public void MarkBoxForAddition(BoundingBoxD box) { ProfilerShort.Begin("VoxelNavMesh.MarkBoxForAddition"); Vector3I pos, end; MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(m_voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref box.Min, out pos); MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(m_voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref box.Max, out end); m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref pos); m_voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref end); MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref pos, out pos); MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToGeometryCellCoord(ref end, out end); Vector3 center = pos + end; center = center * 0.5f; pos /= 1 << NAVMESH_LOD; end /= 1 << NAVMESH_LOD; for (var it = new Vector3I.RangeIterator(ref pos, ref end); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos)) { if (!m_processedCells.Contains(ref pos) && !m_markedForAddition.Contains(ref pos)) { float weight = 1.0f / (0.01f + Vector3.RectangularDistance(pos, center)); if (!m_toAdd.Full) { m_toAdd.Insert(pos, weight); m_markedForAddition.Add(ref pos); } else { float min = m_toAdd.MinKey(); if (weight > min) { Vector3I posRemoved = m_toAdd.RemoveMin(); m_markedForAddition.Remove(ref posRemoved); m_toAdd.Insert(pos, weight); m_markedForAddition.Add(ref pos); } } } } ProfilerShort.End(); }
// Actually, this function marks even cubes around the block to make sure that any changes caused in their triangles // will be reflected in the navigation mesh. public void MarkBlockChanged(MySlimBlock block) { Vector3I min = block.Min - Vector3I.One; Vector3I max = block.Max + Vector3I.One; Vector3I pos = min; for (var it = new Vector3I.RangeIterator(ref block.Min, ref block.Max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos)) { m_changedCubes.Add(pos); } Vector3I minCell = CubeToCell(ref min); Vector3I maxCell = CubeToCell(ref max); pos = minCell; for (var it = new Vector3I.RangeIterator(ref minCell, ref maxCell); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos)) { m_changedCells.Add(pos); MyCellCoord cellCoord = new MyCellCoord(0, pos); ulong packedCell = cellCoord.PackId64(); TryClearCell(packedCell); } }
// Actually, this function marks even cubes around the block to make sure that any changes caused in their triangles // will be reflected in the navigation mesh. public void MarkBlockChanged(MySlimBlock block) { Vector3I min = block.Min - Vector3I.One; Vector3I max = block.Max + Vector3I.One; Vector3I pos = min; for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref block.Min, ref block.Max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos)) { m_changedCubes.Add(pos); } Vector3I minCell = CubeToCell(ref min); Vector3I maxCell = CubeToCell(ref max); pos = minCell; for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref minCell, ref maxCell); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos)) { m_changedCells.Add(pos); } }
private void OnBlockAddedInternal(MySlimBlock block) { var existingBlock = m_grid.GetCubeBlock(block.Position); var compound = existingBlock.FatBlock as MyCompoundCubeBlock; // Ignore blocks without navigation info (i.e. decorations and such) if (!(block.FatBlock is MyCompoundCubeBlock) && block.BlockDefinition.NavigationDefinition == null) { return; } bool noEntry = false; bool meshFound = false; if (compound != null) { var blocks = compound.GetBlocks(); if (blocks.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (var subBlock in blocks) { if (subBlock.BlockDefinition.NavigationDefinition == null) { continue; } if (subBlock.BlockDefinition.NavigationDefinition.NoEntry || meshFound) { meshFound = false; noEntry = true; break; } else { block = subBlock; meshFound = true; } } } else { if (block.BlockDefinition.NavigationDefinition != null) { if (block.BlockDefinition.NavigationDefinition.NoEntry) { meshFound = false; noEntry = true; } else { meshFound = true; } } } // Ignore compounds with blocks without navigation info if (!noEntry && !meshFound) { return; } if (noEntry) { if (m_cubeSet.Contains(block.Position)) { RemoveBlock(block.Min, block.Max, true); } Vector3I pos = default(Vector3I); for (pos.X = block.Min.X; pos.X <= block.Max.X; ++pos.X) { for (pos.Y = block.Min.Y; pos.Y <= block.Max.Y; ++pos.Y) { pos.Z = block.Min.Z - 1; if (m_cubeSet.Contains(ref pos)) { EraseFaceTriangles(pos, Base6Directions.Direction.Backward); } pos.Z = block.Max.Z + 1; if (m_cubeSet.Contains(ref pos)) { EraseFaceTriangles(pos, Base6Directions.Direction.Forward); } } for (pos.Z = block.Min.Z; pos.Z <= block.Max.Z; ++pos.Z) { pos.Y = block.Min.Y - 1; if (m_cubeSet.Contains(ref pos)) { EraseFaceTriangles(pos, Base6Directions.Direction.Up); } pos.Y = block.Max.Y + 1; if (m_cubeSet.Contains(ref pos)) { EraseFaceTriangles(pos, Base6Directions.Direction.Down); } } } for (pos.Y = block.Min.Y; pos.Y <= block.Max.Y; ++pos.Y) { for (pos.Z = block.Min.Z; pos.Z <= block.Max.Z; ++pos.Z) { pos.X = block.Min.X - 1; if (m_cubeSet.Contains(ref pos)) { EraseFaceTriangles(pos, Base6Directions.Direction.Right); } pos.X = block.Max.X + 1; if (m_cubeSet.Contains(ref pos)) { EraseFaceTriangles(pos, Base6Directions.Direction.Left); } } } pos = block.Min; for (var it = new Vector3I.RangeIterator(ref pos, ref block.Max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos)) { m_cubeSet.Add(pos); } } else { if (m_cubeSet.Contains(block.Position)) { RemoveBlock(block.Min, block.Max, eraseCubeSet: true); } AddBlock(block); } BoundingBoxD bbox; block.GetWorldBoundingBox(out bbox); bbox.Inflate(5.1f); m_coordinator.InvalidateVoxelsBBox(ref bbox); MarkBlockChanged(block); }
private bool AddCell(Vector3I cellPos) { MyCellCoord coord = new MyCellCoord(NAVMESH_LOD, cellPos); var geometry = m_voxelMap.Storage.Geometry; MyVoxelGeometry.CellData data = geometry.GetCell(ref coord); if (data == null) { m_processedCells.Add(ref cellPos); m_higherLevelHelper.AddExplored(ref cellPos); return(false); } ulong packedCoord = coord.PackId64(); List <DebugDrawEdge> debugEdgesList = new List <DebugDrawEdge>(); m_debugCellEdges[packedCoord] = debugEdgesList; MyVoxelPathfinding.CellId cellId = new MyVoxelPathfinding.CellId() { VoxelMap = m_voxelMap, Pos = cellPos }; MyTrace.Send(TraceWindow.Ai, "Adding cell " + cellPos); m_connectionHelper.ClearCell(); m_vertexMapping.Init(data.VoxelVerticesCount); // Prepare list of possibly intersecting cube grids for voxel-grid navmesh intersection testing Vector3D bbMin = m_voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + (m_cellSize * (new Vector3D(-0.125) + cellPos)); Vector3D bbMax = m_voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + (m_cellSize * (Vector3D.One + cellPos)); BoundingBoxD cellBB = new BoundingBoxD(bbMin, bbMax); m_tmpGridList.Clear(); m_navmeshCoordinator.PrepareVoxelTriangleTests(cellBB, m_tmpGridList); Vector3D voxelMapCenter = m_voxelMap.PositionComp.GetPosition(); Vector3 centerDisplacement = voxelMapCenter - m_voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner; // This is needed for correct edge classification - to tell, whether the edges are inner or outer edges of the cell ProfilerShort.Begin("Triangle preprocessing"); for (int i = 0; i < data.VoxelTrianglesCount; i++) { short a = data.VoxelTriangles[i].VertexIndex0; short b = data.VoxelTriangles[i].VertexIndex1; short c = data.VoxelTriangles[i].VertexIndex2; Vector3 aPos, bPos, cPos; Vector3 vert; data.GetUnpackedPosition(a, out vert); aPos = vert - centerDisplacement; data.GetUnpackedPosition(b, out vert); bPos = vert - centerDisplacement; data.GetUnpackedPosition(c, out vert); cPos = vert - centerDisplacement; bool invalidTriangle = false; if ((bPos - aPos).LengthSquared() <= MyVoxelConnectionHelper.OUTER_EDGE_EPSILON_SQ) { m_vertexMapping.Union(a, b); invalidTriangle = true; } if ((cPos - aPos).LengthSquared() <= MyVoxelConnectionHelper.OUTER_EDGE_EPSILON_SQ) { m_vertexMapping.Union(a, c); invalidTriangle = true; } if ((cPos - bPos).LengthSquared() <= MyVoxelConnectionHelper.OUTER_EDGE_EPSILON_SQ) { m_vertexMapping.Union(b, c); invalidTriangle = true; } if (invalidTriangle) { continue; } m_connectionHelper.PreprocessInnerEdge(a, b); m_connectionHelper.PreprocessInnerEdge(b, c); m_connectionHelper.PreprocessInnerEdge(c, a); } ProfilerShort.End(); ProfilerShort.Begin("Free face sorting"); // Ensure that the faces have increasing index numbers Mesh.SortFreeFaces(); ProfilerShort.End(); m_higherLevelHelper.OpenNewCell(coord); ProfilerShort.Begin("Adding triangles"); for (int i = 0; i < data.VoxelTrianglesCount; i++) { short a = data.VoxelTriangles[i].VertexIndex0; short b = data.VoxelTriangles[i].VertexIndex1; short c = data.VoxelTriangles[i].VertexIndex2; short setA = (short)m_vertexMapping.Find(a); short setB = (short)m_vertexMapping.Find(b); short setC = (short)m_vertexMapping.Find(c); if (setA == setB || setB == setC || setA == setC) { continue; } Vector3 aPos, bPos, cPos; Vector3 vert; data.GetUnpackedPosition(setA, out vert); aPos = vert - centerDisplacement; data.GetUnpackedPosition(setB, out vert); bPos = vert - centerDisplacement; data.GetUnpackedPosition(setC, out vert); cPos = vert - centerDisplacement; if (MyFakes.NAVMESH_PRESUMES_DOWNWARD_GRAVITY) { Vector3 normal = (cPos - aPos).Cross(bPos - aPos); normal.Normalize(); if (normal.Dot(ref Vector3.Up) <= Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(54.0f))) { continue; } } Vector3D aTformed = aPos + voxelMapCenter; Vector3D bTformed = bPos + voxelMapCenter; Vector3D cTformed = cPos + voxelMapCenter; bool intersecting = false; m_tmpLinkCandidates.Clear(); m_navmeshCoordinator.TestVoxelNavmeshTriangle(ref aTformed, ref bTformed, ref cTformed, m_tmpGridList, m_tmpLinkCandidates, out intersecting); if (intersecting) { m_tmpLinkCandidates.Clear(); continue; } if (!m_connectionHelper.IsInnerEdge(a, b)) { debugEdgesList.Add(new DebugDrawEdge(aTformed, bTformed)); } if (!m_connectionHelper.IsInnerEdge(b, c)) { debugEdgesList.Add(new DebugDrawEdge(bTformed, cTformed)); } if (!m_connectionHelper.IsInnerEdge(c, a)) { debugEdgesList.Add(new DebugDrawEdge(cTformed, aTformed)); } int edgeAB = m_connectionHelper.TryGetAndRemoveEdgeIndex(b, a, ref bPos, ref aPos); int edgeBC = m_connectionHelper.TryGetAndRemoveEdgeIndex(c, b, ref cPos, ref bPos); int edgeCA = m_connectionHelper.TryGetAndRemoveEdgeIndex(a, c, ref aPos, ref cPos); int formerAB = edgeAB; int formerBC = edgeBC; int formerCA = edgeCA; ProfilerShort.Begin("AddTriangle"); var tri = AddTriangle(ref aPos, ref bPos, ref cPos, ref edgeAB, ref edgeBC, ref edgeCA); ProfilerShort.End(); CheckMeshConsistency(); m_higherLevelHelper.AddTriangle(tri.Index); if (formerAB == -1) { m_connectionHelper.AddEdgeIndex(a, b, ref aPos, ref bPos, edgeAB); } if (formerBC == -1) { m_connectionHelper.AddEdgeIndex(b, c, ref bPos, ref cPos, edgeBC); } if (formerCA == -1) { m_connectionHelper.AddEdgeIndex(c, a, ref cPos, ref aPos, edgeCA); } // TODO: Instead of this, just add the tri into a list of tris that want to connect with the link candidates //m_navmeshCoordinator.TryAddVoxelNavmeshLinks(tri, cellId, m_tmpLinkCandidates); foreach (var candidate in m_tmpLinkCandidates) { List <MyNavigationPrimitive> primitives = null; if (!m_tmpCubeLinkCandidates.TryGetValue(candidate, out primitives)) { primitives = m_primitiveListPool.Allocate(); m_tmpCubeLinkCandidates.Add(candidate, primitives); } primitives.Add(tri); } m_tmpLinkCandidates.Clear(); } ProfilerShort.End(); m_tmpGridList.Clear(); m_connectionHelper.ClearCell(); m_vertexMapping.Clear(); Debug.Assert(!m_processedCells.Contains(ref cellPos)); m_processedCells.Add(ref cellPos); m_higherLevelHelper.AddExplored(ref cellPos); // Find connected components in the current cell's subgraph of the navigation mesh m_higherLevelHelper.ProcessCellComponents(); m_higherLevelHelper.CloseCell(); // Create navmesh links using the navmesh coordinator, taking into consideration the high level components m_navmeshCoordinator.TryAddVoxelNavmeshLinks2(cellId, m_tmpCubeLinkCandidates); m_navmeshCoordinator.UpdateVoxelNavmeshCellHighLevelLinks(cellId); foreach (var candidate in m_tmpCubeLinkCandidates) { candidate.Value.Clear(); m_primitiveListPool.Deallocate(candidate.Value); } m_tmpCubeLinkCandidates.Clear(); return(true); }
public void AddExplored(ref Vector3I cellPos) { m_exploredCells.Add(ref cellPos); }