コード例 #1
        // UPDATED (old method left commented out below updated method)
        // convert Bing address to lat/lon
        public MyWaypoint Geocode(string address)
            //MessageBox.Show($"Geocode method called for !! {address} "); // FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES
            // create the Geocode request
            GeocodeRequest locationRequest = new GeocodeRequest
                BingMapsKey         = m_bingMapKey,
                MaxResults          = 1,
                IncludeNeighborhood = true,
                IncludeIso2         = true,
                Query = address

            //MessageBox.Show("About to execute location request!");// FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES
            // execute the response
            // this call can also use await, but then method would have to be made async
            Response geocodeResponse = locationRequest.Execute().Result;
            //MessageBox.Show("Executed location Request!");// FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES

            // set lat/lon/altitude of waypoint and return waypoint
            MyWaypoint returnPoint = new MyWaypoint();

            if (geocodeResponse.ResourceSets.Length > 0)
                var result = geocodeResponse.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as BingMapsRESTToolkit.Location;
                returnPoint.Latitude  = result.Point.Coordinates[0];
                returnPoint.Longitude = result.Point.Coordinates[1];
                returnPoint.Altitude  = 0.0;
            //MessageBox.Show("Geocode method done!");// FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES
コード例 #2
        public List <MyWaypoint> CreateRoute(MyWaypoint startPoint, MyWaypoint endPoint)
            // create route from waypointString
            RouteRequest routeRequest = new RouteRequest();

            // Set the credentials using a valid Bing Maps key
            routeRequest.Credentials = new BingRouteService.Credentials();
            routeRequest.Credentials.ApplicationId = m_bingMapKey;

            // tell them that we want points along the route
            routeRequest.Options = new RouteOptions();
            routeRequest.Options.RoutePathType = RoutePathType.Points;

            //Parse user data to create array of waypoints
            BingRouteService.Waypoint[] waypoints = new BingRouteService.Waypoint[2];

            BingRouteService.Waypoint point1    = new BingRouteService.Waypoint();
            BingRouteService.Location location1 = new BingRouteService.Location();
            location1.Latitude  = startPoint.Latitude;
            location1.Longitude = startPoint.Longitude;
            point1.Location     = location1;
            point1.Description  = "Start";
            waypoints[0]        = point1;

            BingRouteService.Waypoint point2    = new BingRouteService.Waypoint();
            BingRouteService.Location location2 = new BingRouteService.Location();
            location2.Latitude  = endPoint.Latitude;
            location2.Longitude = endPoint.Longitude;
            point2.Location     = location2;
            point2.Description  = "End";
            waypoints[1]        = point2;

            routeRequest.Waypoints = waypoints;

            // Make the calculate route request
            RouteServiceClient routeService  = new RouteServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IRouteService");
            RouteResponse      routeResponse = routeService.CalculateRoute(routeRequest);

            // pull out the lat/lon values
            List <MyWaypoint> returnPoints = new List <MyWaypoint>();

            if (routeResponse.Result.Legs.Length > 0)
                //MessageBox.Show("Distance: " + routeResponse.Result.Summary.Distance.ToString()
                //    + " Time: " + routeResponse.Result.Summary.TimeInSeconds.ToString());
                foreach (BingRouteService.Location thisPt in routeResponse.Result.RoutePath.Points)
                    MyWaypoint thisPoint = new MyWaypoint();

                    thisPoint.Latitude  = thisPt.Latitude;
                    thisPoint.Longitude = thisPt.Longitude;
                    //thisPoint.Altitude = GetAltitude(thisPoint.Latitude, thisPoint.Longitude);
                    thisPoint.Altitude = 0.0;


コード例 #3
        // convert address to lat/lon
        public MyWaypoint Geocode(string address)
            GeocodeRequest locationRequest = new GeocodeRequest();

            // Set the credentials using a valid Bing Maps key
            locationRequest.Credentials = new BingGeocodeService.Credentials();
            locationRequest.Credentials.ApplicationId = m_bingMapKey;
            locationRequest.Query = address;

            // Make the calculate route request
            GeocodeServiceClient geocodeService  = new BingGeocodeService.GeocodeServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IGeocodeService");
            GeocodeResponse      geocodeResponse = geocodeService.Geocode(locationRequest);

            MyWaypoint returnPoint = new MyWaypoint();

            if (geocodeResponse.Results.Length > 0)
                returnPoint.Latitude  = geocodeResponse.Results[0].Locations[0].Latitude;
                returnPoint.Longitude = geocodeResponse.Results[0].Locations[0].Longitude;
                //returnPoint.Altitude = GetAltitude(returnPoint.Latitude, returnPoint.Longitude);
                returnPoint.Altitude = 0.0;

コード例 #4
        // UPDATED (old method is left commented out below updated method)
        // create route between 2 waypoints using Bing maps
        public List <MyWaypoint> CreateRoute(MyWaypoint startPoint, MyWaypoint endPoint)
            //MessageBox.Show("CreateRoute method called!");// FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES
            // create route from waypointString
            RouteRequest routeRequest = new RouteRequest()
                // create Start and End SimpleWaypoints by passing in lat/lon of startPoint and endPoint
                Waypoints = new List <SimpleWaypoint>()
                    new SimpleWaypoint(startPoint.Latitude, startPoint.Longitude),
                    new SimpleWaypoint(endPoint.Latitude, endPoint.Longitude)
                BingMapsKey = m_bingMapKey

            // define response (we want Route Path)
            routeRequest.RouteOptions = new RouteOptions();
            routeRequest.RouteOptions.RouteAttributes = new List <RouteAttributeType>()
            routeRequest.RouteOptions.Optimize = RouteOptimizationType.Distance;

            // create Route request
            //MessageBox.Show("Executing route request!");
            var routeResponse = routeRequest.Execute().Result;

            //MessageBox.Show("Executed route request!");

            // show message if route not returned?
            if (routeResponse.ResourceSets.Length <= 0)
                System.Console.WriteLine("No Path Found");

            // pull out the lat/lon values
            List <MyWaypoint> returnPoints = new List <MyWaypoint>();
            var route = routeResponse.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as Route;

            //   var result = routeResponse.ResourceSets[0].Resources as BingMapsRESTToolkit.Location[];
            //MessageBox.Show("Distance: " + routeResponse.Result.Summary.Distance.ToString()
            //    + " Time: " + routeResponse.Result.Summary.TimeInSeconds.ToString());

            // define and add points to returnPoints
            foreach (var point in route.RoutePath.Line.Coordinates)
                MyWaypoint myWaypoint = new MyWaypoint();

                myWaypoint.Latitude  = point[0];
                myWaypoint.Longitude = point[1];
                //thisPoint.Altitude = GetAltitude(thisPoint.Latitude, thisPoint.Longitude);
                myWaypoint.Altitude = 0.0;

            //MessageBox.Show("CreateRoute method finished!"); //FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES
コード例 #5
        // call Bing REST service with start and end lat/lon
        private List <MyWaypoint> GetRoute(MyWaypoint startPoint, MyWaypoint endPoint)
            string urlString        = "http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/V1/Routes/Driving?o=xml&wp.0=" + startPoint.Latitude.ToString() + "," + startPoint.Longitude.ToString() + "&wp.1=" + endPoint.Latitude.ToString() + "," + endPoint.Longitude.ToString() + "&rpo=Points&key=" + m_bingMapKey;
            Uri    directionRequest = new Uri(urlString);

            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(directionRequest);

            request.Method = "GET";

            // get response
                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

                string content = string.Empty;
                using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream))
                        content = sr.ReadToEnd();

                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlNodeList pointList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Point");

                // pull out the lat/lon values
                List <MyWaypoint> returnPoints = new List <MyWaypoint>();
                foreach (XmlNode thisWaypoint in pointList)
                    MyWaypoint thisPoint = new MyWaypoint();
                    thisPoint.Latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(thisWaypoint.ChildNodes[0].InnerText);
                    thisPoint.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(thisWaypoint.ChildNodes[1].InnerText);
                    //thisPoint.Altitude = GetAltitude(thisPoint.Latitude, thisPoint.Longitude);
                    thisPoint.Altitude = Convert.ToDouble(altOffsetTextBox.Text);


            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("No route found from " + fromTextBox.Text + " to " + toTextBox.Text);
コード例 #6
        // old method

        /*     public MyWaypoint Geocode(string address)
         *   {
         *       GeocodeRequest locationRequest = new GeocodeRequest();
         *       // Set the credentials using a valid Bing Maps key
         *       locationRequest.Credentials = new BingGeocodeService.Credentials();
         *       locationRequest.Credentials.ApplicationId = m_bingMapKey;
         *       locationRequest.Query = address;
         *       // Make the calculate route request
         *       GeocodeServiceClient geocodeService = new BingGeocodeService.GeocodeServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IGeocodeService");
         *       GeocodeResponse geocodeResponse = geocodeService.Geocode(locationRequest);
         *       MyWaypoint returnPoint = new MyWaypoint();
         *       if (geocodeResponse.Results.Length > 0)
         *       {
         *           returnPoint.Latitude = geocodeResponse.Results[0].Locations[0].Latitude;
         *           returnPoint.Longitude = geocodeResponse.Results[0].Locations[0].Longitude;
         *           //returnPoint.Altitude = GetAltitude(returnPoint.Latitude, returnPoint.Longitude);
         *           returnPoint.Altitude = 0.0;
         *       }
         *       return returnPoint;
         *   } */

        // convert object location to lat/lon
        public MyWaypoint Geocode(IAgStkObject stkObject)
            IAgDataPrvFixed dataprov = stkObject.DataProviders["LLA State"] as IAgDataPrvFixed;
            IAgDrResult     result   = dataprov.Exec();

            Array lat = result.DataSets.GetDataSetByName("Lat").GetValues();
            Array lon = result.DataSets.GetDataSetByName("Lon").GetValues();

            MyWaypoint returnPoint = new MyWaypoint();

            returnPoint.Latitude  = (double)lat.GetValue(0);
            returnPoint.Longitude = (double)lon.GetValue(0);
            returnPoint.Altitude  = 0.0;

コード例 #7
        // convert address to lat/lon
        private MyWaypoint Geocode(string address)
            // build URL
            string addressPadded  = address.Replace(",", "%20").Replace(" ", "%20");
            string urlString      = "http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations/" + addressPadded + "?o=xml&maxResults=1&key=" + m_bingMapKey;
            Uri    geocodeRequest = new Uri(urlString);

            // send request
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(geocodeRequest);

            request.Method = "GET";

            // get response
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            string content = string.Empty;

            using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream))
                    content = sr.ReadToEnd();

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


            MyWaypoint returnPoint = new MyWaypoint();

            // check results were found
            if (xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("EstimatedTotal")[0].InnerText != "0")
                returnPoint.Latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Latitude")[0].InnerText);
                returnPoint.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Longitude")[0].InnerText);

コード例 #8
        private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check custom Bing Maps Key
            XmlDocument configDoc = new XmlDocument();

            configDoc.Load(Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).ToString(), "BingMapsKey.config"));
            string mapKey = configDoc.GetElementsByTagName("BingMapKey")[0].InnerText;

            if (mapKey != "XXX")
                m_bingMapKey = mapKey;

            if (mapKey == "XXX")
                MessageBox.Show("A valid Bing Maps key was not provided. Obtain one from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff428642.aspx and load it into BingMapsKey.config");

            // check if scenario is open
            if (m_root.CurrentScenario == null)
                MessageBox.Show("no scenario is open.");

            // check if using address
            if (trafficDirectionsTabControl.SelectedIndex == 0)
                // directions
                #region empty address error check
                if (fromTextBox.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("no start address entered");
                if (toTextBox.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("no end address entered");

                // get lat/lon from addresses
                MyWaypoint startPoint = Geocode(fromTextBox.Text);
                MyWaypoint endPoint   = Geocode(toTextBox.Text);

                #region address found error check
                if (startPoint.Longitude == 0.0 && startPoint.Latitude == 0.0 && startPoint.Altitude == 0.0)
                    MessageBox.Show("start address not found");
                if (endPoint.Longitude == 0.0 && endPoint.Latitude == 0.0 && endPoint.Altitude == 0.0)
                    MessageBox.Show("end address not found");

                AddRoute(startPoint, endPoint, nameTextBox.Text);

            // check if using points
            if (trafficDirectionsTabControl.SelectedIndex == 1)
                // START
                IAgStkObject oStart = m_root.GetObjectFromPath(fromObjectComboBox.Items[fromObjectComboBox.SelectedIndex].ToString());

                object startLat = 0;
                object startLon = 0;
                double startAlt = 0;

                switch (oStart.ClassType)
                case AgESTKObjectType.eFacility:
                    ((IAgFacility)oStart).Position.QueryPlanetodetic(out startLat, out startLon, out startAlt);

                case AgESTKObjectType.eTarget:
                    ((IAgTarget)oStart).Position.QueryPlanetodetic(out startLat, out startLon, out startAlt);

                case AgESTKObjectType.ePlace:
                    ((IAgPlace)oStart).Position.QueryPlanetodetic(out startLat, out startLon, out startAlt);

                MyWaypoint start = new MyWaypoint();
                start.Latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(startLat);
                start.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(startLon);
                start.Altitude  = Convert.ToDouble(startAlt);

                // STOP
                IAgStkObject oStop = m_root.GetObjectFromPath(toObjectComboBox.Items[toObjectComboBox.SelectedIndex].ToString());

                object stopLat = 0.0;
                object stopLon = 0.0;
                double stopAlt = 0.0;

                switch (oStop.ClassType)
                case AgESTKObjectType.eFacility:
                    ((IAgFacility)oStop).Position.QueryPlanetodetic(out stopLat, out stopLon, out stopAlt);

                case AgESTKObjectType.eTarget:
                    ((IAgTarget)oStop).Position.QueryPlanetodetic(out stopLat, out stopLon, out stopAlt);

                case AgESTKObjectType.ePlace:
                    ((IAgPlace)oStop).Position.QueryPlanetodetic(out stopLat, out stopLon, out stopAlt);

                MyWaypoint stop = new MyWaypoint();
                stop.Latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(stopLat);
                stop.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(stopLon);
                stop.Altitude  = Convert.ToDouble(stopAlt);

                AddRoute(start, stop, nameTextBox.Text);

            // check if using traffic
            if (trafficDirectionsTabControl.SelectedIndex == 2)
                // traffic
                #region empty lat/lon textbos check
                if (minLatTextBox.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("no southern limit specified");
                if (maxLatTextBox.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("no northern limit specified");
                if (minLonTextBox.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("no eastern limit specified");
                if (maxLonTextBox.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("no western limit specified");

                Double minLat = Convert.ToDouble(minLatTextBox.Text);
                Double maxLat = Convert.ToDouble(maxLatTextBox.Text);
                Double minLon = Convert.ToDouble(minLonTextBox.Text);
                Double maxLon = Convert.ToDouble(maxLonTextBox.Text);

                Random rand = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

                for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(numVehicleTextBox.Text); i++)
                    MyWaypoint startPoint = new MyWaypoint();
                    startPoint.Latitude  = minLat + rand.NextDouble() * (maxLat - minLat);
                    startPoint.Longitude = minLon + rand.NextDouble() * (maxLon - minLon);

                    MyWaypoint endPoint = new MyWaypoint();
                    endPoint.Latitude  = minLat + rand.NextDouble() * (maxLat - minLat);
                    endPoint.Longitude = minLon + rand.NextDouble() * (maxLon - minLon);

                    AddRoute(startPoint, endPoint, nameTextBox.Text + i.ToString());
コード例 #9
        private void AddRoute(MyWaypoint startPoint, MyWaypoint endPoint, string gvName)
            List <MyWaypoint> routePoints = GetRoute(startPoint, endPoint);

            // create new GV and add the waypoints
            if (m_root.CurrentScenario.Children.Contains(AgESTKObjectType.eGroundVehicle, gvName))
                MessageBox.Show(gvName + " already exists, please pick a different name");
                if (routePoints != null && routePoints.Count > 0)
                    double turnRadius  = 2.0;   // meter
                    double granularity = 1.1;   // meter

                    m_root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Distance", "m");

                    switch (speedUnitsComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString())
                    case "km/h":
                        //m_root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Distance", "km");
                        m_root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Time", "hr");
                        //turnRadius /= 1000.0;
                        //granularity /= 1000.0;
                        speedUnitMultiplier = 1000.0;

                    case "mph":
                        //m_root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Distance", "mi");
                        m_root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Time", "hr");
                        //turnRadius /= 1609.44;
                        //granularity /= 1609.44;
                        speedUnitMultiplier = 1609.44;

                    case "m/s":
                        //m_root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Distance", "m");
                        m_root.UnitPreferences.SetCurrentUnit("Time", "sec");
                        speedUnitMultiplier = 1.0;

                    switch (altUnitsComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString())
                    case "m":
                        altUnitMultiplier = 1.0;

                    case "km":
                        altUnitMultiplier = 1000.0;

                    case "ft":
                        altUnitMultiplier = 0.3048;

                    IAgStkObject     gvObject = m_root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eGroundVehicle, gvName);
                    IAgGroundVehicle gv       = gvObject as IAgGroundVehicle;

                    IAgVePropagatorGreatArc prop = gv.Route as IAgVePropagatorGreatArc;

                    foreach (MyWaypoint thisPt in routePoints)
                        IAgVeWaypointsElement thisVeWaypoint = prop.Waypoints.Add();
                        thisVeWaypoint.Latitude   = thisPt.Latitude;
                        thisVeWaypoint.Longitude  = thisPt.Longitude;
                        thisVeWaypoint.Altitude   = thisPt.Altitude * altUnitMultiplier;
                        thisVeWaypoint.Speed      = Convert.ToDouble(speedTextBox.Text) * speedUnitMultiplier;
                        thisVeWaypoint.TurnRadius = turnRadius;

                    if (terrainCheckBox.Checked)
                        IAgVeWayPtAltitudeRefTerrain altRef = prop.AltitudeRef as IAgVeWayPtAltitudeRefTerrain;
                        altRef.Granularity  = granularity;
                        altRef.InterpMethod = AgEVeWayPtInterpMethod.eWayPtEllipsoidHeight;
