private static bool DecodeError(MsgPackReader reader, out JsError error) { error = default; if (!reader.ReadArrayHeader(out var errorLen) || errorLen != 3) { return(false); } error.Name = reader.ReadString(); error.Message = reader.ReadString(); error.Stack = reader.ReadString(); return(true); }
private Message ReadCompletion(MsgPackReader reader) { // ReadHeaders(reader); string invocationId = reader.ReadString(); byte resultKind = reader.ReadByte(); switch (resultKind) { // 1 - Error result - Result contains a String with the error message case 1: string error = reader.ReadString(); return(new Message { type = MessageTypes.Completion, invocationId = invocationId, error = error }); // 2 - Void result - Result is absent case 2: return(new Message { type = MessageTypes.Completion, invocationId = invocationId }); // 3 - Non-Void result - Result contains the value returned by the server case 3: object item = ReadItem(reader, invocationId); return(new Message { type = MessageTypes.Completion, invocationId = invocationId, item = item, result = item }); default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown resultKind: " + resultKind); } }
public void NullString() { MsgPackWriter writer = new MsgPackWriter(Allocator.Temp); writer.WriteNil(); MsgPackReader reader = new MsgPackReader(writer.ToArray(Allocator.Temp)); Assert.That(reader.ReadString(), Is.Null); }
private Message ReadInvocation(MsgPackReader reader) { // ReadHeaders(reader); string invocationId = reader.ReadString(); string target = reader.ReadString(); object[] arguments = ReadArguments(reader, target); string[] streamIds = ReadStreamIds(reader); return(new Message { type = MessageTypes.Invocation, invocationId = invocationId, target = target, arguments = arguments, streamIds = streamIds }); }
public void StringFixedLen() { MsgPackWriter writer = new MsgPackWriter(Allocator.Temp); var testString = GetRandomizedAsciiCharactersString(4); writer.WriteString(testString); MsgPackReader reader = new MsgPackReader(writer.ToArray(Allocator.Temp)); Assert.That(reader.ReadString(), Is.EqualTo(testString)); }
public void LargeUnicodeString() { MsgPackWriter writer = new MsgPackWriter(Allocator.Temp); var testString = GetRandomizedUnicodeCharactersString(ushort.MaxValue + 1); writer.WriteString(testString); MsgPackReader reader = new MsgPackReader(writer.ToArray(Allocator.Temp)); Assert.That(reader.ReadString(), Is.EqualTo(testString)); }
private Message ReadCancelInvocation(MsgPackReader reader) { // ReadHeaders(reader); string invocationId = reader.ReadString(); return(new Message { type = MessageTypes.CancelInvocation, invocationId = invocationId }); }
private Message ReadStreamItem(MsgPackReader reader) { // ReadHeaders(reader); string invocationId = reader.ReadString(); object item = ReadItem(reader, invocationId); return(new Message { type = MessageTypes.StreamItem, invocationId = invocationId, item = item }); }
public static Sphere ReadSphere(this MsgPackReader reader) { var sphere = new Sphere(); reader.ReadPrefix(TypePrefixes.FixMap); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var key = reader.ReadString(); switch (key) { case "center": sphere.Center = reader.ReadPoint3d(); break; case "radius": sphere.Radius = reader.ReadDouble(); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.ParseError); } } return(sphere); }
private Message ReadClose(MsgPackReader reader) { // string error = reader.ReadString(); bool allowReconnect = false; try { allowReconnect = reader.ReadBoolean(); } catch { } return(new Message { type = MessageTypes.Close, error = error, allowReconnect = allowReconnect }); }
public static Ellipse ReadEllipse(this MsgPackReader reader) { var ellipse = new Ellipse(); reader.ReadPrefix(TypePrefixes.FixMap); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var key = reader.ReadString(); switch (key) { case "center": ellipse.Center = reader.ReadPoint2d(); break; case "angle": ellipse.Angle = reader.ReadDouble(); break; case "axes": ellipse.Axes = reader.ReadPoint2d(); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.ParseError); } } return(ellipse); }
public static Circle3d ReadCircle3d(this MsgPackReader reader) { var circle = new Circle3d(); reader.ReadPrefix(TypePrefixes.FixMap); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var key = reader.ReadString(); switch (key) { case "center": circle.Center = reader.ReadPoint3d(); break; case "radius": circle.Radius = reader.ReadDouble(); break; case "normal": circle.Normal = reader.ReadPoint3d(); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.ParseError); } } return(circle); }
public IncomingPacket Parse(SocketManager manager, BufferSegment data, TransportEventTypes transportEvent = TransportEventTypes.Unknown) { using (var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(data.Data, data.Offset, data.Count)) { var buff = BufferPool.Get(MsgPackReader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, true); try { var context = new SerializationContext { Options = SerializationOptions.SuppressTypeInformation/*, * ExtensionTypeHandler = CustomMessagePackExtensionTypeHandler.Instance*/ }; IJsonReader reader = new MsgPackReader(stream, context, Endianness.BigEndian, buff); reader.ReadObjectBegin(); int type = -1, id = -1; string nsp = null; bool hasData = false, readData = false; IncomingPacket packet = IncomingPacket.Empty; READ: while (reader.Token != JsonToken.EndOfObject) { string key = reader.ReadMember(); switch (key) { case "type": type = reader.ReadByte(); break; case "nsp": nsp = reader.ReadString(); break; case "id": id = reader.ReadInt32(); break; case "data": if (!hasData) { hasData = true; SkipData(reader, (SocketIOEventTypes)type); } else { readData = true; packet = new IncomingPacket(transportEvent != TransportEventTypes.Unknown ? transportEvent : TransportEventTypes.Message, (SocketIOEventTypes)type, nsp, id); (string eventName, object[] args) = ReadData(manager, packet, reader); packet.EventName = eventName; if (args != null) { if (args.Length == 1) { packet.DecodedArg = args[0]; } else { packet.DecodedArgs = args; } } } break; } } // type, nsp, id and data can come in any order. To read data strongly typed we need to know all the additional fields before processing the data field. // In order to do it, when we first encounter the data field we skip it than we do a reset and an additional turn but reading the data too now. if (hasData && !readData) { reader.Reset(); stream.Position = 0; reader.ReadObjectBegin(); goto READ; } reader.ReadObjectEnd(); return(packet.Equals(IncomingPacket.Empty) ? new IncomingPacket(transportEvent != TransportEventTypes.Unknown ? transportEvent : TransportEventTypes.Message, (SocketIOEventTypes)type, nsp, id) : packet); } finally { BufferPool.Release(buff); } } }