コード例 #1
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: gregcopenhaver/AmIInfected
        public Form1()
            Console.WriteLine("Please Input path to folder to save output, console, and ruleresult");
            masterpath     = Console.ReadLine();
            outputFile     = "\"" + masterpath + "\\" + "output.txt" + "\"";
            consoleFile    = masterpath + "\\" + "Console.txt";
            RuleResultfile = masterpath + "\\" + "RuleResult.txt";

            if (File.Exists(outputFile)) //Check If files exist and delete
            if (File.Exists(consoleFile))
            if (File.Exists(RuleResultfile))
            if (File.Exists(masterpath + "\\" + "ProcLog.txt"))
                File.Delete(masterpath + "\\" + "ProcLog.txt");

            var PID      = new List <int>();
            var ProcList = new List <string>();

            Process[] procs = Process.GetProcesses(); //Returns an array of all open processes into procs
            IntPtr    hWnd;

            Console.WriteLine("Please Input Path to YARA exe: -->");
            cmdArg0 = "\"" + Console.ReadLine() + "\"" + " ";
            Console.WriteLine("\nPlease input path to yara rules: -->");
            cmdArg1 = "\"" + Console.ReadLine() + "\"" + " ";

            foreach (Process proc in procs)
                if ((hWnd = proc.MainWindowHandle) != IntPtr.Zero)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, hWnd);
                    Console.WriteLine("PID of {0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, proc.Id);
                    PID.Add(proc.Id);               //Save list of PID's into a int list named PID
                    ProcList.Add(proc.ProcessName); //Save list of PID's into string list
                    if (proc.ProcessName == "cmd")
                        procHandle = hWnd;
                        SendKeys.SendWait("SET outPath=" + RuleResultfile);
                        SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}");//Injection handle
                        SendKeys.SendWait("SET cmd0=" + cmdArg0);
                        SendKeys.SendWait("SET cmd1=" + cmdArg1);

            Console.WriteLine("Process Handle2 = {0}", procHandle);
            if (ProcList.Contains("cmd") == false)
                int whilecount = 1;

                MyProc openProc = new MyProc();
                cmdflag = 1;
                while (whilecount == 1)
                    Process[] procs1 = Process.GetProcesses();
                    foreach (Process proc in procs1)
                        if ((hWnd = proc.MainWindowHandle) != IntPtr.Zero || cmdflag == 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, hWnd);
                            Console.WriteLine("PID of {0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, proc.Id);
                            PID.Add(proc.Id);               //Save list of PID's into a int list named PID
                            ProcList.Add(proc.ProcessName); //Save list of PID's into string list
                            if (proc.MainWindowTitle == "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" || proc.MainWindowTitle == "Administrator: C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe")
                                procHandle = hWnd;
                                SendKeys.SendWait("SET outPath=" + RuleResultfile);
                                SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}");//Injection handle
                                SendKeys.SendWait("SET cmd0=" + cmdArg0);
                                SendKeys.SendWait("SET cmd1=" + cmdArg1);
                                whilecount = 0;
                            cmdflag = 0;
                //MyProc openProc = new MyProc();
                //cmdflag = 1;
                //procs = Process.GetProcesses();
                //foreach (Process proc in procs)
                //    if ((hWnd = proc.MainWindowHandle) != IntPtr.Zero || cmdflag == 1)
                //    {
                //        Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, hWnd);
                //        Console.WriteLine("PID of {0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, proc.Id);
                //        PID.Add(proc.Id); //Save list of PID's into a int list named PID
                //        ProcList.Add(proc.ProcessName); //Save list of PID's into string list
                //        if (proc.MainWindowTitle == "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe")
                //        {
                //            procHandle = hWnd;
                //            extfunc.SetForegroundWindow(procHandle);
                //            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100);
                //            SendKeys.SendWait("SET outPath=" + RuleResultfile);
                //            SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}");//Injection handle
                //            SendKeys.SendWait("SET cmd0=" + cmdArg0);
                //            SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}");
                //            SendKeys.SendWait("SET cmd1=" + cmdArg1);
                //            SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}");

                //        }
                //        cmdflag = 0;
                //    }

                //Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", Process.ProcessName, procHandle);

            int Fuzznumber = 0;                                   //This function asks is directly after the program lists all open windows, to give you an idea of how high you need to go.

            Console.WriteLine("Max processes to be Fuzzed? -->"); //At which point, it attempts to guess the PID's by simply using a loop with exception handlers for Process.GetProcessById(d);
                Fuzznumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("Error: That's not a number"); //exception handler in case you don't enter a number.
                System.Environment.Exit(0);                      //I hate exceptions as a malware analyst, but boy are they useful.
            for (int d = 0; d < Fuzznumber; d++)                 //Here's the start of the loop that tries to guess the PID
                //  var v1 = extfunc.SetForegroundWindow(procHandle);
                var v2 = extfunc.GetLastError(); //I'll probably need this eventually.
                // Console.WriteLine("SetForeGroundWindow: {0}", v1);
                //Console.WriteLine("Last error code: {0}", v2);
                    Process localbyId = Process.GetProcessById(d);
                    Console.WriteLine("Process Name: {0} | PID: {1}\n", localbyId, d);
                    string fileout = String.Format("Process Name: {0} | PID: {1}\n", localbyId, d);
                    File.AppendAllText(masterpath + "\\" + "ProcLog.txt", fileout); //This is the loop to obtain a list of all processes.
                catch (ArgumentException)

                    string console = "Process " + d + " does not exist\n";
                    string Cf      = masterpath + "\\" + "Console.txt";
                    //  Console.WriteLine("Process %d does not exist", d);
                    File.AppendAllText(Cf, console); //This txt file contains a list of misc outputs.

                //   // Console.ReadLine();

            foreach (int item in PIDarray)
                var v1 = extfunc.SetForegroundWindow(procHandle);

                SendKeys.SendWait("SET /A procID=" + item);

                SendKeys.SendWait("{%}cmd0{%}" + " " + "{%}cmd1{%}" + " " + "{%}procID{%}" + " >> \"{%}outPath{%}\""); //This file contains a list of all of our rule outputs.

            List <string> RuleReturn = new List <string>();
            string        loadfile   = "\"" + RuleResultfile + "\"";

            richTextBox1.LoadFile(RuleResultfile, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText);
            ParseInputs inputParser = new ParseInputs();

            inputParser.FormatRules(RuleResultfile, out RuleReturn);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: Jquinn147/Yara
        public Form1()
            var PID      = new List <int>();
            var ProcList = new List <string>();

            Process[] procs = Process.GetProcesses(); //Returns an array of all open processes into procs
            IntPtr    hWnd;

            foreach (Process proc in procs)
                if ((hWnd = proc.MainWindowHandle) != IntPtr.Zero)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, hWnd);
                    Console.WriteLine("PID of {0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, proc.Id);
                    PID.Add(proc.Id);               //Save list of PID's into a int list named PID
                    ProcList.Add(proc.ProcessName); //Save list of PID's into string list
                    if (proc.ProcessName == "cmd")
                        procHandle = hWnd; //Injection handle

            Console.WriteLine("Process Handle2 = {0}", procHandle);
            if (ProcList.Contains("cmd") == false)
                MyProc openProc = new MyProc();
                cmdflag = 1;
                foreach (Process proc in procs)
                    if ((hWnd = proc.MainWindowHandle) != IntPtr.Zero || cmdflag == 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, hWnd);
                        Console.WriteLine("PID of {0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, proc.Id);
                        PID.Add(proc.Id);               //Save list of PID's into a int list named PID
                        ProcList.Add(proc.ProcessName); //Save list of PID's into string list
                        if (proc.ProcessName == "cmd")
                            procHandle = hWnd; //Injection handle
                        cmdflag = 0;

                //Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", Process.ProcessName, procHandle);

            foreach (int item in PID) //For each PID in the PID list,
                var v1 = extfunc.SetForegroundWindow(procHandle);
                var v2 = extfunc.GetLastError();

                SendKeys.SendWait("SET /A procID=" + item);
                SendKeys.SendWait(cmdArg0 + cmdArg1 + cmdArg2);
                Console.WriteLine("SetForeGroundWindow: {0}", v1);
                Console.WriteLine("Last error code: {0}", v2);
                // Console.ReadLine();

コード例 #3
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: Jquinn147/AmIInfected
        public Form1()
            Console.WriteLine("Please Input path to folder to save output, console, and ruleresult");
            masterpath     = Console.ReadLine();
            outputFile     = "\"" + masterpath + "\\" + "output.txt" + "\"";
            consoleFile    = masterpath + "\\" + "Console.txt";
            RuleResultfile = masterpath + "\\" + "RuleResult.txt";

            if (File.Exists(outputFile)) //Check If files exist and delete
            if (File.Exists(consoleFile))
            if (File.Exists(RuleResultfile))
            if (File.Exists(masterpath + "\\" + "ProcLog.txt"))
                File.Delete(masterpath + "\\" + "ProcLog.txt");

            var PID      = new List <int>();
            var ProcList = new List <string>();

            Process[] procs = Process.GetProcesses(); //Returns an array of all open processes into procs
            IntPtr    hWnd;

            Console.WriteLine("Please Input Path to YARA exe: -->");
            cmdArg0 = "\"" + Console.ReadLine() + "\"" + " ";
            Console.WriteLine("\nPlease input path to yara rules: -->");
            cmdArg1 = "\"" + Console.ReadLine() + "\"" + " ";

            foreach (Process proc in procs)
                if ((hWnd = proc.MainWindowHandle) != IntPtr.Zero)
                //set Window Handle variable (hWnd) = proc.MainWindowHandle and then if not zero, continue.
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, hWnd);           //Process Name, Handle
                    Console.WriteLine("PID of {0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, proc.Id); //Process Name, PID
                    PID.Add(proc.Id);                                                 //Save list of PID's into a int list named PID for each PID found
                    ProcList.Add(proc.ProcessName);                                   //Save list of PID's into string list
                    if (proc.ProcessName == "cmd")                                    //If you already have CMD open, GREAT! it locates it and injects the necessary commands.
                    //FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY AND SACRED, DO NOT CLOSE WHICHEVER CMD WINDOW IT OPENS TO END IT. Closing the program itself will end it just fine
                        procHandle = hWnd;
                        SendKeys.SendWait("SET outPath=" + RuleResultfile);
                        SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}");//Injection handle
                        SendKeys.SendWait("SET cmd0=" + cmdArg0);
                        SendKeys.SendWait("SET cmd1=" + cmdArg1);

            //Console.WriteLine("Process Handle2 = {0}", procHandle);
            if (ProcList.Contains("cmd") == false)  //CMD creation and injection
                int whilecount = 1;

                MyProc openProc = new MyProc();
                openProc.OpenApplication("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe"); //path to CMD. Change if that's not yours.
                cmdflag = 1;                                                //Flag used
                while (whilecount == 1)
                    Process[] procs1 = Process.GetProcesses();
                    foreach (Process proc in procs1)
                        if ((hWnd = proc.MainWindowHandle) != IntPtr.Zero || cmdflag == 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, hWnd);
                            Console.WriteLine("PID of {0} : {1}", proc.ProcessName, proc.Id);
                            PID.Add(proc.Id);               //Save list of PID's into a int list named PID
                            ProcList.Add(proc.ProcessName); //Save list of PID's into string list
                            if (proc.MainWindowTitle == "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" || proc.MainWindowTitle == "Administrator: C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe")
                                procHandle = hWnd;
                                SendKeys.SendWait("SET outPath=" + RuleResultfile);
                                SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}");//Injection handle
                                SendKeys.SendWait("SET cmd0=" + cmdArg0);
                                SendKeys.SendWait("SET cmd1=" + cmdArg1);
                                whilecount = 0;
                            cmdflag = 0;

            int Fuzznumber = 0;                                   //While GetProcess gets most of the processes, it doesn't get ALL of them. However, its still useful to see how high you need to fuzz. I shoot for 10k over the highest process revealed by GetProcess.

            Console.WriteLine("Max processes to be Fuzzed? -->"); //Using output from GetProcess, Enter in Highest PID to fuzz
                Fuzznumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); //Basic error checking loop
                Console.WriteLine("Error: That's not a number"); //exception handler in case you don't enter a number.
                System.Environment.Exit(0);                      //I hate exceptions as a malware analyst, but boy are they useful.
            for (int d = 0; d <= Fuzznumber; d++)                //Here's the start of the loop that tries to guess the PID
                var v2 = extfunc.GetLastError();                 //I'll probably need this eventually.

                try                                              //Exception Handler for if GetProcessByID fails
                    //If Successful
                    Process localbyId = Process.GetProcessById(d);
                    PIDarray.Add(d);                                                                //Add PID to list of PID's
                    Console.WriteLine("Process Name: {0} | PID: {1}\n", localbyId, d);
                    string fileout = String.Format("Process Name: {0} | PID: {1}\n", localbyId, d); //Write to console and File successful PID
                    File.AppendAllText(masterpath + "\\" + "ProcLog.txt", fileout);                 //This is the loop to obtain a list of all processes.
                catch (ArgumentException)

                    //If Fail
                    string console = "Process " + d + " does not exist\n";
                    string Cf      = masterpath + "\\" + "Console.txt";
                    //  Console.WriteLine("Process %d does not exist", d);
                    File.AppendAllText(Cf, console); //This txt file contains a list of misc outputs.

                //   // Console.ReadLine();

            foreach (int item in PIDarray)                        //FOR each PID in PIDarray
                var v1 = extfunc.SetForegroundWindow(procHandle); //Set CMD as active window
                //Use sendkeys to send commands to CMD.
                SendKeys.SendWait("SET /A procID=" + item);
                //In the above, %procID% = PID in list
                //In the below, cmd0 = [Path to Yara exe] , cmd1 = [Yara Rule List] , procId, [Output Directory]/RuleResult.txt
                SendKeys.SendWait("{%}cmd0{%}" + " " + "{%}cmd1{%}" + " " + "{%}procID{%}" + " >> \"{%}outPath{%}\""); //RuleResult.txt in your Output directory contains a list of all of our rule outputs.


            //Early version of visual output
            List <string> RuleReturn = new List <string>();
            string        loadfile   = "\"" + RuleResultfile + "\"";

            richTextBox1.LoadFile(RuleResultfile, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText);
            ParseInputs inputParser = new ParseInputs();

            inputParser.FormatRules(RuleResultfile, out RuleReturn);