コード例 #1
        //Add New Item button clicked.  Checks all the fields for valid values,
        //and if no errors, creates the record and adds it to the db.
        private void btn_Add_AddItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (GuiPrefs.OpenDBPath == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must load a database before you can add items.",
                                "No Database Loaded", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            //Add the item if all the fields have valid values
            if (Add_Controls_Valid())
                SpecsRecord nr = new SpecsRecord();
                int         skunew = 1;
                int         skumin, skumax;

                //Step 1 - Find the first unused SKU in the database
                    tb_Add_MinSKU.Text = (skumin = Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt16(tb_Add_MinSKU.Text))).ToString();
                { //If not a valid integer, set min to 1
                    skumin             = 1;
                    tb_Add_MinSKU.Text = "";

                    tb_Add_MaxSKU.Text = (skumax = Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt16(tb_Add_MaxSKU.Text))).ToString();
                { //If not a valid integer, set max to -1 (function will read as no limit)
                    skumax = -1;

                if (skumax < skumin)
                { //Blanks max if it's less than min
                    tb_Add_MaxSKU.Text = "";

                    skunew = Mydb.GetNextFreeSKU(skumin, skumax);
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    MessageBox.Show("There is no available SKU number in the specified range.",
                                    "No available SKU", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                //                }
                //                else { //No valid range specified, search entire inventory
                //                  skunew = Mydb.GetNextFreeSKU();
                //                }

                //Step 2 - Set all the values of the SpecsRecord
                nr.SKU      = (uint)skunew;
                nr.SphereOD = Convert.ToSingle(tb_Add_SphereOD.Text);
                nr.SphereOS = Convert.ToSingle(tb_Add_SphereOS.Text);
                nr.CylOD    = Convert.ToSingle(tb_Add_CylOD.Text);
                nr.CylOS    = Convert.ToSingle(tb_Add_CylOS.Text);
                nr.AxisOD   = Convert.ToInt16(tb_Add_AxisOD.Text);
                nr.AxisOS   = Convert.ToInt16(tb_Add_AxisOS.Text);
                nr.AddOD    = Convert.ToSingle(tb_Add_AddOD.Text);
                nr.AddOS    = Convert.ToSingle(tb_Add_AddOS.Text);

                if (rb_Add_Male.Checked)
                    nr.Gender = SpecGender.Male;
                else if (rb_Add_Female.Checked)
                    nr.Gender = SpecGender.Female;
                    nr.Gender = SpecGender.Uni;

                if (rb_Add_Single.Checked)
                    nr.Type = SpecType.Single;
                    nr.Type = SpecType.Multi;

                if (rb_Add_NoTint.Checked)
                    nr.Tint = SpecTint.None;
                else if (rb_Add_LightTint.Checked)
                    nr.Tint = SpecTint.Light;
                    nr.Tint = SpecTint.Dark;

                if (rb_Add_Small.Checked)
                    nr.Size = SpecSize.Small;
                else if (rb_Add_Medium.Checked)
                    nr.Size = SpecSize.Medium;
                else if (rb_Add_Large.Checked)
                    nr.Size = SpecSize.Large;
                    nr.Size = SpecSize.Child;

                nr.Comment   = tb_Add_Comment.Text;
                nr.DateAdded = String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now);

                // Step 2.5 - Convert to negative CYL representation
                if (nr.CylOD > 0)
                    nr.SphereOD += nr.CylOD;
                    nr.CylOD    *= -1;
                    nr.AxisOD    = (nr.AxisOD + 90) % 180;
                if (nr.CylOS > 0)
                    nr.SphereOS += nr.CylOS;
                    nr.CylOS    *= -1;
                    nr.AxisOS    = (nr.AxisOS + 90) % 180;

                //Step 3 - Add the new SpecsRecord to the database
                Mydb.Insert(nr, SSTable.Current);
                Mydb.GetCurrentInventory(); //Refresh the displayed inventory
                IncrementOps();             //Increment the number of ops by 1 if the appropriate prefs are set

                //If the database is not normal (that is, if it is a merge database), also add the record to the
                //merge table and refresh it for display
                if (!GuiPrefs.NormalDatabase)
                    Mydb.Insert(nr, SSTable.MergeItems);
                    Mydb.GetTable(dt_Add_MergeTable, SSTable.MergeItems);

                //Step 4 - Clear the entry fields and refresh the inventory

                //Step 5 - Highlight the new item in the DataGridView
                for (int j = 0; j < dgv_Add_InventoryView.Rows.Count; j++)
                        if (Convert.ToInt16(dgv_Add_InventoryView[0, j].Value) == skunew)
                            dgv_Add_InventoryView.Rows[j].Selected = true;
                            if (j < 3)
                                dgv_Add_InventoryView.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = 0;
                                dgv_Add_InventoryView.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = j - 2;
                    catch { }