private void savePicBitmaps() { string fileName = null; Bitmap saveBmp = null; resetNewLibraryName(); MapData.Notes = notesTextBox.Text; MapData.IsMatrix = false; this.UseWaitCursor = true; foreach (PhonemeType phoneme in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PhonemeType))) { try { fileName = phoneme.ToString() + ".bmp"; DirectoryInfo pictureDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(PictureDirPath); FileInfo[] fi = pictureDirInfo.GetFiles(fileName); foreach (FileInfo file in fi) { fi[0].Delete(); } } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "Unable to delete LipSync bitmap " + fileName + " from Module Data Directory"; Logging.LogException(NLog.LogLevel.Warn, errorMsg, e); } try { if (_pictureBitmaps.TryGetValue(phoneme.ToString(), out saveBmp)) { saveBmp.Save(PictureDirPath + "\\" + fileName); saveBmp.Dispose(); saveBmp = null; MapData.IsMatrix = true; } } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "Unable to save copy of phoneme bitmap to Module Data Directory"; Logging.LogException(NLog.LogLevel.Warn, errorMsg, e); } } this.UseWaitCursor = false; }
private void openPicFile(string fileName, string phonemeString = null) { if (null == phonemeString) { phonemeString = CurrentPhonemeString; } try { Bitmap existingBmp = null; Bitmap saveBmp = new Bitmap(fileName); if (_pictureBitmaps.TryGetValue(phonemeString, out existingBmp)) { _pictureBitmaps[phonemeString].Dispose(); _pictureBitmaps[phonemeString] = null; } _pictureBitmaps[phonemeString] = saveBmp; } catch (Exception err) { String errorMsg = "Unable to save copy of phoneme bitmap to Module Data Directory"; Logging.LogException(NLog.LogLevel.Warn, errorMsg, err); } }
private void VerifyCacheState() { var repoCacheList = BorrowRepoCacheStates(null); try { for (int i = repoCacheList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var cache = repoCacheList[i]; if (!Directory.Exists(cache.Path)) { repoCacheList.RemoveAt(i); continue; } if (!cache.CloneCompleted) { if (Directory.Exists(cache.Path)) { // git repos sometimes have readonly files, particularly if the clone/pull has been not completed cleanly. try { Utility.MakeAllWritable(cache.Path); Directory.Delete(cache.Path, true); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogException(NLog.LogLevel.Warn, $"Prblems when trying to delete cache {cache.Path}.", e); } repoCacheList.RemoveAt(i); } } } SaveCacheState(repoCacheList); return; } finally { ReturnRepoCacheState(null); } }
public ActionResult Add(Models.Resturant resturant) { try { bl.addResturant(resturant); //RedirectToAction("GetAll", "Home"); <-- doesn't work! Response.Redirect("~/Home/GetAll"); } catch (Exception ex) { //NLog goes here logger.LogException(NLog.LogLevel.Error, "Controller: Function: Update: " + ex.Message, ex); return(View()); } return(View()); }