コード例 #1
        internal override void PropagateBackward(NNDetailedBackpropagationData backpropagationData)
            float[] dE_dz = new float[Neurons];

            for (int oIdx = 0; oIdx < Neurons; oIdx++)
                float dE_do;
                if (NextLayer == null)
                    // Output of this neuron
                    float o = backpropagationData.FeedForwardData[this].OutputData[oIdx];

                    // Gradient of the error with respect to the neurons's output on the last layer is the gradient of the error function with the neuron's output
                    dE_do = backpropagationData.ErrorGradient(o, oIdx);
                    // Gradient of error with respect to the neuron's output on any other layer is the sum
                    // of each weight connecting this neuron to every neuron in the next layer
                    // multiplied by that neuron's gradient of the error with respect to that neuron's raw output
                    dE_do = NextLayer.CalculateErrorByOutputGradient(backpropagationData, oIdx);

                // Gradient of the error with respect to the raw output is the gradient of the error with respect to the output
                // multiplied by the gradient of the output with respect to the raw output.
                // Gradient of the output with respect to the neuron raw output (do/dz) is just one (as the activation function is f(x) = x and thus df(x)/dx = 1
                dE_dz[oIdx] = dE_do;

            backpropagationData.dE_dz[this]          = dE_dz;
            backpropagationData.UpdatedWeights[this] = new float[0];
コード例 #2
        internal override float CalculateErrorByOutputGradient(NNDetailedBackpropagationData detailedBackpropagationData, int fromNeuronIndex)
            float[] dE_dz = detailedBackpropagationData.dE_dz[this];

            var idcs = PreviousLayer.ConvertFromNeuronIndex(fromNeuronIndex);
            int x    = idcs.x;
            int y    = idcs.x;
            int z    = idcs.z;

            float dE_do = 0;

            for (int zIdx = 0; zIdx < Depth; zIdx++)
                for (int yIdx = 0; yIdx < Height; yIdx++)
                    for (int xIdx = 0; xIdx < Width; xIdx++)
                        int wx = xIdx - x;
                        int wy = yIdx - y;

                        if (wx < 0 || wx >= FilterSize || wy < 0 || wy >= FilterSize)

                        dE_do += this.weights[ToWeightIndex(wx, wy, z, zIdx)] * dE_dz[ConvertToNeuronIndex(xIdx, yIdx, zIdx)];

コード例 #3
        public void PropagateBackward(NNBackpropagationData backpropagationData)
            NNTrainingData trainingData = backpropagationData.TrainingData;

            // Validate training data dimensions
            if (trainingData.InputDataWidth != InputLayer.Width || trainingData.InputDataHeight != InputLayer.Height || trainingData.InputDataDepth != InputLayer.Depth)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            if (trainingData.TargetDataWidth != OutputLayer.Width || trainingData.TargetDataHeight != OutputLayer.Height || trainingData.TargetDataDepth != OutputLayer.Depth)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            for (int trainingDataIndex = 0; trainingDataIndex < trainingData.DataSize; trainingDataIndex++)
                backpropagationData.BatchTrainingStartingCallback?.Invoke(trainingDataIndex, trainingData.DataSize);

                // Initialize backpropagation run
                NNDetailedBackpropagationData detailedBackpropagationData = new NNDetailedBackpropagationData(backpropagationData, trainingDataIndex);

                // Feed forward through the network and gather neccessary data
                NNFeedData feedForwardInputData = trainingData.GetInputData(trainingDataIndex);
                for (int i = 0; i < this.layers.Length; i++)
                    Layer layer = this.layers[i];

                    NNDetailedFeedData feedData = layer.FeedForward(feedForwardInputData);
                    detailedBackpropagationData.FeedForwardData[layer] = feedData;

                    feedForwardInputData = feedData.OutputData;

                // Propagate error backwards through the network
                for (int i = this.layers.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Layer layer = this.layers[i];


                // Update weights for each layer
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Layer, float[]> updatedWeight in detailedBackpropagationData.UpdatedWeights)
                    Layer   layer   = updatedWeight.Key;
                    float[] weights = updatedWeight.Value;

                    for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++)
                        layer.SetWeight(i, weights[i]);

                backpropagationData.BatchTrainingFinishedCallback?.Invoke(trainingDataIndex, trainingData.DataSize);
コード例 #4
        internal override float CalculateErrorByOutputGradient(NNDetailedBackpropagationData detailedBackpropagationData, int fromNeuronIndex)
            float[] dE_dz = detailedBackpropagationData.dE_dz[this];

            float dE_do = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < Neurons; k++)
                dE_do += this.weights[ToWeightIndex(fromNeuronIndex, k)] * dE_dz[k];

コード例 #5
        internal override float CalculateErrorByOutputGradient(NNDetailedBackpropagationData detailedBackpropagationData, int fromNeuronIndex)
            float[] dE_dz      = detailedBackpropagationData.dE_dz[this];
            int[]   maxIndices = (int[])detailedBackpropagationData.FeedForwardData[this].CustomData["maxIndices"];

            for (int i = 0; i < maxIndices.Length; i++)     // maxIndices.Length == this.Neurons
                if (maxIndices[i] == fromNeuronIndex)

コード例 #6
        internal override void PropagateBackward(NNDetailedBackpropagationData backpropagationData)
            float[] lastRawOutput = backpropagationData.FeedForwardData[this].RawOutputData;

            float[] dE_dz      = new float[Neurons];
            float[] newWeights = new float[this.weights.Length];

            // For each filter
            for (int fIdx = 0; fIdx < FilterCount; fIdx++)
                float   dE_db = 0;
                float[] dE_dw = new float[FilterSize * FilterSize * PreviousLayer.Depth];

                for (int yIdx = 0; yIdx < Height; yIdx++)
                    for (int xIdx = 0; xIdx < Width; xIdx++)
                        int oIdx = ConvertToNeuronIndex(xIdx, yIdx, fIdx);

                        float do_dz = Activation.Gradient(lastRawOutput[oIdx], lastRawOutput);

                        float dE_do;
                        if (NextLayer == null)
                            float o = backpropagationData.FeedForwardData[this].OutputData[oIdx];
                            dE_do = backpropagationData.ErrorGradient(o, oIdx);
                            dE_do = NextLayer.CalculateErrorByOutputGradient(backpropagationData, oIdx);

                        float dE_dz_tmp = dE_do * do_dz;
                        dE_dz[oIdx] = dE_dz_tmp;

                        for (int fzIdx = 0; fzIdx < PreviousLayer.Depth; fzIdx++)
                            for (int fyIdx = 0; fyIdx < FilterSize; fyIdx++)
                                for (int fxIdx = 0; fxIdx < FilterSize; fxIdx++)
                                    float dz_dw = backpropagationData.FeedForwardData[PreviousLayer].OutputData[PreviousLayer.ConvertToNeuronIndex(xIdx * Stride + fxIdx, yIdx * Stride + fyIdx, fzIdx)];

                                    dE_dw[ToWeightIndex(fxIdx, fyIdx, fzIdx, 0)] += dE_dz_tmp * dz_dw;

                        dE_db += dE_do * do_dz;   // dz_dw = 1 for bias

                for (int fzIdx = 0; fzIdx < PreviousLayer.Depth; fzIdx++)
                    for (int fyIdx = 0; fyIdx < FilterSize; fyIdx++)
                        for (int fxIdx = 0; fxIdx < FilterSize; fxIdx++)
                            int weightIndex = ToWeightIndex(fxIdx, fyIdx, fzIdx, fIdx);
                            newWeights[weightIndex] = backpropagationData.CalculateNewWeight(this.weights[weightIndex], dE_dw[ToWeightIndex(fxIdx, fyIdx, fzIdx, 0)], this, weightIndex);

                this.biases[fIdx] += backpropagationData.CalculateNewWeight(this.biases[fIdx], dE_db, this, fIdx);

            backpropagationData.dE_dz[this]          = dE_dz;
            backpropagationData.UpdatedWeights[this] = newWeights;
コード例 #7
 internal abstract float CalculateErrorByOutputGradient(NNDetailedBackpropagationData detailedBackpropagationData, int fromNeuronIndex);
コード例 #8
 internal abstract void PropagateBackward(NNDetailedBackpropagationData backpropagationData);
コード例 #9
 internal override float CalculateErrorByOutputGradient(NNDetailedBackpropagationData detailedBackpropagationData, int fromNeuronIndex)
コード例 #10
 internal override void PropagateBackward(NNDetailedBackpropagationData backpropagationData)
コード例 #11
 internal override float CalculateErrorByOutputGradient(NNDetailedBackpropagationData detailedBackpropagationData, int fromNeuronIndex)
     throw new NotImplementedException("Is never used.");
コード例 #12
        internal override void PropagateBackward(NNDetailedBackpropagationData backpropagationData)
            float[] lastRawOutput = backpropagationData.FeedForwardData[this].RawOutputData;

            float[] dE_dz      = new float[Neurons];
            float[] newWeights = new float[Neurons * PreviousLayer.Neurons];

            for (int oIdx = 0; oIdx < Neurons; oIdx++)
                // The gradient of the error with respect to a specific weight is the
                // gradient of the error with respect to the output multiplied by the
                // gradient of the output with respect to the raw output multiplied by the
                // gradient of the raw output with respect to the specific weight
                // dE/dw_ij = dE/do_j * do_j/dz_j * dz_j/dw_ij

                // Calculate neurons specific values

                // Gradient of the output with respect to the neuron raw output is the gradient of the activation function with the raw output
                float do_dz = Activation.Gradient(lastRawOutput[oIdx], lastRawOutput);

                float dE_do;
                if (NextLayer == null)
                    // Output of this neuron
                    float o = backpropagationData.FeedForwardData[this].OutputData[oIdx];

                    // Gradient of the error with respect to the neurons's output on the last layer is the gradient of the error function with the neuron's output
                    dE_do = backpropagationData.ErrorGradient(o, oIdx);
                    // Gradient of error with respect to the neuron's output on any other layer is the sum
                    // of each weight connecting this neuron to every neuron in the next layer
                    // multiplied by that neuron's gradient of the error with respect to that neuron's raw output
                    dE_do = NextLayer.CalculateErrorByOutputGradient(backpropagationData, oIdx);

                // Gradient of the error with respect to the raw output is the gradient of the error with respect to the output
                // multiplied by the gradient of the output with respect to the raw output
                dE_dz[oIdx] = dE_do * do_dz;

                // Calculate weight specific values
                for (int iIdx = 0; iIdx < PreviousLayer.Neurons; iIdx++)
                    // Gradient of the raw output with respect to the specific weight  is the previous layer's output of the connected neuron
                    float dz_dw = backpropagationData.FeedForwardData[PreviousLayer].OutputData[iIdx];

                    float dE_dw = dE_do * do_dz * dz_dw;

                    // The change for the weight is the error gradient with respect to the weight multiplied by the learning rate
                    int weightIndex = ToWeightIndex(iIdx, oIdx);
                    newWeights[weightIndex] = backpropagationData.CalculateNewWeight(this.weights[weightIndex], dE_dw, this, weightIndex);

                // Update Bias
                float dE_db = dE_do * do_dz;                                                                     // dz_dw = 1 for bias
                this.biases[oIdx] += backpropagationData.CalculateNewBias(this.biases[oIdx], dE_db, this, oIdx); // allowed to change bias before full backpropagation because it has no effect in other layers directly

            backpropagationData.dE_dz[this]          = dE_dz;
            backpropagationData.UpdatedWeights[this] = newWeights;