protected virtual void OnNcMouseUp(NSEvent e) { var p = driver.NativeToMonoScreen(Frame.Location); var lParam = (IntPtr)((p.Y << 16) | (int)(short)p.X); var wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifierFlags.ToWParam() | e.ButtonNumberToWParam()); Application.SendMessage(ContentView.Handle, Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONUP.AdjustForButton(e), wParam, lParam); }
internal void TranslateMouseUp(NSEvent e) { var msg = TranslateMouseCore(e, out bool client, MouseTarget()); msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP : Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONUP) + MsgOffset4Button(e); msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifierFlags.ToWParam() | e.ButtonNumberToWParam()); LastMouseDownMsg.hwnd = IntPtr.Zero; Application.SendMessage(ref msg); }
internal void TranslateMouseDown(NSEvent e) { var msg = TranslateMouseCore(e, out bool client); msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifiersToWParam() | e.ButtonNumberToWParam()); // FIXME: Should be elsewhere if (e.ClickCount > 1) { msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK : Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK) + MsgOffset4Button(e); } else { msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_LBUTTONDOWN : Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN) + MsgOffset4Button(e); LastMouseDownMsg = msg; } Application.SendMessage(ref msg); }
internal void TranslateMouseDown(NSEvent e) { var msg = TranslateMouseCore(e, out bool client); msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifiersToWParam() | e.ButtonNumberToWParam()); if (e.ClickCount > 1 && (e.ClickCount & 1) == 0 && prevMouseDown?.Type == e.Type) { msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK : Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK) + MsgOffset4Button(e); } else { msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_LBUTTONDOWN : Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN) + MsgOffset4Button(e); LastMouseDownMsg = msg; } prevMouseDown = e; Application.SendMessage(ref msg); }
void TranslateMouseEvent(NSEvent e) { var clientView = view as IClientView; bool client = clientView == null; var nspoint = view.ConvertPointFromView(e.LocationInWindow, null); var localMonoPoint = driver.NativeToMonoFramed(nspoint, view); if ((clientView != null && clientView.ClientBounds.ToRectangle().Contains(localMonoPoint)) || driver.Grab.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { client = true; localMonoPoint.X -= (int)clientView.ClientBounds.X; localMonoPoint.Y -= (int)clientView.ClientBounds.Y; } MSG msg = new MSG(); msg.hwnd = view.Handle; msg.lParam = (IntPtr)(localMonoPoint.Y << 16 | (localMonoPoint.X & 0xFFFF)); if (e.Window == null) { = driver.NativeToMonoScreen(NSEvent.CurrentMouseLocation).ToPOINT(); } else { = driver.NativeToMonoScreen(e.Window.ConvertBaseToScreen(e.LocationInWindow)).ToPOINT(); } msg.refobject = view; switch (e.Type) { case NSEventType.LeftMouseDown: case NSEventType.RightMouseDown: case NSEventType.OtherMouseDown: // FIXME: Should be elsewhere if (e.ClickCount > 1) { msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK : Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK) + MsgOffset4Button(e); } else { msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_LBUTTONDOWN : Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN) + MsgOffset4Button(e); } msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifiersToWParam() | e.ButtonNumberToWParam()); break; case NSEventType.LeftMouseUp: case NSEventType.RightMouseUp: case NSEventType.OtherMouseUp: msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP : Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONUP) + MsgOffset4Button(e); msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifierFlags.ToWParam() | e.ButtonNumberToWParam()); break; case NSEventType.MouseMoved: msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifierFlags.ToWParam()); msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE : Msg.WM_NCMOUSEMOVE); break; case NSEventType.LeftMouseDragged: msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifierFlags.ToWParam() | (uint)MsgButtons.MK_LBUTTON); msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE : Msg.WM_NCMOUSEMOVE); break; case NSEventType.RightMouseDragged: msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifierFlags.ToWParam() | (uint)MsgButtons.MK_RBUTTON); msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE : Msg.WM_NCMOUSEMOVE); break; case NSEventType.OtherMouseDragged: msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifierFlags.ToWParam() | (uint)MsgButtons.MK_MBUTTON); msg.message = (client ? Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE : Msg.WM_NCMOUSEMOVE); break; case NSEventType.ScrollWheel: bool horizontal = e.ScrollingDeltaY == 0 && e.ScrollingDeltaX != 0; int delta = ScaleAndQuantizeDelta((float)(horizontal ? e.ScrollingDeltaX : e.ScrollingDeltaY), e.HasPreciseScrollingDeltas); if (delta == 0) { return; } if (e.Phase == NSEventPhase.None && e.MomentumPhase == NSEventPhase.None || e.Phase == NSEventPhase.Changed || e.MomentumPhase == NSEventPhase.Changed) { msg.message = Msg.WM_MOUSEWHEEL; msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifiersToWParam()); msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(((int)msg.wParam & 0xFFFF) | (delta << 16)); msg.lParam = (IntPtr)(( & 0xFFFF) | ( << 16)); break; } return; case NSEventType.MouseEntered: case NSEventType.MouseExited: // We use overlapping track rectanges on every control, so the Entered/Exited events // are sent not only to the top-level visible view, but also to its superviews. // This has to be converted to the the model where only the top-level control receives // the messages. // // The conversion is by performing the hit test. Note that e.LocationInWindow is NOT // updated by the time the tracking events are received and thus e.Window. // MouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream has to be used instead. // // The Exited event has to be handled the same way as the entered event to cover the // following scenario: // ___________________________ // | Panel | // | ______________ | // | | Button | | // // When you move the mouse over the Button you will receive the Entered event for // it. At the same time the Panel already had Entered called for its own tracking area. // Now moving the mouse away from the Button into the Panel area will cause an // Exited event on the Button's tracking rectangle, but it will NOT generate any // Entered event. In the System.Windows.Forms world we want to receive WM_MOUSELEAVE // on the Button and WM_MOUSE_ENTERED on the Panel. // // Further reading: // var newMouseView = e.Window?.ContentView.HitTest(e.LocationInWindow) ?? e.Window?.ContentView.Superview?.HitTest(e.LocationInWindow); var newMouseViewHandle = newMouseView is MonoView ? newMouseView.Handle : IntPtr.Zero; #if DEBUG_MOUSE_ENTER_EXIT { // DEBUG Console.Write(e.Type == NSEventType.MouseEntered ? "ENTER " : "EXIT "); if (newMouseView != null) { Console.Write("NEW: " + DebugUtility.ControlInfo(newMouseView)); } else { Console.Write("NO NEW"); } } #endif if (newMouseViewHandle == driver.LastEnteredHwnd) { return; } // Keep track of the last entered window during grab, but don't send messages. The // messages are sent by XplatUICocoa.GrabWindow and XplatUICocoa.UngrabWindow when // the grabbing state is entered/exited. if (driver.Grab.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { driver.LastEnteredHwnd = newMouseViewHandle; return; } msg.wParam = (IntPtr)(e.ModifiersToWParam() | Mac.Extensions.ButtonMaskToWParam(NSEvent.CurrentPressedMouseButtons)); // First notify the old window that mouse left it if (driver.LastEnteredHwnd != IntPtr.Zero) { msg.hwnd = driver.LastEnteredHwnd; msg.message = Msg.WM_MOUSELEAVE; driver.LastEnteredHwnd = IntPtr.Zero; Application.SendMessage(ref msg); } // And then notify the new window that mouse entered it if (newMouseViewHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { msg.hwnd = newMouseViewHandle; msg.message = Msg.WM_MOUSE_ENTER; driver.LastEnteredHwnd = newMouseViewHandle; Application.SendMessage(ref msg); } return; //case NSEventType.TabletPoint: //case NSEventType.TabletProximity: default: return; } Application.SendMessage(ref msg); }