コード例 #1
 private static void CCNetworkLog(ConCommandArgs args)
     //Although here it's not relevant, you can ensure you are the server by checking if the NetworkServer is active.
     if (NetworkServer.active)
         //Before we can Invoke our NetworkMessage, we need to make sure our centralized networkobject is spawned.
         // For doing that, we Instantiate the CentralNetworkObject, we obviously check if we don't already have one that is already instantiated and activated in the current scene.
         // Note : Make sure you Instantiate the gameobject, and not spawn it directly, it would get deleted otherwise on scene change, even with DontDestroyOnLoad.
         if (!_centralNetworkObjectSpawned)
             _centralNetworkObjectSpawned =
         //This readOnlyInstancesList is great for going over all players in general,
         // so it might be worth commiting to memory.
         foreach (NetworkUser user in NetworkUser.readOnlyInstancesList)
             //Args.userArgs is a list of all words in the command arguments.
             MyNetworkComponent.Invoke(user, string.Join(" ", args.userArgs));
コード例 #2
 private void Awake()
     _instance = this;