private async void BtnCountFeaturesClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { // Get the current visible extent. Geometry currentExtent = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry; // Create the query parameters. QueryParameters queryCityCount = new QueryParameters { Geometry = currentExtent, // Specify the interpretation of the Geometry query parameters. SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects }; // Get the count of matching features. long count = await _featureTable.QueryFeatureCountAsync(queryCityCount); // Update the UI. ResultsTextbox.Text = $"{count} features in extent"; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error"); } }
protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) { base.OnKeyUp(e); if (e.Key == Key.Space) { if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control) { try { var targetFile = "Viewpoints.json"; var json = string.Join($",{Environment.NewLine}", _viewpoints.Select(JsonAsString)); File.WriteAllText(targetFile, json); MessageBox.Show(this, $"Saved to file {targetFile}"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message); } } else { var viewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.CenterAndScale); Trace.WriteLine(viewpoint.ToJson()); _viewpoints.Add(viewpoint); } } }
// Creates a two-part polygon and a four-part polyline to use as test graphics for the Boundary method private void CreateTestGraphics() { // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; var center = viewpointExtent.GetCenter(); var width = viewpointExtent.Width / 4; var left = new MapPoint(center.X - width, center.Y, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var right = new MapPoint(center.X + width, center.Y, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.Red, Style = SimpleFillStyle.Solid }; var lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = Colors.Red, Style = SimpleLineStyle.Solid, Width = 2 }; _testGraphics.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolygonBox(left, width), Symbol = fillSymbol }); _testGraphics.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolylineBox(right, width), Symbol = lineSymbol }); }
// Function to get suitable datum transformations for the specified input and output spatial references. private void GetSuitableTransformations(SpatialReference inSpatialRef, SpatialReference outSpatialRef, bool considerExtent) { // Get suitable transformations. Use the current extent to evaluate suitability, if requested. IReadOnlyList <DatumTransformation> transformations; if (considerExtent) { Envelope currentExtent = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry as Envelope; transformations = TransformationCatalog.GetTransformationsBySuitability(inSpatialRef, outSpatialRef, currentExtent); } else { transformations = TransformationCatalog.GetTransformationsBySuitability(inSpatialRef, outSpatialRef); } // Get the default transformation for the specified input and output spatial reference. DatumTransformation defaultTransform = TransformationCatalog.GetTransformation(inSpatialRef, outSpatialRef); // Reset list. SuitableTransformationsList.Clear(); // Wrap the transformations in a class that includes a boolean to indicate if it's the default transformation. foreach (DatumTransformation transform in transformations) { DatumTransformationListBoxItem item = new DatumTransformationListBoxItem(transform) { IsDefault = (transform.Name == defaultTransform.Name) }; SuitableTransformationsList.Add(item); } }
private async void MyMapView_MapViewTapped(object sender, MapViewInputEventArgs e) { try { _trafficOverlay.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; _trafficOverlay.DataContext = null; var identifyTask = new IdentifyTask(new Uri(_trafficLayer.ServiceUri)); // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; IdentifyParameters identifyParams = new IdentifyParameters(e.Location, viewpointExtent, 5, (int)MyMapView.ActualHeight, (int)MyMapView.ActualWidth) { LayerIDs = new int[] { 2, 3, 4 }, LayerOption = LayerOption.Top, SpatialReference = MyMapView.SpatialReference, }; var result = await identifyTask.ExecuteAsync(identifyParams); if (result != null && result.Results != null && result.Results.Count > 0) { _trafficOverlay.DataContext = result.Results.First(); _trafficOverlay.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } catch (Exception ex) { var _x = new MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Sample Error").ShowAsync(); } }
// Continually accepts user-entered points // - Buffered polygons are created from the points and added to the graphics layer private async Task AcceptClassPointsAsync() { // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; try { while (true) { var point = await MyMapView.Editor.RequestPointAsync(); var polygon = GeometryEngine.Buffer(point, viewpointExtent.Width * .01); var attr = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "ID", _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Count + 1 } }; _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(polygon, attr)); } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { } catch (Exception ex) { var _ = new MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Sample Error").ShowAsync(); } }
// Draw and densify a user defined polygon private async void DensifyButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { _inputOverlay.Graphics.Clear(); _resultOverlay.Graphics.Clear(); // Request polygon from the user var poly = await MyMapView.Editor.RequestShapeAsync(DrawShape.Polygon, _polySymbol) as Polygon; // Add original polygon and vertices to input graphics layer _inputOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(poly, _polySymbol)); foreach (var coord in poly.Parts.First().GetPoints()) { _inputOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(coord, _origVertexSymbol)); } // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; // Densify the polygon var densify = GeometryEngine.Densify(poly, viewpointExtent.Width / 100) as Polygon; // Add new vertices to result graphics layer foreach (var coord in densify.Parts.First().GetPoints()) { _resultOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(coord, _newVertexSymbol)); } } catch (Exception ex) { var _x = new MessageDialog("Densify Error: " + ex.Message, "Sample Error").ShowAsync(); } }
private async void MyMapView_LayerLoaded(object sender, LayerLoadedEventArgs e) { if (e.Layer.ID == "ParcelsGraphicsLayer") { if (parcelGraphicsLayer != null && parcelGraphicsLayer.Graphics.Count == 0) { QueryTask queryTask = new QueryTask(new Uri("")); // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; //Create a geometry to use as the extent within which parcels will be returned var contractRatio = viewpointExtent.Width / 6; var extentGeometry = new Envelope(viewpointExtent.GetCenter().X - contractRatio, viewpointExtent.GetCenter().Y - contractRatio, viewpointExtent.GetCenter().X + contractRatio, viewpointExtent.GetCenter().Y + contractRatio, MyMapView.SpatialReference); Query query = new Query(extentGeometry); query.ReturnGeometry = true; query.OutSpatialReference = MyMapView.SpatialReference; var results = await queryTask.ExecuteAsync(query, CancellationToken.None); foreach (Graphic g in results.FeatureSet.Features) { parcelGraphicsLayer.Graphics.Add(g); } } await DoIntersection(); } }
// Update the UI grid with bird data queried from local gdb private async Task RefreshDataView() { LocalBirdFeatures = await _localBirdsLayer.FeatureTable.QueryAsync(new QueryFilter() { WhereClause = "1=1" }); QueryTask queryTask = new QueryTask(new Uri(_onlineBirdsLayer.ServiceUri + "/1")); // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; Query query = new Query("1=1") { Geometry = viewpointExtent, OutFields = new OutFields(new string[] { "globalid" }) }; var queryResult = await queryTask.ExecuteAsync(query); var onlineBirdIds = queryResult.FeatureSet.Features.Select(f => f.Attributes["globalid"]); var localBirdIds = LocalBirdFeatures.Select(b => b.Attributes["globalid"]); var newBirdsIds = localBirdIds.Except(onlineBirdIds); var newBirdOIDs = from newBird in LocalBirdFeatures join newBirdId in newBirdsIds on newBird.Attributes["globalid"] equals newBirdId select(long) newBird.Attributes["objectid"]; _localBirdsLayer.ClearSelection(); _localBirdsLayer.SelectFeatures(newBirdOIDs.ToArray()); }
private async void BtnCountFeatures_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get the current visible extent. Geometry currentExtent = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry; // Create the query parameters. QueryParameters queryCityCount = new QueryParameters { Geometry = currentExtent, // Specify the interpretation of the Geometry query parameters. SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects }; try { // Get the count of matching features. long count = await _featureTable.QueryFeatureCountAsync(queryCityCount); // Update the UI. txtResults.Text = $"{count} features in extent"; } catch (Exception ex) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", ex.ToString(), "OK"); } }
private async void OnSaveMapClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { // Create a challenge request for portal credentials (OAuth credential request for CredentialRequestInfo challengeRequest = new CredentialRequestInfo(); // Use the OAuth implicit grant flow challengeRequest.GenerateTokenOptions = new GenerateTokenOptions { TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.OAuthImplicit }; // Indicate the url (portal) to authenticate with (ArcGIS Online) challengeRequest.ServiceUri = new Uri(""); // Call GetCredentialAsync on the AuthenticationManager to invoke the challenge handler await AuthenticationManager.Current.GetCredentialAsync(challengeRequest, false); // Get information for the new portal item var title = TitleTextBox.Text; var description = DescriptionTextBox.Text; var tags = TagsTextBox.Text.Split(','); // Throw an exception if the text is null or empty for title or description if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { throw new Exception("Title and description are required"); } // Get current map extent (viewpoint) for the map initial extent var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping.ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); // Export the current map view to use as the item's thumbnail RuntimeImage thumbnailImg = await MyMapView.ExportImageAsync(); // See if the map has already been saved if (!_mapViewModel.MapIsSaved) { // Call the SaveNewMapAsync method on the view model, pass in the required info await _mapViewModel.SaveNewMapAsync(currentViewpoint, title, description, tags, thumbnailImg); // Report success MessageBox.Show("Map '" + title + "' was saved to your portal"); } else { // Map has previously been saved as a portal item, update it (title, description, and tags will remain the same) _mapViewModel.UpdateMapItem(); // Report success MessageBox.Show("Changes to '" + title + "' were updated to the portal."); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Report error MessageBox.Show("Error while saving: " + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Begins the export process /// </summary> private void MyExportPreviewButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { // If preview isn't open, start an export if (!_previewOpen) { // Show the progress bar MyProgressBar.IsVisible = true; // Save the map viewpoint _originalView = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); // Start the export StartExport(); } else // Otherwise, close the preview { // Change the button text MyExportPreviewButton.Text = "Export Tiles"; // Clear the preview open flag _previewOpen = false; // Re-size the mapview MyMapView.Margin = new Thickness(0); // Re-apply the original map MyMapView.Map = _basemap; // Re-apply the original viewpoint MyMapView.SetViewpoint(_originalView); } }
// Generate / download and display layers from a generated geodatabase private async void GenerateGeodatabaseButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { panelUI.IsEnabled = false; panelStatus.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ReportStatus("Creating GeodatabaseSyncTask..."); var syncTask = new GeodatabaseSyncTask(new Uri(BASE_URL)); // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; var options = new GenerateGeodatabaseParameters(new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, viewpointExtent) { GeodatabasePrefixName = GDB_PREFIX, ReturnAttachments = false, OutSpatialReference = MyMapView.SpatialReference, SyncModel = SyncModel.PerLayer }; var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <GeodatabaseStatusInfo>(); Action <GeodatabaseStatusInfo, Exception> completionAction = (info, ex) => { if (ex != null) { tcs.SetException(ex); } tcs.SetResult(info); }; var generationProgress = new Progress <GeodatabaseStatusInfo>(); generationProgress.ProgressChanged += (sndr, sts) => { ReportStatus(sts.Status.ToString()); }; ReportStatus("Starting GenerateGeodatabase..."); var result = await syncTask.GenerateGeodatabaseAsync(options, completionAction, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), generationProgress, CancellationToken.None); ReportStatus("Waiting on geodatabase from server..."); var statusResult = await tcs.Task; ReportStatus("Downloading Geodatabase..."); var gdbPath = await DownloadGeodatabase(statusResult); ReportStatus("Create local feature layers..."); await CreateFeatureLayersAsync(gdbPath); MyMapView.Map.Layers["wildfireGroup"].IsVisible = false; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Sample Error"); } finally { panelStatus.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; panelUI.IsEnabled = true; } }
// Process user selection and point clicks private async Task ProcessUserPointsAsync(bool isTargetSelected) { try { txtResult.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; txtResult.Text = string.Empty; if (MyMapView.Editor.IsActive) { MyMapView.Editor.Cancel.Execute(null); } if (!isTargetSelected) { await SelectTargetGeometryAsync(); } while (MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry.Extent != null) { await GetNearestCoordAsync((bool)cboVertexOnly.IsChecked); } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, "Nearest Coordinate Sample"); } }
// Accept user map clicks and add points to the graphics layer with the selected symbol private async Task AcceptPointsAsync() { try { while (MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry.Extent != null) { SampleSymbol sampleSymbol = _symbols[symbolCombo.SelectedIndex]; Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.Geometry shape = null; if (sampleSymbol.Symbol is LineSymbol) { shape = await MyMapView.Editor.RequestShapeAsync(DrawShape.Polyline, sampleSymbol.Symbol); } else { shape = await MyMapView.Editor.RequestShapeAsync(DrawShape.Polygon, sampleSymbol.Symbol); } _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(shape, sampleSymbol.Symbol)); await Task.Delay(100); } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, "Line and Fill Symbols"); } }
// Draw the unsimplified polygon private void DrawPolygon() { // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; MapPoint center = viewpointExtent.GetCenter(); double lat = center.Y; double lon = center.X + 300; double latOffset = 300; double lonOffset = 300; var points = new PointCollection() { new MapPoint(lon - lonOffset, lat), new MapPoint(lon, lat + latOffset), new MapPoint(lon + lonOffset, lat), new MapPoint(lon, lat - latOffset), new MapPoint(lon - lonOffset, lat), new MapPoint(lon - 2 * lonOffset, lat + latOffset), new MapPoint(lon - 3 * lonOffset, lat), new MapPoint(lon - 2 * lonOffset, lat - latOffset), new MapPoint(lon - 1.5 * lonOffset, lat + latOffset), new MapPoint(lon - lonOffset, lat) }; _unsimplifiedPolygon = new Polygon(points, MyMapView.SpatialReference); _polygonOverlay.Graphics.Clear(); _polygonOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(_unsimplifiedPolygon)); }
private void OnViewpointChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get the MapView or SceneView that sent the event GeoView sendingView = (GeoView)sender; // Only take action if this geoview is the one that the user is navigating. // Viewpoint changed events are fired when SetViewpoint is called; This check prevents a feedback loop if (sendingView.IsNavigating) { // If the MapView sent the event, update the SceneView's viewpoint if (sender is MapView) { // Get the viewpoint Viewpoint updateViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.CenterAndScale); // Set the viewpoint MySceneView.SetViewpoint(updateViewpoint); } else // Else, update the MapView's viewpoint { // Get the viewpoint Viewpoint updateViewpoint = MySceneView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.CenterAndScale); // Set the viewpoint MyMapView.SetViewpoint(updateViewpoint); } } }
// Find matching places, create graphics and add them to the UI private async void FindButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { progress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; listResults.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; _addressOverlay.Graphics.Clear(); // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; var param = new OnlineLocatorFindParameters(SearchTextBox.Text) { SearchExtent = viewpointExtent, Location = viewpointExtent.GetCenter(), MaxLocations = 5, OutSpatialReference = MyMapView.SpatialReference, OutFields = new string[] { "Place_addr" } }; var candidateResults = await _locatorTask.FindAsync(param, CancellationToken.None); if (candidateResults == null || candidateResults.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("No candidates found in the current map extent."); } foreach (var candidate in candidateResults) { AddGraphicFromLocatorCandidate(candidate); } var extent = GeometryEngine.Union(_addressOverlay.Graphics.Select(g => g.Geometry)).Extent.Expand(1.1); await MyMapView.SetViewAsync(extent); listResults.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } catch (AggregateException ex) { var innermostExceptions = ex.Flatten().InnerExceptions; if (innermostExceptions != null && innermostExceptions.Count > 0) { var _x = new MessageDialog(string.Join(" > ", innermostExceptions.Select(i => i.Message).ToArray()), "Sample Error").ShowAsync(); } else { var _x = new MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Sample Error").ShowAsync(); } } catch (Exception ex) { var _x = new MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Sample Error").ShowAsync(); } finally { progress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } }
private async Task RunIdentify(MapPoint mp) { // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; IdentifyParameters identifyParams = new IdentifyParameters(mp, viewpointExtent, 2, (int)MyMapView.ActualHeight, (int)MyMapView.ActualWidth) { LayerOption = LayerOption.Visible, SpatialReference = MyMapView.SpatialReference, }; IdentifyTask identifyTask = new IdentifyTask(new Uri("" + "Demographics/ESRI_Census_USA/MapServer")); progress.IsActive = true; try { TitleComboBox.ItemsSource = null; ResultsGrid.ItemsSource = null; var result = await identifyTask.ExecuteAsync(identifyParams); GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMapView.Map.Layers["MyGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer; graphicsLayer.Graphics.Clear(); graphicsLayer.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = mp }); var _dataItems = new List <DataItem>(); if (result != null && result.Results != null && result.Results.Count > 0) { foreach (var r in result.Results) { Feature feature = r.Feature; string title = r.Value.ToString() + " (" + r.LayerName + ")"; _dataItems.Add(new DataItem() { Title = title, Data = feature.Attributes }); } } TitleComboBox.ItemsSource = _dataItems; if (_dataItems.Count > 0) { TitleComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { progress.IsActive = false; } }
// Download the tile cache private async void ExportTilesButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { panelTOC.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; progress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; var downloadOptions = new DownloadTileCacheParameters(ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder) { OverwriteExistingFiles = true }; var localTiledLayer = MyMapView.Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => lyr.ID == LOCAL_LAYER_ID); if (localTiledLayer != null) { MyMapView.Map.Layers.Remove(localTiledLayer); } var result = await _exportTilesTask.GenerateTileCacheAndDownloadAsync( _genOptions, downloadOptions, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), CancellationToken.None, new Progress <ExportTileCacheJob>((job) => // Callback for reporting status during tile cache generation { Debug.WriteLine(getTileCacheGenerationStatusMessage(job)); }), new Progress <ExportTileCacheDownloadProgress>((downloadProgress) => // Callback for reporting status during tile cache download { Debug.WriteLine(getDownloadStatusMessage(downloadProgress)); })); localTiledLayer = new ArcGISLocalTiledLayer(result.OutputPath) { ID = LOCAL_LAYER_ID }; MyMapView.Map.Layers.Insert(1, localTiledLayer); _onlineTiledLayer.IsVisible = false; if (MyMapView.Scale < _genOptions.MinScale) { // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; await MyMapView.SetViewAsync(viewpointExtent.GetCenter(), _genOptions.MinScale); } panelTOC.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; panelExport.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } catch (Exception ex) { var _x = new MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Sample Error").ShowAsync(); } finally { progress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } }
// Create polyline graphics on the map in the center and the center of four equal quadrants private void MyMapView_NavigationCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyMapView.NavigationCompleted -= MyMapView_NavigationCompleted; try { // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; var myViewpointExtent = viewpointExtent; var height = myViewpointExtent.Height / 4; var width = myViewpointExtent.Width / 4; var length = width / 4; var center = myViewpointExtent.GetCenter(); var topLeft = new MapPoint(center.X - width, center.Y + height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var topRight = new MapPoint(center.X + width, center.Y + height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var bottomLeft = new MapPoint(center.X - width, center.Y - height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var bottomRight = new MapPoint(center.X + width, center.Y - height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var redSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Red, Width = 4, Style = SimpleLineStyle.Solid }; var blueSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Blue, Width = 4, Style = SimpleLineStyle.Solid }; _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolylineX(center, length), Symbol = blueSymbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolylineX(topLeft, length), Symbol = redSymbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolylineX(topRight, length), Symbol = redSymbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolylineX(bottomLeft, length), Symbol = redSymbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolylineX(bottomRight, length), Symbol = redSymbol }); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error occurred : " + ex.Message, "Create Polygons Sample"); } }
// Accept user map clicks and add points to the graphics layer with the selected symbol private async Task AcceptPointsAsync() { while (MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry.Extent != null) { var point = await MyMapView.Editor.RequestPointAsync(); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(point, _symbols[symbolCombo.SelectedIndex])); } }
// Event handler to get information entered by the user and save the map private async void SaveMapAsync(object sender, SaveMapEventArgs e) { // Get the current map var myMap = MyMapView.Map; try { // Show the progress bar so the user knows work is happening SaveMapProgressBar.IsVisible = true; // Make sure the user is logged in to ArcGIS Online var cred = await EnsureLoggedInAsync(); AuthenticationManager.Current.AddCredential(cred); // Get information entered by the user for the new portal item properties var title = e.MapTitle; var description = e.MapDescription; var tags = e.Tags; // Apply the current extent as the map's initial extent myMap.InitialViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); // See if the map has already been saved (has an associated portal item) if (myMap.Item == null) { // Get the ArcGIS Online portal (will use credential from login above) ArcGISPortal agsOnline = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync(new Uri(ArcGISOnlineUrl)); // Save the current state of the map as a portal item in the user's default folder RuntimeImage img = null; await myMap.SaveAsAsync(agsOnline, null, title, description, tags, img, false); // Report a successful save DisplayAlert("Map Saved", "Saved '" + title + "' to ArcGIS Online!", "OK"); } else { // This is not the initial save, call SaveAsync to save changes to the existing portal item await myMap.SaveAsync(); // Report update was successful DisplayAlert("Updates Saved", "Saved changes to '" + myMap.Item.Title + "'", "OK"); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Show the exception message DisplayAlert("Unable to save map", ex.Message, "OK"); } finally { // Hide the progress bar SaveMapProgressBar.IsVisible = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Function used to keep the overlaid preview area marker in position /// This is called by MyMapView_ViewpointChanged every time the user pans/zooms /// and updates the red box graphic to outline 80% of the current view /// </summary> private void UpdateMapExtentGraphic() { // Return if mapview is null. if (MyMapView == null) { return; } // Get the new viewpoint. Viewpoint myViewPoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); // Return if viewpoint is null. if (myViewPoint == null) { return; } // Get the updated extent for the new viewpoint. Envelope extent = myViewPoint.TargetGeometry as Envelope; // Return if extent is null. if (extent == null) { return; } // Create an envelope that is a bit smaller than the extent. EnvelopeBuilder envelopeBldr = new EnvelopeBuilder(extent); envelopeBldr.Expand(0.80); // Get the (only) graphics overlay in the map view. GraphicsOverlay extentOverlay = MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.FirstOrDefault(); // Return if the extent overlay is null. if (extentOverlay == null) { return; } // Get the extent graphic. Graphic extentGraphic = extentOverlay.Graphics.FirstOrDefault(); // Create the extent graphic and add it to the overlay if it doesn't exist. if (extentGraphic == null) { extentGraphic = new Graphic(envelopeBldr.ToGeometry()); extentOverlay.Graphics.Add(extentGraphic); } else { // Otherwise, update the graphic's geometry. extentGraphic.Geometry = envelopeBldr.ToGeometry(); } }
// Create four point graphics on the map in the center of four equal quadrants private void MyMapView_NavigationCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyMapView.NavigationCompleted -= MyMapView_NavigationCompleted; try { // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; var myViewpointExtent = viewpointExtent; var height = myViewpointExtent.Height / 4; var width = myViewpointExtent.Width / 4; var center = myViewpointExtent.GetCenter(); var topLeft = new MapPoint(center.X - width, center.Y + height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var topRight = new MapPoint(center.X + width, center.Y + height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var bottomLeft = new MapPoint(center.X - width, center.Y - height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var bottomRight = new MapPoint(center.X + width, center.Y - height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Colors.Red, Size = 15, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Diamond }; _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = topLeft, Symbol = symbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = topRight, Symbol = symbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = bottomLeft, Symbol = symbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = bottomRight, Symbol = symbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = new MapPoint(0, 0), Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Size = 15, Color = Colors.Blue } }); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error occured : " + ex.Message, "Create Points Sample"); } }
private async void OnExecuteStatisticsQueryClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create definitions for each statistic to calculate StatisticDefinition statDefinitionAvgPop = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Average, ""); StatisticDefinition statDefinitionMinPop = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Minimum, ""); StatisticDefinition statDefinitionMaxPop = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Maximum, ""); StatisticDefinition statDefinitionSumPop = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Sum, ""); StatisticDefinition statDefinitionStdDevPop = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.StandardDeviation, ""); StatisticDefinition statDefinitionVarPop = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Variance, ""); // Create a definition for count that includes an alias for the output StatisticDefinition statDefinitionCount = new StatisticDefinition("POP", StatisticType.Count, "CityCount"); // Add the statistics definitions to a list List <StatisticDefinition> statDefinitions = new List <StatisticDefinition> { statDefinitionAvgPop, statDefinitionCount, statDefinitionMinPop, statDefinitionMaxPop, statDefinitionSumPop, statDefinitionStdDevPop, statDefinitionVarPop }; // Create the statistics query parameters, pass in the list of definitions StatisticsQueryParameters statQueryParams = new StatisticsQueryParameters(statDefinitions); // If only using features in the current extent, set up the spatial filter for the statistics query parameters if (OnlyInExtentSwitch.IsToggled) { // Get the current extent (envelope) from the map view Envelope currentExtent = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry as Envelope; // Set the statistics query parameters geometry with the envelope statQueryParams.Geometry = currentExtent; // Set the spatial relationship to Intersects (which is the default) statQueryParams.SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects; } // If only evaluating the largest cities (over 5 million in population), set up an attribute filter if (OnlyBigCitiesSwitch.IsToggled) { // Set a where clause to get the largest cities (could also use "POP_CLASS = '5,000,000 and greater'") statQueryParams.WhereClause = "POP_RANK = 1"; } // Execute the statistical query with these parameters and await the results StatisticsQueryResult statQueryResult = await _worldCitiesTable.QueryStatisticsAsync(statQueryParams); // Display results in the list box StatResultsList.ItemsSource = statQueryResult.FirstOrDefault().Statistics.ToList(); ResultsGrid.IsVisible = true; }
// Estimate local tile cache size / space private async void EstimateCacheSizeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { panelUI.IsEnabled = false; panelExport.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; panelTOC.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; progress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; _aoiOverlay.Graphics.Clear(); _aoiOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(viewpointExtent)); _aoiOverlay.IsVisible = true; _genOptions = new GenerateTileCacheParameters() { Format = ExportTileCacheFormat.TilePackage, MinScale = _onlineTiledLayer.ServiceInfo.TileInfo.Lods[(int)sliderLOD.Value].Scale, MaxScale = _onlineTiledLayer.ServiceInfo.TileInfo.Lods[0].Scale, GeometryFilter = GeometryEngine.Project(viewpointExtent, SpatialReferences.Wgs84) }; var job = await _exportTilesTask.EstimateTileCacheSizeAsync(_genOptions, (result, ex) => // Callback for when estimate operation has completed { if (ex == null) // Check whether operation completed with errors { txtExportSize.Text = string.Format("Tiles: {0} - Size (kb): {1:0}", result.TileCount, result.Size / 1024); panelExport.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; panelTOC.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Sample Error"); } panelUI.IsEnabled = true; progress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), // Check the operation every five seconds CancellationToken.None, new Progress <ExportTileCacheJob>((j) => // Callback for status updates { Debug.WriteLine(getTileCacheGenerationStatusMessage(j)); })); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Sample Error"); panelExport.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; panelTOC.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } }
// Utility: Generate a random MapPoint within the current extent private MapPoint GetRandomMapPoint() { // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; double x = viewpointExtent.XMin + (_random.NextDouble() * viewpointExtent.Width); double y = viewpointExtent.YMin + (_random.NextDouble() * viewpointExtent.Height); return(new MapPoint(x, y, MyMapView.SpatialReference)); }
/// <summary> /// Identifies feature to highlight. /// </summary> private async void MyMapView_MapViewTapped(object sender, MapViewInputEventArgs e) { // Ignore tap events while in edit mode so we do not interfere with edit geometry. var inEditMode = EditButton.IsEnabled; if (inEditMode) { return; } // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; var layer = MyMapView.Map.Layers["RecreationalArea"] as ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer; var task = new IdentifyTask(new Uri(layer.ServiceUri)); var mapPoint = MyMapView.ScreenToLocation(e.Position); var parameter = new IdentifyParameters(mapPoint, viewpointExtent, 2, (int)MyMapView.ActualHeight, (int)MyMapView.ActualWidth); // Clears map of any highlights. var overlay = MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays["Highlighter"] as GraphicsOverlay; overlay.Graphics.Clear(); SetGeometryEditor(); string message = null; try { // Performs an identify and adds feature result as selected into overlay. var result = await task.ExecuteAsync(parameter); if (result == null || result.Results == null || result.Results.Count < 1) { return; } var graphic = (Graphic)result.Results[0].Feature; graphic.IsSelected = true; overlay.Graphics.Add(graphic); // Prepares geometry editor. var featureID = Convert.ToInt64(graphic.Attributes["Objectid"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); SetGeometryEditor(featureID); } catch (Exception ex) { message = ex.Message; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) { await new MessageDialog(message).ShowAsync(); } }
void MyMapView_SpatialReferenceChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyMapView.SpatialReferenceChanged -= MyMapView_SpatialReferenceChanged; try { // Get current viewpoints extent from the MapView var currentViewpoint = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry); var viewpointExtent = currentViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent; var height = viewpointExtent.Height / 4; var width = viewpointExtent.Width / 4; var length = width / 4; var center = viewpointExtent.GetCenter(); var topLeft = new MapPoint(center.X - width, center.Y + height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var topRight = new MapPoint(center.X + width, center.Y + height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var bottomLeft = new MapPoint(center.X - width, center.Y - height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var bottomRight = new MapPoint(center.X + width, center.Y - height, MyMapView.SpatialReference); var redSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.Red }; var blueSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.Blue }; _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolygonBox(center, length), Symbol = blueSymbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolygonBox(topLeft, length), Symbol = redSymbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolygonBox(topRight, length), Symbol = redSymbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolygonBox(bottomLeft, length), Symbol = redSymbol }); _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = CreatePolygonBox(bottomRight, length), Symbol = redSymbol }); } catch (Exception ex) { var _x = new MessageDialog("Error occurred : " + ex.Message, "Sample Error").ShowAsync(); } }