public bool AddUser(string name, string email, string password) { try { c1 = con1.GetConnection(); string str = "insert into [User] (name, email, password, isactive, isadmin) values ('" + name + "', '" + email + "', '" + password + "', 1, 0); SELECT NEWID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, c1); c1.Open(); var id = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); SetID(Convert.ToInt32(id)); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(id); c1.Close(); c2 = con1.GetConnection(); string str1 = "insert into [UserDetails] (userid) values ( " + GetID() + " )"; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(str1, c2); c2.Open(); cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); c2.Close(); } catch (SqlException e) { return(false); } return(true); }
public void UpdateUserProfile(int u_id, string address, string city, string state, string zipcode, string telephone, string email, string name) { c1 = con1.GetConnection(); string str = "update userdetails set address = '" + address + "', city = '" + city + "', province = '" + state + "', postalcode = '" + zipcode + "' , phone = '" + telephone + "' where userid = " + u_id; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, c1); c1.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); c1.Close(); c2 = con1.GetConnection(); string str1 = "update [user] set name = '" + name + "', email = '" + email + "' where userid = " + u_id; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(str1, c2); c2.Open(); cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); c2.Close(); }
public void AddToReview(int u_id, int g_id, int rating, string review) { c2 = con2.GetConnection(); string getCart = "Select reviewid from [review] where userid = " + u_id + " and gameid = " + g_id; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(getCart, c2); c2.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { /*while (reader.Read()) * { * break; * }*/ Exist = true; } else { Exist = false; } c2.Close(); if (!Exist) { c1 = con1.GetConnection(); string str = "insert into Review (UserID, GameID, review, rating, isActive) values (" + u_id + ",+" + g_id + ", '" + review + "', " + rating + ", 1)"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, c1); c1.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); c1.Close(); } else { c1 = con1.GetConnection(); string str = "update review set review = '" + review + "', rating = " + rating + " where userid = " + u_id + " and gameid = " + g_id; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, c1); c1.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); c1.Close(); } UpdateGames(g_id); }
public void DeleteItem(int u_id, int c_id) { c1 = con1.GetConnection(); string str = "Delete from wishlist where userid = " + u_id + " and wishlistid = " + c_id; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, c1); c1.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); c1.Close(); }
private void bindingNavigatorDeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataRowView drv = this.questionnaireOriginBindingSource.Current as DataRowView; if (drv == null) { return; } int originid = (int)drv["OriginNo"]; try { if (!Questionnaire.HasRelatedOrigin(MyConnection.GetConnection(), originid)) { drv.Delete(); } else { throw new Exception("Questions related to this questionnaire were detected."); } } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show("Deletion failed " + e1.Message); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["userid"] == null) Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); Session.Add("url","Wishlist.aspx"); dw = new DeleteWishlist(); string userstr = "SELECT * from wishlist where userid = "+ Convert.ToInt16(Session["userid"]); con = new MyConnection(); c1 = con.GetConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(userstr, c1); c1.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { isWishlistEmpty = false; } else { isWishlistEmpty = true; } c1.Close(); }
private void FormVettingComments_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { vi = new VettingInfo(); vi.VetId = this.m_vetid; vi.SelectByVetId(MyConnection.GetConnection(), this.m_vetid); this.tb_comments.Text = vi.Comments; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["userid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } Session.Add("url", "Wishlist.aspx"); dw = new DeleteWishlist(); string userstr = "SELECT * from wishlist where userid = " + Convert.ToInt16(Session["userid"]); con = new MyConnection(); c1 = con.GetConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(userstr, c1); c1.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { isWishlistEmpty = false; } else { isWishlistEmpty = true; } c1.Close(); }
private void PrepareBindingSources() { bs_vessels = new BindingSource(); DataTable tbl_vessels = new DataTable(); Vessel.FillVesselTable(MyConnection.GetConnection(), tbl_vessels); DataTable tbl_inspectiontypes = null; tbl_inspectiontypes = Vetting.Vetting.SelectInspectionTypes(MyConnection.GetConnection()); bs_vessels.DataSource = tbl_vessels; bs_inspectiontypes = new BindingSource(); bs_inspectiontypes.DataSource = tbl_inspectiontypes; this.dgvcol_InspectionTypeCmb.DataSource = bs_inspectiontypes; this.dgvcol_InspectionTypeCmb.DisplayMember = "InspectionType"; this.dgvcol_VesselId_cmb.DataSource = bs_vessels; this.dgvcol_VesselId_cmb.DisplayMember = "VesselName"; /* * DataTable tbl_requests = new DataTable(); * tbl_requests.Columns.Add("UserId", typeof(int)); * tbl_requests.Columns.Add("ComputerName", typeof(string)); * * tbl_requests.Columns.Add("UserName", typeof(String)); * tbl_requests.Columns.Add("RequestDate", typeof(DateTime)); * tbl_requests.Columns.Add("RequestCode", typeof(string)); * tbl_requests.Columns.Add("VetRequestId", typeof(int)); * tbl_requests.Columns.Add("Granted", typeof(byte)); * tbl_requests.Columns.Add("BriefcaseFile", typeof(string)); */ }
private void FormQuestionnaireOrigin_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { daQuestionnaireOrigin = Vetting.QuestionnaireOrigin.GetAdapter(MyConnection.GetConnection()); this.questionnaireOriginBindingSource.DataSource = this.attendance; // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'attendance.QuestionnaireOrigin' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. int num = daQuestionnaireOrigin.Fill(this.attendance.QuestionnaireOrigin); this.questionnaireOriginBindingSource.AddingNew += new AddingNewEventHandler(questionnaireOriginBindingSource_AddingNew); }
private void ExportToBriefcaseFile() { SaveFileDialog sfdlg = new SaveFileDialog(); sfdlg.Filter = "(briefcase files *.sdf)|*.sdf"; if (DialogResult.OK == sfdlg.ShowDialog()) { if (this.dataGridViewVIQRegistry.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { try { Portable.SaveSchema(sfdlg.FileName, ApplicationInfo.bfpassword); } catch (Exception e2) { MessageBox.Show("Metadata failed to be exported :" + e2.Message); return; } if (!Questionnaire.TransferRegistryInfoToBriefcase(MyConnection.GetConnection(), sfdlg.FileName, ApplicationInfo.bfpassword)) { MessageBox.Show("Registry data failed to be transfered."); return; } foreach (DataGridViewRow dgv in this.dataGridViewVIQRegistry.SelectedRows) { var drv = (DataRowView)dgv.DataBoundItem; int qid = (int)drv["Qid"]; try { if ((byte)drv["finalized"] != 1) { throw new Exception("not finalized"); } } catch (Exception e3) { MessageBox.Show(drv["Qid"].ToString() + " skipped :not finalized"); continue; } try { Portable.TransferQuestionnaireTemplate(MyConnection.GetConnection(), qid, sfdlg.FileName, ApplicationInfo.bfpassword); } catch (Exception e2) { MessageBox.Show("Questionnaire export failed :" + e2.Message); } } MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Briefcase file {0} created.", sfdlg.FileName)); } } }
private void Form_QuestionnaireInfo_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'attendance.VIQInfo' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. int rows = Vetting.VIQInfo.Select(MyConnection.GetConnection(), this.attendance.VIQInfo); if (ApplicationInfo.ActiveUserMode == ApplicationInfo.UserMode.Administrator) { this.dataGridViewVIQRegistry.MultiSelect = true; this.dataGridViewVIQRegistry.ContextMenuStrip = this.contextMenuStrip1; } }
private void FormBriefcaseVessels_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'attendance_rdbms.Vessel' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. Vessel.FillVesselTable(MyConnection.GetConnection(), this.attendance_rdbms.Vessel); try { Portable.FillVesselTable(this.m_filepath, this.m_password, this.attendance_briefcase.Vessel); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(e1.Message); } }
private void chb_fleetwise_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { return; //uncomment to implement if (this.chb_fleetwise.Checked) { this.tbl_negativecategories_fleet.Clear(); Reporter.FillTableNegativeCategoriesPerFleet(MyConnection.GetConnection(), this.tbl_negativecategories_fleet); this.bindingsource_negativecategories_fleet.DataSource = this.DataSet_ReportCritical; this.bindingsource_negativecategories_fleet.DataMember = "NegativeCategoriesFleet"; this.dgview_negative_categories.DataSource = this.bindingsource_negativecategories_fleet; //this.dataGridView_Vessels.ClearSelection(); this.dataGridView_Vessels.BackgroundColor = Color.Black; if (!this.DataSet_ReportCritical.Relations.Contains("relNegativeCategoriesObjects")) { DataColumn dcCategoryCategoryId = this.tbl_negativecategories_fleet.Columns["CategoryId"]; DataColumn dcCategoryVesselId = this.tbl_negativecategories_fleet.Columns["VesselId"]; DataColumn dcObjectsCategoryId = this.DataSet_ReportCritical.NegativeQuestions.Columns["CategoryNewId"]; DataColumn dcObjectsVesselId = this.DataSet_ReportCritical.NegativeQuestions.Columns["VesselId"]; //DataColumn []dcCategories=new DataColumn[]{dcCategoryCategoryId,dcCategoryVesselId}; //DataColumn []dcObjects=new DataColumn[]{dcObjectsCategoryId,dcObjectsVesselId}; DataRelation drCategoryObjects = new DataRelation("relNegativeCategoriesObjects", new DataColumn[] { dcCategoryCategoryId, dcCategoryVesselId }, new DataColumn[] { dcObjectsCategoryId, dcObjectsVesselId }); this.DataSet_ReportCritical.Relations.Add(drCategoryObjects); this.bindingsource_negativecategories_fleet_objects.DataSource = this.DataSet_ReportCritical; this.bindingsource_negativecategories_fleet_objects.DataMember = "NegativeCategoriesFleet.relNegativeCategoriesObjects"; this.dataGridView_CriticalQuestions.DataSource = this.bindingsource_negativecategories_fleet_objects; } } else { this.dgview_negative_categories.DataSource = this.bindingsource_negativecategories; try { this.dataGridView_Vessels.Rows[0].Selected = true; } catch { } this.dataGridView_Vessels.BackgroundColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; this.bindingsource_negativecategories.ResetCurrentItem(); } this.dataGridView_Vessels.Enabled = !this.chb_fleetwise.Checked; }
protected void InsertIntoCart(int u_id, int g_id) { c1 = con1.GetConnection(); string str = " insert into cart (UserID, GamePlatformID, ISACTIVE, quantity) values (" + u_id + "," + g_id + ",1, 1)"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, c1); c1.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); c1.Close(); }
private void bt_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { vi.Comments = this.tb_comments.Text; try { vi.Save(MyConnection.GetConnection()); MessageBox.Show("Changes committed"); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(e1.Message); } }
private void bt_Transfer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataGridViewRow dgv in this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows) { var drv = (DataRowView)dgv.DataBoundItem; int qid = (int)drv["Qid"]; Portable.TransferQuestionnaireTemplate(MyConnection.GetConnection(), qid, this.m_FilePath, this.m_password); } } }
protected void GetGameReview() { c2 = con2.GetConnection(); string getCart = "Select rating, review, name, details, image from [Game] where gameid = " + g_id; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(getCart, c2); c2.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { game_rating = Convert.ToInt16(reader.GetInt32(0)); game_review = Convert.ToInt16(reader.GetInt32(1)); g_name = reader.GetString(2).ToString(); g_details = reader.GetString(3).ToString(); image = reader.GetString(4).ToString(); } } c2.Close(); }
private void FormInspectionType_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { daInspectionType = Vetting.InspectionType.GetAdapter(MyConnection.GetConnection()); // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'attendance.InspectionTypes' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. daInspectionType.Fill(this.attendance.InspectionTypes); if (ApplicationInfo.ActiveUserMode == ApplicationInfo.UserMode.NormalUser) { this.InitializeRole(false); } else { this.InitializeRole(true); } }
private void FormVesselRegistry_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { daVessel = Vetting.Vessel.GetAdapter(MyConnection.GetConnection()); // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'attendance.Vessel' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. Vetting.Vessel.FillVesselTable(MyConnection.GetConnection(), this.attendance.Vessel); if (ApplicationInfo.ActiveUserMode == ApplicationInfo.UserMode.NormalUser) { this.InitializeRole(false); } else { this.InitializeRole(true); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Login(string username, string password) { // Find and validate the user: //Users user = GetUserByUsername(username); User user = null; string query = "select * from users where username = @Username and password = @Password"; IDbConnection dbcon = con.GetConnection(); try { var rs = await dbcon.QueryAsync <User>(query, new { Username = username, Password = password }).ConfigureAwait(false); user = rs.FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception ex) { //_logger.Error(ex.ToString()); } finally { dbcon.Close(); dbcon.Dispose(); } if (user == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Incorrect username or password."); return(View()); } // Create the identity var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme); identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.Username)); identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.GivenName, user.FullName)); identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, user.Role)); //// Add roles //foreach (var role in user.Roles) //{ // identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, role)); //} // Sign in var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity); await HttpContext.SignInAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, principal); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
private void FormVettingRequest_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bs_vettingrequests = new BindingSource(); DataTable tbl = Vetting.VettingRequest.Select(MyConnection.GetConnection()); bs_vettingrequests.DataSource = tbl; bs_vettingrequests.PositionChanged += new EventHandler(bs_vettingrequests_PositionChanged); this.dgv_vettingrequest.DataSource = bs_vettingrequests; bs_requestShcedule = new BindingSource(); DataTable tbl_sch = Vetting.VettingRequest.SelectSchedule(MyConnection.GetConnection(), null); bs_requestShcedule.DataSource = tbl_sch; }
private void FormObjectContext_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'attendance.VIQInfo' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. if (Questionnaire.FillObjectRelatedTable(MyConnection.GetConnection(), this.m_objectid, this.attendance.VIQInfo) == 0) { this.splitContainer1.Panel2Collapsed = true; } if (Vetting.Vetting.FillObjectRelatedTable(MyConnection.GetConnection(), this.m_objectid, -1, this.attendance.ObjectVettingInfo) == 0) { this.splitContainer1.Panel1Collapsed = true; } if (this.m_vesselid != -1) { this.chb_vesselspecific.Visible = true; vesselfilter = "Vesselid = " + this.m_vesselid.ToString(); ApplyFilter(false); } }
private void Form_ReportCritical_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reporter.FillTableVessel(MyConnection.GetConnection(), this.DataSet_ReportCritical.Vessels); Reporter.FillTableNegativeQuestions(MyConnection.GetConnection(), this.DataSet_ReportCritical.NegativeQuestions); Reporter.FillTableVetting(MyConnection.GetConnection(), this.DataSet_ReportCritical.Vetting); /* * foreach (DataRow rr in this.DataSet_ReportCritical.NegativeQuestions.Rows) * { * if(rr["vesselid"].ToString()=="10") * System.Console.Out.WriteLine(rr["Questioncode"].ToString()+" "+rr["categoryNewid"].ToString()); * } */ this.DataSet_ReportCritical.Tables.Add(this.tbl_negativecategories_fleet); if (ApplicationInfo.ActiveUserMode == ApplicationInfo.UserMode.Administrator) { this.chart.Visible = true; this.ChartCategory.Visible = true; this.ChartHistory.Visible = true; } // WindowsFormsApplication1.CrystalReport_CriticalReport cr=new CrystalReport_CriticalReport(); // cr.SetDataSource(this.dataSet_ReportCritical1.Vetting as DataTable ); // cr.Subreports[0].SetDataSource(this.dataSet_ReportCritical1.NegativeQuestions as DataTable); // this.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr; this.lb_sig_1.BackColor = MyColors[1]; this.lb_sig_1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.lb_sig_2.BackColor = MyColors[2]; this.lb_sig_2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.lb_sig_3.BackColor = MyColors[3]; this.lb_sig_3.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.lb_sig_4.BackColor = MyColors[4]; this.lb_sig_4.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.lb_sig_5.BackColor = MyColors[5]; this.lb_sig_5.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.lb_sig_bot_1.BackColor = MyColors[1]; this.lb_sig_1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.lb_sig_bot_2.BackColor = MyColors[2]; this.lb_sig_2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.lb_sig_bot_3.BackColor = MyColors[3]; this.lb_sig_3.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.lb_sig_bot_4.BackColor = MyColors[4]; this.lb_sig_4.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.lb_sig_bot_5.BackColor = MyColors[5]; this.lb_sig_5.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.dataGridView_CriticalQuestions.DataSource = this.negativeQuestionsBindingSource; this.negativeQuestionsBindingSource.Sort = "DisplayOrder asc"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // disable unobtrusive validation if (Session["Userid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } Session.Add("url", "UserProfile.aspx"); address = new TextBox(); city = new TextBox(); zipcode = new TextBox(); phone = new TextBox(); email = new TextBox(); name = new TextBox(); password = new TextBox(); pass2 = new TextBox(); d = new DropDownList(); UnobtrusiveValidationMode = System.Web.UI.UnobtrusiveValidationMode.None; if (IsPostBack) { lbl_Message.Text = ""; lbl_update.Text = ""; } DDL_pro = new DropDownList(); upd_user = new UpdateUser(); con1 = new MyConnection(); sql = con1.GetConnection(); str = "Select province from UserDetails where UserID = " + Session["userid"]; SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(str, sql); sql.Open(); //SqlDataReader reader = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); province = Convert.ToString(cmd2.ExecuteScalar()).Trim(); sql.Close(); }
private void bt_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (bs_requestShcedule.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Define vetting schedule to proceed"); return; } try { Vetting.VettingRequest.Save(MyConnection.GetConnection(), bs_vettingrequests.DataSource as DataTable); MessageBox.Show("Changes committed successfully."); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(e1.Message); } }
public void Add_To_Wishlist(int u_id, int g_id) { c2 = con2.GetConnection(); string getCart = "Select wishlistid from [wishlist] where userid = " + u_id + " and gameid = " + g_id; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(getCart, c2); c2.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { /*while (reader.Read()) * { * break; * }*/ Exist = true; } else { Exist = false; } c2.Close(); if (!Exist) { c1 = con1.GetConnection(); string str = " insert into Wishlist (UserID, GameID, listed, isActive) values (" + u_id + ",+" + g_id + ",1, 1)"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, c1); c1.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); c1.Close(); } }
protected void CalculatePrice() { MyConnection con = new MyConnection(); SqlConnection c1 = con.GetConnection(); string userstr = "SELECT Cart.CartID, Cart.Quantity, Game.GameID, Game.Name, Game.Details, Game.Image, GamePlatform.DVDPrice, Platform.Name AS Expr1 FROM Cart INNER JOIN GamePlatform ON GamePlatform.GamePlatformID = Cart.GamePlatformID INNER JOIN Platform ON Platform.PlatformID = GamePlatform.PlatformID INNER JOIN Game ON GamePlatform.GameID = Game.GameID WHERE (Cart.UserID = " + Convert.ToInt16(Session["userid"]) + ")"; int quantity = 0; int price = 0; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(userstr, c1); c1.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { isCartEmpty = false; while (reader.Read()) { quantity = reader.GetInt32(1); price = reader.GetInt32(6); total_price = total_price + (quantity * price); } } else { isCartEmpty = true; } c1.Close(); div_totalPrice.InnerText = "Total: $" + total_price; }
public int GetUserID(String email, String password) { c1 = conuser.GetConnection(); string userstr = "Select UserID from [User] where email = '" + email + "' and password = '******'"; int result = 0; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(userstr, c1); c1.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { result = reader.GetInt32(0); } c1.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(result); return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // disable unobtrusive validation if (Session["Userid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } if (Session["cart"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Cart.aspx"); } order = new AddOrders(); UnobtrusiveValidationMode = System.Web.UI.UnobtrusiveValidationMode.None; if (!IsPostBack) { } else { } con1 = new MyConnection(); sql = con1.GetConnection(); str = "Select province from UserDetails where UserID = " + Session["userid"]; SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(str, sql); sql.Open(); //SqlDataReader reader = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); province = Convert.ToString(cmd2.ExecuteScalar()).Trim(); sql.Close(); Session.Add("url", "Checkout.aspx"); }
private void bindingNavigatorDeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataRowView drv = this.vesselBindingSource.Current as DataRowView; if (drv == null) { return; } int vesselid = (int)drv["Vesselid"]; if (Vetting.Vetting.VesselEncounter(MyConnection.GetConnection(), vesselid) > 0) { throw new Exception("Vessel cannot be deleted.She participates into registered vetting(s)"); } else { drv.Delete(); } if (drv["Locked"] != DBNull.Value) { if ((int)drv["Locked"] > 0) { throw new Exception("Vessel cannot be deleted. System lock detected."); } } } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(e1.Message); } }