コード例 #1
        } // End Property Slope

        // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17692922/check-is-a-point-x-y-is-between-two-points-drawn-on-a-straight-line
        public bool IsPointOnLine(MyPoint2D <T> p)
            T norm = this.Vector.MagnitudeSquared;
            MyVector2D <T> vec1 = new MyVector2D <T>(this.m_start, p);
            MyVector2D <T> vec2 = new MyVector2D <T>(this.m_end, p);

            T dist = Arithmetics <T> .Add(vec1.MagnitudeSquared, vec2.MagnitudeSquared);

            if (norm.Equals(dist))

            T delta = Arithmetics <T> .Subtract(vec1.MagnitudeSquared, vec2.MagnitudeSquared);

            decimal decDelta = System.Convert.ToDecimal(delta);

            decDelta = System.Math.Abs(decDelta);

            // Greatest possible floating-point difference
            decimal decFloatEpsilon = System.Convert.ToDecimal(float.Epsilon);

            if (decDelta <= decFloatEpsilon)

        } // End Function IsPointOnLine
コード例 #2
        } // End Function IsPointOnLine

        public static MyVector2D <T> ToVector(MyPoint2D <T> start, MyPoint2D <T> end)
            T x = Arithmetics <T> .Subtract(end.X, start.X);

            T y = Arithmetics <T> .Subtract(end.Y, start.Y);

            return(new MyVector2D <T>(x, y));
        } // End Function ToVector
コード例 #3
        } // End Operator +

        public static MyPoint2D <T> operator +(MyPoint2D <T> point, MyVector2D <T> a)
            MyPoint2D <T> p = point.Clone();

            p.X = Arithmetics <T> .Add(p.X, a.X);

            p.Y = Arithmetics <T> .Add(p.Y, a.Y);

        } // End Operator +
コード例 #4
        }  // End function Angle_Degrees

        public MyPoint2D <T> Schnittpunktli(MyPoint2D <T> p1, MyVector2D <T> vec1, MyPoint2D <T> p2, MyVector2D <T> vec2)
            T x1 = Arithmetics <T> .Add(p1.X, vec1.X);

            T y1 = Arithmetics <T> .Add(p1.Y, vec1.Y);

            T x2 = Arithmetics <T> .Add(p2.X, vec2.X);

            T y2 = Arithmetics <T> .Add(p2.Y, vec2.Y);

            return(Schnittpunktli(p1, new MyPoint2D <T>(x1, x1), p2, new MyPoint2D <T>(x2, y2)));
        } // End Function Schnittpunktli
コード例 #5
        } // End Function Determinant2d

        public MyPoint2D <T> Schnittpunktli(MyPoint2D <T> p1, MyPoint2D <T> p2, MyPoint2D <T> p3, MyPoint2D <T> p4)
            T x1 = p1.X;
            T x2 = p2.X;
            T x3 = p3.X;
            T x4 = p4.X;

            T y1 = p1.Y;
            T y2 = p2.Y;
            T y3 = p3.Y;
            T y4 = p4.Y;

            T topaX = Determinant2d(x1, y1, x2, y2);
            T topbX = Determinant2d(x1, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, x2, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T topcX = Determinant2d(x3, y3, x4, y4);
            T topdX = Determinant2d(x3, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, x4, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T topX  = Determinant2d(topaX, topbX, topcX, topdX);

            T bottomaX = Determinant2d(x1, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, x2, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T bottombX = Determinant2d(y1, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, y2, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T bottomcX = Determinant2d(x3, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, x4, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T bottomdX = Determinant2d(y3, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, y4, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T bottomX  = Determinant2d(bottomaX, bottombX, bottomcX, bottomdX);

            T x = Arithmetics <T> .Divide(topX, bottomX);

            T topaY = Determinant2d(x1, y1, x2, y2);
            T topbY = Determinant2d(y1, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, y2, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T topcY = Determinant2d(x3, y3, x4, y4);
            T topdY = Determinant2d(x3, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, y4, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T topY  = Determinant2d(topaY, topbY, topcY, topdY);

            T bottomaY = Determinant2d(x1, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, x2, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T bottombY = Determinant2d(y1, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, y2, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T bottomcY = Determinant2d(x3, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, x4, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T bottomdY = Determinant2d(y3, Arithmetics <T> .ONE, y4, Arithmetics <T> .ONE);
            T bottomY  = Determinant2d(bottomaY, bottombY, bottomcY, bottomdY);

            T y = Arithmetics <T> .Divide(topY, bottomY);

            // m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
            // Case 1: horizontal line: slope = 0           | y=constant, x=variable
            // Case 2: vertical line:   slope = +/-infinity | x=constant, y=variable
            // Case 3: Parallel => m1 = m2
            // Case 4: orthogonal resp. right-angle => m1 = -1/m2

            return(new MyPoint2D <T>(x, y));
        } // End Function Schnittpunktli
コード例 #6
        } // End Function ToString

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new Vector that is the linear blend of the 2 given Vectors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">First input vector</param>
        /// <param name="b">Second input vector</param>
        /// <param name="blend">The blend factor. a when blend=0, b when blend=1.</param>
        /// <returns>a when blend=0, b when blend=1, and a linear combination otherwise</returns>
        public static MyPoint2D <T> Lerp(MyPoint2D <T> a, MyPoint2D <T> b, T blend)
            T bxax = Arithmetics <T> .Subtract(b.X, a.X);

            T byay = Arithmetics <T> .Subtract(b.Y, a.Y);

            T f1 = Arithmetics <T> .Multiply(blend, bxax);

            T f2 = Arithmetics <T> .Multiply(blend, byay);

            T x = Arithmetics <T> .Add(f1, a.X);

            T y = Arithmetics <T> .Add(f2, a.Y);

            return(new MyPoint2D <T>(x, y));
        } // End Function Lerp
コード例 #7
        public MyVector2D(MyPoint2D <T> a, MyPoint2D <T> b)
            this.X = Arithmetics <T> .Subtract(a.X, b.X);

            this.Y = Arithmetics <T> .Subtract(a.Y, b.Y);
        } // End Constructor
コード例 #8
        } // End Constructor

        public MyLine2D(MyPoint2D <T> start, MyVector2D <T> vec)
            this.Start = start;
            this.End   = start + vec;
        } // End Constructor
コード例 #9
 public MyLine2D(MyPoint2D <T> start, MyPoint2D <T> end)
     this.Start = start;
     this.End   = end;
 } // End Constructor
コード例 #10
        } // End Constructor

        public MyPoint2D(MyPoint2D <T> point)
            this.X = point.X;
            this.Y = point.Y;
        } // End Constructor
コード例 #11
        }   // End Constructor

        public MyVector2D(MyPoint2D <T> point)
            : base(point.X, point.Y)
        }   // End Constructor
コード例 #12
        } // End function GetPolygonCenter

        public uint FindNearestLineEndIndex <T>(MyPoint2D <T> cptPointToAdd)
            if (this.aptDefinitionPoints.Length == 0)

            if (this.aptDefinitionPoints.Length > 1)

                double nOldDistance = 1000000;
                uint   iOldIndex    = 0;
                double nDistance    = 0;

                MyVector2D <T> vec2_LineStart       = null;
                MyVector2D <T> vec2_LineEnd         = null;
                MyVector2D <T> vec2_Point           = null;
                MyVector2D <T> vec2_VecLine         = null;
                MyPoint2D <T>  cptIntersectionPoint = null;

                bool bHasFirst = false;
                bool bHasLast  = true;
                uint iFirst    = 0;
                uint iLast     = 0;

                for (uint i = 0; i < this.aptDefinitionPoints.Length; ++i)
                    if (this.aptDefinitionPoints[i].bCurrentlyValid)
                        if (bHasFirst == false)
                            bHasFirst = true;
                            iFirst    = i;
                            iLast     = i;
                        bHasLast = true;

                        vec2_LineStart = cVector_2d.MakeVector(this.aptDefinitionPoints[iLast].x, this.aptDefinitionPoints[iLast].y);
                        //trace("vec2_LineStart: " + vec2_LineStart.toString() );
                        vec2_LineEnd = cVector_2d.MakeVector(this.aptDefinitionPoints[i].x, this.aptDefinitionPoints[i].y);
                        //trace("vec2_LineEnd: " + vec2_LineEnd.toString() );
                        vec2_Point = cVector_2d.MakeVector(cptPointToAdd.x, cptPointToAdd.y);
                        //trace("vec2_Point: " + vec2_Point.toString() );
                        nDistance = cVector_2d.DistanceOfPointToLine(vec2_Point, vec2_LineStart, vec2_LineEnd);

                        vec2_VecLine = cVector_2d.VectorSubtract(vec2_LineStart, vec2_LineEnd);

                        if (nDistance < nOldDistance)
                            cptIntersectionPoint = cVector_2d.GetPointVerticalIntersection(this.aptDefinitionPoints[i], vec2_VecLine, cptPointToAdd);
                            if (cptIntersectionPoint.bHasInterSection)
                                //trace("Has intersection");
                                if (cVector_2d.isPointOnLine(this.aptDefinitionPoints[i], this.aptDefinitionPoints[iLast], cptIntersectionPoint))
                                    //trace("is on line");
                                    nOldDistance = nDistance;
                                    iOldIndex    = i;
                                // else
                                //      trace("is not on line.");
                            // else
                            //      trace("has no intersection");

                        // trace("Length: " + aptDefinitionPoints.Length);
                        // trace("Pair["+i+"]: " + aptDefinitionPoints[iLast].toString() + " ; "+aptDefinitionPoints[i].toString() + "Distance: " + nDistance);
                        // trace("Dist: " + nDistance );

                        iLast = i;
                    } // End isvalid
                }     // End for

                if (bHasLast)
                    // trace("Has Last...");
                    vec2_LineStart = cVector_2d.MakeVector(this.aptDefinitionPoints[iLast].x, this.aptDefinitionPoints[iLast].y);
                    vec2_LineEnd   = cVector_2d.MakeVector(this.aptDefinitionPoints[iFirst].x, this.aptDefinitionPoints[iFirst].y);
                    vec2_Point     = cVector_2d.MakeVector(cptPointToAdd.x, cptPointToAdd.y);
                    nDistance      = cVector_2d.DistanceOfPointToLine(vec2_Point, vec2_LineStart, vec2_LineEnd);
                    vec2_VecLine   = cVector_2d.VectorSubtract(vec2_LineStart, vec2_LineEnd);
                    //trace("Final Pair: " + aptDefinitionPoints[iFirst].toString()+" ; " + aptDefinitionPoints[iLast].toString() + "Distance: " + nDistance);

                    if (nDistance < nOldDistance)
                        // nOldDistance = nDistance;
                        // iOldIndex = aptDefinitionPoints.Length;
                        cptIntersectionPoint = cVector_2d.GetPointVerticalIntersection(this.aptDefinitionPoints[iLast], vec2_VecLine, cptPointToAdd);
                        if (cptIntersectionPoint.bHasInterSection)
                            //trace("Is point on this line? "+ aptDefinitionPoints[iLast].toString()+", "+  aptDefinitionPoints[iFirst].toString() );
                            if (cVector_2d.isPointOnLine(this.aptDefinitionPoints[iLast], this.aptDefinitionPoints[iFirst], cptIntersectionPoint))
                                nOldDistance = nDistance;
                                iOldIndex    = iLast + 1; //aptDefinitionPoints.Length;
                            //	trace("is not on line.");
                        //	trace("has not");
                    } // End if(nDistance<nOldDistance)

                    //trace("Selected pair: "+iOldIndex);
                }// End if(bHasLast)
                    //trace("Selected pair: 1");
