private void txtReadUKey_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NETCAPKIv4 oNETCAPKIv4 = new NETCAPKIv4(); ///// 获取用户证书 string CertUID = ""; string key_DW = ""; string key_Name = ""; string key_Sfzh = ""; #region 获取ca信息 try { try { X509Certificate oCert = NETCAPKIv4.getX509Certificate( NETCAPKIv4.SECUINTER_CURRENT_USER_STORE, NETCAPKIv4.SECUINTER_MY_STORE, NETCAPKIv4.SECUINTER_CERTTYPE_SIGN, NETCAPKIv4.SECUINTER_NETCA_YES); if (oCert == null) { MessageBox.Show("未找到证书"); return; } ////用户证书绑定值 CertUID = (NETCAPKIv4.getX509CertificateInfo(oCert, 9)); ////单位 key_DW = (NETCAPKIv4.getX509CertificateInfo(oCert, 13)); ////用户名称 key_Name = (NETCAPKIv4.getX509CertificateInfo(oCert, 12)); ////证书序列号 //CertID=(oNETCAPKIv4.GetCertInfo(Cert, 2)); ////证件号 key_Sfzh = (NETCAPKIv4.getX509CertificateInfo(oCert, 36)); txtCaId.Text = CertUID; txtCaName.Text = key_Name; } catch (Exception ee1) { if (ee1.Message == "证书选择失败") { MessageBox.Show("证书选择失败,请确认Key盘是否插入"); } else { MessageBox.Show(ee1.Message); } return; } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show("程序初始化失败"); return; } #endregion }
private string Login() { NETCAPKIv4 oNETCAPKIv4 = new NETCAPKIv4(); ///// 获取用户证书 string CertUID = ""; string key_DW = ""; string key_Name = ""; string key_Sfzh = ""; try { try { SecuInter.X509Certificate oCert = NETCAPKIv4.getX509Certificate( NETCAPKIv4.SECUINTER_CURRENT_USER_STORE, NETCAPKIv4.SECUINTER_MY_STORE, NETCAPKIv4.SECUINTER_CERTTYPE_SIGN, NETCAPKIv4.SECUINTER_NETCA_YES); if (oCert == null) { MessageBox.Show("未找到证书"); return("0"); } ////用户证书绑定值 CertUID = (NETCAPKIv4.getX509CertificateInfo(oCert, 9)); ////单位 key_DW = (NETCAPKIv4.getX509CertificateInfo(oCert, 13)); ////用户名称 key_Name = (NETCAPKIv4.getX509CertificateInfo(oCert, 12)); ////证书序列号 //CertID=(oNETCAPKIv4.GetCertInfo(Cert, 2)); ////证件号 key_Sfzh = (NETCAPKIv4.getX509CertificateInfo(oCert, 36)); } catch (Exception ee1) { if (ee1.Message == "证书选择失败") { MessageBox.Show("证书选择失败,请确认Key盘是否插入"); } else { MessageBox.Show(ee1.Message); } return("0"); } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show("程序初始化失败"); return("0"); } /// 验证用户名 DataTable Dt_yh = GetYHXX(CertUID); if (Dt_yh.Rows.Count > 0) { if (f.ReadString("CA", "yzsfzh", "0").Replace("\0", "").Trim() == "1") { if (Dt_yh.Rows[0]["F_SFZH"].ToString().Trim() != key_Sfzh) { MessageBox.Show("用户身份证号不匹配,登陆失败!"); return("0"); } } if (f.ReadString("CA", "yzxm", "0").Replace("\0", "").Trim() == "1") { if (key_Name != Dt_yh.Rows[0]["F_YHMC"].ToString().Trim()) { MessageBox.Show("用户姓名不匹配,登陆失败"); return("0"); } } if (f.ReadString("CA", "yzyhbh", "0").Replace("\0", "").Trim() == "1") { //获取OID值中的证件信息 string str1 = CertUID.Substring(CertUID.IndexOf("@") + 8); //解码 byte[] bs = NETCAPKIv4.base64Decode(str1); string Key_gh = Encoding.Default.GetString(bs); if (Dt_yh.Rows[0]["F_YHBH"].ToString().Trim() != Key_gh) { MessageBox.Show("用户工号与KEY中工号不一致,验证失败!"); return("0"); } } return(Dt_yh.Rows[0]["F_YHM"].ToString().Trim() + "^" + Dt_yh.Rows[0]["F_YHMM"].ToString().Trim()); } else { MessageBox.Show("未查询到此用户信息或此用户Key未绑定"); return("0"); } }
public string ca(string yhxx) { dbbase.odbcdb aa = new odbcdb("DSN=pathnet;UID=pathnet;PWD=4s3c2a1p", "", ""); ////-------获取sz中设置的参数--------------------- string debug = f.ReadString("CA", "debug", "").Replace("\0", "").Trim(); string msg = f.ReadString("CA", "message", "1").Replace("\0", "").Trim(); string getblh = ""; string type = ""; string type2 = ""; string yhm = ""; string yhmc = ""; string yhbh = ""; string yhmm = ""; string bglx = ""; string bgxh = ""; #region CA登陆 if (ZGQClass.GetSZ("CA", "ca", "").Replace("\0", "").Trim() == "1") { if (yhxx == "") { return(Login()); } } #endregion string[] getyhxx = yhxx.Split('^'); if (getyhxx.Length == 5) { type = getyhxx[0]; yhm = getyhxx[1]; yhmc = getyhxx[3]; yhbh = getyhxx[2]; yhmm = getyhxx[4]; } else { type2 = getyhxx[0]; getblh = getyhxx[1]; bgxh = getyhxx[2]; bglx = getyhxx[3].ToLower(); type = getyhxx[4]; yhm = getyhxx[5]; yhmc = getyhxx[6]; yhbh = getyhxx[7]; yhmm = getyhxx[8]; } #region 审核前验证KEY if (type == "SH") { return(YZKEY(msg, yhmc, yhbh)); } #endregion string blbh = getblh + bglx + bgxh; #region 审核后执行,数字签名 if (type == "QZ") { if (debug == "1") { MessageBox.Show("审核签字"); } string yw = ""; string isb64yw = f.ReadString("CA", "b64yw", "0").Replace("\0", "").Trim(); bool WithTSA = false; //带时间戳签名 if ((f.ReadString("ca", "WithTSA", "0").Trim().Replace("\0", "").Trim()) == "1") { WithTSA = true; //签名值包含原文 } bool havcount = false; bool isVerify = false; //网关验证 if ((f.ReadString("ca", "isVerify", "0").Trim().Replace("\0", "").Trim()) == "1") { isVerify = true; } string usapurl = f.ReadString("ca", "usapurl", "").Trim().Replace("\0", "").Trim(); //网关地址 string svrcertb64 = f.ReadString("ca", "svrcertb64", "1").Trim().Replace("\0", "").Trim(); //网关证书 string b64SignVal = ""; SecuInter.X509Certificate oCert = null; DataTable dt_jcxx = new DataTable(); DataTable dt_bc = new DataTable(); DataTable dt_bd = new DataTable(); try { #region 原文 dt_jcxx = aa.GetDataTable("select * from T_JCXX where F_BLH='" + getblh + "'", "cgbg"); if (dt_jcxx == null) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("连接数据库异常"); } return("0"); } if (dt_jcxx.Rows.Count <= 0) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("T_JCXX查询数据异常"); } return("0"); } if (bglx == "cg") { if (dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_BGZT"].ToString() != "已审核") { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("报告未审核"); } return("0"); } yw = "病理号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["f_blh"].ToString() + "&常规报告&&性别:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_XB"].ToString() + "&年龄:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_nl"].ToString() + "&住院号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_zyh"].ToString() + "&门诊号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_mzh"].ToString() + "&身份证号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_SFZH"].ToString() + "&科室:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_sjks"].ToString() + "&病理诊断:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_blzd"].ToString() + "&报告医生:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_bgys"].ToString() + "&复诊医生:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_FZYS"].ToString() + "&审核医生:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_SHYS"].ToString() + "&报告日期:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_bgrq"].ToString() + "&审核日期:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_spare5"].ToString(); } //// 补充审核 if (bglx == "bc") { dt_bc = aa.GetDataTable( "select * from T_BCBG where F_BLH='" + getblh + "' and F_BC_BGZT='已审核'and F_BC_BGXH='" + bgxh + "'", "bcbg"); if (dt_bc == null) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("连接数据库异常"); } return("0"); } if (dt_bc.Rows.Count <= 0) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("T_BCBG查询数据异常"); } return("0"); } yw = "病理号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["f_blh"].ToString() + "&补充报告:" + bgxh + "&性别:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_XB"].ToString() + "&年龄:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_nl"].ToString() + "&住院号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_zyh"].ToString() + "&门诊号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_mzh"].ToString() + "&身份证号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_SFZH"].ToString() + "&科室:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_sjks"].ToString() + "&病理诊断:" + dt_bc.Rows[0]["F_BCZD"].ToString() + "&报告医生:" + dt_bc.Rows[0]["F_bc_bgys"].ToString() + "&复诊医生:" + dt_bc.Rows[0]["F_bc_FZYS"].ToString() + "&审核医生:" + dt_bc.Rows[0]["F_bc_SHYS"].ToString() + "&报告日期:" + dt_bc.Rows[0]["F_bc_bgrq"].ToString() + "&审核日期:" + dt_bc.Rows[0]["F_bc_spare5"].ToString(); } ///// 小冰冻审核 if (bglx == "bd") { dt_bd = aa.GetDataTable( "select * from T_BDBG where F_BLH='" + getblh + "' and F_BD_BGZT='已审核' and F_BD_BGXH='" + bgxh + "'", "bcbg"); if (dt_bd == null) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("连接数据库异常"); } return("0"); } if (dt_bd.Rows.Count <= 0) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("T_BDBG查询数据异常"); } return("0"); } yw = "病理号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["f_blh"].ToString() + "&冰冻报告:" + bgxh + "&性别:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_XB"].ToString() + "&年龄:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_nl"].ToString() + "&住院号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_zyh"].ToString() + "&门诊号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_mzh"].ToString() + "&身份证号:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_SFZH"].ToString() + "&科室:" + dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_sjks"].ToString() + "&病理诊断:" + dt_bd.Rows[0]["F_BdZD"].ToString() + "&报告医生:" + dt_bd.Rows[0]["F_bd_bgys"].ToString() + "&复诊医生:" + dt_bd.Rows[0]["F_bd_FZYS"].ToString() + "&审核医生:" + dt_bd.Rows[0]["F_bd_SHYS"].ToString() + "&报告日期:" + dt_bd.Rows[0]["F_bd_bgrq"].ToString(); } if (yw.Trim() == "") { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("数字签名内容为空"); } return("0"); } #endregion if (isb64yw == "1") { yw = changebase64(yw); } #region 签名 try { ////签名 if (WithTSA) { b64SignVal = NETCAPKIv4.signPKCS7WithTSA(yw, usapurl, havcount); //时间戳签名 } else { b64SignVal = NETCAPKIv4.signNETCA(yw, havcount, userPwd); //不带时间戳签名 } } catch (Exception ee1) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("签名失败:" + ee1.Message); } return("0"); } if (b64SignVal == "") { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("签名失败"); } return("0"); } #endregion #region 验签 try { string signTime = ""; oCert = NETCAPKIv4.verifyPKCS7(yw, b64SignVal, true, ref signTime); } catch (Exception ee2) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("验签失败:" + ee2.Message); } return("0"); } if (oCert == null) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("验签失败"); } return("0"); } #endregion // #region 验证证书 // // if (isVerify) // { // try // { // bool bFlag = NETCAPKIv4.VerifyCert(usapurl, svrcertb64, 1, oCert); //再验证证书 // if (!bFlag) // { // MessageBox.Show("签名证书验证失败"); // return "0"; // } // } // catch (Exception ee3) // { // if (msg == "1") // MessageBox.Show("签名证书验证失败:" + ee3.Message); // return "0"; // } // } // // #endregion // 签字 } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("签名异常:" + ex.Message); return("0"); } #region 签名完成,写数据库 string errmsg = ""; int x = aa.ExecuteSQL( "insert into T_SZQM(F_BLBH,F_BLH,F_BGLX,F_BGXH,F_CZY,F_YW,F_SignCert,F_SignData,F_QZRQ) values('" + blbh + "','" + getblh + "','" + bglx + "','" + bgxh + "','" + yhmc + "','" + yw + "','" + oCert.ToString() + "','" + b64SignVal.ToString() + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')"); if (debug == "1") { if (x >= 1) { MessageBox.Show("写入T_CAXX完成"); } else { MessageBox.Show("写入T_CAXX失败:" + errmsg); } } #endregion if (f.ReadString("ca", "hqkeytp", "0").Trim().Replace("\0", "").Trim() == "1") { #region 获取签字图片 string szqmlj = ZGQClass.GetSZ("view", "szqmlj", @"\\\pathqc\rpt-szqm\YSBMP\"); try { IPDFSign iPDFSign = new PDFSign(); //选择证书 iPDFSign.SelectCert("netca", 0); IUtilTool iUtilTool = new UtilTool(); //传入选中的签名证书的base64编码 string CertBase64 = iPDFSign.SignCertBase64Encode; if (CertBase64.Trim() == "") { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("获取签名证书的base64编码失败"); } return("0"); } try { //log.WriteMyLog("CertBase64:"+CertBase64); byte[] image = iUtilTool.GetImageFromDevicByCert(CertBase64); try { MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(image, 0, image.Length); memoryStream.Write(image, 0, image.Length); //转成图片 Image ii = Image.FromStream(memoryStream); log.WriteMyLog("szqmlj:" + szqmlj); ii.Save(szqmlj + yhmc + ".bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); } catch (Exception ee4) { if (msg == "1") { MessageBox.Show("保存签名图片失败:" + ee4.Message); } return("0"); } string pdfszqz = ZGQClass.GetSZ("CA", "pdfszqz", "1"); if (pdfszqz == "1") { #region 生成pdf string blh = getblh; try { if (bglx == "") { bglx = "cg"; } if (bgxh == "") { bgxh = "1"; } string bgzt = ""; string filename = dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_SPARE5"].ToString(); if (bglx.ToLower() == "bd") { bgzt = dt_bd.Rows[0]["F_BD_BGZT"].ToString(); filename = dt_bd.Rows[0]["F_BD_bgrq"].ToString(); } if (bglx.ToLower() == "bc") { bgzt = dt_bc.Rows[0]["F_BC_BGZT"].ToString(); filename = dt_bc.Rows[0]["F_Bc_SPARE5"].ToString(); } if (bglx.ToLower() == "cg") { bgzt = dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_BGZT"].ToString(); filename = dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_SPARE5"].ToString(); } if (bgzt == "已审核") { try { filename = blh.Trim() + "_" + bglx.ToLower() + "_" + bgxh + "_" + DateTime.Parse(filename.Trim()).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".pdf"; } catch { filename = blh.Trim() + "_" + bglx.ToLower() + "_" + bgxh + ".pdf"; } string ml = DateTime.Parse(dt_jcxx.Rows[0]["F_SDRQ"].ToString()).ToString("yyyyMM"); string pdfpath = ""; string rptpath = ZGQClass.GetSZ("ca", "rptpath", "rpt").Replace("\0", "").Trim(); string scpdffs = f.ReadString("ca", "scpdffs", "1").Replace("\0", "").Trim(); ZGQ_PDFJPG zgq = new ZGQ_PDFJPG(); string message = ""; string filePath = ""; //生成PDF string ErrMsg = ""; // log.WriteMyLog("filename="+filename); bool pdf1 = zgq.CreatePDFJPG(blh, bglx, bgxh, ref filename, rptpath, ZGQ_PDFJPG.type.PDF, ref ErrMsg); log.WriteMyLog("filename=" + filename); if (!pdf1) { MessageBox.Show("生成PDF失败,请重新审核\r\n" + ErrMsg); DeleteTempFile(blh); return("0"); } if (!File.Exists(filename)) { MessageBox.Show("生成PDF失败,请重新审核"); DeleteTempFile(blh); return("0"); } filePath = filename; if (zgq.UpPDF(blh, filename, ml, 0, ref errmsg, ref pdfpath)) { if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("上传PDF成功"); } filename = filePath.Substring(filePath.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); ZGQClass.BGHJ(blh, "上传PDF", "审核", "上传PDF成功:" + ml + "\\" + filename, "ZGQJK", "上传PDF"); aa.ExecuteSQL("delete T_BG_PDF where F_BLBH='" + blbh + "'"); aa.ExecuteSQL( "insert into T_BG_PDF(F_BLBH,F_BLH,F_BGLX,F_BGXH,F_ML,F_FILENAME,F_FilePath,F_PDFLX) values('" + blbh + "','" + blh + "','" + bglx + "','" + bgxh + "','" + ml + "\\" + blh + "','" + filename + "','" + pdfpath + "','')"); } else { MessageBox.Show("上传签字PDF失败,请重新审核\r\n" + errmsg); ZGQClass.BGHJ(blh, "上传PDF", "审核", "上传PDF失败:" + errmsg, "ZGQJK", "上传PDF"); } //上传pdf iPDFSign.SetImage(image); iPDFSign.RenderMode = 3; iPDFSign.SrcFileName = filePath; string szqm_filename = filePath.Replace(".pdf", "_szqm.pdf"); iPDFSign.DestFileName = szqm_filename; int xPos = int.Parse(ZGQClass.GetSZ("ca", "xPos", "350").Replace("\0", "").Trim()); int yPos = int.Parse(ZGQClass.GetSZ("ca", "yPos", "100").Replace("\0", "").Trim()); int width = int.Parse(ZGQClass.GetSZ("ca", "width", "80").Replace("\0", "").Trim()); int height = int.Parse(ZGQClass.GetSZ("ca", "height", "40").Replace("\0", "").Trim()); iPDFSign.SignPosition(1, xPos, yPos, width, height); if (File.Exists(szqm_filename)) { //上传签字的pdf if (zgq.UpPDF(blh, szqm_filename, ml, 0, ref errmsg, ref pdfpath)) { if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("上传签字PDF成功"); } szqm_filename = szqm_filename.Substring(szqm_filename.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); ZGQClass.BGHJ(blh, "上传PDF", "审核", "上传签字PDF成功:" + ml + "\\" + szqm_filename, "ZGQJK", "上传PDF"); aa.ExecuteSQL("delete T_BG_PDF_CA where F_BLBH='" + blbh + "'"); log.WriteMyLog("insert into T_BG_PDF_CA(F_BLBH,F_BLH,F_BGLX,F_BGXH,F_ML,F_FILENAME,F_FilePath,F_PDFLX) values('" + blbh + "','" + blh + "','" + bglx + "','" + bgxh + "','" + ml + "\\" + blh + "','" + szqm_filename + "','" + pdfpath + "','szqm')"); aa.ExecuteSQL( "insert into T_BG_PDF_CA(F_BLBH,F_BLH,F_BGLX,F_BGXH,F_ML,F_FILENAME,F_FilePath,F_PDFLX) values('" + blbh + "','" + blh + "','" + bglx + "','" + bgxh + "','" + ml + "\\" + blh + "','" + szqm_filename + "','" + pdfpath + "','szqm')"); } else { MessageBox.Show("上传签字PDF失败,请重新审核\r\n" + errmsg); ZGQClass.BGHJ(blh, "上传签字PDF", "审核", "上传PDF失败:" + errmsg, "ZGQJK", "上传PDF"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("PDF签字失败,请重新审核"); } DeleteTempFile(blh); return("1"); } else { MessageBox.Show("报告未审核"); return("0"); } } catch (Exception ee10) { MessageBox.Show("生成PDF异常,请重新审核\r\n" + ee10.Message); DeleteTempFile(blh); return("0"); } #endregion } } catch (Exception ee5) { MessageBox.Show("获取签名图像异常,请重新审核\r\n" + ee5.Message); return("0"); } } catch (Exception ee6) { MessageBox.Show("获取签名证书失败,请重新审核\r\n" + ee6.Message); return("0"); } #endregion } if (debug == "1") { MessageBox.Show("签字完成"); } return("1"); } #endregion #region 取消审核 if (type == "QXSH") { if (f.ReadString("ca", "qxshyz", "0").Trim().Replace("\0", "").Trim() == "1") { return(YZKEY(msg, yhmc, yhbh)); } return("1"); } #endregion #region 取消签字 if (type == "QXQZ") //&& (bglx == "BC" || bglx == "BD") { aa.ExecuteSQL("delete from T_SZQM where F_BLBH='" + blbh + "' "); aa.ExecuteSQL("delete from T_BG_PDF where F_BLBH='" + blbh + "' "); return("1"); } #endregion return("1"); }