public void Add(ConnectorControl connector_control) { connector_controls.Add(connector_control); links_from_to.Add(connector_control.node_from, connector_control); links_from_to.Add(connector_control.node_to, connector_control); }
// ----------------------------- internal static MultiMapSet <string, string> GetNodeItems(Library library, HashSet <string> parent_fingerprints) { List <PDFDocument> pdf_documents = null; if (null == parent_fingerprints) { pdf_documents = library.PDFDocuments; } else { pdf_documents = library.GetDocumentByFingerprints(parent_fingerprints); } MultiMapSet <string, string> tags_with_fingerprints = new MultiMapSet <string, string>(); foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document in pdf_documents) { // The category of year tags_with_fingerprints.Add(GetYearCategory(pdf_document), pdf_document.Fingerprint); // The year itself string year_combined = pdf_document.YearCombined; if (PDFDocument.UNKNOWN_YEAR != year_combined) { tags_with_fingerprints.Add(year_combined, pdf_document.Fingerprint); } } return(tags_with_fingerprints); }
// ----------------------------- internal static MultiMapSet <string, string> GetNodeItems(Library library, HashSet <string> parent_fingerprints) { Logging.Info("+Getting node items for " + "Tags"); List <PDFDocument> pdf_documents = null; if (null == parent_fingerprints) { pdf_documents = library.PDFDocuments; } else { pdf_documents = library.GetDocumentByFingerprints(parent_fingerprints); } // Load all the annotations upfront so we dont have to go to the database for each PDF Dictionary <string, byte[]> library_items_annotations_cache = library.LibraryDB.GetLibraryItemsAsCache(PDFDocumentFileLocations.ANNOTATIONS); // Build up the map of PDFs associated with each tag MultiMapSet <string, string> tags_with_fingerprints = new MultiMapSet <string, string>(); foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document in pdf_documents) { bool has_tag = false; foreach (string tag in TagTools.ConvertTagBundleToTags(pdf_document.Tags)) { tags_with_fingerprints.Add(tag, pdf_document.Fingerprint); has_tag = true; } // And check the annotations foreach (var pdf_annotation in pdf_document.GetAnnotations(library_items_annotations_cache)) { if (!pdf_annotation.Deleted) { foreach (string annotation_tag in TagTools.ConvertTagBundleToTags(pdf_annotation.Tags)) { tags_with_fingerprints.Add(annotation_tag, pdf_document.Fingerprint); has_tag = true; } } } if (!has_tag) { tags_with_fingerprints.Add(NO_TAG_KEY, pdf_document.Fingerprint); } } Logging.Info("-Getting node items"); return(tags_with_fingerprints); }
public void MultiMapSet_duplicates() { var personnesParVille = new MultiMapSet <string, string>(); //Lookup<string, string> personnesParVille = (Lookup<string, string>)new List<Person>().ToLookup(k => k.Ville, v => v.Nom); personnesParVille.Add("Paris", "Arthur"); personnesParVille.Add("Paris", "Arthur"); personnesParVille.Add("Paris", "Laurent"); personnesParVille.Add("Paris", "David"); personnesParVille.Add("Versailles", "Arthur"); Check.That(personnesParVille.Count).IsEqualTo(2); Check.That(personnesParVille["Paris"].Count).IsEqualTo(3); Check.That(personnesParVille["Versailles"].Count).IsEqualTo(1); personnesParVille.Add("Versailles", "Arthur"); Check.That(personnesParVille["Versailles"].Count).IsEqualTo(1); Check.That(personnesParVille.Count).IsEqualTo(2); personnesParVille.Add("Versailles", "Annabelle"); Check.That(personnesParVille["Versailles"].Count).IsEqualTo(2); Check.That(personnesParVille.Count).IsEqualTo(2); personnesParVille.Add("Aix", "Françoise"); Check.That(personnesParVille.Count).IsEqualTo(3); Check.That(personnesParVille["Aix"].Count).IsEqualTo(1); }
// ----------------------------- internal static MultiMapSet <string, string> GetNodeItems(Library library, HashSet <string> parent_fingerprints) { List <PDFDocument> pdf_documents = null; if (null == parent_fingerprints) { pdf_documents = library.PDFDocuments; } else { pdf_documents = library.GetDocumentByFingerprints(parent_fingerprints); } MultiMapSet <string, string> tags_with_fingerprints = new MultiMapSet <string, string>(); foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document in pdf_documents) { string type = null; if (null != pdf_document.BibTexItem) { type = pdf_document.BibTexItem.Type; } tags_with_fingerprints.Add(type ?? "(none)", pdf_document.Fingerprint); } return(tags_with_fingerprints); }
// ----------------------------- internal static MultiMapSet <string, string> GetNodeItems(Library library, HashSet <string> parent_fingerprints) { Logging.Info("+Getting node items for " + "Authors"); List <PDFDocument> pdf_documents = null; if (null == parent_fingerprints) { pdf_documents = library.PDFDocuments; } else { pdf_documents = library.GetDocumentByFingerprints(parent_fingerprints); } MultiMapSet <string, string> tags_with_fingerprints = new MultiMapSet <string, string>(); foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document in pdf_documents) { List <NameTools.Name> names = SimilarAuthors.GetAuthorsForPDFDocument(pdf_document); foreach (NameTools.Name name in names) { tags_with_fingerprints.Add(name.last_name, pdf_document.Fingerprint); } } Logging.Info("-Getting node items"); return(tags_with_fingerprints); }
private static MultiMapSet <string, string> GenerateMap_None(Library library, HashSet <string> parent_fingerprints) { List <PDFDocument> pdf_documents = null; if (null == parent_fingerprints) { pdf_documents = library.PDFDocuments; } else { pdf_documents = library.GetDocumentByFingerprints(parent_fingerprints); } MultiMapSet <string, string> tags_with_fingerprints = new MultiMapSet <string, string>(); foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document in pdf_documents) { tags_with_fingerprints.Add("All", pdf_document.Fingerprint); } return(tags_with_fingerprints); }
private static MultiMapSet <string, string> GenerateMap_None(Library library, HashSet <string> parent_fingerprints) { List <PDFDocument> pdf_documents = null; if (null == parent_fingerprints) { pdf_documents = library.PDFDocuments; } else { pdf_documents = library.GetDocumentByFingerprints(parent_fingerprints); } Logging.Debug特("LibraryPivotExplorerControl: processing {0} documents from library {1}", pdf_documents.Count, library.WebLibraryDetail.Title); MultiMapSet <string, string> tags_with_fingerprints = new MultiMapSet <string, string>(); foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document in pdf_documents) { tags_with_fingerprints.Add("All", pdf_document.Fingerprint); } return(tags_with_fingerprints); }
public static MultiMapSet <string, string> GetNodeItems_STATIC(Library library, HashSet <string> parent_fingerprints) { MultiMapSet <string, string> results = new MultiMapSet <string, string>(); try { // Check that expedition has been run... if (null == library.ExpeditionManager || null == library.ExpeditionManager.ExpeditionDataSource) { return(results); } ExpeditionDataSource eds = library.ExpeditionManager.ExpeditionDataSource; for (int t = 0; t < eds.LDAAnalysis.NUM_TOPICS; ++t) { string topic_name = eds.GetDescriptionForTopic(t, false, "; "); // Show the top % of docs int num_docs = eds.LDAAnalysis.NUM_DOCS / 10; num_docs = Math.Max(num_docs, 3); for (int d = 0; d < eds.LDAAnalysis.NUM_DOCS && d < num_docs; ++d) { PDFDocument pdf_document = library.GetDocumentByFingerprint([eds.LDAAnalysis.DensityOfDocsInTopicsSorted[t][d].doc]); if (null == parent_fingerprints || parent_fingerprints.Contains(pdf_document.Fingerprint)) { results.Add(topic_name, pdf_document.Fingerprint); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Error(ex, "There was a problem while loading the themes for the library explorer."); } return(results); }
public MultiMapSet <string, string> GetTagsWithDocuments(HashSet <string> documents) { HashSet <string> relevant_tags = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (string document in documents) { relevant_tags.UnionWith(ai_documents_with_tags.Get(document)); } MultiMapSet <string, string> results = new MultiMapSet <string, string>(); foreach (string relevant_tag in relevant_tags) { foreach (string relevant_document in ai_tags_with_documents.Get(relevant_tag)) { if (documents.Contains(relevant_document)) { results.Add(relevant_tag, relevant_document); } } } return(results); }
private static MultiMapSet <string, string> GenerateMap_None(WebLibraryDetail web_library_detail, HashSet <string> parent_fingerprints) { WPFDoEvents.AssertThisCodeIs_NOT_RunningInTheUIThread(); List <PDFDocument> pdf_documents = null; if (null == parent_fingerprints) { pdf_documents = web_library_detail.Xlibrary.PDFDocuments; } else { pdf_documents = web_library_detail.Xlibrary.GetDocumentByFingerprints(parent_fingerprints); } Logging.Debug特("LibraryPivotExplorerControl: processing {0} documents from library {1}", pdf_documents.Count, web_library_detail.Title); MultiMapSet <string, string> tags_with_fingerprints = new MultiMapSet <string, string>(); foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document in pdf_documents) { tags_with_fingerprints.Add("All", pdf_document.Fingerprint); } return(tags_with_fingerprints); }
public void Associate(string tag, string document_fingerprint) { ai_tags_with_documents.Add(tag, document_fingerprint); ai_documents_with_tags.Add(document_fingerprint, tag); }
public MultiMapSet <string, string> Check() { MultiMapSet <string, string> dict = new MultiMapSet <string, string>(); foreach (ComponentQueue queue in this.dictionary.Values) { foreach (Entity entity in queue.Queue) { Type type = entity.GetType(); #if SERVER if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(LogDefine))) { continue; } #endif FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = type.GetFields(); foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fieldInfos) { if (fieldInfo.IsLiteral) { continue; } if (fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NoMemoryCheck)).Count() > 0) { continue; } Type fieldType = fieldInfo.FieldType; if (fieldType == typeof(int)) { if ((int)fieldInfo.GetValue(entity) != 0) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } if (fieldType == typeof(uint)) { if ((uint)fieldInfo.GetValue(entity) != 0) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } if (fieldType == typeof(long)) { if ((long)fieldInfo.GetValue(entity) != 0) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } if (fieldType == typeof(ulong)) { if ((ulong)fieldInfo.GetValue(entity) != 0) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } if (fieldType == typeof(short)) { if ((short)fieldInfo.GetValue(entity) != 0) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } if (fieldType == typeof(ushort)) { if ((ushort)fieldInfo.GetValue(entity) != 0) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } if (fieldType == typeof(float)) { if (Math.Abs((float)fieldInfo.GetValue(entity)) > 0.0001) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } if (fieldType == typeof(double)) { if (Math.Abs((double)fieldInfo.GetValue(entity)) > 0.0001) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } if (fieldType == typeof(bool)) { if ((bool)fieldInfo.GetValue(entity) != false) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } if (typeof(ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { object fieldValue = fieldInfo.GetValue(entity); if (fieldValue == null) { continue; } if (((ICollection)fieldValue).Count != 0) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } PropertyInfo propertyInfo = fieldType.GetProperty("Count"); if (propertyInfo != null) { if ((int)propertyInfo.GetValue(fieldInfo.GetValue(entity)) != 0) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } if (fieldType.IsClass) { if (fieldInfo.GetValue(entity) != null) { dict.Add(type.Name, fieldInfo.Name); } continue; } } } } return(dict); }