コード例 #1
        public dynamic DialogSettings(IInstanceContext context, ContextBuilderBase contextBuilder, int appId)
            IApp app = null;

            // if we have an appid (we don't have it in an install-new-apps-scenario) check permissions
            if (appId != 0 && appId != Eav.Constants.AppIdEmpty)
                var appAndPerms = new MultiPermissionsApp().Init(context, GetApp(appId, null), Log);
                if (!appAndPerms.ZoneIsOfCurrentContextOrUserIsSuper(out var error))
                    throw HttpException.PermissionDenied(error);
                app = appAndPerms.App;

            var cb = contextBuilder.InitApp(app?.ZoneId, app);

                // TODO: Deprecate PARAMS these properties as soon as old UI is gone
                //IsContent = app?.AppGuid == "Default",
                //Language = psCurrent.CultureCode,
                //LanguageDefault = psCurrent.DefaultLanguage,
                //AppPath = app?.Path,
                //GettingStartedUrl = cb.GettingStartedUrl(),
                // END TODO
                Context = cb.Get(Ctx.All),
コード例 #2
ファイル: UsageBackend.cs プロジェクト: kieran23101/2sxc
        public IEnumerable <ViewDto> ViewUsage(IInstanceContext context, int appId, Guid guid,
                                               Func <List <IView>, List <BlockConfiguration>, IEnumerable <ViewDto> > finalBuilder)
            var wrapLog = Log.Call <IEnumerable <ViewDto> >($"{appId}, {guid}");

            // extra security to only allow zone change if host user
            var permCheck = new MultiPermissionsApp().Init(context, GetApp(appId, null), Log);

            if (!permCheck.EnsureAll(GrantSets.ReadSomething, out var error))
                throw HttpException.PermissionDenied(error);

            var cms = new CmsRuntime(appId, Log, true);
            // treat view as a list - in case future code will want to analyze many views together
            var views = new List <IView> {

            var blocks = cms.Blocks.AllWithView();

            Log.Add($"Found {blocks.Count} content blocks");

            var result = finalBuilder(views, blocks);

            return(wrapLog("ok", result));
コード例 #3
        public dynamic Usage(int appId, Guid guid)
            var wrapLog = Log.Call <dynamic>($"{appId}, {guid}");

            // extra security to only allow zone change if host user
            var permCheck = new MultiPermissionsApp(BlockBuilder, appId, Log);

            if (!permCheck.EnsureAll(GrantSets.ReadSomething, out var exception))
                throw exception;

            var cms = new CmsRuntime(appId, Log, true);
            // treat view as a list - in case future code will want to analyze many views together
            var views = new List <IView> {

            var blocks = cms.Blocks.AllWithView();

            Log.Add($"Found {blocks.Count} content blocks");

            // create array with all 2sxc modules in this portal
            var allMods = new Pages(Log).AllModulesWithContent(PortalSettings.PortalId);

            Log.Add($"Found {allMods.Count} modules");

            var result = views.Select(vwb => new ViewDto(vwb, blocks, allMods));

            return(wrapLog("ok", result));
コード例 #4
ファイル: SystemController.cs プロジェクト: webworkadmin/2sxc
        public dynamic DialogSettings(int appId)
            var appAndPerms = new MultiPermissionsApp(SxcInstance, appId, Log);

            if (!appAndPerms.ZoneIsOfCurrentContextOrUserIsSuper(out var exp))
                throw exp;

            //var appIdentity = new AppPermissionBeforeUsing(SxcInstance, Log)
            //    .GetAppIdentityOrThrowIfNotAllowed(appId);

            var app = appAndPerms.App;

            //App app = null;
            //    app = new App(new DnnTenant(PortalSettings.Current), appIdentity.ZoneId, appIdentity.AppId, false, Log);
            //catch (KeyNotFoundException) {}

                IsContent = app?.AppGuid == "Default",
                Language = PortalSettings.Current.CultureCode,
                LanguageDefault = PortalSettings.Current.DefaultLanguage,
                GettingStartedUrl = app == null ? "" : IntroductionToAppUrl(app)
コード例 #5
ファイル: FeaturesHelpers.cs プロジェクト: valadas/2sxc
        internal static IEnumerable <Feature> FeatureListWithPermissionCheck(MultiPermissionsApp permCheck)
            // if the user has full edit permissions, he may also get the un-public features
            // otherwise just the public Ui features
            var includeNonPublic = permCheck.UserMayOnAll(GrantSets.WritePublished);

            return(Eav.Configuration.Features.Ui.Where(f => includeNonPublic || f.Public == true));
コード例 #6
        public Guid?SaveTemplateId(int templateId, bool forceCreateContentGroup)
            var permCheck = new MultiPermissionsApp(BlockBuilder, App.AppId, Log);

            if (!permCheck.EnsureAll(GrantSets.WriteSomething, out var exp))
                throw exp;

            return(BlockEditor.SaveTemplateId(templateId, forceCreateContentGroup));
コード例 #7
        public Guid?SaveTemplateId(int templateId, bool forceCreateContentGroup)
            var permCheck = new MultiPermissionsApp().Init(_context, _block.App, Log);

            if (!permCheck.EnsureAll(GrantSets.WriteSomething, out var error))
                throw HttpException.PermissionDenied(error);

            return(BlockEditorBase.GetEditor(_block).SaveTemplateId(templateId, forceCreateContentGroup));
コード例 #8
        public Guid?SaveTemplateId(int templateId, bool forceCreateContentGroup)
            var permCheck = new MultiPermissionsApp(SxcInstance, App.AppId, Log);

            if (!permCheck.EnsureAll(GrantSets.WriteSomething, out var exp))
                throw exp;

            return(ContentGroupReferenceManager.SaveTemplateId(templateId, forceCreateContentGroup));
コード例 #9
        public string ResolveHyperlink(string hyperlink, int appId, string contentType, Guid guid, string field)
                // different security checks depending on the link-type
                var lookupPage = hyperlink.Trim().StartsWith("page", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                // look it up first, because we need to know if the result is in ADAM or not (different security scenario)
                var conv     = new DnnValueConverter();
                var resolved = conv.Convert(ConversionScenario.GetFriendlyValue, "Hyperlink", hyperlink);

                if (lookupPage)
                    // page link - only resolve if the user has edit-permissions
                    // only people who have some full edit permissions may actually look up pages
                    var permCheckPage = new MultiPermissionsApp(SxcInstance, appId, Log);
                        ? resolved
                        : hyperlink);

                // for file, we need guid & field - otherwise return the original unmodified
                if (guid == default(Guid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(field) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType))

                var isOutsideOfAdam = !(resolved.IndexOf("/adam/", StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0);

                // file-check, more abilities to allow
                // this will already do a ensure-or-throw inside it if outside of adam
                var adamCheck = new AdamSecureState(SxcInstance, appId, contentType, field, guid, isOutsideOfAdam, Log);
                if (!adamCheck.SuperUserOrAccessingItemFolder(resolved, out var exp))
                    throw exp;
                if (!adamCheck.UserIsPermittedOnField(GrantSets.ReadSomething, out exp))
                    throw exp;

                // if everythig worked till now, it's ok to return the result
コード例 #10
ファイル: EntityBackend.cs プロジェクト: kieran23101/2sxc
        public dynamic Usage(IInstanceContext context, IApp app, Guid guid)
            var permCheck = new MultiPermissionsApp().Init(context, app, Log);

            if (!permCheck.EnsureAll(GrantSets.ReadSomething, out var error))
                throw HttpException.PermissionDenied(error);

            var appData       = permCheck.App.Data;
            var item          = appData.List.One(guid);
            var relationships = item.Relationships.AllRelationships;

            // var result = relationships.Select(r => new EntityInRelationDto(r.))
            // todo: don't forget Metadata relationships
コード例 #11
        public dynamic Usage(int appId, Guid guid)
            var permCheck = new MultiPermissionsApp(BlockBuilder, appId, Log);

            if (!permCheck.EnsureAll(GrantSets.ReadSomething, out var exception))
                throw exception;

            var appData       = permCheck.App.Data;
            var item          = appData.List.One(guid);
            var relationships = item.Relationships.AllRelationships;

            // var result = relationships.Select(r => new EntityInRelationDto(r.))
            // todo: don't forget Metadata relationships
コード例 #12
        public dynamic DialogSettings(int appId)
            var appAndPerms = new MultiPermissionsApp(BlockBuilder, appId, Log);

            if (!appAndPerms.ZoneIsOfCurrentContextOrUserIsSuper(out var exp))
                throw exp;

            var app = appAndPerms.App;

                IsContent = app?.AppGuid == "Default",
                Language = PortalSettings.Current.CultureCode,
                LanguageDefault = PortalSettings.Current.DefaultLanguage,
                GettingStartedUrl = app == null ? "" : IntroductionToAppUrl(app),
                AppPath = app?.Path
コード例 #13
ファイル: SystemController.cs プロジェクト: mnelson104/2sxc
        internal static IEnumerable <Feature> FeatureListWithPermissionCheck(int appId, MultiPermissionsApp permCheck)
            // if the user has full edit permissions, he may also get the unpublic features
            // otherwise just the public Ui features
            //var permCheck = new AppAndPermissions(sxcInstance, appId, log);
            //if (permCheck.Permissions == null)
            //    permCheck.GetTypePermissionChecker(null);
            var includeNonPublic = permCheck.UserMayOnAll(GrantSets.WritePublished);

                   .Where(f => includeNonPublic || f.Public == true));