コード例 #1
        public static TileSheet GetMugshot(int num, int form, Enums.Coloration shiny, Enums.Gender gender)
            string formString = "r";

            if (form >= 0)
                formString += "-" + form;
                if (shiny >= 0)
                    formString += "-" + (int)shiny;
                    if (gender >= 0)
                        formString += "-" + (int)gender;

            TileSheet sheet = mugshotCache.Get(num + formString);

            if (sheet != null)

                // If we are still here, that means the sprite wasn't in the cache
                if (File.Exists(Paths.CachedGFXPath + "Portrait\\Portrait" + num + ".portrait"))
                    sheet = new TileSheet();
                    string changedFormString = formString;

                    using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(Paths.CachedGFXPath + "Portrait\\Portrait" + num + ".portrait"))
                        using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fileStream))
                            int formCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                            Dictionary <string, int[]> formData = new Dictionary <string, int[]>();

                            for (int i = 0; i < formCount; i++)
                                // Read the form name
                                string formName = reader.ReadString();

                                int[] formIntData = new int[2];

                                // Load form position
                                formIntData[0] = reader.ReadInt32();
                                // Load form size
                                formIntData[1] = reader.ReadInt32();

                                // Add form data to collection
                                formData.Add(formName, formIntData);

                            while (true)
                                if (mugshotCache.ContainsKey(num + changedFormString))
                                {//this point will be hit if the first fallback data to be found is already in the cache
                                 //the cache needs to be updated for aliases, but that's it.  No need to load any new data.

                                    sheet = mugshotCache.Get(num + changedFormString);
                                else if (formData.ContainsKey(changedFormString) || changedFormString == "r")
                                {//we've found a spritesheet in the file, so load it.
                                    int[] formInt = formData[changedFormString];

                                    // Jump to the correct position
                                    fileStream.Seek(formInt[0], SeekOrigin.Current);

                                        int    frameCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                                        int    size       = reader.ReadInt32();
                                        byte[] imgData    = reader.ReadBytes(size);
                                        using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(imgData))

                                        sheet.GenerateDataBuffer(sheet.ImageWidth / frameCount, sheet.ImageHeight);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        throw new Exception("Error reading image data.\n", ex);

                                    mugshotCache.Add(num + changedFormString, sheet);


                                // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                                changedFormString = changedFormString.Substring(0, changedFormString.LastIndexOf('-'));

                    //continually add aliases
                    string aliasString = formString;
                    while (aliasString != changedFormString)
                        //add aliases here
                        mugshotCache.AddAlias(num + aliasString, num + changedFormString);
                        // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                        aliasString = aliasString.Substring(0, aliasString.LastIndexOf('-'));

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logs.Logger.LogError(new Exception("Error retrieving portrait " + num + " " + formString + "\n", ex));

            //add error sheet
            mugshotCache.Add(num + formString, ErrorTexture);
コード例 #2
        public static SpriteSheet GetSpriteSheet(int num, int form, Enums.Coloration shiny, Enums.Gender gender)
            string formString = "r";

            if (form >= 0)
                formString += "-" + form;
                if (shiny >= 0)
                    formString += "-" + (int)shiny;
                    if (gender >= 0)
                        formString += "-" + (int)gender;

            SpriteSheet sheet = spriteCache.Get(num + formString);

            if (sheet != null)

                // If we are still here, that means the sprite wasn't in the cache
                if (File.Exists(Paths.CachedGFXPath + "Sprite\\Sprite" + num + ".sprite"))
                    sheet = new SpriteSheet();
                    string changedFormString = formString;

                    using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(Paths.CachedGFXPath + "Sprite\\Sprite" + num + ".sprite"))
                        using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fileStream))
                            int formCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                            Dictionary <string, int[]> formData = new Dictionary <string, int[]>();

                            for (int i = 0; i < formCount; i++)
                                // Read the form name
                                string formName = reader.ReadString();

                                int[] formIntData = new int[2];

                                // Load form position
                                formIntData[0] = reader.ReadInt32();
                                // Load form size
                                formIntData[1] = reader.ReadInt32();

                                // Add form data to collection
                                formData.Add(formName, formIntData);

                            while (true)
                                if (spriteCache.ContainsKey(num + changedFormString))
                                {//this point will be hit if the first fallback data to be found is already in the cache
                                 //the cache needs to be updated for aliases, but that's it.  No need to load any new data.

                                    sheet = spriteCache.Get(num + changedFormString);
                                else if (formData.ContainsKey(changedFormString) || changedFormString == "r")
                                {//we've found a spritesheet in the file, so load it.
                                    int[] formInt = formData[changedFormString];

                                    // Jump to the correct position
                                    fileStream.Seek(formInt[0], SeekOrigin.Current);

                                    sheet.LoadFromData(reader, formInt[1]);

                                    spriteCache.Add(num + changedFormString, sheet);


                                // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                                changedFormString = changedFormString.Substring(0, changedFormString.LastIndexOf('-'));

                    //continually add aliases
                    string aliasString = formString;
                    while (aliasString != changedFormString)
                        //add aliases here
                        spriteCache.AddAlias(num + aliasString, num + changedFormString);
                        // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                        aliasString = aliasString.Substring(0, aliasString.LastIndexOf('-'));

                    //string rootForm = spriteCache.GetOriginalKeyFromAlias(num + formString);
                    //if (rootForm != num + formString)
                    //    Logs.Logger.LogDebug("Could not load " + num + formString + ", loaded " + num + rootForm +" instead.");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logs.Logger.LogError(new Exception("Error retrieving sprite " + num + " " + formString + "\n", ex));

            //add error sheet
            sheet = new SpriteSheet();
            spriteCache.Add(num + formString, sheet);
コード例 #3
        public static Mugshot GetMugshot(int num, int form, int shiny, int gender)
            string formString = SpriteXLoader.GetSpriteFormString(form, shiny, gender);

            Mugshot sheet = null;

            lock (mugshotCache)
                sheet = mugshotCache.Get(num + formString);
            if (sheet != null)
            // If we are still here, that means the sprite wasn't in the cache
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(IO.Paths.GfxPath + "Mugshots/Portrait" + num + ".zip"))
                sheet = new Mugshot(num, formString);
                string changedFormString = formString;

                SpriteXLoader spriteXLoader = new SpriteXLoader(IO.Paths.GfxPath + "Mugshots/Portrait" + num + ".zip", false);
                List <string> forms         = spriteXLoader.LoadForms();

                using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(IO.Paths.GfxPath + "Mugshots/Portrait" + num + ".zip"))
                    while (true)
                        if (mugshotCache.ContainsKey(num + changedFormString))
                        {//this point will be hit if the first fallback data to be found is already in the cache
                         //the cache needs to be updated for aliases, but that's it.  No need to load any new data.

                            sheet = mugshotCache.Get(num + changedFormString);
                        else if (forms.Contains(changedFormString) || changedFormString == "r")
                        {//we've found a spritesheet in the file, so load it.
                            spriteXLoader.LoadMugshot(sheet, changedFormString);

                            mugshotCache.Add(num + changedFormString, sheet);


                        // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                        changedFormString = changedFormString.Substring(0, changedFormString.LastIndexOf('-'));

                //continually add aliases
                string aliasString = formString;
                while (aliasString != changedFormString)
                    //add aliases here
                    mugshotCache.AddAlias(num + aliasString, num + changedFormString);
                    // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                    aliasString = aliasString.Substring(0, aliasString.LastIndexOf('-'));

コード例 #4
        public static SpriteSheet GetSpriteSheet(int num, int form, int shiny, int gender)
            //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PkMn #"+num+"("+form+"/"+shiny+"/"+gender+") requested");
            string formString = SpriteXLoader.GetSpriteFormString(form, shiny, gender);

            SpriteSheet sheet = null;

            lock (spriteCache)
                sheet = spriteCache.Get(num + formString);
            if (sheet != null)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PkMn #"+num+"("+form+"/"+shiny+"/"+gender+") retrieved in cache in "+watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            // If we are still here, that means the sprite wasn't in the cache
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(IO.Paths.GfxPath + "Sprites/Sprite" + num + ".zip"))
                sheet = new SpriteSheet(num, formString);
                string changedFormString = formString;

                SpriteXLoader spriteXLoader = new SpriteXLoader(IO.Paths.GfxPath + "Sprites/Sprite" + num + ".zip", true);

                List <string> forms = spriteXLoader.LoadForms();

                while (true)
                    if (spriteCache.ContainsKey(num + changedFormString))
                    {//this point will be hit if the first fallback data to be found is already in the cache
                     //the cache needs to be updated for aliases, but that's it.  No need to load any new data.

                        sheet = spriteCache.Get(num + changedFormString);
                    else if (forms.Contains(changedFormString) || changedFormString == "r")
                    {//we've found a spritesheet in the file, so load it.
                        sheet.LoadSpriteX(spriteXLoader, changedFormString);

                        spriteCache.Add(num + changedFormString, sheet);


                    // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                    changedFormString = changedFormString.Substring(0, changedFormString.LastIndexOf('-'));

                //continually add aliases
                string aliasString = formString;
                while (aliasString != changedFormString)
                    //add aliases here
                    spriteCache.AddAlias(num + aliasString, num + changedFormString);
                    // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                    aliasString = aliasString.Substring(0, aliasString.LastIndexOf('-'));

                //string rootForm = spriteCache.GetOriginalKeyFromAlias(num + formString);
                //if (rootForm != num + formString)
                //    Logs.Logger.LogDebug("Could not load " + num + formString + ", loaded " + num + rootForm +" instead.");

                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PkMn #"+num+"("+form+"/"+shiny+"/"+gender+") failed retrieval in "+watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
コード例 #5
        public static Mugshot GetMugshot(int num, int form, int shiny, int gender)
            string formString = "r";

            if (form >= 0)
                formString += "-" + form;
                if (shiny >= 0)
                    formString += "-" + shiny;
                    if (gender >= 0)
                        formString += "-" + gender;

            Mugshot sheet = null;

            lock (mugshotCache)
                sheet = mugshotCache.Get(num + formString);
            if (sheet != null)
            // If we are still here, that means the sprite wasn't in the cache
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(IO.Paths.GfxPath + "Mugshots/Portrait" + num + ".portrait"))
                sheet = new Mugshot(num, formString);
                string changedFormString = formString;

                using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(IO.Paths.GfxPath + "Mugshots/Portrait" + num + ".portrait"))
                    using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fileStream))
                        int formCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                        Dictionary <string, int[]> formData = new Dictionary <string, int[]>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < formCount; i++)
                            // Read the form name
                            string formName = reader.ReadString();

                            int[] formIntData = new int[2];

                            // Load form position
                            formIntData[0] = reader.ReadInt32();
                            // Load form size
                            formIntData[1] = reader.ReadInt32();

                            // Add form data to collection
                            formData.Add(formName, formIntData);

                        while (true)
                            if (mugshotCache.ContainsKey(num + changedFormString))
                            {//this point will be hit if the first fallback data to be found is already in the cache
                             //the cache needs to be updated for aliases, but that's it.  No need to load any new data.

                                sheet = mugshotCache.Get(num + changedFormString);
                            else if (formData.ContainsKey(changedFormString) || changedFormString == "r")
                            {//we've found a spritesheet in the file, so load it.
                                int[] formInt = formData[changedFormString];

                                // Jump to the correct position
                                fileStream.Seek(formInt[0], SeekOrigin.Current);

                                int    frameCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                                int    size       = reader.ReadInt32();
                                byte[] imgData    = reader.ReadBytes(size);


                                mugshotCache.Add(num + changedFormString, sheet);


                            // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                            changedFormString = changedFormString.Substring(0, changedFormString.LastIndexOf('-'));

                //continually add aliases
                string aliasString = formString;
                while (aliasString != changedFormString)
                    //add aliases here
                    mugshotCache.AddAlias(num + aliasString, num + changedFormString);
                    // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                    aliasString = aliasString.Substring(0, aliasString.LastIndexOf('-'));

コード例 #6
        public static SpriteSheet GetSpriteSheet(int num, int form, int shiny, int gender)
            //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PkMn #"+num+"("+form+"/"+shiny+"/"+gender+") requested");
            string formString = "r";

            if (form >= 0)
                formString += "-" + form;
                if (shiny >= 0)
                    formString += "-" + shiny;
                    if (gender >= 0)
                        formString += "-" + gender;

            SpriteSheet sheet = null;

            lock (spriteCache) {
                sheet = spriteCache.Get(num + formString);
            if (sheet != null)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PkMn #"+num+"("+form+"/"+shiny+"/"+gender+") retrieved in cache in "+watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            // If we are still here, that means the sprite wasn't in the cache
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(IO.Paths.GfxPath + "Sprites/Sprite" + num + ".sprite"))
                sheet = new SpriteSheet(num, formString);
                string changedFormString = formString;

                using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(IO.Paths.GfxPath + "Sprites/Sprite" + num + ".sprite"))
                    using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fileStream))
                        int formCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                        Dictionary <string, int[]> formData = new Dictionary <string, int[]>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < formCount; i++)
                            // Read the form name
                            string formName = reader.ReadString();

                            int[] formIntData = new int[2];

                            // Load form position
                            formIntData[0] = reader.ReadInt32();
                            // Load form size
                            formIntData[1] = reader.ReadInt32();

                            // Add form data to collection
                            formData.Add(formName, formIntData);

                        while (true)
                            if (spriteCache.ContainsKey(num + changedFormString))
                            {//this point will be hit if the first fallback data to be found is already in the cache
                             //the cache needs to be updated for aliases, but that's it.  No need to load any new data.

                                sheet = spriteCache.Get(num + changedFormString);
                            else if (formData.ContainsKey(changedFormString) || changedFormString == "r")
                            {//we've found a spritesheet in the file, so load it.
                                int[] formInt = formData[changedFormString];

                                // Jump to the correct position
                                fileStream.Seek(formInt[0], SeekOrigin.Current);

                                sheet.LoadFromData(reader, formInt[1]);

                                spriteCache.Add(num + changedFormString, sheet);


                            // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                            changedFormString = changedFormString.Substring(0, changedFormString.LastIndexOf('-'));

                //continually add aliases
                string aliasString = formString;
                while (aliasString != changedFormString)
                    //add aliases here
                    spriteCache.AddAlias(num + aliasString, num + changedFormString);
                    // If the form specified wasn't found, continually revert to the backup until only "r" is reached
                    aliasString = aliasString.Substring(0, aliasString.LastIndexOf('-'));

                //string rootForm = spriteCache.GetOriginalKeyFromAlias(num + formString);
                //if (rootForm != num + formString)
                //    Logs.Logger.LogDebug("Could not load " + num + formString + ", loaded " + num + rootForm +" instead.");

                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PkMn #"+num+"("+form+"/"+shiny+"/"+gender+") failed retrieval in "+watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);