コード例 #1
        public override void Draw()

            if (!ShouldDrawParticles)

            var   direction = -Vector3.Normalize(ControlledVelocity);
            float thickness = 0.025f;
            float speed     = ControlledVelocity.Length();

            float length = (float)MathHelper.Clamp(speed / 50.0f, 0.0, 1.0);

            foreach (var particle in m_activeParticles)
                if (!particle.Active)

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(particle.Material, particle.Color, particle.Position, direction, length, thickness);
コード例 #2
ファイル: RunAv.cs プロジェクト: keleios/WeaponCore
        private void RunShrinks(AvShot av)
            var s = av.TracerShrinks.Dequeue();

            if (av.LastTick != Session.Tick)
                if (!av.AmmoDef.Const.OffsetEffect)
                    if (av.OnScreen != AvShot.Screen.None)
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(av.AmmoDef.Const.TracerTextures[0], s.Color, s.NewFront, av.PointDir, s.Length, s.Thickness);
                else if (av.OnScreen != AvShot.Screen.None)
                    av.DrawLineOffsetEffect(s.NewFront, -av.PointDir, s.Length, s.Thickness, s.Color);

                if (av.Trail != AvShot.TrailState.Off && av.Back)
                    av.RunGlow(ref s, true);

            if (av.TracerShrinks.Count == 0)
コード例 #3
        public void DebugDraw()
            if (!RailConstants.Debug.DrawSwitchControllers)
            if (((IMyUtilities)MyAPIUtilities.Static).IsDedicated)

            const float vertOffset = 1f;

            if (Entity == null || !Entity.InScene)
            if (Vector3D.DistanceSquared(MyCameraComponent.ActiveCamera.GetPosition(), Entity.GetPosition()) > 100 * 100)
            var intersection = _controller?.Junction;

            if (intersection == null)

            var intersectPos = intersection.Position + intersection.Up * vertOffset + _controller.Tangent * 0.5f;
            var connection   = new LineD(Entity.GetPosition(), intersectPos);

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(SquareMaterial, new Vector4(1, 0, 1, 1), connection.From, (Vector3)connection.Direction,
                                                   (float)connection.Length, 0.05f);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Projectile.cs プロジェクト: Gauge/WeaponsOverhaul
        public void Draw()
            // Most of this function was ripped from whiplash141's weapon framework.
            if (MyRandom.Instance.NextFloat() < Ammo.ProjectileTrailProbability)
                float    length = 0.6f * 40f * Ammo.ProjectileTrailScale;
                Vector3D start;
                if (DrawFullTracer)
                    start = Position - (Direction * length);
                    float distance = (float)Vector3D.Distance(Origin, Position);
                    if (length <= distance)
                        DrawFullTracer = true;
                        start          = Position - (Direction * length);
                        start  = Origin;
                        length = distance;

                float scaleFactor = MyParticlesManager.Paused ? 1f : MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(1f, 2f);
                float thickness   = (MyParticlesManager.Paused ? 0.2f : MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.2f, 0.3f)) * Ammo.ProjectileTrailScale;
                thickness *= MathHelper.Lerp(0.2f, 0.8f, 1f);

                MyStringId mat = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Ammo.ProjectileTrailMaterial) ? MyStringId.GetOrCompute("ProjectileTrailLine") : MyStringId.GetOrCompute(Ammo.ProjectileTrailMaterial);

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(mat, new Vector4(Ammo.ProjectileTrailColor * scaleFactor * 10f, 1f), start, Direction, length, thickness);
コード例 #5
        public void DrawTracer()
            if (MyAPIGateway.Utilities.IsDedicated)

            // Draw tracer
            if (_drawTracer)
                float scaleFactor      = MyParticlesManager.Paused ? 1f : MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(1f, 2f);
                float lengthMultiplier = 40f * _tracerScale;
                lengthMultiplier *= /*MyParticlesManager.Paused*/ true ? 0.6f : MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.6f, 0.8f);
                var   startPoint = _to - _direction * lengthMultiplier;
                float thickness  = (MyParticlesManager.Paused ? 0.2f : MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.2f, 0.3f)) * _tracerScale;
                thickness *= MathHelper.Lerp(0.2f, 0.8f, 1f);

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(_bulletMaterial, new Vector4(_tracerColor * scaleFactor * 10f, 1f), startPoint, _direction, lengthMultiplier, thickness);

            // Draw bullet trail
            if (_drawTrail)
                MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(_from, _to, _material, ref _lineColor, _tracerScale * 0.1f);
コード例 #6
        public override void Draw()

            var   scale  = 0.075f;
            float width  = scale / 1.66f;
            float height = scale;

            foreach (var particle in m_activeParticles)
                if (!particle.Active)

                Vector4 drawColor = particle.Color;
                var     lifeRatio = (float)(MySandboxGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds - particle.BirthTime) / (float)particle.LifeTime;
                if (lifeRatio < 0.1f)
                    drawColor = particle.Color * lifeRatio;
                else if (lifeRatio > 0.9f)
                    drawColor = particle.Color * (1.0f - lifeRatio);

                var directionVector = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(-Vector3D.Normalize(particle.Position - MySector.MainCamera.Position));

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(particle.Material, drawColor, particle.Position, directionVector, height, width);
コード例 #7
 public static void Draw(this IEnumerable <LineD> lines, Vector4 color, float thickness, MyStringId?material = null)
     foreach (var line in lines)
         MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material ?? Square, color, line.From, line.Direction, (float)line.Length, thickness);
コード例 #8
        public void DrawTracer()
            //draw bullet
            float scaleFactor      = MyParticlesManager.Paused ? 1f : MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(1f, 2f);
            float lengthMultiplier = 40f * _tracerScale;

            lengthMultiplier *= MyParticlesManager.Paused ? 0.6f : MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.6f, 0.8f);
            var   startPoint = _position - _direction * lengthMultiplier;
            float thickness  = (MyParticlesManager.Paused ? 0.2f : MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.2f, 0.3f)) * _tracerScale;

            thickness *= MathHelper.Lerp(0.2f, 0.8f, 1f /*MySector.MainCamera.Zoom.GetZoomLevel()*/);

            if (lengthMultiplier > 0f && !_targetHit && Vector3D.DistanceSquared(_position, _origin) > lengthMultiplier * lengthMultiplier)
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(bulletMaterial, new Vector4(_tracerColor * scaleFactor * 10f, 1f), startPoint, _direction, lengthMultiplier, thickness);

            if (_targetHit)
                MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(_origin, _hitPosition, material, ref _lineColor, _tracerScale * 0.1f);
                MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(_origin, _position, material, ref _lineColor, _tracerScale * 0.1f);
コード例 #9
        private void DrawTransparentBox(MatrixD matrix, BoundingBoxD bb, Color?lineColor = null, bool drawBorder = true)
            Color color = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(new Vector4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.7f));

            MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawTransparentBox(ref matrix, ref bb, ref color, MySimpleObjectRasterizer.Solid, 1, 0.04f, MyStringId.GetOrCompute("HoneyComb"), null, false);

            if (!drawBorder)

            var   setting  = NaniteConstructionManager.BeaconTerminalSettings[BeaconBlock.EntityId];
            var   diff     = (float)bb.Max.Max() / NaniteConstructionManager.Settings.AreaBeaconMaxSize;
            float lineSize = (0.1f * diff) + 0.01f;

            Color checkLineColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.7f));

            if (lineColor.HasValue)
                checkLineColor = lineColor.Value;

            foreach (var item in bb.GetLines())
                var to     = Vector3D.Transform(item.To, matrix);
                var from   = Vector3D.Transform(item.From, matrix);
                var dir    = Vector3D.Normalize(to - from);
                var length = (to - from).Length();
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(MyStringId.GetOrCompute("Firefly"), checkLineColor, from, dir, (float)length, lineSize);
コード例 #10
ファイル: MyShotGun.cs プロジェクト: whztt07/Miner-Wars-2081
        public override bool Draw(MyRenderObject renderObject)

            //  Draw muzzle flash
            int deltaTime = MyMinerGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds - m_lastTimeShoot;

            if (deltaTime <= MyMachineGunConstants.MUZZLE_FLASH_MACHINE_GUN_LIFESPAN)
                float FAKE_RADIUS    = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 1.5f);
                float FAKE_THICKNESS = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(FAKE_RADIUS - 0.1f, FAKE_RADIUS);
                float FAKE_LENGTH    = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(7, 8);
                float FAKE_ANGLE     = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, MathHelper.PiOver2);

                //float colorComponent = 1;
                float colorComponent = 1 - (float)deltaTime / (float)MyMachineGunConstants.MUZZLE_FLASH_MACHINE_GUN_LIFESPAN;
                colorComponent  = 1 - (float)Math.Pow(colorComponent, 5);
                colorComponent *= 1.3f;
                //Vector4 color = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1);
                Vector4 color = new Vector4(colorComponent, colorComponent, colorComponent, 1);

                Vector3 muzzleInWorldSpace = m_positionMuzzleInWorldSpace + WorldMatrix.Up * 0.2f;

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(MyTransparentMaterialEnum.MuzzleFlashMachineGunSide, color, muzzleInWorldSpace - WorldMatrix.Forward * 1.0f,
                                                       WorldMatrix.Forward, FAKE_LENGTH, FAKE_THICKNESS);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(MyTransparentMaterialEnum.MuzzleFlashMachineGunFront, color, muzzleInWorldSpace, FAKE_RADIUS, FAKE_ANGLE);
コード例 #11
ファイル: DebugDraw.cs プロジェクト: Thraxus/Skunkworks
 private void DrawLines()
     foreach (DrawLine line in _drawLines)
         //MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(line.From, line.To, line.Material, ref line.Color, line.Thickness);
         MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(line.Material, line.Color, line.From, line.DirectionNormalized, line.Length, line.Thickness);
コード例 #12
        public static void GenerateMuzzleFlash(Vector3D position, Vector3 dir, uint renderObjectID, ref MatrixD worldToLocal, float radius, float length)
            float   angle = MyParticlesManager.Paused ? 0f : MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0f, 1.570796f);
            float   x     = 10f;
            Vector4 color = new Vector4(x, x, x, 1f);

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(ID_MUZZLE_FLASH_SIDE, color, position, renderObjectID, ref worldToLocal, dir, length, 0.15f, MyBillboard.BlendTypeEnum.AdditiveBottom, -1, 1f, null);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(ID_MUZZLE_FLASH_FRONT, color, position, renderObjectID, ref worldToLocal, radius, angle, -1, MyBillboard.BlendTypeEnum.AdditiveBottom, 1f, null);
コード例 #13
        public static void GenerateMuzzleFlash(Vector3 position, Vector3 dir, float radius, float length, bool near = false)
            float angle = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, MathHelper.PiOver2);

            float   colorComponent = 1.3f;
            Vector4 color          = new Vector4(colorComponent, colorComponent, colorComponent, 1);

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(MyTransparentMaterialEnum.MuzzleFlashMachineGunSide, color, position,
                                                   dir, length * 2, 0.3f, 0, near);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(MyTransparentMaterialEnum.MuzzleFlashMachineGunFront, color, position, radius, angle, 0, false, near);
コード例 #14
        public static void GenerateMuzzleFlash(Vector3D position, Vector3 dir, int renderObjectID, ref MatrixD worldToLocal, float radius, float length, bool near = false)
            float angle = MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, MathHelper.PiOver2);

            float   colorComponent = 1.3f;
            Vector4 color          = new Vector4(colorComponent, colorComponent, colorComponent, 1);

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard("MuzzleFlashMachineGunSide", color, position, renderObjectID, ref worldToLocal,
                                                   dir, length, 0.15f, 0, near);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard("MuzzleFlashMachineGunFront", color, position, renderObjectID, ref worldToLocal, radius, angle, 0, false, near);
コード例 #15
        public static void GenerateMuzzleFlash(Vector3D position, Vector3 dir, int renderObjectID, ref MatrixD worldToLocal, float radius, float length)
            float angle = MyParticlesManager.Paused ? 0 : MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, MathHelper.PiOver2);

            float   colorComponent = 1.3f;
            Vector4 color          = new Vector4(colorComponent, colorComponent, colorComponent, 1);

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard("MuzzleFlashMachineGunSide", color, position, renderObjectID, ref worldToLocal,
                                                   dir, length, 0.15f, VRageRender.MyBillboard.BlenType.Standard);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard("MuzzleFlashMachineGunFront", color, position, renderObjectID, ref worldToLocal, radius, angle);
コード例 #16
        private void DrawTransparentBox(MatrixD matrix, BoundingBoxD bb)
            Color color = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(new Vector4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.7f));

            MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawTransparentBox(ref matrix, ref bb, ref color, MySimpleObjectRasterizer.Solid, 1, 0.04f, VRage.Utils.MyStringId.GetOrCompute("HoneyComb"), null, false);

            Vector3D[]  vertices = bb.GetCorners();
            List <Line> lines    = new List <Line>();

            // Cuboid Outline
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[0], vertices[1], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[1], vertices[2], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[2], vertices[3], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[3], vertices[0], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[0], vertices[4], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[1], vertices[5], false));

            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[4], vertices[5], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[5], vertices[6], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[6], vertices[7], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[7], vertices[4], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[2], vertices[6], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[3], vertices[7], false));

            // Crosses
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[0], vertices[2], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[1], vertices[3], false));

            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[4], vertices[6], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[5], vertices[7], false));

            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[0], vertices[7], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[3], vertices[4], false));

            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[1], vertices[6], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[2], vertices[5], false));

            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[0], vertices[5], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[1], vertices[4], false));

            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[3], vertices[6], false));
            lines.Add(new Line(vertices[2], vertices[7], false));

            foreach (var item in lines)
                var to   = Vector3D.Transform(item.To, matrix);
                var from = Vector3D.Transform(item.From, matrix);

                var dir    = Vector3D.Normalize(to - from);
                var length = (to - from).Length();
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(VRage.Utils.MyStringId.GetOrCompute("Firefly"), new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.7f), from, dir, (float)length, 0.1f);
コード例 #17
        public static void DrawLine(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, MyTransparentMaterialEnum?material, ref Vector4 color, float thickness)
            Vector3 dir = end - start;
            float   len = dir.Length();

            if (len > 0.1f)
                dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material ?? MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine, color, start, dir, len, thickness);
コード例 #18
 public override void Draw()
     if (m_on)
         Matrix world = WorldMatrix;
         for (int i = 0; i < m_raysStartPositions.Count; i++)
             Vector3 rayPosition = m_raysStartPositions[i];
             Vector3 rayStart    = Vector3.Transform(rayPosition, world);
             MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(MyTransparentMaterialEnum.LightRay, Color, rayStart, world.Right, Size.X, RAY_THICKNESS);
コード例 #19
        public override void Draw()

            var worldToLocal = MatrixD.Invert(Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix);

            if (m_thrust.CanDraw())

                foreach (var f in m_thrust.Flames)
                    if (m_thrust.CubeGrid.Physics == null)
                    Vector3D forward  = Vector3D.TransformNormal(f.Direction, Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix);
                    var      position = Vector3D.Transform(f.Position, Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix);

                    float radius    = m_thrust.ThrustRadiusRand * f.Radius;
                    float length    = m_thrust.ThrustLengthRand * f.Radius;
                    float thickness = m_thrust.ThrustThicknessRand * f.Radius;

                    Vector3D velocityAtNewCOM = Vector3D.Cross(m_thrust.CubeGrid.Physics.AngularVelocity, position - m_thrust.CubeGrid.Physics.CenterOfMassWorld);
                    var      velocity         = m_thrust.CubeGrid.Physics.LinearVelocity + velocityAtNewCOM;

                    if (m_thrust.CurrentStrength > 0 && length > 0)
                        float angle     = 1 - Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(MyUtils.Normalize(MySector.MainCamera.Position - position), forward));
                        float alphaCone = (1 - (float)Math.Pow(1 - angle, 30)) * 0.5f;
                        //  We move polyline particle backward, because we are stretching ball texture and it doesn't look good if stretched. This will hide it.
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(m_thrust.FlameLengthMaterial, m_thrust.ThrustColor * alphaCone, position - forward * length * 0.25f,
                                                               GetRenderObjectID(), ref worldToLocal, forward, length, thickness);

                    if (radius > 0)
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(m_thrust.FlamePointMaterial, m_thrust.ThrustColor, position, GetRenderObjectID(), ref worldToLocal, radius, 0);

            if (m_thrust.Light != null)

コード例 #20
        internal void DrawLineOffsetEffect(Vector3D pos, Vector3D direction, double tracerLength, float beamRadius, Vector4 color)
            MatrixD matrix;
            var     up       = MatrixD.Identity.Up;
            var     startPos = pos + -(direction * tracerLength);

            MatrixD.CreateWorld(ref startPos, ref direction, ref up, out matrix);
            var offsetMaterial  = AmmoDef.Const.TracerMaterial;
            var tracerLengthSqr = tracerLength * tracerLength;
            var maxOffset       = AmmoDef.AmmoGraphics.Lines.OffsetEffect.MaxOffset;
            var minLength       = AmmoDef.AmmoGraphics.Lines.OffsetEffect.MinLength;
            var maxLength       = MathHelperD.Clamp(AmmoDef.AmmoGraphics.Lines.OffsetEffect.MaxLength, 0, tracerLength);

            double currentForwardDistance = 0;

            while (currentForwardDistance < tracerLength)
                currentForwardDistance += MyUtils.GetRandomDouble(minLength, maxLength);
                var lateralXDistance = MyUtils.GetRandomDouble(maxOffset * -1, maxOffset);
                var lateralYDistance = MyUtils.GetRandomDouble(maxOffset * -1, maxOffset);
                Offsets.Add(new Vector3D(lateralXDistance, lateralYDistance, currentForwardDistance * -1));

            for (int i = 0; i < Offsets.Count; i++)
                Vector3D fromBeam;
                Vector3D toBeam;

                if (i == 0)
                    fromBeam = matrix.Translation;
                    toBeam   = Vector3D.Transform(Offsets[i], matrix);
                    fromBeam = Vector3D.Transform(Offsets[i - 1], matrix);
                    toBeam   = Vector3D.Transform(Offsets[i], matrix);

                Vector3 dir     = (toBeam - fromBeam);
                var     length  = dir.Length();
                var     normDir = dir / length;
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(offsetMaterial, color, fromBeam, normDir, length, beamRadius);

                if (Vector3D.DistanceSquared(matrix.Translation, toBeam) > tracerLengthSqr)
コード例 #21
            internal void update()
                var progress = (float)lifetime / maxLifeTime;

                var range     = 3f;
                var startFrom = from + dir * progress * dist;

                try {
                    var Material = MyStringId.GetOrCompute("NPC_Rifle_Anim");
                    MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(Material, Color.White.ToVector4(), startFrom, dir, range, 0.1f, BlendTypeEnum.SDR);
                catch (NullReferenceException ex) {
                    MyLog.Default.Error("Error while drawing billboard: " + ex);
コード例 #22
        private void DrawReflectorCone()
            var      world         = Container.Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix;
            Vector3D position      = Container.Entity.PositionComp.GetPosition();
            Vector3D forwardVector = world.Forward;

            if (m_reflectorLight.Light.ReflectorOn)
                m_reflectorLight.Light.ReflectorColor = m_reflectorLight.Color.ToVector4();
                m_reflectorLight.Light.UpdateReflectorRangeAndAngle(m_reflectorLight.ShortReflectorForwardConeAngleDef, m_reflectorLight.ReflectorRadius);

            float reflectorLength    = 20f;
            float reflectorThickness = m_reflectorLight.IsLargeLight ? 9f : 3f;

            var color = m_reflectorLight.Light.ReflectorColor;

            var   glarePosition = position + forwardVector * 0.112f * m_reflectorLight.CubeGrid.GridSize;
            var   dot           = Vector3.Dot(Vector3D.Normalize(MySector.MainCamera.Position - glarePosition), forwardVector);
            float angle         = 1 - Math.Abs(dot);
            float alphaCone     = (1 - (float)Math.Pow(1 - angle, 30)) * 0.15f;

            //  Multiply alpha by reflector level (and not the color), because if we multiply the color and let alpha unchanged, reflector cune will be drawn as very dark cone, but still visible
            var reflectorLevel = CurrentLightPower;

            alphaCone *= reflectorLevel;

            bool drivenFromFPS = MySession.Static.CameraController is MyCockpit ? ((MyCockpit)MySession.Static.CameraController).IsInFirstPersonView : false;

            if (!drivenFromFPS)
                    color * alphaCone,
                    position - forwardVector * m_reflectorLight.CubeGrid.GridSize * 0.32f,
                    reflectorThickness, VRageRender.MyBillboard.BlenType.AdditiveBottom);
コード例 #23
        public static void DrawTransparentPyramid(ref Vector3 start, ref MyQuad backQuad, ref Vector4 vctColor, int divideRatio, float thickness, MyTransparentMaterialEnum?lineMaterial = null)
            Vector3 vctZero = Vector3.Zero;

            GenerateLines(start, backQuad.Point0, backQuad.Point1, ref m_lineBuffer, divideRatio);
            GenerateLines(start, backQuad.Point1, backQuad.Point2, ref m_lineBuffer, divideRatio);
            GenerateLines(start, backQuad.Point2, backQuad.Point3, ref m_lineBuffer, divideRatio);
            GenerateLines(start, backQuad.Point3, backQuad.Point0, ref m_lineBuffer, divideRatio);

            foreach (MyLine line in m_lineBuffer)
                Vector3 dir = line.To - line.From;
                float   len = dir.Length();
                if (len > 0.1f)
                    dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);

                    MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(lineMaterial ?? MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine, vctColor, line.From, dir, len, thickness);
コード例 #24
        void DrawWaypointEdge(Vector3 position1, Vector3 position2, Color color1, Color color2)
            if (MyFakes.MWBUILDER)
                MyDebugDraw.DrawText((position1 + position2) / 2, new StringBuilder(Vector3.Distance(position1, position2).ToString("#,###0.000")), Color.White, 1);

            if (position1 == position2)
            Vector3 direction  = position2 - position1;
            float   lineLength = direction.Length();

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine, color1.ToVector4(), position1, direction, lineLength, 0.25f);

            if (MyWayPointGraph.WaypointsIgnoreDepth)
                MyDebugDraw.DrawLine3D(position1, position2, color1, color2);
コード例 #25
        public override void Draw()
            //if (Droplets.Active.Count >0) Logging.Instance.WriteLine($"droplets: {Droplets.Active.Count}");

            var dropletsToDraw = Droplets.Active;

            if (dropletsToDraw.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 700; i++) //Switched to hard limit of line per tick
                    var droplet = dropletsToDraw[MyUtils.GetRandomInt(dropletsToDraw.Count - 1)];
                    if (droplet == null)
                    MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, droplet.LineColor, droplet.StartPoint, droplet.Direction, droplet.DrawLength, lineThickness);

コード例 #26
        public override bool Draw()
            if (Visible)
                foreach (var billboardMessage in m_billboards)
                    MyRenderMessageAddLineBillboardLocal lineBillboard = billboardMessage as MyRenderMessageAddLineBillboardLocal;
                    if (lineBillboard != null)
                        Vector3D position = Vector3.Transform(lineBillboard.LocalPos, WorldMatrix);
                        Vector3D dir      = Vector3.TransformNormal(lineBillboard.LocalDir, WorldMatrix);

                            lineBillboard.Color, position,
                        MyRenderMessageAddPointBillboardLocal pointBillboard = billboardMessage as MyRenderMessageAddPointBillboardLocal;
                        if (pointBillboard != null)
                            Vector3D position = Vector3D.Transform(pointBillboard.LocalPos, WorldMatrix);

                            MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(pointBillboard.Material, pointBillboard.Color, position, pointBillboard.Radius, pointBillboard.Angle
                                                                    , pointBillboard.Priority, pointBillboard.Colorize, pointBillboard.Near, pointBillboard.Lowres);

コード例 #27
        public override void Draw()


            var   scale  = 0.075f;
            float width  = scale / 1.66f;
            float height = scale;

            foreach (var particle in m_activeParticles)
                if (!particle.Active)

                var directionVector = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(-Vector3D.Normalize(particle.Position - MySector.MainCamera.Position));

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(particle.Material, particle.Color, particle.Position, directionVector, height, width);
コード例 #28
        //  Draw the projectile but only if desired polyline trail distance can fit in the trajectory (otherwise we will see polyline growing from the origin and it's ugly).
        //  Or draw if this is last draw of this projectile (useful for short-distance shots).
        public void Draw()
            const float PROJECTILE_POLYLINE_DESIRED_LENGTH = 120;

            float trajectoryLength = Vector3.Distance(m_position, m_origin);

            if ((trajectoryLength > 0) || (m_state == MyProjectileStateEnum.KILLED))
                if (m_state == MyProjectileStateEnum.KILLED)
                    m_state = MyProjectileStateEnum.KILLED_AND_DRAWN;

                if (!m_positionChecked)

                //  If we calculate previous position using normalized direction (insted of velocity), projectile trails will
                //  look like coming from cannon, and that is desired. Even during fast movement, acceleration, rotation or changes in movement directions.
                //Vector3 previousPosition = m_position - m_directionNormalized * projectileTrailLength * 1.05f;
                Vector3 previousPosition = m_position - m_directionNormalized * PROJECTILE_POLYLINE_DESIRED_LENGTH * MyConstants.PHYSICS_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
                //Vector3 previousPosition = m_previousPosition;
                //Vector3 previousPosition = m_initialSunWindPosition - MyMwcUtils.Normalize(m_desiredVelocity) * projectileTrailLength;

                Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize(m_position - previousPosition);

                float projectileTrailLength = 40 * LengthMultiplier;// PROJECTILE_POLYLINE_DESIRED_LENGTH;

                projectileTrailLength *= MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.6f, 0.8f);

                if (trajectoryLength < projectileTrailLength)
                    projectileTrailLength = trajectoryLength;

                previousPosition = m_position - projectileTrailLength * direction;
                if (m_externalAddition >= 1.0f)
                    m_externalAddition = 0.5f;

                //float color = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(1, 2);
                float color     = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(1, 2);
                float thickness = m_thicknessMultiplier * MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.2f, 0.3f);

                //  Line particles (polyline) don't look good in distance. Start and end aren't rounded anymore and they just
                //  look like a pieces of paper. Especially when zoom-in.
                thickness *= MathHelper.Lerp(0.2f, 0.8f, MyCamera.Zoom.GetZoomLevel());

                float alphaCone  = 1;
                float alphaGlare = 1;

                if (BlendByCameraDirection)
                    float angle = 1 - Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(MyMwcUtils.Normalize(MyCamera.ForwardVector), direction));
                    alphaGlare = (float)Math.Pow(1 - angle, 2);
                    alphaCone  = (1 - (float)Math.Pow(1 - angle, 30));

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine, new Vector4(m_ammoProperties.TrailColor * color, 1) * alphaCone,
                                                       previousPosition, direction, projectileTrailLength, thickness);

                if (FrontBillboardMaterial.HasValue)
                    MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(FrontBillboardMaterial.Value, new Vector4(m_ammoProperties.TrailColor * color, 1) * alphaGlare, m_position, 0.8f * FrontBillboardSize, 0);
コード例 #29
        public override void Draw()

            var worldToLocal = MatrixD.Invert(Container.Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix);

            if (m_thrust.CanDraw())

                foreach (var flame in m_thrust.Flames)
                    if (m_thrust.CubeGrid.Physics == null)

                    var flameDirection = Vector3D.TransformNormal(flame.Direction, Container.Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix);
                    var flamePosition  = Vector3D.Transform(flame.Position, Container.Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix);

                    float radius    = m_thrust.ThrustRadiusRand * flame.Radius;
                    float length    = m_thrust.ThrustLengthRand * flame.Radius;
                    float thickness = m_thrust.ThrustThicknessRand * flame.Radius;

                    Vector3D velocityAtNewCOM = Vector3D.Cross(m_thrust.CubeGrid.Physics.AngularVelocity, flamePosition - m_thrust.CubeGrid.Physics.CenterOfMassWorld);
                    var      velocity         = m_thrust.CubeGrid.Physics.LinearVelocity + velocityAtNewCOM;

                    if (m_thrust.CurrentStrength > 0 && length > 0)
                        float angle     = 1 - Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(MyUtils.Normalize(MySector.MainCamera.Position - flamePosition), flameDirection));
                        float alphaCone = (1 - (float)Math.Pow(1 - angle, 30)) * 0.5f;
                        //  We move polyline particle backward, because we are stretching ball texture and it doesn't look good if stretched. This will hide it.
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(m_thrust.FlameLengthMaterial, m_thrust.ThrustColor * alphaCone, flamePosition - flameDirection * length * 0.25f,
                                                               GetRenderObjectID(), ref worldToLocal, flameDirection, length, thickness);

                    if (radius > 0)
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(m_thrust.FlamePointMaterial, m_thrust.ThrustColor, flamePosition, GetRenderObjectID(), ref worldToLocal, radius, 0);

                    if (m_landingEffectUpdateCounter-- <= 0)
                        m_landingEffectUpdateCounter = (int)Math.Round(m_landingEffectUpdateInterval * (0.8f + MyRandom.Instance.NextFloat() * 0.4f));

                        m_lastHitInfo = MyPhysics.CastRay(flamePosition,
                                                          flamePosition + flameDirection * m_thrust.ThrustLengthRand * (m_thrust.CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large ? 5.0f : 3.0f) * flame.Radius,

                    if (m_landingEffect != null)
                        m_landingEffect = null;

                    if (m_landingEffect == null && m_landingEffectCount < m_maxNumberLandingEffects && MyParticlesManager.TryCreateParticleEffect(54, out m_landingEffect))

                    if (m_landingEffect == null)

                    m_landingEffect.UserScale   = m_thrust.CubeGrid.GridSize;
                    m_landingEffect.WorldMatrix = MatrixD.CreateFromTransformScale(Quaternion.CreateFromForwardUp(-m_lastHitInfo.Value.HkHitInfo.Normal, Vector3.CalculatePerpendicularVector(m_lastHitInfo.Value.HkHitInfo.Normal)), m_lastHitInfo.Value.Position, Vector3D.One);
            else if (m_landingEffect != null)
                m_landingEffect = null;

            if (m_thrust.Light != null)
コード例 #30
        public static void DrawHighlightBox(MatrixD matrix, float scale, float lineWidth, MyStringId material, Color colorFace, Color colorWire, BlendTypeEnum blendType)
            // optimized box draw compared to MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawTransparentBox; also allows consistent edge thickness
            MyQuadD     quad;
            Vector3D    p;
            MatrixD     m;
            var         halfScale     = (scale * 0.5f);
            float       lineLength    = scale;
            const float ROTATE_90_RAD = (90f / 180f * MathHelper.Pi); // 90deg in radians

            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Forward * halfScale;
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Forward))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref matrix);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Backward * halfScale;
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Backward))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref matrix);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Left * halfScale;
            m = matrix * MatrixD.CreateFromAxisAngle(matrix.Up, ROTATE_90_RAD);
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Left))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref m);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Right * halfScale;
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Right))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref m);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            m = matrix * MatrixD.CreateFromAxisAngle(matrix.Left, ROTATE_90_RAD);
            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Up * halfScale;
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Up))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref m);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Down * halfScale;
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Down))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref m);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            var upHalf      = (matrix.Up * halfScale);
            var rightHalf   = (matrix.Right * halfScale);
            var forwardHalf = (matrix.Forward * halfScale);

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + upHalf + -rightHalf + matrix.Forward * halfScale, matrix.Backward, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + upHalf + rightHalf + matrix.Forward * halfScale, matrix.Backward, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -upHalf + -rightHalf + matrix.Forward * halfScale, matrix.Backward, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -upHalf + rightHalf + matrix.Forward * halfScale, matrix.Backward, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + forwardHalf + -rightHalf + matrix.Up * halfScale, matrix.Down, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + forwardHalf + rightHalf + matrix.Up * halfScale, matrix.Down, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -forwardHalf + -rightHalf + matrix.Up * halfScale, matrix.Down, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -forwardHalf + rightHalf + matrix.Up * halfScale, matrix.Down, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + forwardHalf + -upHalf + matrix.Right * halfScale, matrix.Left, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + forwardHalf + upHalf + matrix.Right * halfScale, matrix.Left, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -forwardHalf + -upHalf + matrix.Right * halfScale, matrix.Left, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -forwardHalf + upHalf + matrix.Right * halfScale, matrix.Left, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);