public MyPostsPage() { var myPostsViewModel = new MyPostsViewModel(); this.BindingContext = myPostsViewModel; InitializeComponent(); }
public ViewResult Index() { int accountId = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name.Split('|')[1]); MyPostsViewModel model = new MyPostsViewModel(); model.MyPosts = _authorService.GetMyPosts(accountId); var allCategories = _authorService.GetAllCategories(); SelectList categoryList = new SelectList(allCategories.ToList(), "CategoryId", "Name"); model.Categories = categoryList; return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Recent() { MyPostsViewModel myPostsVM = new MyPostsViewModel(); string userName = User.Identity.GetUserName(); using (var ctx = new ApplicationDbContext()) { myPostsVM.AddedPosts = ctx.Posts.Where(m => m.IsResolved == true).OrderByDescending(m => m.DateAdded).Take(5).ToList(); //var upvotedPostsIdList myPostsVM.UpvotedPosts = ctx.Posts.Where(m => m.IsApproved == true).OrderByDescending(m => m.DateAdded).Take(5).ToList(); } return(View(myPostsVM)); }
public JsonResult SaveNewPost(MyPostsViewModel model) { if (model.CategoriesValue != "") { int accountId = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name.Split('|')[1]); if (_authorService.IsNewPostSaved(accountId, model.NewTitle, model.NewDescription, Convert.ToInt32(model.CategoriesValue), model.NewMainImage.Replace(" ", ""))) { return(Json(new { success = true, message = "Your post has been saved" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json(new { success = false, message = "An error occurred while trying to save your post" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } else { return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Please choose a category for your post." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult MyPosts() { MyPostsViewModel myPostsVM = new MyPostsViewModel(); string userName = User.Identity.GetUserName(); using (var ctx = new ApplicationDbContext()) { myPostsVM.AddedPosts = ctx.Posts.Where(m => m.UserName == userName).ToList(); //var upvotedPostsIdList List <int> upvotedPostsIdList = ctx.UserPostUpvotes.Where(m => m.UserName == userName).Select(m => m.PostId).ToList(); foreach (var postId in upvotedPostsIdList) { var post = ctx.Posts.Where(m => m.Id == postId).FirstOrDefault(); if (post != null) { myPostsVM.UpvotedPosts.Add(post); } } } return(View(myPostsVM)); }
public ActionResult MyPosts(int Page) { using (ForumRespository db = new ForumRespository()) { var Model = new MyPostsViewModel(); Model.AddNavigation("My Posts"); if (!Request.IsAuthenticated) return AuthenticationHelper.AccessDeniedView(Model); // Regardless of permissions, requires an account by neccecity Forum_User CurrentUser = GetCurrentUser(db); var Threads = db.GetSortedThreads(CurrentUser); Model.PageCount = (Threads.Count() - 1) / THREADS_PER_PAGE + 1; Model.Page = Page; ThreadInfoModelFromThread(db, CurrentUser, Threads.Skip(THREADS_PER_PAGE * (Page - 1)).Take(THREADS_PER_PAGE), Model.ThreadInfoList); return View(Model); } }