private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (combobox.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please choose an option"); } else if (combobox.SelectedItem.Equals("Staff")) { /*StaffWindow objStaffWindow = new StaffWindow(); * objStaffWindow.Show(); * this.Close();*/ MySqlConnection conn = DBConnect.connectToDb(); try { string q = "select * from user.staff where staff_id='" + textboxUsername.Text + "' and staff_password='******';"; MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(q, conn); MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database. if (MyReader2.Read()) { MessageBox.Show("You have succesfully logged in"); StaffWindow objStaffWindow = new StaffWindow(); objStaffWindow.Show(); objStaffWindow.loginAsStaff.Text = textboxUsername.Text; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Username or password do not match"); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } else if (combobox.SelectedItem.Equals("Doctor")) { MySqlConnection conn = DBConnect.connectToDb(); try { string q = "select * from where id='" + textboxUsername.Text + "' and password='******';"; MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(q, conn); MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); if (MyReader2.Read()) { DoctorWindow objDoctorWindow = new DoctorWindow(); objDoctorWindow.loginAsDoctor.Text = textboxUsername.Text; objDoctorWindow.Show(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Username or password do not match"); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } else if (combobox.SelectedItem.Equals("Adminstrator")) { MySqlConnection conn = DBConnect.connectToDb(); try { string q = "select * from user.admin where username='******' and password='******';"; MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(q, conn); MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); if (MyReader2.Read()) { MessageBox.Show("You have succesfully logged in"); AdminWindow objAdminWindow = new AdminWindow(); objAdminWindow.Show(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Username or password do not match"); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } }
private void button31_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string MyConnection2 = "server=localhost;uid=root;pwd=;database=snacks"; string Query = "insert into drinks(ProductName, Price) values('" + this.textBox1.Text + "','" + this.textBox4.Text + "');"; MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2); MySqlDataReader MyReader2; if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure, or you want more to add?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { } else { return; } MyConn2.Open(); MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); MessageBox.Show("Save Data"); while (MyReader2.Read()) { button5.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString()))); button4.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button21.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button27.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button2.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button9.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button13.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button16.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button17.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button3.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button1.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button26.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button6.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button7.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button25.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button10.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button11.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button8.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button28.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button14.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button15.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button12.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button29.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button18.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button19.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button20.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button30.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button22.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button23.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); button24.Text = ((MyReader2["ProductName"].ToString() + " " + MyReader2["Price"].ToString())); } MyConn2.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public void refresh() { string sql = " SELECT * FROM bot WHERE chatid='" + client_id2 + "' "; MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(strconn); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { namela = reader.GetString("firstname"); lnamela = reader.GetString("lastname"); mobla = reader.GetString("mobile"); amountla = reader.GetString("amont"); amount = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetString("amont")); accla = reader.GetString("vip"); nightla = reader.GetString("night"); smsla = reader.GetString("sms"); simpla = reader.GetString("simp"); datela = reader.GetString("date"); clientidla = reader.GetString("chatid"); } conn.Close(); string sql2 = " SELECT * FROM const WHERE name='cost' "; MySqlConnection conn2 = new MySqlConnection(strconn); MySqlCommand cmd2 = new MySqlCommand(sql2, conn2); conn2.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); while (reader2.Read()) { cost = Convert.ToInt32(reader2.GetString("amontwin")); sympcost = Convert.ToInt32(reader2.GetString("symp")); if (smsla == "1") { smscost = Convert.ToInt32(reader2.GetString("sms")); } else { smscost = 0; } } conn2.Close(); string sql5 = "SELECT * FROM orderc where clientid='" + clientidla + "' and send='no' and pay='yes' and block='1' and blocksee='0' Order By date DESC LIMIT 4"; MySqlConnection conn5 = new MySqlConnection(strconn); MySqlCommand cmd5 = new MySqlCommand(sql5, conn5); conn5.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader5 = cmd5.ExecuteReader(); while (reader5.Read()) { MessageBox.Show("سفارش شماره '" + reader5.GetString("id") + "' به توضیح '" + reader5.GetString("des") + "' به دلیل '" + reader5.GetString("blocktext") + "' حذف شده است . لطفا دوباره با توجه به توضیحات ارسال کنید.", "فایل ناقص", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading, false); string query = "UPDATE orderc SET blocksee='1' WHERE id='" + reader5.GetString("id") + "'"; //This is MySqlConnection here i have created the object and pass my connection string. MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(strconn); //This is command class which will handle the query and connection object. MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(query, MyConn2); MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open(); MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database. while (MyReader2.Read()) { } MyConn2.Close(); } conn5.Close(); name_la.Text = namela; lname_la.Text = lnamela; mob_la.Text = mobla; amount_la.Text = amountla; if (accla == "0") { acc_la.Text = "عادی"; } else { acc_la.Text = "ویژه"; } if (nightla == "0") { night_la.Text = "غیر فعال"; } else { night_la.Text = "فعال"; } if (smsla == "0") { sms_la.Text = "غیر فعال"; } else { sms_la.Text = "فعال"; } if (simpla == "0") { simp_la.Text = "غیر فعال"; radioButton8.Enabled = false; } else { simp_la.Text = "فعال"; radioButton8.Enabled = true; } DateTime d = DateTime.Parse(datela); PersianCalendar pc = new PersianCalendar(); date_la.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2} {3}:{4}:{5}", pc.GetYear(d), pc.GetMonth(d), pc.GetDayOfMonth(d), pc.GetHour(d), pc.GetMinute(d), pc.GetSecond(d)); clientid_la.Text = clientidla; var dateNow = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Iran Standard Time")); var date = new DateTime(dateNow.Year, dateNow.Month, dateNow.Day, dateNow.Hour, dateNow.Minute, dateNow.Second); // string query7 = "UPDATE bot SET date='@date' WHERE chatid='" + client_id2 + "'"; // // //This is MySqlConnection here i have created the object and pass my connection string. // MySqlConnection MyConn7 = new MySqlConnection(strconn); // //This is command class which will handle the query and connection object. // MySqlCommand MyCommand7 = new MySqlCommand(query7, MyConn7); // MySqlDataReader MyReader7; // MyConn7.Open(); // MyReader7 = MyCommand7.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database. // // while (MyReader7.Read()) // { // } // MyConn7.Close(); // }
private void Button4_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Enabled = false; progressBar2.Enabled = true; progressBar3.Enabled = true; progressBar4.Enabled = true; progressBar5.Enabled = true; if (bank_ra.Checked) { MessageBox.Show("در این نسخه امکان پرداخت بانکی وجود ندارد"); } else { refresh(); string sql = " SELECT * FROM bot WHERE chatid='" + client_id2 + "' "; MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(strconn); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { vip = reader.GetString("vip"); night = reader.GetString("night"); rate = Convert.ToDouble(reader.GetString("rate")); ratesimp = Convert.ToDouble(reader.GetString("ratesimp")); } conn.Close(); var dateNow2 = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Iran Standard Time")); var date = new DateTime(dateNow2.Year, dateNow2.Month, dateNow2.Day, dateNow2.Hour, dateNow2.Minute, dateNow2.Second); if (clas == true) { MySqlCommand command; if (amount < (cost * rate)) { MessageBox.Show("موجودی کافی نیست"); } else { String insertQuery = "insert into orderc(type,class,blocktext,clientid,des,date,halghe,voice,photo,dhalghe,progress,file,Mac,User,errordes,status,pay,despay,Vip,Night) values(4,1,'',@clientid,@dess,@date,@halghe,'','','','','','','','','','yes','موجودی',@vip,@night)"; conn.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(insertQuery, conn); command.Parameters.Add("@clientid", MySqlDbType.Int16, 11); command.Parameters.Add("@dess", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 128); command.Parameters.Add("@date", MySqlDbType.DateTime); command.Parameters.Add("@halghe", MySqlDbType.Int16, 11); command.Parameters.Add("@dhalghe", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 128); command.Parameters.Add("@vip", MySqlDbType.Int16, 11); command.Parameters.Add("@night", MySqlDbType.Int16, 11); command.Parameters["@clientid"].Value = client_id2; command.Parameters["@dess"].Value = richTextBox1.Text; command.Parameters["@date"].Value = date; command.Parameters["@halghe"].Value = halghe; command.Parameters["@dhalghe"].Value = textBox8.Text; command.Parameters["@vip"].Value = vip; command.Parameters["@night"].Value = night; if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) { getlastid(); if (pictureBox1.Image != null) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("saiona", "saiona123"); var uri = new System.Uri(@"" + id + namepic1 + ".jpg", UriKind.Absolute); client.UploadProgressChanged += new UploadProgressChangedEventHandler(Progresss1); client.UploadFileAsync(uri, imgadd); } if (pictureBox2.Image != null) { WebClient client2 = new WebClient(); client2.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("saiona", "saiona123"); var uri2 = new System.Uri(@"" + id + namepic2 + ".jpg", UriKind.Absolute); client2.UploadProgressChanged += new UploadProgressChangedEventHandler(Progresss2); client2.UploadFileAsync(uri2, imgadd2); } if (pictureBox3.Image != null) { WebClient client3 = new WebClient(); client3.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("saiona", "saiona123"); var uri3 = new System.Uri(@"" + id + namepic3 + ".jpg", UriKind.Absolute); client3.UploadProgressChanged += new UploadProgressChangedEventHandler(Progresss3); client3.UploadFileAsync(uri3, imgadd3); } if (pictureBox4.Image != null) { WebClient client4 = new WebClient(); client4.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("saiona", "saiona123"); var uri4 = new System.Uri(@"" + id + namepic4 + ".jpg", UriKind.Absolute); client4.UploadProgressChanged += new UploadProgressChangedEventHandler(Progresss4); client4.UploadFileAsync(uri4, imgadd4); } label23.Visible = true; } conn.Close(); if (pictureBox1.Image == null) { names1 = null; } else { names1 = (id + namepic1 + ".jpg"); } if (pictureBox2.Image == null) { names2 = null; } else { names2 = (id + namepic2 + ".jpg"); } if (pictureBox3.Image == null) { names3 = null; } else { names3 = (id + namepic3 + ".jpg"); } if (pictureBox4.Image == null) { names4 = null; } else { names4 = (id + namepic4 + ".jpg"); } string query2 = "UPDATE orderc SET lphoto='" + names1 + "',lphoto2='" + names2 + "',lphoto3='" + names3 + "',lphoto4='" + names4 + "' WHERE id='" + id + "'"; //This is MySqlConnection here i have created the object and pass my connection string. MySqlConnection MyConn3 = new MySqlConnection(strconn); //This is command class which will handle the query and connection object. MySqlCommand MyCommand3 = new MySqlCommand(query2, MyConn3); MySqlDataReader MyReader3; MyConn3.Open(); MyReader3 = MyCommand3.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database. while (MyReader3.Read()) { } MyConn3.Close(); string query = "UPDATE bot SET amont='" + (amount - ((cost * rate) + smscost)) + "' WHERE chatid='" + client_id2 + "'"; //This is MySqlConnection here i have created the object and pass my connection string. MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(strconn); //This is command class which will handle the query and connection object. MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(query, MyConn2); MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open(); MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database. while (MyReader2.Read()) { } MyConn2.Close(); if (smsla == "1") { smssend(mobla, id.ToString(), "order"); } radioButton1.Checked = true; radioButton2.Checked = false; radioButton3.Checked = false; radioButton4.Checked = false; radioButton5.Checked = false; radioButton6.Checked = false; radioButton7.Checked = false; textBox8.Text = ""; richTextBox1.Text = ""; } } else { MySqlCommand command; if (amount < (sympcost * ratesimp)) { MessageBox.Show("موجودی کافی نیست"); } else { String insertQuery = "insert into orderc(type,class,blocktext,clientid,des,date,voice,photo,dhalghe,progress,file,Mac,User,errordes,status,pay,despay,Vip,Night) values(4,2,'',@clientid,@dess,@date,'','','','','','','','','','yes','موجودی',@vip,@night)"; conn.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(insertQuery, conn); command.Parameters.Add("@clientid", MySqlDbType.Int16, 11); command.Parameters.Add("@dess", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 128); command.Parameters.Add("@date", MySqlDbType.DateTime); command.Parameters.Add("@vip", MySqlDbType.Int16, 11); command.Parameters.Add("@night", MySqlDbType.Int16, 11); command.Parameters["@clientid"].Value = client_id2; command.Parameters["@dess"].Value = richTextBox1.Text; command.Parameters["@date"].Value = date; command.Parameters["@vip"].Value = vip; command.Parameters["@night"].Value = night; if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) { label23.Visible = true; } conn.Close(); string query = "UPDATE bot SET amont='" + (amount - ((sympcost * ratesimp) + smscost)) + "' WHERE chatid='" + client_id2 + "'"; //This is MySqlConnection here i have created the object and pass my connection string. MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(strconn); //This is command class which will handle the query and connection object. MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(query, MyConn2); MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open(); MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database. while (MyReader2.Read()) { } MyConn2.Close(); if (smsla == "1") { smssend(mobla, id.ToString(), "order"); } radioButton1.Checked = true; radioButton2.Checked = false; radioButton3.Checked = false; radioButton4.Checked = false; radioButton5.Checked = false; radioButton6.Checked = false; radioButton7.Checked = false; textBox8.Text = ""; richTextBox1.Text = ""; pictureBox1.Image = null; pictureBox2.Image = null; pictureBox3.Image = null; pictureBox4.Image = null; img = null; img2 = null; img3 = null; img4 = null; } } getid(); refresh(); } if (pictureBox1.Image == null && pictureBox2.Image == null && pictureBox3.Image == null && pictureBox4.Image == null) { this.Enabled = true; } }
protected void viewdata_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { gvbind(); } try { string con = "server=localhost;user id=root;database=mts"; string insertQuery = "select * from propertydata where id=@id"; MySqlConnection con2 = new MySqlConnection(con); MySqlCommand Mycon2 = new MySqlCommand(insertQuery, con2); Mycon2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", Property_Number.Value); //Mycon2.Parameters["@id"].Value = newid; MySqlDataReader MyReader2; con2.Open(); MyReader2 = Mycon2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database. if (MyReader2.Read()) { string newmycon = "server=localhost;user id=root;database=mts"; string myquery = "SELECT * FROM propertydata where id='" + Property_Number.Value + "'"; MySqlConnection newcon = new MySqlConnection(newmycon); newcon.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = myquery; cmd.Connection = newcon; MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter(); //Mycon2.Connection = con2; da.SelectCommand = cmd; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); GridView1.DataSource = ds; GridView1.DataBind(); newcon.Close(); //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //{ // GridView1.DataSource = ds; // GridView1.DataBind(); //} //else //{ // ds.Tables[0].Rows.Add(ds.Tables[0].NewRow()); // GridView1.DataSource = ds; // GridView1.DataBind(); // int columncount = GridView1.Rows[0].Cells.Count; // GridView1.Rows[0].Cells.Clear(); // GridView1.Rows[0].Cells.Add(new TableCell()); // GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[0].ColumnSpan = columncount; // GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text = "No Records Found"; //} view_Data_Message.Text = "Retrieve Data Successful"; } else { view_Data_Message.Text = "Retrieve Data Failed."; } con2.Close(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string s = textBox1.Text; int l = 0; try { int count = 0; //This is my connection string i have assigned the database file address path string MyConnection2 = "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password=aman"; //This is my insert query in which i am taking input from the user through windows forms string pleasechalja = "Select automobile.calc_salary('" + s + "');";// and Password = '******')"; //This is MySqlConnection here i have created the object and pass my connection string. MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); //This is command class which will handle the query and connection object. MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(pleasechalja, MyConn2); MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open(); MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database. //MessageBox.Show("Save Data"); while (MyReader2.Read()) { l = MyReader2.GetInt32(0); } MessageBox.Show("Salary = " + l.ToString()); //textBox2.Text = count.ToString(); MyConn2.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } string si = textBox1.Text; int li = 0; try { int count = 0; //This is my connection string i have assigned the database file address path string MyConnection2 = "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password=aman"; //This is my insert query in which i am taking input from the user through windows forms string pleasechalja = "Select automobile.calc_sales('" + si + "');";// and Password = '******')"; //This is MySqlConnection here i have created the object and pass my connection string. MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); //This is command class which will handle the query and connection object. MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(pleasechalja, MyConn2); MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open(); MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database. //MessageBox.Show("Save Data"); while (MyReader2.Read()) { li = MyReader2.GetInt32(0); } MessageBox.Show("Sales = " + li.ToString()); //textBox2.Text = count.ToString(); MyConn2.Close(); int ans = li - l; MessageBox.Show("Profit = " + ans.ToString()); Form12 ob = new Form12(); this.Hide(); ob.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }