public async Task <string> Spam([Author] Member author, MyCouchStore db, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketUserMessage message, [Rest] string youtubeUrl) { if (message.Author is SocketGuildUser discordAuthor && discordAuthor.VoiceChannel != null) { Spammable spammable; try { spammable = await Spammable.Create(youtubeUrl); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); return("Could not download youtube video. Maybe try a different video?"); } var bbpCost = spammable.Length * 100 / 60; var walletCost = new Wallet(bbpCost + " BBP"); author.Wallet.Subtract(walletCost); try { await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{author.Name} has triggered a mic spam for {walletCost}."); var client = await discordAuthor.VoiceChannel.ConnectAsync(); if (!await spammable.Spam(client)) { return("Could not play youtube video in voice channel. Maybe try a different video."); } else { await db.StoreAsync(author); return(null); } } finally { await discordAuthor.VoiceChannel.DisconnectAsync(); } }
public async Task <string> Give([Author] Member author, Member reciever, [Rest] string amountText, MyCouchStore db) { if (author.Id == reciever.Id) { throw new CommandFailedException("You can't give to yourself."); } var amount = new Wallet(amountText); author.Wallet.Subtract(amount); reciever.Wallet.Add(amount); await db.StoreAsync(author); await db.StoreAsync(reciever); return($"{author} has given {reciever} {amount.ToString()}."); }
/// <summary> /// Returns Id of created document /// </summary> private string CreateDocument(string document) { using (var c = new MyCouchStore(_uri)) { var header = c.StoreAsync(document).Result; return header.Id; } }
/// <summary> /// Stores a single comment and returns the complete object as it would be found in the dataabase. /// </summary> /// <param name="comment"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <Comment> StoreComment(Comment comment) { if (comment == null) { return(null); } comment = await _commentStore.StoreAsync(comment); _commentCache.Put(comment.Id, comment); return(comment); }
public void Store(BookOrder bookOrder) { using (var store = new MyCouchStore(_databaseUri, _databaseName)) { // HACK: Concurrency support, lets just get the latest rev // Don't do this in production environments !! Implement concurrency properly all the way // to the client !! string rev = GetRev(store, bookOrder.Id); BookOrderDto bookOrderDto = BookOrderMapper.MapTo(bookOrder, rev); if (rev == null) { store.StoreAsync(bookOrderDto).Wait(); } else { bookOrderDto._rev = rev; store.StoreAsync(bookOrderDto).Wait(); } } }
public void ImportTestData() { // Remove the old database string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CouchDb"].ConnectionString; var uri = new Uri(connectionString); var dbName = uri.LocalPath.Substring(1); using (var s = new MyCouchServerClient(uri.Scheme + "://" + uri.Authority)) { s.Databases.DeleteAsync(dbName).Wait(); } // Create new database CouchConfig.SetupCouchDb(); // Fill it with test data using (var c = new MyCouchStore(connectionString)) { foreach (var testData in GetTestData()) { c.StoreAsync(testData).Wait(); } } }
public void Add(LeadType type) { _store.StoreAsync(type).Wait(); }
static void WorkTimerCallback(object state) { MyCouchClient couch = (MyCouchClient)state; List <ADAITask> taskList = new List <ADAITask>(); Console.Write("Getting settings..."); Task <GetEntityResponse <Settings> > settingsTask = couch.Entities.GetAsync <Settings>("settings"); settingsTask.Wait(); Settings settings; if (settingsTask.Result.IsSuccess) { settings = settingsTask.Result.Content; Console.WriteLine("done"); } else { settings = new Settings(); Console.WriteLine("error - using defaults"); } Console.WriteLine("Current settings: autoWatch = " + settings.autoWatch); Console.Write("Polling tasklist..."); QueryViewRequest req = new QueryViewRequest("tasks", "tasks").Configure(q => q.IncludeDocs(true)); Task <ViewQueryResponse <string, ADAITask> > queryTask = couch.Views.QueryAsync <string, ADAITask>(req); queryTask.Wait(); Console.WriteLine("done - " + queryTask.Result.TotalRows + " tasks fetched"); if (queryTask.Result.TotalRows == 0 && !settings.autoWatch) { Console.WriteLine("Finished! Waiting for next polling interval..."); return; } Console.Write("Connecting to " + DB + "..."); OracleConnection conn = null; try { conn = new OracleConnection(connString); conn.Open(); // Open session OracleCommand cmdOpenSession = new OracleCommand("e.env_session_intf#.open_session", conn); cmdOpenSession.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmdOpenSession.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("done"); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; // Copy task IDs to a list that we then use in an OracleParameter for the IN clause foreach (ViewQueryResponse <string, ADAITask> .Row row in queryTask.Result.Rows) { //taskIdList.Add(row.IncludedDoc.TaskID); OracleParameter par = new OracleParameter(":t" + cmd.Parameters.Count, OracleDbType.Int32); par.Value = row.IncludedDoc.TaskID; cmd.Parameters.Add(par); } StringBuilder inClause = new StringBuilder(); foreach (OracleParameter par in cmd.Parameters) { inClause.AppendFormat("{0},", par.ParameterName); } if (inClause.Length > 0) { inClause.Remove(inClause.Length - 1, 1); // Remove trailing comma } else { inClause.Append("null"); } StringBuilder q = new StringBuilder(); q.AppendLine("select,,, env_release.user_id"); q.AppendLine(" from e.env_task, e.env_wfc_status, e.env_release, env_user"); q.AppendLine(" where env_task.env_wfc_status_id ="); q.AppendLine(" and env_task.env_release_id ="); q.AppendLine(" and env_task.resp_env_user_id ="); q.AppendFormat(" and ( in ({0})", inClause); q.AppendLine(); // Also include new tasks not already watched? if (settings.autoWatch) { OracleParameter parUser = new OracleParameter(); parUser.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2; parUser.ParameterName = ":oracle_user"; parUser.Value = username.ToUpper(); cmd.Parameters.Add(parUser); q.AppendFormat(" or env_user.oracle_user = {0}", parUser.ParameterName); q.AppendLine(); q.AppendLine(" and env_task.env_wfc_status_id in (2018 /* Integration Test Running */, 2015 /* Ready to Integrate */)"); } q.AppendLine(")"); cmd.CommandText = q.ToString(); Console.Write("Running query..."); Debug.WriteLine(cmd.CommandText); OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); Console.WriteLine("done"); foreach (ViewQueryResponse <string, ADAITask> .Row row in queryTask.Result.Rows) { taskList.Add(row.IncludedDoc); } while (reader.Read()) { ADAITask t = null; if (taskList.Exists(m => m.TaskID == reader.GetInt32(0))) { t = queryTask.Result.Rows.Where(e => e.IncludedDoc.TaskID == reader.GetInt32(0)).Single().IncludedDoc; } else { t = new ADAITask(reader.GetInt32(0)); taskList.Add(t); } t.TaskName = reader.GetString(1); t.TaskStatus = reader.GetString(2); t.TaskRelease = reader.GetString(3); t.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now; Debug.WriteLine("Task ID: " + t.TaskID + ", Task Name: " + t.TaskName + ", Task Status: " + t.TaskStatus + ", Task Release: " + t.TaskRelease); } reader.Close(); } catch (OracleException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } } MyCouchStore store = new MyCouchStore(couch); foreach (ADAITask t in taskList) { Console.Write("Updating doc for task " + t.TaskID + "..."); Task <ADAITask> storeTask = store.StoreAsync <ADAITask>(t); storeTask.Wait(); Console.WriteLine("done"); } Console.WriteLine("Finished! Waiting for next polling interval..."); //GetChangesRequest getChangesRequest = new GetChangesRequest //{ // Feed = ChangesFeed.Normal //}; //Task<ChangesResponse> changesTask = store.Client.Changes.GetAsync(getChangesRequest); //changesTask.Wait(); //changeObserver.SetIgnoreUntilSeqNr(changesTask.Result.LastSeq); }
public bool LoadFrom(string couchdb_host, string db_name, string config_name = null, bool track_changes = false) { using (var couch_store = new MyCouchStore(couchdb_host, db_name)) { config_name = config_name ?? ((this.Config != null) ? this.Config.Id : typeof(T).Name); var task = couch_store.GetByIdAsync <T>(config_name); task.Wait(); if (task.Result != null) { if (task.Result.PreLoad()) { task.Result.OnLoad(); this.Config = task.Result; Logger.InfoFormat("Configuration is loaded from {0}/{1}/{2} successfully:\n\r{3}", couchdb_host, db_name, config_name, couch_store.Client.Serializer.Serialize(task.Result)); } else { Logger.InfoFormat("Failed to load configuration from {0}/{1}/{2}", couchdb_host, db_name, config_name); return(false); } } else { if (this.Config != null) { try { var write_task = couch_store.StoreAsync <T>(this.Config); write_task.Wait(); Logger.InfoFormat("Configuration does not exist on {0}/{1}/{2}. So wrote back {3}:\n\r{4}", couchdb_host, db_name, config_name, write_task.Result, couch_store.Client.Serializer.Serialize(this.Config)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn("Failed to store back defaut configuration", ex); return(false); } } } } if (false == track_changes) { return(true); } throw new NotImplementedException("configuration tracking is not available now"); /* * var getChangesRequest = new GetChangesRequest * { * Feed = ChangesFeed.Continuous, * Heartbeat = 1000, * }; * * _couch_client = new MyCouchClient(couchdb_host, db_name); * _cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); * _couch_client.Changes.GetAsync(getChangesRequest, data => this.FeedData(data), _cancellation.Token); * * return true; */ }
public void Add(Lead lead) { _store.StoreAsync(lead).Wait(); }
public void Add(Product product) { _store.StoreAsync(product).Wait(); }
static void WorkTimerCallback(object state) { MyCouchClient couch = (MyCouchClient) state; List<ADAITask> taskList = new List<ADAITask>(); Console.Write("Getting settings..."); Task<GetEntityResponse<Settings>> settingsTask = couch.Entities.GetAsync<Settings>("settings"); settingsTask.Wait(); Settings settings; if (settingsTask.Result.IsSuccess) { settings = settingsTask.Result.Content; Console.WriteLine("done"); } else { settings = new Settings(); Console.WriteLine("error - using defaults"); } Console.WriteLine("Current settings: autoWatch = " + settings.autoWatch); Console.Write("Polling tasklist..."); QueryViewRequest req = new QueryViewRequest("tasks", "tasks").Configure(q => q.IncludeDocs(true)); Task<ViewQueryResponse<string, ADAITask>> queryTask = couch.Views.QueryAsync<string, ADAITask>(req); queryTask.Wait(); Console.WriteLine("done - " + queryTask.Result.TotalRows + " tasks fetched"); if (queryTask.Result.TotalRows == 0 && !settings.autoWatch) { Console.WriteLine("Finished! Waiting for next polling interval..."); return; } Console.Write("Connecting to " + DB + "..."); OracleConnection conn = null; try { conn = new OracleConnection(connString); conn.Open(); // Open session OracleCommand cmdOpenSession = new OracleCommand("e.env_session_intf#.open_session", conn); cmdOpenSession.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmdOpenSession.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("done"); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; // Copy task IDs to a list that we then use in an OracleParameter for the IN clause foreach (ViewQueryResponse<string, ADAITask>.Row row in queryTask.Result.Rows) { //taskIdList.Add(row.IncludedDoc.TaskID); OracleParameter par = new OracleParameter(":t" + cmd.Parameters.Count, OracleDbType.Int32); par.Value = row.IncludedDoc.TaskID; cmd.Parameters.Add(par); } StringBuilder inClause = new StringBuilder(); foreach (OracleParameter par in cmd.Parameters) { inClause.AppendFormat("{0},", par.ParameterName); } if (inClause.Length > 0) { inClause.Remove(inClause.Length - 1, 1); // Remove trailing comma } else { inClause.Append("null"); } StringBuilder q = new StringBuilder(); q.AppendLine("select,,, env_release.user_id"); q.AppendLine(" from e.env_task, e.env_wfc_status, e.env_release, env_user"); q.AppendLine(" where env_task.env_wfc_status_id ="); q.AppendLine(" and env_task.env_release_id ="); q.AppendLine(" and env_task.resp_env_user_id ="); q.AppendFormat(" and ( in ({0})", inClause); q.AppendLine(); // Also include new tasks not already watched? if (settings.autoWatch) { OracleParameter parUser = new OracleParameter(); parUser.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2; parUser.ParameterName = ":oracle_user"; parUser.Value = username.ToUpper(); cmd.Parameters.Add(parUser); q.AppendFormat(" or env_user.oracle_user = {0}", parUser.ParameterName); q.AppendLine(); q.AppendLine(" and env_task.env_wfc_status_id in (2018 /* Integration Test Running */, 2015 /* Ready to Integrate */)"); } q.AppendLine(")"); cmd.CommandText = q.ToString(); Console.Write("Running query..."); Debug.WriteLine(cmd.CommandText); OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); Console.WriteLine("done"); foreach (ViewQueryResponse<string, ADAITask>.Row row in queryTask.Result.Rows) { taskList.Add(row.IncludedDoc); } while (reader.Read()) { ADAITask t = null; if (taskList.Exists(m => m.TaskID == reader.GetInt32(0))) { t = queryTask.Result.Rows.Where(e => e.IncludedDoc.TaskID == reader.GetInt32(0)).Single().IncludedDoc; } else { t = new ADAITask(reader.GetInt32(0)); taskList.Add(t); } t.TaskName = reader.GetString(1); t.TaskStatus = reader.GetString(2); t.TaskRelease = reader.GetString(3); t.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now; Debug.WriteLine("Task ID: " + t.TaskID + ", Task Name: " + t.TaskName + ", Task Status: " + t.TaskStatus + ", Task Release: " + t.TaskRelease); } reader.Close(); } catch (OracleException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } } MyCouchStore store = new MyCouchStore(couch); foreach (ADAITask t in taskList) { Console.Write("Updating doc for task " + t.TaskID + "..."); Task<ADAITask> storeTask = store.StoreAsync<ADAITask>(t); storeTask.Wait(); Console.WriteLine("done"); } Console.WriteLine("Finished! Waiting for next polling interval..."); //GetChangesRequest getChangesRequest = new GetChangesRequest //{ // Feed = ChangesFeed.Normal //}; //Task<ChangesResponse> changesTask = store.Client.Changes.GetAsync(getChangesRequest); //changesTask.Wait(); //changeObserver.SetIgnoreUntilSeqNr(changesTask.Result.LastSeq); }