroughStyle, out strikethrough)) { var number = strikethrough as NSNumber; if (number != null && number.Int32Value > 0) { formatAttributes.SetStrikethrough(true); } } #if MONOMAC NSObject superscript; if (attrs.TryGetValue(NSStringAttributeKey.Superscript, out superscript)) { var number = superscript as NSNumber; if (number != null && number.Int32Value == -1) { formatAttributes.SetSubscript(true); } else if (number != null && number.Int32Value == 1) { formatAttributes.SetSuperscript(true); } } #endif NSObject color; if (attrs.TryGetValue(NSStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, out color)) { var colorObject = color as NSColor; if (colorObject != null) { formatAttributes.SetForegroundColor(colorObject.ToHex()); } } NSObject backgroundColor; if (attrs.TryGetValue(NSStringAttributeKey.BackgroundColor, out backgroundColor)) { var colorObject = backgroundColor as NSColor; if (colorObject != null) { formatAttributes.SetBackgroundColor(colorObject.ToHex()); } } #if MONOMAC NSObject paragraphStyleAsObject; if (attrs.TryGetValue(NSStringAttributeKey.ParagraphStyle, out paragraphStyleAsObject)) { var paragraphStyle = (NSParagraphStyle)paragraphStyleAsObject; if (paragraphStyle.TextLists != null && paragraphStyle.TextLists.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < paragraphStyle.TextLists.Length; i++) { var textList = paragraphStyle.TextLists [i]; var markerFormat = textList.MarkerFormat; if ("{hyphen}".Equals(textList.MarkerFormat)) { formatAttributes.SetUnorderedList(true); formatAttributes.SetMarker(MarkerType.Hyphen); } else { formatAttributes.SetUnorderedList(true); formatAttributes.SetMarker(MarkerType.ClosedCircle); } } } } #endif if (run.Attributes.Count > 0) { runs.Add(run); } writer.Write(text); return(false); }
public override bool KnowsPageRange(ref NSRange aRange) { aRange = new NSRange(1, _numPages); return(true); }
public extern static void void_objc_msgSend_nsrange(IntPtr receiver, IntPtr selector, NSRange arg1);
public NSRange CharacterRangeForGlyphRange(NSRange charRange, ref NSRange actualCharRange) { return(GetCharacterRange(charRange, out actualCharRange)); }
public LinkData(NSRange range, string url) { Range = range; Url = url; }
public NSRange CharacterRangeForGlyphRange(NSRange charRange) { return(GetCharacterRange(charRange)); }
public extern static void NSRange_objc_msgSend_stret_IntPtr_byte_byte_byte(out NSRange retval, IntPtr receiver, IntPtr selector, IntPtr arg1, byte arg2, byte arg3, byte arg4);
public CGRect LineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex(nuint glyphIndex, ref NSRange effectiveGlyphRange) { return(GetLineFragmentUsedRect(glyphIndex, out effectiveGlyphRange)); }
public virtual void ScrollRangeToVisible(NSRange range) { }
public NSTextContainer TextContainerForGlyphAtIndex(nuint glyphIndex, ref NSRange effectiveGlyphRange) { return(GetTextContainer(glyphIndex, out effectiveGlyphRange)); }
private Dictionary<char, int> DoFindControlChars(NSString str) { var chars = new Dictionary<char, int>(); int len = (int) str.length(); NSRange range = new NSRange(0, len); while (true) { NSRange temp = str.rangeOfCharacterFromSet_options_range( NSCharacterSet.controlCharacterSet(), Enums.NSLiteralSearch, range); if (temp.length == 0) break; char ch = str.characterAtIndex((uint) temp.location); if (ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\t' && ch != Constants.BOM[0]) { if (chars.ContainsKey(ch)) chars[ch] = chars[ch] + 1; else chars[ch] = 1; } range = new NSRange(temp.location + 1, len - (temp.location + 1)); } return chars; }
static extern IntPtr CTTypesetterCreateLineWithOffset(IntPtr typesetter, NSRange stringRange, double offset);
public void _ReplaceCoordinatesInRange(NSRange range, CLLocationCoordinate2D[] coords) { this._ReplaceCoordinatesInRange(range, GetPointer(coords), Convert.ToUInt32(coords.Length)); }
public override bool KnowsPageRange(ref NSRange aRange) { aRange = new NSRange(1, Handler.PageCount); return(true); }
protected virtual bool ShouldChangeText(UITextView textView, NSRange range, string text) { var newLength = textView.Text.Length + text.Length - range.Length; return(newLength <= Element.MaxLength); }
public static NSMutableAttributedString ToAttributedString(this FormattedText ft) { NSMutableAttributedString ns = new NSMutableAttributedString(ft.Text); ns.BeginEditing(); foreach (var att in ft.Attributes) { var r = new NSRange(att.StartIndex, att.Count); if (att is BackgroundTextAttribute) { var xa = (BackgroundTextAttribute)att; ns.AddAttribute(NSStringAttributeKey.BackgroundColor, xa.Color.ToNSColor(), r); } else if (att is ColorTextAttribute) { var xa = (ColorTextAttribute)att; ns.AddAttribute(NSStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, xa.Color.ToNSColor(), r); } else if (att is UnderlineTextAttribute) { var xa = (UnderlineTextAttribute)att; int style = xa.Underline ? 0x01 /*NSUnderlineStyleSingle*/ : 0; ns.AddAttribute(NSStringAttributeKey.UnderlineStyle, (NSNumber)style, r); } else if (att is FontStyleTextAttribute) { var xa = (FontStyleTextAttribute)att; if (xa.Style == FontStyle.Italic) { Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_int_NSRange(ns.Handle, applyFontTraits.Handle, (IntPtr)(long)NSFontTraitMask.Italic, r); } else if (xa.Style == FontStyle.Oblique) { ns.AddAttribute(NSStringAttributeKey.Obliqueness, (NSNumber)0.2f, r); } else { ns.AddAttribute(NSStringAttributeKey.Obliqueness, (NSNumber)0.0f, r); Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_int_NSRange(ns.Handle, applyFontTraits.Handle, (IntPtr)(long)NSFontTraitMask.Unitalic, r); } } else if (att is FontWeightTextAttribute) { var xa = (FontWeightTextAttribute)att; var trait = xa.Weight >= FontWeight.Bold ? NSFontTraitMask.Bold : NSFontTraitMask.Unbold; Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_int_NSRange(ns.Handle, applyFontTraits.Handle, (IntPtr)(long)trait, r); } else if (att is LinkTextAttribute) { var xa = (LinkTextAttribute)att; if (xa.Target != null) { ns.AddAttribute(NSStringAttributeKey.Link, new NSUrl(xa.Target.ToString()), r); } ns.AddAttribute(NSStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, Toolkit.CurrentEngine.Defaults.FallbackLinkColor.ToNSColor(), r); ns.AddAttribute(NSStringAttributeKey.UnderlineStyle, NSNumber.FromInt32((int)NSUnderlineStyle.Single), r); } else if (att is StrikethroughTextAttribute) { var xa = (StrikethroughTextAttribute)att; int style = xa.Strikethrough ? 0x01 /*NSUnderlineStyleSingle*/ : 0; ns.AddAttribute(NSStringAttributeKey.StrikethroughStyle, (NSNumber)style, r); } else if (att is FontTextAttribute) { var xa = (FontTextAttribute)att; var nf = ((FontData)Toolkit.GetBackend(xa.Font)).Font; ns.AddAttribute(NSStringAttributeKey.Font, nf, r); } } ns.EndEditing(); return(ns); }
private void DoRefreshValueText(string newValue, object value) { NSAttributedString str; NSColor nameColor = NSColor.blackColor(); ObjectMirror obj = value as ObjectMirror; if (obj != null && obj.IsCollected) { str = DoCreateString("garbage collected", NSColor.disabledControlTextColor()); nameColor = NSColor.disabledControlTextColor(); } else { string oldValue = AttributedValue.ToString(); if (newValue != oldValue) { if (newValue.Length == 0) { str = DoCreateString(string.Empty, NSColor.redColor()); nameColor = NSColor.redColor(); // we've gone from having value text to not having it (probably because the value went from null to non-null), so make it more obvious that it has changed } else { str = DoCreateString(newValue, NSColor.redColor()); } } else { str = NSAttributedString.Create(newValue).Retain(); } } AttributedValue.release(); // note that we want to reset the text even if it has not changed so that we go from red back to black AttributedValue = str; NSRange range = new NSRange(0, (int) AttributedName.length()); AttributedName.addAttribute_value_range(Externs.NSForegroundColorAttributeName, nameColor, range); }
bool ShouldChangeCharacters(UITextField textField, NSRange range, string replacementString) { var newLength = textField?.Text?.Length + replacementString.Length - range.Length; return(newLength <= Element?.MaxLength); }
private bool ShouldChangeCharacters(UITextField theTextField, NSRange range, string replacementString) { // check that new characters are correct. var predicate = CharacterFilterPredicate; foreach (var character in replacementString) { if (predicate != null && !predicate(character)) return false; } var replacementSize = replacementString.Length - range.Length; return replacementSize < 0 || theTextField.Text.Length + replacementSize <= MaxLength; }
public static extern void void_objc_msgSend_int_NSRange(IntPtr handle, IntPtr sel, IntPtr a1, NSRange a2);
private void InputControlTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { NSRange range = new NSRange(_InputControl.Text.Length - 1, 1); _InputControl.ScrollRangeToVisible(range); var size = new SizeF(GetWidth(), float.MaxValue); var height = GetHeight(TableView); var frame = Cell.RecalculateContentFrame(new RectangleF(0, 0, size.Width, height), ShowCaption); if (height > frame.Height) { _InputControl.Frame = frame; TableView.BeginUpdates(); TableView.EndUpdates(); } }
static extern IntPtr CTFramesetterCreateFrame(IntPtr framesetter, NSRange stringRange, IntPtr path, IntPtr frameAttributes);