コード例 #1
    IEnumerator Upload()
        //A. Save the results to data.json
        myData.UserFirstName = myFirstNameText.text;
        myData.UserLastName  = myLastNameText.text;
        myData.Grade         = int.Parse(myGradeText.text);
        myData.HeadSetNumber = myHeadsetNumberText.text;
        if (myPassingInformationToggle.isOn == true)
            myData.PassorFail = true;
            myData.PassorFail = false;
        if (myCompletionInformationToggle.isOn == true)
            myData.CompletedBefore = true;
            myData.CompletedBefore = false;
        String dataAsJson1 = JsonUtility.ToJson(myData);
        string filePath1;

        if ((Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) && (devModeAnd))
            filePath1 = m_Path + Path.GetFullPath("data.json");
        else if (!devModeAnd)
            filePath1 = pathA + "/data.json";
        else if (!devModeWin)
            filePath1 = pathW + "/data.json";
            filePath1 = Application.dataPath + gameDataProjectFilePath;

        File.WriteAllText(filePath1, dataAsJson1);

        //1. generate result from the data.json file.
        string filePath = "";

        if ((Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) && devModeAnd)
            filePath = m_Path + Path.GetFullPath("data.json");
        else if (!devModeAnd)
            filePath = pathA + "/data.json";
        else if (!devModeWin)
            filePath = pathW + "/data.json";
        else if ((Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) && devModeWin)
            gameDataProjectFilePath = "/data.json";
            filePath = Application.dataPath + gameDataProjectFilePath;
        else if ((Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) && devModeWin)
            gameDataProjectFilePath = "/EVR/data.json";
            filePath = Application.dataPath + gameDataProjectFilePath;
        string dataAsJson = File.ReadAllText(filePath);

        myDataPost = JsonUtility.FromJson <MyClassData>(dataAsJson);
        json       = JsonUtility.ToJson(myDataPost);

        //2. generate json from class
        //myData = new MyClassData();
        //json = JsonUtility.ToJson(myData);

        //3. generate data from received result after GET
        //json = JsonUtility.ToJson(myData);

        //creating a from with key value pair.
        WWWForm form = new WWWForm();

        form.AddField("data", json);
        using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post(myPushEndpoint, form))
            yield return(www.SendWebRequest());

            if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)
                Debug.Log("Form upload complete!");
コード例 #2
    IEnumerator GetRequest(string uri)
        WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

        webClient.DownloadFile("http://evr-demo.herokuapp.com/images/login.png", combine_path);     //download the profile image
        Debug.Log("Profile pic image" + combine_path);
        WWW www = new WWW(Url);

        while (!www.isDone)
            yield return(null);
        GameObject image = GameObject.Find("RawImage");

        image.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = www.texture;                   //save image as a texture
        using (UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(uri))
            Debug.Log("GET END PT" + uri);
            yield return(webRequest.SendWebRequest());                           // Request and wait for the desired page.

            string[] pages = uri.Split('/');
            int      page  = pages.Length - 1;
            if (webRequest.isNetworkError)
                Debug.Log(pages[page] + ": Error: " + webRequest.error);
                string dataAsJson = webRequest.downloadHandler.text.ToString();

                // Pass the json to JsonUtility, and tell it to create a GameData object from it
                myData = JsonUtility.FromJson <MyClassData>(dataAsJson);

                //1. print the results received from GET
                Debug.Log("Ticket: " + myData.ConfigId + " \nExperience Number: " + myData.ExperienceNumber + " \nHead Set Number: " + myData.HeadSetNumber + " \nUser First Name: " + myData.UserFirstName + " \nUser Last Name: " + myData.UserLastName + " \nPassed? " + myData.PassorFail + " \nGrade: " + myData.Grade + " \nPrevious Date: " + myData.DateLastAttempted + " \nIs it Completed Before: " + myData.CompletedBefore);

                //Updating the Text fields in UI
                myFirstNameText.text     = myData.UserFirstName;
                myLastNameText.text      = myData.UserLastName;
                myGradeText.text         = myData.Grade.ToString();
                myHeadsetNumberText.text = myData.HeadSetNumber;
                if (myData.PassorFail == true)
                    myPassingInformationToggle.isOn = true;
                    myPassingInformationToggle.isOn = false;
                if (myData.CompletedBefore == true)
                    myCompletionInformationToggle.isOn = true;
                    myCompletionInformationToggle.isOn = false;

                //2. Save the results to data.json
                dataAsJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(myData);
                string filePath;
                if ((Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) && (devModeAnd))
                    filePath = m_Path + Path.GetFullPath("data.json");
                else if (!devModeAnd)
                    filePath = pathA + "/data.json";
                else if ((Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) && (devModeWin))
                    gameDataProjectFilePath = "/data.json";
                    filePath = Application.dataPath + gameDataProjectFilePath;
                else if ((Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) && (devModeWin))
                    gameDataProjectFilePath = "/EVR/data.json";
                    filePath = Application.dataPath + gameDataProjectFilePath;
                    filePath = pathW + "/data.json";
                File.WriteAllText(filePath, dataAsJson);