コード例 #1
    public Vector3 GetVelocity(GameObject body)
        NBody nbody = body.GetComponent <NBody>();
        int   i     = nbody.engineRef.index;

        return(new Vector3((float)v[i, 0], (float)v[i, 1], (float)v[i, 2]));
コード例 #2
    public void AddBody(GameObject gameObject)
        if (numBodies + 1 >= arraySize)
        bodies[numBodies] = gameObject;
        NBody nbody = bodies[numBodies].GetComponent <NBody>();

        nbody.engineRef = new GravityEngine.EngineRef(GravityEngine.BodyType.MASSLESS, numBodies);
        Vector3 physicsPosition = gameObject.transform.position / GravityEngine.instance.physToWorldFactor;

        r[numBodies, 0] = physicsPosition.x;
        r[numBodies, 1] = physicsPosition.y;
        r[numBodies, 2] = physicsPosition.z;
        v[numBodies, 0] = nbody.vel_scaled.x;
        v[numBodies, 1] = nbody.vel_scaled.y;
        v[numBodies, 2] = nbody.vel_scaled.z;
        info[numBodies] = 0;
                #pragma warning disable 162             // disable unreachable code warning
        if (GravityEngine.DEBUG)
            Debug.Log("Added " + gameObject.name);
                #pragma warning restore 162
コード例 #3
    public void RemoveBody(GameObject gameObject)
        NBody nbody = gameObject.GetComponent <NBody>();

        // shuffle rest of entries in array up
                #pragma warning disable 162             // disable unreachable code warning
        if (GravityEngine.DEBUG)
            Debug.Log("Remove body at " + nbody.engineRef.index);
                #pragma warning restore 162

        // shuffle down array
        for (int j = nbody.engineRef.index; j < numBodies - 1; j++)
            for (int k = 0; k < GravityEngine.NDIM; k++)
                r[j, k] = r[j + 1, k];
                v[j, k] = v[j + 1, k];
            info[j]   = info[j + 1];
            bodies[j] = bodies[j + 1];
            NBody nb = bodies[j].GetComponent <NBody>();
            nb.engineRef.index = j;
コード例 #4
    // Create an NBody and check it's mass
    public void EccentricityPrediction()
        const float    mass        = 1000f;
        GameObject     star        = TestSetupUtils.CreateNBody(mass, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        NBody          starNbody   = star.GetComponent <NBody>();
        const float    orbitRadius = 10f;
        GameObject     planet      = TestSetupUtils.CreatePlanetInOrbitUniversal(starNbody, 1f, orbitRadius);
        OrbitUniversal orbitU      = planet.GetComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        OrbitPredictor op = TestSetupUtils.AddOrbitPredictor(planet, star);


        double[] ecc_values = { 0, 0.1, 0.7, 0.9, 0.99, 1.01, 1.5, 2 };
        foreach (double ecc in ecc_values)
            Debug.LogFormat("#### EccentricityPrediction ecc={0}", ecc);
            orbitU.eccentricity = ecc;
            TestSetupUtils.SetupGravityEngine(star, planet);

            OrbitUniversal predictedOrbit = op.GetOrbitUniversal();
            CompareOrbits(orbitU, predictedOrbit, small);
コード例 #5
    // Create an NBody and check it's mass
    public void CirclePrediction()
        const float    mass        = 1000f;
        GameObject     star        = TestSetupUtils.CreateNBody(mass, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        NBody          starNbody   = star.GetComponent <NBody>();
        const float    orbitRadius = 10f;
        GameObject     planet      = TestSetupUtils.CreatePlanetInOrbitUniversal(starNbody, 1f, orbitRadius);
        OrbitUniversal orbitU      = planet.GetComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        OrbitPredictor op = TestSetupUtils.AddOrbitPredictor(planet, star);


        double[] p_values = { 10, 100, 1000 };
        foreach (double p in p_values)
            Debug.LogFormat("#### CirclePrediction p={0}", p);
            orbitU.p = p;
            TestSetupUtils.SetupGravityEngine(star, planet);

            OrbitUniversal predictedOrbit = op.GetOrbitUniversal();
            CompareOrbits(orbitU, predictedOrbit, small);
コード例 #6
    // Create an NBody and check it's mass
    public void OmegaUEllipsePrediction()
        const float    mass        = 1000f;
        GameObject     star        = TestSetupUtils.CreateNBody(mass, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        NBody          starNbody   = star.GetComponent <NBody>();
        const float    orbitRadius = 10f;
        GameObject     planet      = TestSetupUtils.CreatePlanetInOrbitUniversal(starNbody, 1f, orbitRadius);
        OrbitUniversal orbitU      = planet.GetComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        // Need a bit of incl, otherwise omegaU comes back as omegaL.
        orbitU.inclination  = 10;
        orbitU.eccentricity = 0.05;

        OrbitPredictor op = TestSetupUtils.AddOrbitPredictor(planet, star);


        double[] ou_values = { 0, 1, 5, 10, 30, 60, 90, 180, 270, 355, 360 };
        foreach (double ou in ou_values)
            Debug.LogFormat("#### OmegaUPrediction ou={0}", ou);
            orbitU.omega_uc = ou;
            TestSetupUtils.SetupGravityEngine(star, planet);

            OrbitUniversal predictedOrbit = op.GetOrbitUniversal();
            CompareOrbits(orbitU, predictedOrbit, small);
コード例 #7
    public Vector3 GetAcceleration(GameObject body)
        NBody nbody = body.GetComponent <NBody>();
        int   i     = nbody.engineRef.index;

        return(new Vector3((float)a[i, 0], (float)a[i, 1], (float)a[i, 2]));
コード例 #8
    public void Init(NBody fromNbody, Vector3 contactPoint)
        Vector3 zAxis = new Vector3(0, 0, 1f);

        this.normal       = Vector3.Normalize(contactPoint - fromNbody.transform.position);
        rotateToNormal    = Quaternion.FromToRotation(zAxis, normal);
        this.contactPoint = contactPoint;
        float startRadius = Vector3.Distance(contactPoint, fromNbody.transform.position);

        // ensure particles start outside the capture radius of the body
        // size is the diameter
        if (startRadius < fromNbody.size / 2f)
            startRadius       = 1.2f * (float)fromNbody.size / 2f;
            this.contactPoint = fromNbody.transform.position + startRadius * normal;
                        #pragma warning disable 162             // disable unreachable code warning
            if (GravityEngine.DEBUG)
                Debug.Log("DEBUG: setting contact based on capture size. ");
                        #pragma warning restore 162
        explosionVelocity = ExplosionVelocity(fromNbody, startRadius);
        bodyVelocity      = GravityEngine.instance.GetScaledVelocity(fromNbody.transform.gameObject);
コード例 #9
    // Vallado Algorithm 10, p118
    // (generic, will work for Ellipse as well, provided special cases are handled)
    // Not used yet.
    private void SetInitialPosition(NBody nbody)
        // phase is in
        float   denom = 1 + ecc * Mathf.Cos(phase_nu);
        Vector3 r_pqw = new Vector3(p * Mathf.Cos(phase_nu) / denom, p * Mathf.Sin(phase_nu) / denom, 0);

        r_initial_phy = r_pqw.magnitude;
        Vector3 r = hyper_orientation * r_pqw;

        // orbit position is WRT center. Could be adding dynamically to an object in motion, so need current position.
        Vector3 centerPos = Vector3.zero;

        // used by widgets - so need to get explcitly
        centerNbody = OrbitUtils.GetCenterNbody(this.transform, centerObject);
        if (centerNbody.engineRef != null)
            centerPos = GravityEngine.Instance().GetPhysicsPosition(centerNbody);
            // setup - not yet added to GE
            centerPos = centerNbody.initialPhysPosition;
        nbody.initialPhysPosition = r + centerPos;
コード例 #10
    public void SetupBodies()
        if (transform.childCount != 2)
            // Binary must have 2 NBody children
            Debug.LogError("Must have exactly two Nbody objects attached");
        body1 = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <NBody>();
        body2 = transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <NBody>();
        if (body1 == null || body2 == null)
            Debug.LogError("Binary requires children to have NBody scripts attached.");

        if (transform.parent)
            binaryNbody = transform.parent.GetComponent <NBody>();
            if (binaryNbody)
                cmPosition = GravityEngine.Instance().GetPhysicsPosition(binaryNbody);

        // mass is scaled by GE
        float m_total = (body1.mass + body2.mass);
        float mu1     = body1.mass / m_total;
        float mu2     = body2.mass / m_total;

        SetupBody(body1, a_scaled * mu2, mu2 * mu2 * body2.mass, false);
        SetupBody(body2, a_scaled * mu1, mu1 * mu1 * body1.mass, true);
コード例 #11
ファイル: BinaryPair.cs プロジェクト: minakhan01/Astronomy
    /// <summary>
    /// Displays the path of the elliptical orbit when the object is selected in the editor.
    /// </summary>
    void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
        // need to have a center to draw gizmo.
        body1 = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <NBody>();
        body2 = transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <NBody>();
        if (body1 == null || body2 == null)
        // only display if this object is directly selected
        if (Selection.activeGameObject != transform.gameObject)
        float m_total = (float)(body1.mass + body2.mass);
        float mu1     = body1.mass / m_total;
        float mu2     = body2.mass / m_total;


        DrawEllipse(a_scaled * mu2, transform.position, false);
        DrawEllipse(a_scaled * mu1, transform.position, true);
        // move bodies to location specified by parameters
        SetTransform(a_scaled * mu2, body1, false);
        SetTransform(a_scaled * mu1, body2, true);
コード例 #12
    private void SetTransform(float a_n, NBody nbody, bool reflect)
        float phaseRad     = phase * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
        float reflect_in_y = 1f;

        if (reflect)
            reflect_in_y = -1f;
            phaseRad     = 2f * Mathf.PI - phaseRad;
        // evolution uses true anomoly (angle from  center)
        float r = a_n * (1f - ecc * ecc) / (1f + ecc * Mathf.Cos(phaseRad));

        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(reflect_in_y * r * Mathf.Cos(phaseRad),
                                  r * Mathf.Sin(phaseRad),
        // move from XY plane to the orbital plane
        Vector3 new_p = ellipse_orientation * pos;

        // orbit position is WRT center
        if (binaryNbody != null)
            nbody.transform.position = new_p + binaryNbody.transform.position;
            nbody.transform.position = new_p + transform.position;
コード例 #13
    // Use this for initialization
    // Start() NOT Awake() to ensure that objects created on the fly can have centerBody etc. assigned
    // Awake is called from within Object.Instatiate()
    void Start()
        nbody = body.GetComponent <NBody>();
        if (nbody == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("Cannot show orbit - Body requires NBody component");
        if (centerBody == null)
            Debug.LogError("Center body is null " + gameObject.name);
        if (body == null)
            Debug.LogError("Body is null " + gameObject.name);
        aroundNBody = centerBody.GetComponent <NBody>();
        orbitU.centerNbody = aroundNBody;

        ge = GravityEngine.Instance();

        lineR = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
        lineR.positionCount = numPoints + 2 * numPlaneProjections;
コード例 #14
    private void StartExplosion(Vector3 contactPoint, Vector3 normal, GameObject otherNBodyGO)
        if (!prefabOk)
            Debug.LogError("prefab not ok");
        NBody nbody = otherNBodyGO.GetComponent <NBody>();

        if (nbody == null)
            Debug.LogError("Parent of collider does not have NBody - explosion aborted. " + otherNBodyGO.name);
        // instantiate the prefab and set it's position to that of the current object
        GameObject explosionGO = Instantiate(explosionPrefab) as GameObject;

        explosionGO.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        explosionGO.transform.position      = transform.parent.position;
        // find out the velocity of this NBody and provide to dust init routine. (This becomes the CM velocity)
        // Tell engine to ignore this body
        ExplosionFromNBody explosionFromNBody = explosionGO.GetComponent <ExplosionFromNBody>();

        explosionFromNBody.Init(nbody, contactPoint);

        // Activate dust (this will inactivate the sphere model, so it will be hidden)
        // MUST remove the exploding FIRST or it's mass will accelerate the particles
コード例 #15
    public void AddNBody(int bodyNum, NBody nbody, Vector3 position, Vector3 velocity)
        if (numBodies > maxBodies)
            Debug.LogError("Added more than maximum allocated bodies! max=" + maxBodies);
        if (bodyNum != numBodies)
            Debug.LogError("Body numbers are out of sync integrator=" + numBodies + " GE=" + bodyNum);
        active[numBodies] = true;
        // r,m already in GravityEngine
        vel[numBodies, 0] = velocity.x;
        vel[numBodies, 1] = velocity.y;
        vel[numBodies, 2] = velocity.z;

        // check for engine
        GEExternalAcceleration ext_accel = nbody.GetComponent <GEExternalAcceleration>();

        if (ext_accel != null)
            externalAccel[numBodies] = ext_accel;
#pragma warning disable 162     // disable unreachable code warning
            if (GravityEngine.DEBUG)
                Debug.Log("Added GEExternalAcceleration engine for " + nbody.gameObject);
#pragma warning restore 162
        //		Debug.Log ("add object at r=" + gameObject.transform.position + " v=" + ubody.vel + " size2=" + size2[numBodies]
        //					+ " mass=" + ubody.mass);
コード例 #16
    private void TestRV(OrbitData od, GameObject planet, NBody starNbody, float orbitRadius)
        GameObject     testPlanet = TestSetupUtils.CreatePlanetInOrbitUniversal(starNbody, 1f, orbitRadius);
        OrbitUniversal orbitU     = testPlanet.GetComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        // Run init explicitly to update transform details
        orbitU.InitFromOrbitData(od, 0);

        // Awkward but previously could not add a new object to GE when it is stopped, so re-add all three
        // Leave as is, since it works!
        GravityEngine ge = GravityEngine.Instance();

        Vector3 r_od = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(testPlanet.GetComponent <NBody>());
        Vector3 v_od = ge.GetVelocity(testPlanet);
        Vector3 r_i  = ge.GetPhysicsPosition(planet.GetComponent <NBody>());
        Vector3 v_i  = ge.GetVelocity(planet);

        Debug.Log(" r_i=" + r_i + " r_od=" + r_od + " delta=" + Vector3.Distance(r_i, r_od));
        Debug.Log(" v_i=" + v_i + " v_od=" + v_od + " delta=" + Vector3.Distance(v_i, v_od));
        Assert.IsTrue(GEUnit.FloatEqual(Vector3.Distance(r_i, r_od), 0f, 1E-2));
        Assert.IsTrue(GEUnit.FloatEqual(Vector3.Distance(v_i, v_od), 0f, 1E-2));
コード例 #17
    public void OmegaUCircleInclination()
        const float    mass        = 1000f;
        GameObject     star        = TestSetupUtils.CreateNBody(mass, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        NBody          starNbody   = star.GetComponent <NBody>();
        const float    orbitRadius = 10f;
        GameObject     planet      = TestSetupUtils.CreatePlanetInOrbitUniversal(starNbody, 1f, orbitRadius);
        OrbitUniversal orbitU      = planet.GetComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        orbitU.eccentricity = 0.0f;
        orbitU.inclination  = 5;
        // Try some values of om
        float[] omegaValues = { 0f, 30f, 45f, 60f, 90f, 135f, 180f, 210f, 320f };
        foreach (float omega in omegaValues)
            orbitU.omega_uc = omega;
            TestSetupUtils.SetupGravityEngine(star, planet);

            OrbitData od = new OrbitData();
            od.SetOrbitForVelocity(planet.GetComponent <NBody>(), star.GetComponent <NBody>());
            Debug.Log("Omega = " + omega + " od.omega_lc=" + od.omega_lc + " od:" + od.LogString());
            Assert.IsTrue(GEUnit.FloatEqual(omega, od.omega_uc, 0.1));
コード例 #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Determine how many parents/grandparents etc. have Kepler mode.
    /// GE uses this to ensure evolution starts at the most central body in a heirarchy
    /// and works out to the leaves.
    /// </summary>
    public static int CalcKeplerDepth(IFixedOrbit fixedBody)
        if (!fixedBody.IsOnRails())

        int   depth  = 0;
        bool  done   = false;
        NBody center = fixedBody.GetCenterNBody();

        while (!done && (center != null))
            IFixedOrbit parent = center.GetComponent <IFixedOrbit>();
            if ((parent != null) && parent.IsOnRails())
                center = parent.GetCenterNBody();
                done = true;

コード例 #19
    // Check eccentricity and inclination
    public void RVtoCOEtoRV()
        GameObject star = TestSetupUtils.CreateNBody(10, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

        TestSetupUtils.SetupGravityEngine(star, null);
        NBody starBody = star.GetComponent <NBody>();

        RVpair[] rvp =
            new RVpair(10,   0, 0,  0,   1, 0),
            new RVpair(10,   0, 0,  0,  10, 0),
            new RVpair(10,   0, 0,  0,  -1, 0),
            new RVpair(10,   0, 0,  0, -10, 0),
            new RVpair(-10, 10, 0, -4,   3, 0),
            new RVpair(-10, 10, 0,  4,  -3, 0)

        for (int i = 0; i < rvp.Length; i++)
            OrbitUtils.OrbitElements oe = OrbitUtils.RVtoCOE(rvp[i].r, rvp[i].v, starBody, false);
            Vector3d r1 = new Vector3d();
            Vector3d v1 = new Vector3d();
            OrbitUtils.COEtoRV(oe, starBody, ref r1, ref v1, false);

            Debug.LogFormat("i={0} r_in={1} r_out={2}\n v_in={3} v_out={4}\n oe: {5}",
                            i, rvp[i].r, r1, rvp[i].v, v1, oe);
            Assert.IsTrue(GEUnit.Vec3dEqual(rvp[i].r, r1, small));
            Assert.IsTrue(GEUnit.Vec3dEqual(rvp[i].v, v1, small));
コード例 #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Determine the SOI radius in internal physics units.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="planet"></param>
    /// <param name="moon"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static float SoiRadius(NBody planet, NBody moon)
        // to allow to run before GE is up, use Ellipse component to get radius
        OrbitEllipse moonEllipse = moon.gameObject.GetComponent <OrbitEllipse>();
        float        a;

        if (moonEllipse != null)
            a = moonEllipse.a_scaled;
            OrbitUniversal orbitU = moon.GetComponent <OrbitUniversal>();
            if (orbitU != null)
                a = (float)orbitU.GetApogee();
                Debug.LogWarning("Could not get moon orbit size");
        // mass scaling will cancel in this ratio
        return(Mathf.Pow(moon.mass / planet.mass, 0.4f) * a);
コード例 #21
    /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    *                           function rv2coe
    *  this function finds the classical orbital elements given the geocentric
    *    equatorial position and velocity vectors.
    *  author        : david vallado                  719-573-2600   21 jun 2002
    *  revisions
    *    vallado     - fix special cases                              5 sep 2002
    *    vallado     - delete extra check in inclination code        16 oct 2002
    *    vallado     - add constant file use                         29 jun 2003
    *  inputs          description                    range / units
    *    r           - ijk position vector            km
    *    v           - ijk velocity vector            km / s
    *  outputs       :
    *    p           - semilatus rectum               km
    *    a           - semimajor axis                 km
    *    ecc         - eccentricity
    *    incl        - inclination                    0.0  to pi rad
    *    raan       - longitude of ascending node    0.0  to 2pi rad
    *    argp        - argument of perigee            0.0  to 2pi rad
    *    nu          - true anomaly                   0.0  to 2pi rad
    *    m           - mean anomaly                   0.0  to 2pi rad
    *    eccanom     - eccentric, parabolic,
    *                  hyperbolic anomaly             rad
    *    arglat      - argument of latitude      (ci) 0.0  to 2pi rad
    *    truelon     - true longitude            (ce) 0.0  to 2pi rad
    *    lonper      - longitude of periapsis    (ee) 0.0  to 2pi rad
    *  locals        :
    *    hbar        - angular momentum h vector      km2 / s
    *    ebar        - eccentricity     e vector
    *    nbar        - line of nodes    n vector
    *    c1          - v**2 - u/r
    *    rdotv       - r dot v
    *    hk          - hk unit vector
    *    sme         - specfic mechanical energy      km2 / s2
    *    i           - index
    *    temp        - temporary variable
    *    typeorbit   - type of orbit                  ee, ei, ce, ci
    *  coupling      :
    *    mag         - magnitude of a vector
    *    cross       - cross product of two vectors
    *    angle       - find the angle between two vectors
    *    newtonnu    - find the mean anomaly
    *  references    :
    *    vallado       2013, 113, alg 9, ex 2-5
    * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // Vector3 version
    public static OrbitElements RVtoCOE(Vector3 r_in,
                                        Vector3 v_in,
                                        NBody centerBody,
                                        bool relativePos)
        return(RVtoCOE(new Vector3d(r_in), new Vector3d(v_in), centerBody, relativePos));
コード例 #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Detach the active stage and enable the next one if present.
    /// </summary>
    private void DropStage()
        // automatic staging when a preceeding stage runs out of fuel (engine still on)
        if (multiStage.activeStage < multiStage.numStages)
            // release stage as child, add to GravityEngine
            GameObject spentStage = stages[multiStage.activeStage];
            spentStage.transform.parent = null;
            // add an NBody component,so GE can manage the stage
            NBody nbody = spentStage.AddComponent <NBody>();
            nbody.initialPos = spentStage.transform.position;
            nbody.vel        = shipNbody.vel;
            // Add an atmosphere model, copy general values from rocket and then adjust
            EarthAtmosphere stageAtmosphere = spentStage.AddComponent <EarthAtmosphere>();
            stageAtmosphere.InitFrom(atmosphere, nbody);
            stageAtmosphere.coeefDrag          = multiStage.coeefDrag[multiStage.activeStage];
            stageAtmosphere.crossSectionalArea = multiStage.crossSectionalArea[multiStage.activeStage];
            stageAtmosphere.inertialMassKg     = multiStage.massStageEmpty[multiStage.activeStage];


            // activate the next stage
            DisplayManager.Instance().DisplayMessage("Engine Shutdown");
コード例 #23
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     shipNbody  = ship.GetComponent <NBody>();
     lineScaler = GetComponent <LineScaler>();
コード例 #24
    /// <summary>
    /// Add an element to the sequence that begins at time and evolves based on the orbit data provided.
    /// Orbit elements must be added in increasing time order.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="time"></param>
    /// <param name="orbitData"></param>
    /// <param name="body"></param>
    /// <param name="centerBody"></param>
    /// <param name="callback">(Optional) Method to call when sequence starts</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public OrbitUniversal AppendElementOrbitData(double time,
                                                 OrbitData orbitData,
                                                 NBody body,
                                                 NBody centerBody,
                                                 ElementStarted callback)
        if (BadTime(time))
        KeplerElement ke = new KeplerElement
            timeStart  = time,
            returnToGE = false,
            callback   = callback
        OrbitUniversal orbit = orbitsGO.AddComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        orbit.centerNbody = centerBody;
        orbit.InitFromOrbitData(orbitData, time);
        orbit.evolveMode = OrbitUniversal.EvolveMode.KEPLERS_EQN;
        ke.orbit         = orbit;
コード例 #25
    // Check eccentricity and inclination
    public void CheckTestRV()
        const float    mass        = 1000f;
        GameObject     star        = TestSetupUtils.CreateNBody(mass, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        NBody          starNbody   = star.GetComponent <NBody>();
        const float    orbitRadius = 10f;
        GameObject     planet      = TestSetupUtils.CreatePlanetInOrbitUniversal(starNbody, 1f, orbitRadius);
        OrbitUniversal orbitU      = planet.GetComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        orbitU.eccentricity = .25f;
        orbitU.inclination  = 25f;
        orbitU.omega_uc     = 10f;
        orbitU.omega_lc     = 20f;
        orbitU.phase        = 190f;

        OrbitData od = new OrbitData();

        od.a           = orbitRadius;
        od.ecc         = 0.25f;
        od.inclination = 25f;
        od.omega_uc    = 10f;
        od.omega_lc    = 20f;
        od.phase       = 190f;
        od.centralMass = starNbody;
        Debug.LogFormat("major-axis: {0} vs {1}", orbitU.GetMajorAxisInspector(), orbitRadius);
        Assert.AreEqual(orbitU.GetMajorAxisInspector(), orbitRadius);
        TestRV(od, planet, starNbody, orbitRadius);
コード例 #26
        private void RefreshBodyData(BodyFrame frame)
            foreach (var body in (IList <Body>)frame.RawData)
                if (!body.IsTracked)

                NBody nbody = frame.Find(body.TrackingId);
                if (nbody == null)
                    nbody = new NBody(body.TrackingId, frame.Width, frame.Height);

                RefreshBodyData(body, nbody);

            lock (frame.Bodies) {
コード例 #27
    public void PositionForRadius()
        const float    mass        = 1000f;
        GameObject     star        = TestSetupUtils.CreateNBody(mass, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        NBody          starNbody   = star.GetComponent <NBody>();
        const float    orbitRadius = 10f;
        GameObject     planet      = TestSetupUtils.CreatePlanetInOrbitUniversal(starNbody, 1f, orbitRadius);
        OrbitUniversal orbitU      = planet.GetComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        orbitU.inclination = 5;
        float r = 10.0f;

        float[] eccValues = { 0f, 0.1f, 0.9f, 1.1f };
        foreach (float ecc in eccValues)
            Debug.LogFormat("======= ecc={0}  =======", ecc);
            orbitU.eccentricity = ecc;
            orbitU.SetMajorAxisInspector(orbitRadius); // updates p
            TestSetupUtils.SetupGravityEngine(star, planet);

            Vector3[] positions = orbitU.GetPositionsForRadius(r, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
            Debug.LogFormat("pos[0]={0} pos[1]={1}", positions[0], positions[1]);
            foreach (Vector3 p in positions)
                Debug.LogFormat("Position error={0}", Mathf.Abs(p.magnitude - r));
                Assert.IsTrue(GEUnit.FloatEqual(p.magnitude, r, 1E-2));
コード例 #28
    public void KeplerVsTimeOfFlight()
        // Need to make sure TOF < 1 period
        const float    mass        = 100f;
        GameObject     star        = TestSetupUtils.CreateNBody(mass, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        NBody          starNbody   = star.GetComponent <NBody>();
        const float    orbitRadius = 10f;
        GameObject     planet      = TestSetupUtils.CreatePlanetInOrbitUniversal(starNbody, 1f, orbitRadius);
        OrbitUniversal orbitU      = planet.GetComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        // Parabola (ecc=1.0 fails, need to investigate)
        float[] ecc_values = { 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.5f, 0.9f, 1.2f, 1.5f };
        foreach (float ecc in ecc_values)
            Debug.LogFormat("======= ecc={0}  =======", ecc);
            orbitU.eccentricity = ecc;
            orbitU.p            = 10f;
            orbitU.evolveMode   = OrbitUniversal.EvolveMode.KEPLERS_EQN;
            // Evolve to position r1
            double time = 5.0;
            TestSetupUtils.SetupGravityEngine(star, planet);
            double[] r1 = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            // orbitU.PreEvolve(pscale, mscale);
            // Ugh. Need to do this before call evolve, since it caches the value.
            Vector3d r0_vec = GravityEngine.Instance().GetPositionDoubleV3(planet.GetComponent <NBody>());
            orbitU.Evolve(time, ref r1);
            Vector3d r1_vec = new Vector3d(ref r1);
            // check time to r1
            double time_test = orbitU.TimeOfFlight(r0_vec, r1_vec);
            Debug.LogFormat("check r0={0} to r1={1} p ={2} after t={3} TOF => {4}",
                            r0_vec, r1_vec, orbitU.p, time, time_test);
            Assert.IsTrue(GEUnit.DoubleEqual(time, time_test, 1E-4));
コード例 #29
    /// <summary>
    /// Detach the active stage and enable the next one if present.
    /// </summary>
    private void DropStage()
        // automatic staging when a preceeding stage runs out of fuel (engine still on)
        if (multiStage.activeStage < multiStage.numStages)
            // release stage as child, add to GravityEngine
            GameObject spentStage = stages[multiStage.activeStage];
            spentStage.transform.parent = null;
            spentStage.AddComponent <NBody>();
            NBody nbody = spentStage.GetComponent <NBody>();
            nbody.initialPos = spentStage.transform.position;
            nbody.vel        = shipNbody.vel;

            // activate the next stage
            DisplayManager.Instance().DisplayMessage("Engine Shutdown");
コード例 #30
    /// <summary>
    /// Add an element to the sequence using r0/v0/t0 initial conditions.
    /// Position and velocity are with respect to the center body (NOT world/physics space!).
    /// Orbit segements must be added in increasing time order.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r0"></param>
    /// <param name="v0"></param>
    /// <param name="time"></param>
    /// <param name="relativePos"></param>
    /// <param name="body"></param>
    /// <param name="centerBody"></param>
    /// <param name="callback">(Optional) Method to call when sequence starts</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public OrbitUniversal AppendElementRVT(Vector3d r0,
                                           Vector3d v0,
                                           double time,
                                           bool relativePos,
                                           NBody body,
                                           NBody centerBody,
                                           ElementStarted callback)
        if (BadTime(time))
        KeplerElement ke = new KeplerElement
            timeStart  = time,
            callback   = callback,
            returnToGE = false
        OrbitUniversal orbit = orbitsGO.AddComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        orbit.centerNbody = centerBody;
        orbit.InitFromRVT(r0, v0, time, centerBody, relativePos);
        orbit.evolveMode = OrbitUniversal.EvolveMode.KEPLERS_EQN;
        ke.orbit         = orbit;
コード例 #31
    private void DrawBone(NBody body, NJointType j0, NJointType j1) {

      NJoint joint0 = body.Joints[j0];
      NJoint joint1 = body.Joints[j1];

      if (j0 == NJointType.Neck && joint0 == null) {
        joint0 = body.Joints[NJointType.SpineShoulder];
      } else if (j1 == NJointType.Neck && joint1 == null) {
        joint1 = body.Joints[NJointType.SpineShoulder];

      if (joint0 == null || joint1 == null) { return; }

      // If we can't find either of these joints, exit
      if (joint0.Tracking == NTrackingState.NotTracked ||
          joint1.Tracking == NTrackingState.NotTracked) { return; }

      // Don't draw if both points are inferred
      if (joint0.Tracking == NTrackingState.Inferred &&
          joint1.Tracking == NTrackingState.Inferred) { return; }

      buffer.DrawPolyline(new System.Drawing.Point[] { joint0.Position2D, joint1.Position2D }, false, brdBlue, 10);
コード例 #32
    private void RefreshBodyData(Skeleton skeleton, NBody nbody) {

      // Joints
      foreach (Joint joint in skeleton.Joints) {
        var ntype = ResolveJointType(joint.JointType);
        var njoint = nbody.GetJoint(ntype);
        var point = Sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToColorPoint(joint.Position, ColorFormat);

        njoint.Tracking = ResolveTrackingState(joint.TrackingState);
        njoint.SetPosition2D(point.X, point.Y);
        njoint.SetPosition3D(joint.Position.X, joint.Position.Y, joint.Position.Z);

      // Misc
      nbody.Tracking = NTrackingState.Tracked;
コード例 #33
    private void RefreshBodyData(BodyFrame frame) {
      foreach (var skeleton in (IList<Skeleton>)frame.RawData) {
        if (skeleton.TrackingState != SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked) { continue; }

        NBody nbody = frame.Find(Convert.ToUInt64(skeleton.TrackingId));
        if (nbody == null) {
          nbody = new NBody(Convert.ToUInt64(skeleton.TrackingId), frame.Width, frame.Height);

        RefreshBodyData(skeleton, nbody);

      lock (frame.Bodies) {
コード例 #34
    private void RefreshBodyData(BodyFrame frame){
      foreach (var body in (IList<Body>) frame.RawData) {
        if (!body.IsTracked) { continue; }

        NBody nbody = frame.Find(body.TrackingId);
        if (nbody == null) {
          nbody = new NBody(body.TrackingId, frame.Width, frame.Height);

        RefreshBodyData(body, nbody);

      lock (frame.Bodies) {
コード例 #35
    private void RefreshBodyData(Body body, NBody nbody) {
      // Joints
      foreach(var joint in body.Joints.Values){
        var ntype  = ResolveJointType(joint.JointType);
        var njoint = nbody.GetJoint(ntype);
        var point  = coordinateMapper.MapCameraPointToColorSpace(joint.Position);
        njoint.Tracking = ResolveTrackingState(joint.TrackingState);
        njoint.SetPosition2D(point.X, point.Y);
        njoint.SetPosition3D(joint.Position.X, joint.Position.Y, joint.Position.Z);

      // Misc
      nbody.Tracking = NTrackingState.Tracked;
コード例 #36
    public void RepaintColorFrame(Image<Bgra, Byte> buffer, NBody body) {

      // Face & Name
      var head = body.GetJoint(NJointType.Head).Area;
      if (head.Width > 0) {
        buffer.Draw(head, brdGreen, 4);
        if (body.Name != null) {
          var txt = new Rectangle(head.X, head.Y + head.Height + 20, head.Width, head.Height); 
          DrawText(buffer, txt, body.Name);

      // Hands
      var right = body.GetJoint(NJointType.HandRight).Area;
      if (right.Width > 0) {
        buffer.Draw(right, brdGreen, 4);

      var left = body.GetJoint(NJointType.HandLeft).Area;
      if (left.Width > 0) {
        buffer.Draw(left, brdGreen, 4);

      // Joints
      foreach (var joint in body.Joints.Values) {
        if (joint == null) { continue; }
        if (joint.Tracking == NTrackingState.NotTracked) { continue; }
        var color = joint.Tracking == NTrackingState.Inferred ? brdRed : brdGreen;
        buffer.Draw(new CircleF(joint.Position2D, 10.0f), color, 10);

      // Torso
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.Head, NJointType.Neck);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.Neck, NJointType.SpineShoulder);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.SpineShoulder, NJointType.SpineMid);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.SpineMid, NJointType.SpineBase);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.SpineShoulder, NJointType.ShoulderRight);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.SpineShoulder, NJointType.ShoulderLeft);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.SpineBase, NJointType.HipRight);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.SpineBase, NJointType.HipLeft);

      // Right Arm    
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.ShoulderRight, NJointType.ElbowRight);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.ElbowRight, NJointType.WristRight);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.WristRight, NJointType.HandRight);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.HandRight, NJointType.HandTipRight);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.WristRight, NJointType.ThumbRight);

      // Left Arm
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.ShoulderLeft, NJointType.ElbowLeft);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.ElbowLeft, NJointType.WristLeft);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.WristLeft, NJointType.HandLeft);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.HandLeft, NJointType.HandTipLeft);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.WristLeft, NJointType.ThumbLeft);

      // Right Leg
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.HipRight, NJointType.KneeRight);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.KneeRight, NJointType.AnkleRight);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.AnkleRight, NJointType.FootRight);

      // Left Leg
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.HipLeft, NJointType.KneeLeft);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.KneeLeft, NJointType.AnkleLeft);
      DrawBone(body, NJointType.AnkleLeft, NJointType.FootLeft);