private void DisconnectThread() { try { NMPRK_API.Disconnect(ConnectionHandle); ConnectionHandle = -1; Connected = false; DisconnectThreadComplete(); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogException(ex); } }
private void ConnectThread(object data) { try { ConnectInfo ci = data as ConnectInfo; int handle = -1; int status = -1; UpdateConnectionStatus("Connecting..."); if (ci.Remote == true) { ErrorLog.WriteLine(string.Format("Connecting to Remote Host ({0}, {1}, {2})...", ci.Ip, ci.User, ci.Pass)); NMPRK.nmprk_connect_remote_parameters_t input = new nmprk_connect_remote_parameters_t(); input.ipOrHostname = ci.Ip; input.username = ci.User; input.password = ci.Pass; status = NMPRK_API.ConnectRemote(ref input, ref handle); } else { ErrorLog.WriteLine("Connecting to Local Host..."); status = NMPRK_API.ConnectLocal(ref handle); } ErrorLog.WriteLine("Connect Status: " + status); if (status == 0) { ErrorLog.WriteLine("Searching for NM Discovery Parameters..."); UpdateConnectionStatus("Searching for NM Discovery Parameters..."); nm_discovery_parameters_t parameters = new nm_discovery_parameters_t(); status = NMPRK_API.GetDiscoveryParameters(handle, ref parameters); if (status != NMPRK_API.NMPRK_SUCCESS) { DisplayNmprkError("GetDiscoveryParameters", status, "The server may not support Node Manager or has not implemented the 'Node Manager OEM SDR'"); NMPRK_API.Disconnect(handle); ConnectThreadComplete(false); } else { ErrorLog.WriteLine("NM Channel: 0x" +"X2")); ErrorLog.WriteLine("NM Address: 0x" + parameters.address.ToString("X2")); status = NMPRK_API.SetDefaultNmCommandBridging(handle,, parameters.address); if (status != NMPRK_API.NMPRK_SUCCESS) { DisplayNmprkError("SetDefaultNmCommandBridging", status); NMPRK_API.Disconnect(handle); ConnectThreadComplete(false); } else { ConnectionHandle = handle; Connected = true; ConnectThreadComplete(true); } } } else { DisplayNmprkError("Connect", status); NMPRK_API.Disconnect(handle); ConnectThreadComplete(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogException(ex); } }