コード例 #1
        private void UpdateAutoRating(string file)
            string playCountString = _mbApiInterface.Library_GetFileProperty(file, FilePropertyType.PlayCount);
            string skipCountString = _mbApiInterface.Library_GetFileProperty(file, FilePropertyType.SkipCount);

            int playCount = 0;
            int skipCount = 0;

            if (playCountString.Length > 0)
                playCount = int.Parse(playCountString);

            if (skipCountString.Length > 0)
                skipCount = int.Parse(skipCountString);

            int playDelta = playCount - skipCount;
            int newRating = -1;

            if (playDelta < -5)
                newRating = 1;
            else if (playDelta < -1)
                newRating = 2;
            else if (playDelta < 2)
                newRating = 3;
            else if (playDelta < 6)
                newRating = 4;
                newRating = 5;

            _mbApiInterface.Library_SetFileTag(file, MetaDataType.Rating, newRating.ToString());
コード例 #2
        private Album[] GetAlbums(string artist)
            MetaDataType[] meta      = new MetaDataType[] { MetaDataType.TrackTitle, MetaDataType.TrackNo, MetaDataType.DiscNo, MetaDataType.Album, MetaDataType.Year, MetaDataType.AlbumArtist, MetaDataType.Artist };
            MetaDataType[] albumMeta = new MetaDataType[] { MetaDataType.Album, MetaDataType.Year, MetaDataType.AlbumArtist };
            List <Album>   albums    = new List <Album>();

            string[] albumInfo = null;
            string[] tracks    = null;
            string[] trackInfo = null;

            // Get all Tracks that belong to an artist
            mbApi.Library_QueryFilesEx($"Artist={artist}", ref tracks);
            List <string> albumTitles = new List <string>();

            // Use list of tracks to find all albums that belong to an artist
            foreach (var track in tracks.Select((value, index) => new { value, index }))
                mbApi.Library_GetFileTags(track.value, albumMeta, ref albumInfo);
                if (!albumTitles.Contains(albumInfo[0]))

            // Use list of albums to get tracks for each album
            foreach (var singleAlbum in albumTitles.Select((value, index) => new { value, index }))
                mbApi.Library_QueryFilesEx($"Artist={artist}\0Album={singleAlbum.value}", ref tracks);
                mbApi.Library_GetFileTags(tracks[0], albumMeta, ref albumInfo);
                List <Track> albumTracks = new List <Track>();

                // Use the list of tracks to get information for each track
                foreach (var albumTrack in tracks.Select((value, index) => new { value, index }))
                    mbApi.Library_GetFileTags(albumTrack.value, meta, ref trackInfo);
                    string length = mbApi.Library_GetFileProperty(albumTrack.value, FilePropertyType.Duration);
                    // not all tracks have a disk number
                    if (trackInfo[2] != "")
                        albumTracks.Add(new Track {
                            Artist = trackInfo[6], Disk = Convert.ToInt16(trackInfo[2]), Length = length, Name = trackInfo[0], Number = Convert.ToInt16(trackInfo[1]), Path = albumTrack.value
                        albumTracks.Add(new Track {
                            Artist = trackInfo[6], Disk = null, Length = length, Name = trackInfo[0], Number = Convert.ToInt16(trackInfo[1]), Path = albumTrack.value
                // Sort to ensure correct order of disks and tracks
                albumTracks.Sort((x, y) => x.Disk == y.Disk ?
                                 x.Number.CompareTo(y.Number) :
                                 (x.Disk < y.Disk ? -1 : 1));
                albums.Add(new Album {
                    Artist = albumInfo[2], Title = albumInfo[0], Tracks = albumTracks.ToArray(), Year = albumInfo[1]

コード例 #3
        // Receive event notifications from MusicBee.
        public void ReceiveNotification(string sourceFileUrl, NotificationType type)
            // Get the MusicBee settings path for later.
            string dataPath = mbApiInterface.Setting_GetPersistentStoragePath();

            // Prepare the HTTP client instance for later.
            HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Token", userToken); // Set the authorization headers.
            System.Threading.Tasks.Task <HttpResponseMessage> submitListenResponse;

            // Perform some action depending on the notification type.
            switch (type)
            case NotificationType.PluginStartup:     // Perform startup initialisation.
                // Get the metadata of the track selected by MusicBee on startup to know what to scrobble.
                artist  = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileTag(MetaDataType.Artist));
                track   = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileTag(MetaDataType.TrackTitle));
                release = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileTag(MetaDataType.Album));

                // Get the current playcount to see if it changes or if the song was skipped.
                previousPlaycount = mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileProperty(FilePropertyType.PlayCount);

                // Re-scrobble any offline scrobbles.
                    string[] offlineScrobbles = Directory.GetFiles(String.Concat(dataPath, settingsSubfolder, "scrobbles"));
                    for (int i = 0; i < offlineScrobbles.Length; i++)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userToken))     // But only if the user token is configured.
                                submitListenResponse = httpClient.PostAsync("https://api.listenbrainz.org/1/submit-listens", new StringContent(File.ReadAllText(offlineScrobbles[i]), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
                                if (submitListenResponse.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode)     // If the re-scrobble succeedes, remove the file.
                                    catch (IOException)     // Handle the case where the saved scrobble is opened.
                                        // Do nothing, the file will be removed on the next run.
                            catch     // Handle the connectivity issues exception.
                                // Do nothing, the file will be re-scrobbled on the next run.
                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)     // Handle the "no offline scroble directory" exception.
                    // Do nothing, there's just nothing to re-scrobble.

                //switch (mbApiInterface.Player_GetPlayState())
                //    case PlayState.Playing:
                //    case PlayState.Paused:
                //        artist = mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileTag(MetaDataType.Artist);
                //        break;

            case NotificationType.TrackChanged:     // Update the metadata on track change.
                artist  = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileTag(MetaDataType.Artist));
                track   = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileTag(MetaDataType.TrackTitle));
                release = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileTag(MetaDataType.Album));

                // Get the current playcount to see if it changes or if the song was skipped.
                previousPlaycount = mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileProperty(FilePropertyType.PlayCount);

            case NotificationType.PlayCountersChanged:     // This is emitted each time either a play count OR a skip count increases.
                // Scrobble the track but only if the user token is configured and the song wasn't skipped.
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userToken) && !(previousPlaycount == mbApiInterface.Library_GetFileProperty(sourceFileUrl, FilePropertyType.PlayCount)))
                    timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);     // Get the timestamp in epoch.

                    // Prepare the scrobble.
                    string submitListenJson = "{\"listen_type\": \"single\", \"payload\": [ { \"listened_at\": "
                                              + (int)timestamp.TotalSeconds + ",\"track_metadata\": {\"artist_name\": \""
                                              + artist + "\", \"track_name\": \"" + track + "\", \"release_name\": \"" + release
                                              + "\", \"additional_info\": {\"listening_from\": \"MusicBee\"} } } ] }";     // Set the scrobble JSON.

                    // Post the scrobble.
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)     // In case of temporary errors do up to 5 retries.
                            submitListenResponse = httpClient.PostAsync("https://api.listenbrainz.org/1/submit-listens", new StringContent(submitListenJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
                            if (submitListenResponse.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode)     // If the scrobble succeedes, exit the loop.
                            else     // If the scrobble fails save it for a later resubmission and log the error.
                                // Log the timestamp, the failed scrobble and the error message in the error file.
                                string errorTimestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString();

                                // Create the folder where the error log will be stored.
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(String.Concat(dataPath, settingsSubfolder));
                                File.AppendAllText(String.Concat(dataPath, settingsSubfolder, "error.log"), errorTimestamp + " "
                                                   + submitListenJson + Environment.NewLine);
                                File.AppendAllText(String.Concat(dataPath, settingsSubfolder, "error.log"), errorTimestamp + " "
                                                   + submitListenResponse.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result + Environment.NewLine);

                                // In case there's a problem with the scrobble JSON, the error is permanent so do not retry.
                                if (submitListenResponse.Result.StatusCode.ToString() == "BadRequest")
                                    // Save the scrobble to a file and exit the loop.
                                    SaveScrobble(timestamp.TotalSeconds.ToString(), submitListenJson);

                                // If this is the last retry save the scrobble.
                                if (i == 4)
                                    SaveScrobble(timestamp.TotalSeconds.ToString(), submitListenJson);
                        catch     // When offline, save the scrobble for a later resubmission and exit the loop.
                            SaveScrobble(timestamp.TotalSeconds.ToString(), submitListenJson);
コード例 #4
        public void GetCurrentLoudness()
            //string tempculture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name;
            //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
            //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");

            string       temp, check = null;
            MetaDataType tag, tag2;

            configMgr = new ConfigMgr();
            Dictionary <int, string> DeserializedDict = configMgr.DeserializeIntoDict(_workingDirectory + @"\DRconfig.xml", new Dictionary <int, string>());

            DeserializedDict.TryGetValue(0, out temp);
            DeserializedDict.TryGetValue(8, out check);

            if ((check == "None") || (temp == "None"))
                MessageBox.Show("Please configure tag in EBU R128 Settings.");

            tagsDictionary.TryGetValue(temp, out tag);
            tagsDictionary.TryGetValue(check, out tag2);

            if (!mbApiInterface.Library_QueryFilesEx("domain=SelectedFiles", ref files))
                files = new string[0];

            if (files.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("No files selected.");

            for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                // Add regex to remove non-numeric characters from tags.
                string taggedVal = Regex.Replace(mbApiInterface.Library_GetFileTag(files[i], tag), @"[a-zA-Z /\s/g :]", "");
                string gainVal   = Regex.Replace(mbApiInterface.Library_GetFileProperty(files[i], FilePropertyType.ReplayGainTrack), @"[a-zA-Z /\s/g :]", "");

                Convert.ToString(gainVal, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us"));

                //gainVal = Regex.Replace(gainVal, ",", ".");

                //MessageBox.Show("Tagged Value: " + taggedVal + "\nGain Value: " + gainVal);

                    double cur = Convert.ToDouble(taggedVal, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us")) + Convert.ToDouble(gainVal);

                    //MessageBox.Show("CUR: " + cur);

                    mbApiInterface.Library_SetFileTag(files[i], tag2, Math.Round(cur, 2) + " LUFS");
                catch (System.FormatException e)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please tag all of the files first! \n ");


            MessageBox.Show("Files tagged.");

            //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(tempculture);
            //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(tempculture);

コード例 #5
        public Dictionary <string, string> GenerateMetaDataDictionary(string fileUrl = null)
            var ret = new Dictionary <string, string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(MetaDataType)).Length + Enum.GetNames(typeof(FilePropertyType)).Length);

            foreach (MetaDataType elem in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MetaDataType)))
                ret.Add(elem.ToString(), string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileUrl) ? _mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileTag(elem) : _mbApiInterface.Library_GetFileTag(fileUrl, elem));
            foreach (FilePropertyType elem in Enum.GetValues(typeof(FilePropertyType)))
                ret.Add(elem.ToString(), string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileUrl) ? _mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileProperty(elem) : _mbApiInterface.Library_GetFileProperty(fileUrl, elem));
            ret.Add("Extension", Path.GetExtension(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileUrl) ? _mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileUrl() : fileUrl).TrimStart('.').ToUpper());
            ret.Add("PlayState", _mbApiInterface.Player_GetPlayState().ToString());
            ret.Add("Volume", Convert.ToInt32(_mbApiInterface.Player_GetVolume() * 100.0f).ToString());
