static void main(string[] args) { MyComplexClass myobj = new MyComplexClass(); Console.WriteLine(myobj.ToString()); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { MyComplexClass myObj = new MyComplexClass(); WriteLine(myObj.ToString()); ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { MyComplexClass myObj = new MyComplexClass(); Console.WriteLine(myObj.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(myObj.HelloWorld()); Console.ReadKey(); }
//定义函数区 //static void Write() //{ // WriteLine("Text output from function."); //} //static int MaxValue(int[] intArray) //{ // int maxVal = intArray[0]; // for (int i = 1; i < intArray.Length; i++) // { // if (intArray[i] > maxVal) // maxVal = intArray[i]; // } // return maxVal; //} //static int sumVals(params int[] vals) //{ // int sum = 0; // foreach (int number in vals) // { // sum += number; // } // return sum; //} //delegate double ProcessDelegate(double param1, double param2); //static double Multiply(double param1, double param2) => param1 * param2; //static double Divide(double param1, double param2) => param1 / param2; //delegate String GetString(); //static int Maxima(int[] integers, out int[] indices) //{ // Debug.WriteLine("Maximum value search started."); // indices = new int[1]; // int maxVal = integers[0]; // indices[0] = 0; // int count = 1; // Debug.WriteLine($"Maximum value initialized to {maxVal }, at element index 0."); // for (int i = 1; i < integers.Length; i++) // { // Debug.WriteLine($"Now looking at element at index {i}."); // if (integers[i] > maxVal) // { // maxVal = integers[i]; // count = 1; // indices = new int[1]; // indices[0] = i; // Debug.WriteLine($"New maximum found.New value is {maxVal },at element index {i }."); // } // else // { // if (integers[i] == maxVal) // { // count = count + 1; //count += 1 // int[] oldIndices = indices; // indices = new int[count]; // oldIndices.CopyTo(indices, 0); // indices[count - 1] = i; // Debug.WriteLine($"Duplicate maximum found at element index {i}."); // } // } // } // Trace.WriteLine($"Maximum value {maxVal } founf, with {count } occurrences."); // Debug.WriteLine("Maximum value search completed."); // return maxVal; //} static void Main(string[] args) { //添加代码的地方 #region //Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); //Console.ReadKey(); //int a = 12; //int b = 23; //Console.WriteLine("12+23=35"); //Console.WriteLine("{0}+{1}={2}", a, b, a+b); //Console.WriteLine($"{a}+{b}={a + b}"); //Console.ReadKey(); //int myInteger; //4.1布尔运算符 //string myString; //myInteger = 666; //myString = "\"myIneger\" is "; //Console.WriteLine($"{ myString}{ myInteger}"); //Console.ReadKey(); //string myVal = "wang"; //bool myString; //myString = myVal =="Wang"; //当使用<>进行比较时会报错 //Console.WriteLine(myString ); //Console.ReadKey(); //string comparison; //4.2 if语句实例 //WriteLine("Enter a Number:"); //double var1 = ToDouble(ReadLine()); //WriteLine("Enter another Number:"); //double var2 = ToDouble(ReadLine()); //if (var1 < var2) // comparison = "less than"; //else //{ // if (var1 == var2) // comparison = "equal to"; // else // comparison = "greater than"; //} //WriteLine($"The first number is {comparison} the second number"); //ReadKey(); //const string myName = "benjaming"; //4.2 swich语句实例 //const string niceName = "andrea"; //const string sillyName = "ploppy"; //string name; //WriteLine("What is your name?"); //name = ReadLine(); //switch (name.ToLower()) //{ // case myName: // WriteLine("you have the same name as me!"); // break; // case niceName: // WriteLine("what a nice name you have!"); // break; // case sillyName: // WriteLine("That's a very silly name."); // break; //} //WriteLine($"Hello,{name}!"); //ReadKey(); //int i = 1; //4.3 do循环 //do //{ // WriteLine("{0}", i++); //} while (i <= 10); //double balance, interestRate, targetBalance; //WriteLine("What is your current balance?"); //balance = ToDouble(ReadLine()); //WriteLine(@"What is your current interest rate(in %)?"); //interestRate = ToDouble(ReadLine()) / 100.0 + 1; //WriteLine("What balance would you like to have?"); //targetBalance = ToDouble(ReadLine()); //int totalYear = 0; //do //{ // balance *= interestRate; // ++totalYear; //} //while (balance < targetBalance); //WriteLine($"In {totalYear} year{(totalYear == 1 ? "" : "s")} you'll have a balance of {balance }."); //ReadKey(); //int numbertwo, numberone; //4.3 do循环判定用户输入 //do //{ // WriteLine("Please enter the first number:"); // numberone = ToInt32(ReadLine()); // WriteLine("Please enter the second number:"); // numbertwo = ToInt32(ReadLine()); // if (numberone > 10 & numbertwo > 10) // WriteLine($"The first number you enter is {numberone },the second number you enter is{numbertwo }." + // "It's not allowed that both of the two number greater than 10, please try again!"); //} while (numberone > 10 & numbertwo > 10); //WriteLine($"The first number you enter is {numberone },the second number you enter is {numbertwo }."); //ReadKey(); //short shortrResult, shortVal = 4; //5.1 类型转换 //int integerVal = 67; //long longResult; //float floatVal = 10.5F; //double doubleResult, doubleVal = 99.999; //string stringResult, stringVal = "17"; //bool boolVal = true; //WriteLine("Variable Conversion Examples\n"); //doubleResult = floatVal * shortVal; //WriteLine($"Implicit,-> double: {floatVal } * {shortVal } -> {doubleResult }"); //shortrResult = (short)floatVal; //WriteLine($"Explicit,-> short: {floatVal} -> {shortrResult }"); //stringResult = Convert.ToString(boolVal) + // Convert.ToString(doubleVal); //WriteLine($"Explicit, -> string: \"{boolVal }\" + \"{doubleVal }\" -> " + // $"{stringResult }"); //longResult = integerVal + ToInt32(stringVal); //WriteLine($"mixed, -> long: {integerVal } + {stringVal } -> {longResult }"); //ReadKey(); //orientation myDirction = orientation.north; //5.2 使用枚举 //WriteLine($"MyDriction is {myDirction }"); //ReadKey(); //route myRoute; //5.2.2 使用结构 //int myDirection = -1; //double myDistance; //WriteLine("1) North \n2) South \n3) East \n4) West"); //do //{ // WriteLine("Select a direction"); // myDirection = ToInt32(ReadLine()); //} while (myDirection < 1 | myDirection > 4); //WriteLine("Input a distance:"); //myDistance = ToDouble(ReadLine()); //myRoute.direction = (orientation)myDirection; //myRoute.distance = myDistance; //WriteLine($"myRoute specifies a direction of {myRoute.direction} " + // $"and a distance of {myRoute.distance}"); //ReadKey(); //string[] friendName = { "Today", "Hotel", "Shine" }; //5.2.3 使用数组 //int i; //WriteLine($"Here are {friendName.Length} of your friendName"); //for (i = 0; i < friendName.Length; i++) //{ // WriteLine(friendName[i]); //} //ReadKey(); //string[] friendName = new string[3] { "Hosptal", "Hotel", "Captaion" }; //5.2.3 foreach循环 //foreach (string name in friendName) //{ // WriteLine(name); //} //double[,] hillHeight = { { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 2, 3, 4, 5 }, { 3, 4, 5, 6 } }; //5.2.3 多维数组 //foreach (double high in hillHeight) //{ // WriteLine("{0}", high); //} //ReadKey(); //int[][] divisors1To10 = { new int[] { 1, 2 }, new int[] { 3 }, new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }, new int[] { 7, 8 }, new int[] { 9 } }; //5.2.3 数组的数组 //foreach (int[] divisor in divisors1To10) //{ // foreach (int div in divisor) // { // WriteLine(div); // } //} //ReadKey(); //string mystring = "A string"; //5.3 字符串是字符的只读数组 //for (int i = 0; i < mystring.Length; i++) //{ // WriteLine(mystring[i]); //} //ReadKey(); //string mystring = "This is a test."; //5.3 字符串的拆分 //char[] separator = { ' ' }; //string[] myWord; //myWord = mystring.Split(separator); //foreach (string word in myWord) //{ // WriteLine($"{word}"); //} //ReadKey(); //WriteLine("Now,Say Something"); //5.3 字符串转换成字符的数组 //String mystring = Convert.ToString(ReadLine()); //char[] mychar = mystring.ToCharArray(); //for (int i = mystring.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) //{ // WriteLine(mychar[i]); //} //ReadKey(); //WriteLine("Now,Say Something"); //5.3 字符串的搜索替换 //string mystring = Convert.ToString(ReadLine()); //char[] separator = { ' ' }; //string[] myWord; //myWord = mystring.Split(separator); //for (int i = 0; i < myWord.Length; i++) //{ // if (myWord[i].ToLower() == "yes") // myWord[i] = "no"; //} //foreach (string show in myWord) //{ // WriteLine(show); //} //ReadKey(); //WriteLine("Now,Say Something"); //5.3 字符串的单词提取 //String myString = Convert.ToString(ReadLine()); //Char[] separator = { ' ', ',', '.' }; //String[] myWord = myString.Split(separator); //String finalWord = ""; //for (int i = 0; i < myWord.Length; i++) //{ // myWord[i] = $"\"{myWord[i]}\""; // finalWord = finalWord + myWord[i] + " "; //} //WriteLine(finalWord); //ReadKey(); //Write(); //6.1 使用基本函数 //ReadKey(); //int[] myArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; //6.1.2 通过函数交换数据 //int maxVal = MaxValue(myArray); //WriteLine($"The max Value in myArray is {maxVal}"); //ReadKey(); //int sum = sumVals(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); //6.1.2 通过函数交换数据2 //WriteLine($"Summed Values = {sum}"); //ReadKey(); //int i; //6.2 变量的初始化位置 //String text = ""; //若在循环里面进行声明将报错 //for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) //{ // text = "Line" + Convert.ToString(i); // WriteLine($"{text}"); //} //WriteLine($"Last text output in loop: {text}"); //ProcessDelegate Process; //6.2 使用委托调用函数 //WriteLine("Enter 2 number separated with a comma:"); //String input = ReadLine(); //int commaPos = input.IndexOf(","); //常出现忘记切换为英文输入法,导致无法找到","这个英文逗号,从而commaPos为-1,报错:取字符串长度不能小于0 //double param1 = ToDouble(input.Substring(0, commaPos)); //double param2 = ToDouble(input.Substring(commaPos + 1, input.Length - commaPos - 1)); //WriteLine("Enter M to multiply or D to divide:"); //input = ReadLine(); //if (input.ToLower() == "m") // Process = new ProcessDelegate(Multiply); //else //if (input.ToLower() == "d") //当这里采用else if,会出现Process没有初始化的可能情况,从而报错 // Process = new ProcessDelegate(Divide); //WriteLine($"The Answer: {Process(param1, param2)}"); //ReadKey(); //String First = args[0]; //6.7 章节练习1 //int Second = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); //WriteLine($"The first arguments is : {First} \nThe second arguments is: {Second }"); //ReadKey(); //GetString GetIt; //6.7 章节练习2 //GetIt = new GetString(ReadLine); //WriteLine("Now,Say Something:"); //String Input = GetIt(); //WriteLine($"What You Say Is: {Input}"); //ReadKey(); //int[] testArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7 }; //7.1 输出到output窗口 //int[] maxValIndices; //int maxVal = Maxima(testArray, out maxValIndices); //WriteLine($"Maximum value {maxVal } found at element indices:"); //foreach (int index in maxValIndices) //{ // WriteLine(index); //} //ReadKey(); #endregion MyComplexClass myObj = new MyComplexClass(); WriteLine(myObj.ToString()); ReadKey(); }