protected void rdbtn_Consultation_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rdbtn_Consultation.Checked) { MultiView2.Visible = false; MultiView1.Visible = true; MultiView3.Visible = true; MultiView3.SetActiveView(ConsultFilterView); Label6.Visible = true; rdbtn_Age.Visible = true; rdbtn_Barangay.Visible = true; rdbtn_Disease.Visible = true; rdbtn_Month.Visible = true; rdbtn_Year.Visible = true; //From Other Type Of Reports //Reports Label1.Visible = false; Label2.Visible = false; Label3.Visible = false; DropDownList1.Visible = false; ddlQuarter.Visible = false; //Inventory Label4.Visible = false; Label5.Visible = false; ddlLogType.Visible = false; } }
protected void btn_reconAgn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { resultDiv1.Visible = false; div1_error.Visible = false; div1_alert.Visible = false; String yrmo = ddlYrmo1.SelectedValue; HRASofoDAL robj = new HRASofoDAL(); if (Page.IsValid) { if (txtPrevYRMO1.Visible) { lbl_error1.Text = "Enter YRMO in format 'yyyymm'"; return; } try { MultiView3.SetActiveView(view_main1); robj.ReconDelete(yrmo); } catch (Exception ex) { resultDiv1.Visible = false; div1_error.Visible = true; lbl_error1.Text = "Error - " + ex.Message; } } }
void viewresult1(String yrmo) { resultDiv1.Visible = true; MultiView3.SetActiveView(view_result1); lbl_result1.Text = "Statement and all Putnam values are in balance for " + yrmo; lbl_result1.Text += "<br/>Saved / Printed report(s) that are selected to automatically save/print."; bindResult1("summary", yrmo); }
void errormessage1(String errMsg) { if (!ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("_errorMessage")) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "_errorMessage", "alert('" + errMsg + "') ;", true); } lbl_error1.Text = errMsg.Replace("\\n", "<br/>"); MultiView3.SetActiveView(view_main1); }
protected void btn_manImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string yrmo = ddlYrmo1.SelectedItem.Text; div1_error.Visible = false; div1_alert.Visible = false; HRASofoDAL robj = new HRASofoDAL(); if (Page.IsValid) { if (txtPrevYRMO1.Visible) { lbl_error1.Text = "Enter YRMO in format 'yyyymm'"; return; } string strFilePath1 = ""; if (FileUpload1.GotFile) { try { string fn = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.FilePost.FileName); strFilePath1 = Server.MapPath("~/uploads/") + fn; if (File.Exists(strFilePath1)) { File.Delete(strFilePath1); } FileUpload1.FilePost.SaveAs(strFilePath1); AutoReconcile(strFilePath1); HRA_Results.SavePrintFiles(_category, yrmo); viewresult1(yrmo); Session["taskId"] = Convert.ToInt32(Session["taskId"]) + 1; Audit.auditUserTaskR(Session.SessionID, Session["mid"].ToString(), Session["taskId"].ToString(), "HRA", "Reconciliation", "SOFO Reconciliation", yrmo); } catch (Exception ex) { resultDiv1.Visible = false; MultiView3.SetActiveView(view_main1); robj.ReconDelete(yrmo); div1_error.Visible = true; lbl_error1.Text = "Error - " + ex.Message; } finally { if (File.Exists(strFilePath1)) { File.Delete(strFilePath1); } FileUpload1.FilePost.InputStream.Flush(); FileUpload1.FilePost.InputStream.Close(); FileUpload1.FilePost.InputStream.Dispose(); } } } }
protected void lnkDFRF_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { MultiView3.SetActiveView(viewDFRF); if (cbxReconcile2.Checked) { cbxReconcile2.Checked = false; } txtDesc2.Text = ""; lblerr2.Text = ""; }
protected void lnkUnmatchedAnth_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { MultiView3.SetActiveView(unmatchedAnthem); if (cbxReconcile2.Checked) { cbxReconcile2.Checked = false; } txtDesc2.Text = ""; lblerr2.Text = ""; }
protected void grdvUnmatchedAnth_OnRowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName.Equals("Select")) { int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow row = grdvUnmatchedAnth.Rows[index]; string _yrmo = row.Cells[1].Text; int _chq = Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells[2].Text); bindDetailAnth(_yrmo, _chq); MultiView3.SetActiveView(viewUnMatchedAnthDetails); } }
protected void grdvDFRF_OnRowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName.Equals("Select")) { int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow row = grdvDFRF.Rows[index]; string _yrmo = row.Cells[1].Text; string _ssn = row.Cells[2].Text; string _dcn = row.Cells[3].Text; string _updatedt = row.Cells[4].Text; bindDetailDFRF(_yrmo, _dcn, _ssn, _updatedt); MultiView3.SetActiveView(viewDFRFDetails); } }
protected void checkPastRecon1() { string _yrmo = ddlYrmo1.SelectedValue; HRASofoDAL robj = new HRASofoDAL(); if (robj.pastReconcile(_yrmo)) { MultiView3.SetActiveView(view_reconAgn1); lbl_reconAgn1.Text = "Reconciled already for year-month (YRMO): " + _yrmo + ".<br />Press 'View Results' to view results or Press 'Re-Reconcile' to reconcile again."; } else { MultiView3.SetActiveView(view_main1); autoImport(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session.IsNewSession == true | User.Identity.Name == "") { Response.Redirect("Logout.aspx"); } if (HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Logout.aspx"); } MultiView1.SetActiveView(ViewButtons); MultiView2.SetActiveView(View_Entry); MultiView3.SetActiveView(View_Table); MultiView4.SetActiveView(View_Vehicle_User); BindEmployeeDropDownList(); }
protected void btnOK2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _Id; lblFErr2.Text = ""; try { string _notes = txtDesc2.Text; if (!cbxReconcile2.Checked) { lblerr2.Text = "* Required"; } else { _Id = dtvDFRF.Rows[2].Cells[1].Text; ClaimsRecon adObject1 = new ClaimsRecon(); adObject1.updateForcedRecon(_Id, "DFRF", _notes, Session["userName"].ToString()); MultiView3.SetActiveView(viewDFRF); bindDFRFAging(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lblFErr2.Text = ex.Message; } finally { if (cbxReconcile2.Checked) { cbxReconcile2.Checked = false; } txtDesc2.Text = ""; lblerr2.Text = ""; } }
protected void dataGridResults_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int index = 0; GridViewRow row; GridView grid = sender as GridView; index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); row = grid.Rows[index]; string ClientID = row.Cells[1].Text; string LoanNo = row.Cells[2].Text; string LoanAmount = row.Cells[3].Text; string TotalAmount = row.Cells[7].Text; string AmountPerMonth = row.Cells[8].Text; string LoanBalance = row.Cells[9].Text; Label lblmsg = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblmsg"); if (e.CommandName.Equals("Repay")) { InterConnect.LeshLaonApi.ClientDetails Det = bll.GetClientDetails(user, ClientID); MultiView3.SetActiveView(RepayDetails); txtLoanNo.Text = LoanNo; txtClientNo.Text = ClientID; txtfname.Text = Det.ClientName; txtMobileNo.Text = Det.ClientPhoneNumber; txtEmail.Text = Det.ClientEmail; txtReceiptNo.Text = bll.GenerateSystemCode("RCPT"); txtClientNo.Enabled = false; txtLoanNo.Enabled = false; txtfname.Enabled = false; txtMobileNo.Enabled = false; txtEmail.Enabled = false; txtReceiptNo.Enabled = false; //bll.ShowMessage(lblmsg, "Loan Missing details", true, Session); } }
protected void btn_autoImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HRASofoDAL robj = new HRASofoDAL(); Impersonation _imp = new Impersonation(); string yrmo = ddlYrmo1.SelectedItem.Text; string clientfilename, clientfile, serverPath; string serverfile = ""; div1_error.Visible = false; div1_alert.Visible = false; if (Page.IsValid) { if (txtPrevYRMO1.Visible) { lbl_error1.Text = "Enter YRMO in format 'yyyymm'"; return; } try { serverPath = Server.MapPath("~/uploads/"); clientfilename = HRA.GetInputFileName(yrmo, source); serverfile = serverPath + clientfilename; if (_imp.impersonateValidUser(Session["uid"].ToString(), "CORP", EncryptDecrypt.Decrypt(Session["pwd"].ToString()))) { clientfile = HRAImportDAL.GetClientFilePath(_category, source) + "\\" + clientfilename; File.Copy(clientfile, serverfile); _imp.undoImpersonation(); } else { throw new Exception("Error in accessing network location"); } if (!(File.Exists(serverfile))) { throw new Exception("Unable to import file from specified location.<br/>Please check if file exists and you are logged in to the network."); } AutoReconcile(serverfile); HRA_Results.SavePrintFiles(_category, yrmo); viewresult1(yrmo); Session["taskId"] = Convert.ToInt32(Session["taskId"]) + 1; Audit.auditUserTaskR(Session.SessionID, Session["mid"].ToString(), Session["taskId"].ToString(), "HRA", "Reconciliation", "SOFO Reconciliation", yrmo); } catch (Exception ex) { MultiView3.SetActiveView(view_main1); robj.ReconDelete(yrmo); div1_error.Visible = true; lbl_error1.Text = "Error - " + ex.Message; } finally { if (File.Exists(serverfile)) { File.Delete(serverfile); } } } }