コード例 #1
        public void Configured_platform_prefix_is_used()
            // Arrange
            var transformer = new MqttActuatorConfigTransformer(new DummyConfiguration());
            var definition  = new DeviceDefinition
                DeviceId  = "Test switch",
                Platform  = "smartthings",
                Actuators = new[] { new ActuatorDefinition {
                                        Type = "switch"
                                    } },
            var expectedPartialConfig = @"
  state_topic: this/is/a/test/Test switch/switch
  command_topic: this/is/a/test/Test switch/switch

            // Action
            var result = transformer.TransformConfig(definition);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Keys.Count, "One entity type returned");
            Assert.AreEqual("switch", result.Keys.First(), "The type of the entity returned is correct");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result["switch"].Count, "Only one entity returned");

            var config = result["switch"].First();

            Assert.IsTrue(config.Entity.Contains(expectedPartialConfig), config.Entity, "Config declared as expected");
            Assert.IsEmpty(config.Customization, "Customization declared as expected");
コード例 #2
        public void Unsupported_platform_throws(string type)
            // Arrange
            var transformer = new MqttActuatorConfigTransformer(new DummyConfiguration());
            var definition  = new DeviceDefinition
                DeviceId  = "Test device",
                Platform  = "unsupported",
                Actuators = new[] { new ActuatorDefinition {
                                        Type = type
                                    } },

            // Assert
            Assert.Throws <UnsupportedPlatformException>(() => transformer.TransformConfig(definition));
コード例 #3
        public void Missing_deviceId_throws()
            // Arrange
            var transformer = new MqttActuatorConfigTransformer(new DummyConfiguration());
            var definition  = new DeviceDefinition
                Name      = "Test device",
                Platform  = "hubitat",
                Actuators = new[] { new ActuatorDefinition {
                                        Type = "switch"
                                    } },

            // Assert
            Assert.Throws <ValidationException>(() => transformer.TransformConfig(definition));
コード例 #4
        public void Heating_is_customized_with_icon()
            // Arrange
            var transformer = new MqttActuatorConfigTransformer(new DummyConfiguration());
            var definition  = new DeviceDefinition
                DeviceId  = "Test room",
                Name      = "Test heating",
                Platform  = "genius",
                Actuators = new[] { new ActuatorDefinition {
                                        Type = "heating", Icon = "mdi:my-icon"
                                    } },
            var expectedConfig        = @"
# Test heating, from genius via MQTT
- platform: mqtt
  name: Test heating
  - auto
  - heat
  current_temperature_topic: genius/Test room/temperature
  mode_state_topic: genius/Test room/thermostatMode
  temperature_state_topic: genius/Test room/heatingSetpoint
  mode_command_topic: genius/Test room/thermostatMode
  temperature_command_topic: genius/Test room/heatingSetpoint
  min_temp: 4
  max_temp: 28
  temp_step: 0.5
            var expectedCustomization = @"
  icon: mdi:my-icon

            // Action
            var result = transformer.TransformConfig(definition);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Keys.Count, "One entity type returned");
            Assert.AreEqual("climate", result.Keys.First(), "The type of the entity returned is correct");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result["climate"].Count, "Only one entity returned");

            var config = result["climate"].First();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedConfig, config.Entity, "Config declared as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCustomization, config.Customization, "Customization declared as expected");
コード例 #5
        public void Rgbw_light_config_is_generated()
            // Arrange
            var transformer = new MqttActuatorConfigTransformer(new DummyConfiguration());
            var definition  = new DeviceDefinition
                DeviceId  = "Test light",
                Platform  = "hubitat",
                Actuators = new[] { new ActuatorDefinition {
                                        Type = "rgbw-light"
                                    } },
            var expectedConfig = @"
# Test light, from hubitat via MQTT
- platform: mqtt
  name: Test light
  retain: true
  state_topic: hubitat/Test light/switch
  command_topic: hubitat/Test light/switch
  payload_on: 'on'
  payload_off: 'off'
  brightness_state_topic: hubitat/Test light/level
  brightness_command_topic: hubitat/Test light/level
  brightness_scale: 99
  hs_state_topic: hubitat/Test light/hs
  hs_command_topic: hubitat/Test light/hs

            // Action
            var result = transformer.TransformConfig(definition);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Keys.Count, "One entity type returned");
            Assert.AreEqual("light", result.Keys.First(), "The type of the entity returned is correct");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result["light"].Count, "Only one entity returned");

            var config = result["light"].First();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedConfig, config.Entity, "Config declared as expected");
            Assert.IsEmpty(config.Customization, "Customization declared as expected");
コード例 #6
        public void Light_is_customized_with_icon()
            // Arrange
            var transformer = new MqttActuatorConfigTransformer(new DummyConfiguration());
            var definition  = new DeviceDefinition
                DeviceId  = "Test light",
                Platform  = "hubitat",
                Actuators = new[] { new ActuatorDefinition {
                                        Type = "light", Icon = "mdi:my-icon"
                                    } },
            var expectedConfig        = @"
# Test light, from hubitat via MQTT
- platform: mqtt
  name: Test light
  retain: true
  state_topic: hubitat/Test light/switch
  command_topic: hubitat/Test light/switch
  payload_on: 'on'
  payload_off: 'off'
            var expectedCustomization = @"
  icon: mdi:my-icon

            // Action
            var result = transformer.TransformConfig(definition);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Keys.Count, "One entity type returned");
            Assert.AreEqual("light", result.Keys.First(), "The type of the entity returned is correct");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result["light"].Count, "Only one entity returned");

            var config = result["light"].First();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedConfig, config.Entity, "Config declared as expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCustomization, config.Customization, "Customization declared as expected");
コード例 #7
        public void Switch_config_is_generated_for_Zipato()
            // Arrange
            var transformer = new MqttActuatorConfigTransformer(new DummyConfiguration());
            var definition  = new DeviceDefinition
                DeviceId  = "abcd",
                Name      = "Test switch",
                Platform  = "zipato",
                Actuators = new[] { new ActuatorDefinition {
                                        Type = "switch"
                                    } },
            var expectedConfig = @"
# Test switch, from zipato via MQTT
- platform: mqtt
  name: Test switch
  retain: true
  state_topic: zipato/attributes/abcd/value
  command_topic: zipato/request/attributes/abcd/value
  value_template: ""{{value_json.value}}""
  state_on: true
  state_off: false
  payload_on: '{""value"": true}'
  payload_off: '{""value"": false}'

            // Action
            var result = transformer.TransformConfig(definition);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Keys.Count, "One entity type returned");
            Assert.AreEqual("switch", result.Keys.First(), "The type of the entity returned is correct");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result["switch"].Count, "Only one entity returned");

            var config = result["switch"].First();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedConfig, config.Entity, "Config declared as expected");
            Assert.IsEmpty(config.Customization, "Customization declared as expected");