void AfterMatchListener.OnResultRequested(Action <MutableGrammarBlock> blockTaker) { MutableGrammarBlock baseBlock = null; List <GrammarBlock> modifiers = new List <GrammarBlock>(); foreach (var afLIs in updatedMatches) { if (afLIs.index == 0 && parent.preMod != null) { afLIs.result.listener.OnResultRequested((mod) => modifiers.Add(mod)); } else if ((afLIs.index == 0 && parent.preMod == null) || (afLIs.index == 1 && parent.preMod != null)) { afLIs.result.listener.OnResultRequested((mgBlock) => baseBlock = mgBlock); } else if ((afLIs.index == 1 && parent.preMod == null) || (afLIs.index == 2 && parent.preMod != null)) { afLIs.result.listener.OnResultRequested((mod) => modifiers.Add(mod)); } } if (baseBlock != null) { foreach (var mod in modifiers) { baseBlock.AddModifier(mod); } blockTaker(baseBlock); } }
void AfterMatchListener.OnResultRequested(Action <MutableGrammarBlock> blockTaker) { var mClusterGBlock = new StdMutableClusterGBlock(); MutableGrammarBlock lastBlock = null; baseAMatchLis.OnResultRequested( (gBlock) => mClusterGBlock.subBlocks.Add(lastBlock = gBlock) ); if (mClusterGBlock.subBlocks.Count == 1) { blockTaker(lastBlock); } else if (mClusterGBlock.subBlocks.Count > 1) { blockTaker(mClusterGBlock); } }
public static void ApplyModAndMeta( MutableGrammarBlock newBlock, GrammarBlock sourceBlock, GBlockConvertListener listener, GBlockConverter metaConv = null, GBlockConverter modConv = null ) { if (sourceBlock.metaInfo != null) { var metaLis = new MixedGBlockConvertListener { _subBlockConverter = listener.metaConverter, _metaConverter = PassThroughGBlockConverter.instance, _modConverter = PassThroughGBlockConverter.instance }; var result = listener.metaConverter.ConvertGBlock(sourceBlock.metaInfo, metaLis); if (result.result != null) { newBlock.AddMetaInfo(result.result); } } if (sourceBlock.modifier != null) { var modLis = new MixedGBlockConvertListener { _subBlockConverter = listener.modConverter, _metaConverter = listener.metaConverter, _modConverter = listener.modConverter, _baseLisetner = listener }; var result = listener.modConverter.ConvertGBlock(sourceBlock.modifier, modLis); if (result.result != null) { newBlock.AddModifier(result.result); } } listener.AdditionalEdit(newBlock); }
void GBlockConvertListener.AdditionalEdit(MutableGrammarBlock mgBlock) { _baseLisetner?.AdditionalEdit(mgBlock); }
void GBlockConvertListener.AdditionalEdit(MutableGrammarBlock mgBlock) { }
public GBlockConvertResult(bool _didConvert, MutableGrammarBlock _result) { didConvert = _didConvert; result = _result; }
GBlockConvertResult GBlockConverter.ConvertGBlock(GrammarBlock sourceGBlock, GBlockConvertListener listener) { //only applly to SV or Condition SV if (!GrammarBlockUtils.HasMetaInfo(sourceGBlock, StdMetaInfos.sv.word) && !GrammarBlockUtils.HasMetaInfo(sourceGBlock, StdMetaInfos.conditionSV.word)) { return(default(GBlockConvertResult)); } //search passive be List <GrammarUnit> passiveVerbList = null; var originalSubject = sourceGBlock.cluster.blocks[0]; var convertedSubject = listener.subBlockConverter.ConvertGBlock(originalSubject, listener).result; var originalVerbs = sourceGBlock.cluster.blocks[1]; GrammarBlockUtils.DeepForEachBlockUnit( originalVerbs, (mainVerbUnit) => { if (GrammarBlockUtils.IsUnit(mainVerbUnit, "be")) { GrammarBlockUtils.DeepForEachBlockUnit( mainVerbUnit.modifier, (contentVerbUnit) => { if (passiveVerbList == null) { passiveVerbList = new List <GrammarUnit>(); } passiveVerbList.Add(contentVerbUnit); }, StdMetaInfos.verbalBlock.word ); } }, StdMetaInfos.verbalBlock.word ); //no passive verb found if (passiveVerbList == null) { return(default(GBlockConvertResult)); } //search normal verbs #if false List <GrammarBlock> normalVerbList = null; GrammarBlockUtils.ForEachUnits( originalVerbs, (gUnit) => { if (GrammarBlockUtils.ShallowSeekByMetaInfo(sourceGBlock.cluster.blocks[1], StdMetaInfos.verbalBlock.word) != null) { if (normalVerbList == null) { normalVerbList = new List <GrammarBlock>(); } normalVerbList.Add(gUnit); } }, StdMetaInfos.modifierCluster.word ); #endif MutableGrammarBlock converted = null; #region passive only if (passiveVerbList.Count > 0) { var newSVCluster = new StdMutableClusterGBlock { }; StdMutableClusterGBlock newSV = null; foreach (var passiveVerb in passiveVerbList) { newSV = new StdMutableClusterGBlock { }; (newSV as MutableClusterGrammarBlock).AddBlock(defaultSubject); var activizedVerb = listener.subBlockConverter.ConvertGBlock(passiveVerb, listener).result; activizedVerb.AddModifier(convertedSubject); (newSV as MutableClusterGrammarBlock).AddBlock(activizedVerb); (newSVCluster as MutableClusterGrammarBlock).AddBlock(newSV); (newSV as MutableClusterGrammarBlock).AddMetaInfo(sourceGBlock.metaInfo); } if (passiveVerbList.Count == 1) { converted = newSV; GBlockConvertUtility.ApplyModAndMeta(converted, sourceGBlock, listener); } else { converted = newSVCluster; var convLis = new MixedGBlockConvertListener { _baseLisetner = listener, _metaConverter = new ClusterGBlockConverter { converters = new List <GBlockConverter> { new GBlockConverter_Replace { number = new Dictionary <string, GrammarBlock> { { StdMetaInfos.sv.word, StdMetaInfos.sentenceCluster }, { StdMetaInfos.conditionSV.word, StdMetaInfos.sentenceCluster } } }, listener.metaConverter } } }; GBlockConvertUtility.ApplyModAndMeta(converted, sourceGBlock, convLis); } } #endregion #region no result if (converted == null) { return(default(GBlockConvertResult)); } return(new GBlockConvertResult(true, converted)); #endregion }