コード例 #1
 private static void ProcessParachute(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block, Options options, MyCubeSize size)
 {         // Doesn't have it's own inventory, needs supporting function to add inventory
     if (!options.Restock)
         List <MyDefinitionId> parachuteMaterialList = GetItemDefinitionList(block);
         if (parachuteMaterialList == null)
         MyObjectBuilder_Component parachuteMaterial = new MyObjectBuilder_Component {
             SubtypeName = parachuteMaterialList[0].SubtypeName
         MyPhysicalItemDefinition parachuteMaterialDefinition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetPhysicalItemDefinition(parachuteMaterial.GetId());
         //AddToInventory(block.ComponentContainer, parachuteMaterial, (int)(GetMaxVolume(block, size) / parachuteMaterialDefinition.Volume));
         AddToInventory(block.ComponentContainer, parachuteMaterial, GetAmount(GetMaxVolume(block, size), parachuteMaterialDefinition.Volume), true);
     catch (Exception e)
         Core.GeneralLog.WriteToLog("MyObjectBuilder_Parachute", $"Exception! {e}");
コード例 #2
        private readonly int probabilityRangeStart, probabilityRangeEnd;         // Start (inclusive) to end (exclusive)

        private IronComponent(string subtypeId, float ironValue, int probabilityRangeStart, int probabilityRangeEnd)
            SubtypeId = subtypeId;
            IronValue = ironValue;
            this.probabilityRangeStart = probabilityRangeStart;
            this.probabilityRangeEnd   = probabilityRangeEnd;
            ObjectBuilder = MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject <MyObjectBuilder_Component>(subtypeId);
コード例 #3
        private void AwardPoints(ZoneBlock zone, IMyFaction faction, int enemies, bool displayHeader)
            if (!MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.IsServer)

            string planetName = zone.GetClosestPlanet();

            if (!Planets.Any(description => description.Name == planetName))
                PlanetDescription p = new PlanetDescription()
                    Name   = planetName,
                    Scores = new List <ScoreDescription>()


            long facId = faction.FactionId;
            PlanetDescription planet   = Planets.Find(w => w.Name == planetName);
            IMyCubeGrid       kothGrid = (zone.Entity as IMyCubeBlock).CubeGrid;

            if (!planet.Scores.Any(s => s.FactionId == facId))
                planet.Scores.Add(new ScoreDescription()
                    FactionId   = facId,
                    FactionName = faction.Name,
                    FactionTag  = faction.Tag,
                    Points      = 1,
                    PlanetId    = planetName,
                    GridName    = kothGrid.DisplayName

            int total = GetTotalScore(planet);
            ScoreDescription score = planet.Scores.Find(s => s.FactionId == facId);
            int current            = score.Points;

            int points;

            if (zone.PointsOnCap.Value == 0)
                points = (int)(((float)(total - current) / (float)total) * 5f * enemies) + 1 + enemies;
                points = zone.PointsOnCap.Value;

            planet.Scores.Find(s => s.FactionId == facId).Points += points;
            zone.PointsEarnedSincePrize += points;

            if (zone.AwardPointsAsCredits.Value)
                faction.RequestChangeBalance(points * zone.CreditsPerPoint.Value);

            if (zone.PointsEarnedSincePrize >= zone.PointsForPrize.Value)
                zone.PointsEarnedSincePrize -= zone.PointsForPrize.Value;

                IMyCargoContainer   prizebox = null;
                List <IMySlimBlock> temp     = new List <IMySlimBlock>();
                kothGrid.GetBlocks(temp, s => {
                    if (prizebox == null &&
                        s.FatBlock != null &&
                        s.FatBlock is IMyCargoContainer &&
                        s.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.SubtypeId == "Prizebox")
                        prizebox = s.FatBlock as IMyCargoContainer;


                if (zone.UseComponentReward.Value)
                    string prizeType = (zone.AdvancedComponentSelection.Value) ? zone.PrizeComponentSubtypeId.Value : zone.SelectedComponentString.Value;
                    int    amount    = zone.PrizeAmountComponent.Value;

                    MyDefinitionId                definitionId  = new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Component), prizeType);
                    MyObjectBuilder_Component     content       = (MyObjectBuilder_Component)MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject(definitionId);
                    MyObjectBuilder_InventoryItem inventoryItem = new MyObjectBuilder_InventoryItem {
                        Amount = amount, Content = content

                    if (zone.SpawnIntoPrizeBox.Value)
                        if (prizebox == null)
                            Tools.Log(MyLogSeverity.Error, $"Could not find prize box on grid: {kothGrid.DisplayName} - {kothGrid.EntityId}");
                        else if (prizebox.GetInventory().CanItemsBeAdded(amount, definitionId))
                            prizebox.GetInventory().AddItems(amount, inventoryItem.Content);
                        if (zone.Entity.GetInventory().CanItemsBeAdded(amount, definitionId))
                            zone.Entity.GetInventory().AddItems(amount, inventoryItem.Content);

                if (zone.UseIngotReward.Value)
                    string prizeType = (zone.AdvancedIngotSelection.Value) ? zone.PrizeIngotSubtypeId.Value : zone.SelectedIngotString.Value;
                    int    amount    = zone.PrizeAmountIngot.Value;

                    MyDefinitionId                definitionId  = new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot), prizeType);
                    MyObjectBuilder_Ingot         content       = (MyObjectBuilder_Ingot)MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject(definitionId);
                    MyObjectBuilder_InventoryItem inventoryItem = new MyObjectBuilder_InventoryItem {
                        Amount = amount, Content = content

                    if (zone.SpawnIntoPrizeBox.Value)
                        if (prizebox == null)
                            Tools.Log(MyLogSeverity.Error, $"Could not find prize box on grid: {kothGrid.DisplayName} - {kothGrid.EntityId}");
                        else if (prizebox.GetInventory().CanItemsBeAdded(amount, definitionId))
                            prizebox.GetInventory().AddItems(amount, inventoryItem.Content);
                        if (zone.Entity.GetInventory().CanItemsBeAdded(amount, definitionId))
                            zone.Entity.GetInventory().AddItems(amount, inventoryItem.Content);

                if (zone.UseOreReward.Value)
                    string prizeType = (zone.AdvancedOreSelection.Value) ? zone.PrizeOreSubtypeId.Value : zone.SelectedOreString.Value;
                    int    amount    = zone.PrizeAmountOre.Value;

                    MyDefinitionId                definitionId  = new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore), prizeType);
                    MyObjectBuilder_Ore           content       = (MyObjectBuilder_Ore)MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject(definitionId);
                    MyObjectBuilder_InventoryItem inventoryItem = new MyObjectBuilder_InventoryItem {
                        Amount = amount, Content = content

                    if (zone.SpawnIntoPrizeBox.Value)
                        if (prizebox == null)
                            Tools.Log(MyLogSeverity.Error, $"Could not find prize box on grid: {kothGrid.DisplayName} - {kothGrid.EntityId}");
                        else if (prizebox.GetInventory().CanItemsBeAdded(amount, definitionId))
                            prizebox.GetInventory().AddItems(amount, inventoryItem.Content);
                        if (zone.Entity.GetInventory().CanItemsBeAdded(amount, definitionId))
                            zone.Entity.GetInventory().AddItems(amount, inventoryItem.Content);

            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();

            if (displayHeader && zone.IsLocationNamed.Value)
                if (zone.EncampmentMode.Value)
                    message.Append($"{kothGrid.DisplayName} on {planetName} Encampment Payout");
                    message.Append($"{kothGrid.DisplayName} on {planetName} under attack");

            byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message.ToString());
            MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.SendMessageToServer(8008, bytes);

            if (zone.AwardPointsAsCredits.Value)
                message.Append($"{faction.Name} Scored {points} Points! ({points * zone.CreditsPerPoint.Value} credits)");
                message.Append($"{faction.Name} Scored {points} Points!");


            //NEXUS: if nexus is initialized, broadcast the message to nexus (and all other sectors in that way)
            //NEXUS: KotH should work normally if nexus is not initialized
            if (nexusInit)
                //NEXUS: sends the message this sector displays in the chat to all the other sectors
                byte[] nexMessage = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message.ToString());

                //NEXUS: score is broadcasted to other sectors, this basically triggers the save not just on this sector but on all the others with the same score
                var serializedScore = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToBinary <List <PlanetDescription> >(Planets);

            bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message.ToString());
            MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.SendMessageToServer(8008, bytes);
コード例 #4
        private void UnmountInternal(float unmountAmount, MyConstructionStockpile outputStockpile = null, bool damageItems = false)
            // We don't have to update functional state in this function, because it is done in the caller functions.
            // If you start using this function anywhere else, don't forget to update functional state yourself!

            float topIntegrity = GetTopComponentIntegrity();
            int   groupIndex   = (int)m_topGroupIndex;
            int   compIndex    = (int)m_topComponentIndex;

            // Continue removing components, until the to be removed component's health is larger than unmountAmount
            MyObjectBuilder_Component componentBuilder = null;
            var scrapBuilder = MyFloatingObject.ScrapBuilder;

            while (unmountAmount * GetDeconstructionEfficiency(groupIndex, damageItems) >= topIntegrity)
                Integrity     -= topIntegrity;
                unmountAmount -= topIntegrity;

                // In creative mode, the outputInventory should normally be null.
                // However, if we load the game from the realistic mode, it would not be necessarilly null.
                if (outputStockpile != null && MySession.Static.SurvivalMode)
                    bool doDamage = damageItems && MyFakes.ENABLE_DAMAGED_COMPONENTS;
                    if (!damageItems || (doDamage && MyRandom.Instance.NextFloat() <= m_blockDefinition.Components[groupIndex].Definition.DropProbability))
                        componentBuilder             = MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject <MyObjectBuilder_Component>();
                        componentBuilder.SubtypeName = m_blockDefinition.Components[groupIndex].Definition.Id.SubtypeName;
                        if (doDamage)
                            componentBuilder.Flags |= MyItemFlags.Damaged;
                        if (!outputStockpile.AddItems(1, componentBuilder))
                            // TODO: Throw the items into space (although this branch should probably not happen)

                    MyComponentDefinition destroyedComponentDefinition = m_blockDefinition.Components[groupIndex].Definition;
                    if (MyFakes.ENABLE_SCRAP && damageItems && (MyRandom.Instance.NextFloat() < destroyedComponentDefinition.DropProbability))
                        outputStockpile.AddItems((int)(0.8f * destroyedComponentDefinition.Mass), scrapBuilder);

                if (compIndex < 0)
                    if (groupIndex < 0)
                        SetTopIndex(0, 0);
                        Integrity = 0.0f;
                        compIndex = m_blockDefinition.Components[groupIndex].Count - 1;

                topIntegrity = m_blockDefinition.Components[groupIndex].Definition.MaxIntegrity;
                SetTopIndex(groupIndex, compIndex);

            // Damage the remaining component
            Integrity    -= unmountAmount * GetDeconstructionEfficiency(groupIndex, damageItems);
            topIntegrity -= unmountAmount * GetDeconstructionEfficiency(groupIndex, damageItems);

            if (topIntegrity < MOUNT_THRESHOLD)
                Integrity   += MOUNT_THRESHOLD - topIntegrity;
                topIntegrity = MOUNT_THRESHOLD;

            Debug.Assert(Integrity >= MOUNT_THRESHOLD, "Integrity inconsistent after a dismount of component stack");
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to place count of a physical object in inventory of grid
        /// Will place as many of the object as possible in each inventory until
        /// nothing remains to place. Returns number remaining to place.
        /// </summary>
        public static int placeInCargo(this IMyCubeGrid grid,
                                       SerializableDefinitionId def, MyObjectBuilder_Component builder,
                                       int count)
            if (count <= 0)
            int remaining = count;

            var containers = new List <IMySlimBlock>();

            grid.GetBlocks(containers, x =>
                           x.FatBlock != null &&
                           x.FatBlock as Interfaces.IMyInventoryOwner != null
            if (containers.Count == 0)

            foreach (IMySlimBlock block in containers)
                if (remaining == 0)

                var inventoryOwner = block.FatBlock as Interfaces.IMyInventoryOwner;
                var inventory      = inventoryOwner.GetInventory(0) as IMyInventory;

                if (inventory == null)
                    // log error, invOwner existed but not inventory>?

                if (inventory.CanItemsBeAdded((VRage.MyFixedPoint)remaining, def))
                    // Add all the items if it has enough space
                    inventory.AddItems(remaining, builder);
                    remaining = 0;
                    // Add them incrementally if there's some space
                    // I would prefer to do some math to tell how many we can add,
                    // instead of just continually looping through with 1.
                    // But the logic to get the volume of a component
                    // is surprisingly complex without access to the Adapter
                    // and we'd need to check the inventory's supported types
                    while (remaining > 0 && inventory.CanItemsBeAdded((VRage.MyFixedPoint) 1, def))
                        inventory.AddItems(1, builder);

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to place count of a physical object in inventory of grid
        /// Will place as many of the object as possible in each inventory until
        /// nothing remains to place. Returns number remaining to place.
        /// </summary>
        public static int placeInCargo(this IMyCubeGrid grid, 
			SerializableDefinitionId def, MyObjectBuilder_Component builder, 
			int count)
            if (count <= 0) return 0;
            int remaining = count;

            var containers = new List<IMySlimBlock>();
            grid.GetBlocks(containers, x =>
                x.FatBlock != null &&
                x.FatBlock as Interfaces.IMyInventoryOwner != null
            if (containers.Count == 0)
                return remaining;

            foreach (IMySlimBlock block in containers) {
                if (remaining == 0) break;

                var inventoryOwner = block.FatBlock as Interfaces.IMyInventoryOwner;
                var inventory = inventoryOwner.GetInventory(0) as IMyInventory;

                if (inventory == null) {
                    // log error, invOwner existed but not inventory>?

                if (inventory.CanItemsBeAdded((VRage.MyFixedPoint)remaining, def)) {
                    // Add all the items if it has enough space
                    inventory.AddItems(remaining, builder);
                    remaining = 0;
                } else {
                    // Add them incrementally if there's some space
                    // I would prefer to do some math to tell how many we can add,
                    // instead of just continually looping through with 1.
                    // But the logic to get the volume of a component
                    // is surprisingly complex without access to the Adapter
                    // and we'd need to check the inventory's supported types
                    while (remaining > 0 && inventory.CanItemsBeAdded((VRage.MyFixedPoint)1, def)) {
                        inventory.AddItems(1, builder);

            return remaining;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Core_Server.cs プロジェクト: MrZSFG/GardenConquest
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts up the core on the server
        /// </summary>
        public override void initialize()
            if (MyAPIGateway.Session == null || m_Initialized)

            if (s_Logger == null)
                s_Logger = new Logger("Conquest Core", "Server");
            log("Conquest core (Server) started");

            s_TokenBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_Component() { SubtypeName = "ShipLicense" };
            s_TokenDef = new VRage.ObjectBuilders.SerializableDefinitionId(
                typeof(MyObjectBuilder_InventoryItem), "ShipLicense");
            s_Sorter = new GridSorter();

            s_Settings = ConquestSettings.getInstance();
            s_DelayedSettingWrite = s_Settings.WriteFailed;
            // Start round timer
            m_RoundTimer = new MyTimer(s_Settings.CPPeriod * 1000, roundEnd);
            log("Round timer started");

            // Start save timer
            m_SaveTimer = new MyTimer(Constants.SaveInterval * 1000, saveTimer);
            log("Save timer started");

            m_MailMan = new RequestProcessor();

            // If the server is a player (non-dedicated) they also need to receive notifications
            if (!MyAPIGateway.Utilities.IsDedicated) {
                m_LocalReceiver = new ResponseProcessor(false);
                m_MailMan.localMsgSent += m_LocalReceiver.incomming;
                m_CmdProc = new CommandProcessor(m_LocalReceiver);

            // Subscribe events
            GridEnforcer.OnPlacementViolation += eventPlacementViolation;
            GridEnforcer.OnCleanupViolation += eventCleanupViolation;
            GridEnforcer.OnCleanupTimerStart += eventCleanupTimerStart;
            GridEnforcer.OnCleanupTimerEnd += eventCleanupTimerEnd;

            m_Initialized = true;