// Shared initialization code void Initialize() { Title = "Nevron Open Vision Examples"; SetFrame(NSScreen.MainScreen.VisibleFrame, true); //NUISettings.EnableMultiThreadedPainting = false; //NUISettings.EnablePaintCache = false; // place the host inside the mac window NNovWidgetHost widget = new NNovWidgetHost(new NExamplesContent()); ContentView = widget; }
static void Main() { try { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); // install Nevron Open Vision for Windows Forms NNovApplicationInstaller.Install( NTextModule.Instance, NChartModule.Instance, NDiagramModule.Instance, NScheduleModule.Instance, NGridModule.Instance, NBarcodeModule.Instance); // show the main form bool startWithNovWindow = false; if (startWithNovWindow) { // create a NOV top level window NTopLevelWindow window = NApplication.CreateTopLevelWindow(); window.BackgroundFill = new NColorFill(NColor.White); window.Content = new NExamplesContent(); window.Closed += OnWindowClosed; window.Title = "Nevron Open Vision Examples for Windows Forms"; window.AllowXResize = true; window.AllowYResize = true; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.Modal = true; window.PreferredSize = new NSize(500, 500); window.StartPosition = ENWindowStartPosition.CenterScreen; window.Open(); // run the application ApplicationContext context = new ApplicationContext(); Application.Run(context); } else { // create a WinForms form Form form = new Form(); // set form icon using (Stream stream = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Nevron.Nov.Examples.WinForm.Resources.NevronOpenVision.ico")) { Icon icon = new Icon(stream); form.Icon = icon; } // set form title and state form.Text = "Nevron Open Vision Examples for Windows Forms"; form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; // place a NOV WinForms Control that contains an NExampleContent widget NNovWidgetHost <NExamplesContent> host = new NNovWidgetHost <NExamplesContent>(); host.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; form.Controls.Add(host); // run the form Application.Run(form); } } catch (Exception ex) { NTrace.WriteException("Exception in Main", ex); } }