public List <FXModes.MqlRates> RatesByPositions(string symbol, string timeframe, int startPosition, int count) { RetryConnecting(); if (count <= 0 || startPosition < 0) { return(new List <FXModes.MqlRates>()); } ENUM_TIMEFRAMES enumTimeframe = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)Enum.Parse(typeof(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES), timeframe); var candles = new MqlRates[count]; mtApi5Client.CopyRates(symbol, enumTimeframe, startPosition, count, out candles); //This is done so that time is not ignored from xml var newCandles = new List <FXModes.MqlRates>(); foreach (var m in candles) { newCandles.Add(new FXModes.MqlRates { time = m.time, close = m.close, high = m.high, low = m.low, mt_time = m.mt_time, open =, real_volume = m.real_volume, spread = m.spread, tick_volume = m.tick_volume }); } return(newCandles); }
// </summary> // <param name="timeframe">Timeframe to do scanning on</param> // <param name="startDateString">Lower bound date in format yyyyMMddHHmmss</param> // <param name="endDateString">Upper bound date in format yyyyMMddHHmmss</param> // <returns>List of Engulfings</returns> public List <FXModes.MqlRates> RatesByDates(string symbol, string timeframe, string startDateString, string endDateString) { RetryConnecting(); var startDate = DateTime.ParseExact(startDateString, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var endDate = DateTime.ParseExact(endDateString, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if ((endDate - startDate).TotalMinutes <= TimeframeHelper.GetMinutesFromForTimeframe(timeframe)) { return(new List <FXModes.MqlRates>()); } if ((mtApi5Client.TimeCurrent() - startDate).TotalMinutes <= TimeframeHelper.GetMinutesFromForTimeframe(timeframe)) { return(new List <FXModes.MqlRates>()); } ENUM_TIMEFRAMES enumTimeframe = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)Enum.Parse(typeof(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES), timeframe); int size = (int)((endDate - startDate).TotalMinutes / (TimeframeHelper.GetMinutesFromForTimeframe(timeframe))); var candles = new MqlRates[size]; mtApi5Client.CopyRates(symbol, enumTimeframe, startDate, endDate, out candles); //This is done so that time is not ignored from xml var newCandles = new List <FXModes.MqlRates>(); foreach (var m in candles) { newCandles.Add(new FXModes.MqlRates { time = m.time, close = m.close, high = m.high, low = m.low, mt_time = m.mt_time, open =, real_volume = m.real_volume, spread = m.spread, tick_volume = m.tick_volume }); } return(newCandles); }
public FXModes.MqlRates CurrentIncompleteCandle(string symbol, string timeframe) { RetryConnecting(); ENUM_TIMEFRAMES enumTimeframe = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)Enum.Parse(typeof(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES), timeframe); var candles = new MqlRates[1]; mtApi5Client.CopyRates(symbol, enumTimeframe, 0, 1, out candles); var m = candles[0]; //This is done so that time is not ignored from xml return(new FXModes.MqlRates { time = m.time, close = m.close, high = m.high, low = m.low, mt_time = m.mt_time, open =, real_volume = m.real_volume, spread = m.spread, tick_volume = m.tick_volume }); }
// 注意修改rate.time(例如M15,需要加60*15) public static void ImportToDb(string symbol, string period, int periodTime_cnt, MqlRates[] rate, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<long, double>> inds) { string symbolPeriod = symbol + "_" + period; string symbolPeriodTime = symbol + "_" + period + (periodTime_cnt == 1 ? (period == "M5" ? "_3" : "_4") : string.Empty) + (periodTime_cnt == 2 ? (period == "M5" ? "_12" : "_16") : string.Empty) + (periodTime_cnt == 3 ? (period == "M5" ? "_48" : "_64") : string.Empty); //DateTime maxDate = (DateTime)DbHelper.Instance.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("SELECT ISNULL(MAX(Date), '2001.01.01') FROM {0}", m_symbolPeriod)); //DateTime minDate = (DateTime)DbHelper.Instance.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("SELECT ISNULL(MIN(Date), '2012.01.01') FROM {0}", m_symbolPeriod)); bool deleteFirst = false; if (deleteFirst) { DbHelper.Instance.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("TRUNCATE TABLE {0}", symbolPeriodTime)); } System.Data.DataTable dt; try { dt = DbHelper.Instance.ExecuteDataTable(string.Format("SELECT Time FROM {0} WHERE Spread > 0 ORDER BY Time", symbolPeriodTime)); } catch (Exception) { string sql = @"CREATE TABLE [dbo].[{0}]( [Time] [bigint] NOT NULL, [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL, [hour] [int] NOT NULL, [dayofweek] [int] NOT NULL, [open] [float] NOT NULL, [close] [float] NOT NULL, [high] [float] NOT NULL, [low] [float] NOT NULL, [spread] [int] NULL, [AskVolume] [float] NULL, [BidVolume] [float] NULL, [AMA_9_2_30] [float] NULL, [ADX_14] [float] NULL, [ADX_14_P] [float] NULL, [ADX_14_M] [float] NULL, [ADXWilder_14] [float] NULL, [ADXWilder_14_P] [float] NULL, [ADXWilder_14_M] [float] NULL, [Bands_20_2] [float] NULL, [DEMA_14] [float] NULL, [FrAMA_14] [float] NULL, [MA_10] [float] NULL, [TEMA_14] [float] NULL, [VIDyA_9_12] [float] NULL, [ATR_14] [float] NULL, [BearsPower_13] [float] NULL, [BullsPower_13] [float] NULL, [CCI_14] [float] NULL, [DeMarker_14] [float] NULL, [MACD_12_26_9_M] [float] NULL, [MACD_12_26_9_S] [float] NULL, [RSI_14] [float] NULL, [RVI_10_M] [float] NULL, [RVI_10_S] [float] NULL, [Stochastic_5_3_3_M] [float] NULL, [Stochastic_5_3_3_S] [float] NULL, [TriX_14] [float] NULL, [WPR_14] [float] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_{0}] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Time] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]"; string sql_m1 = @"CREATE TABLE [dbo].[{0}]( [Time] [bigint] NOT NULL, [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL, [hour] [int] NOT NULL, [dayofweek] [int] NOT NULL, [open] [float] NOT NULL, [close] [float] NOT NULL, [high] [float] NOT NULL, [low] [float] NOT NULL, [spread] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_{0}] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Time] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]"; if (period == "M1") { DbHelper.Instance.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(sql_m1, symbolPeriod)); } else { DbHelper.Instance.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(sql, symbolPeriod)); } dt = DbHelper.Instance.ExecuteDataTable(string.Format("SELECT Time FROM {0} WHERE Spread > 0 ORDER BY Time", symbolPeriodTime)); } Dictionary<long, long> existRows = new Dictionary<long, long>(); foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dt.Rows) { long time = (long)row["Time"]; existRows[time] = time; } dt = DbHelper.Instance.ExecuteDataTable(string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE Time = -1", symbolPeriodTime)); Dictionary<long, int> rateExist = new Dictionary<long, int>(); for (int n = 0; n < rate.Length; ++n) { long newtime = rate[n].time;// 放在前面了 +60 * WekaUtils.GetMinuteofPeriod(period); DateTime newDate = WekaUtils.GetDateFromTime(newtime); if (rateExist.ContainsKey(newtime)) { continue; } rateExist[newtime] = 1; if (newDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday) { //WekaUtils.DebugAssert(newDate.Hour == 0 && newDate.Minute == 0 && newDate.Second == 0, "newDate.Hour == 0 && newDate.Minute == 0 && newDate.Second == 0"); if (newDate.Hour == 0 && newDate.Minute == 0 && newDate.Second == 0) { newDate = newDate.AddDays(2); newtime = newtime + (long)(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0, 0).TotalSeconds); } else { continue; } } else if (newDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} is Sunday", newDate.ToString(Parameters.DateTimeFormat))); continue; } if (existRows.ContainsKey(newtime))// newDate >= minDate && newDate <= maxDate) { continue; } if (rate[n].open == rate[n].close && rate[n].open == rate[n].low && rate[n].open == rate[n].high) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} is all same price", newDate.ToString(Parameters.DateTimeFormat))); //continue; } { System.Data.DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); row["Time"] = newtime; row["Date"] = newDate; row["hour"] = newDate.Hour; row["dayofweek"] = newDate.DayOfWeek; row["open"] = rate[n].open; row["close"] = rate[n].close; row["high"] = rate[n].high; row["low"] = rate[n].low; row["spread"] = rate[n].spread; if (period != "M1" && inds != null) { foreach (var kvp in inds) { if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey(rate[n].time)) { row[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value[rate[n].time]; } else { row[kvp.Key] = 0; } } } dt.Rows.Add(row); } } System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} has {1}, write {2}", symbolPeriodTime, existRows.Count, dt.Rows.Count)); Feng.Data.DbHelper.Instance.BulkCopy(dt, symbolPeriodTime); //int n = 0; //Func<bool> f2 = () => n >= rate.Length; //Func<SqlCommand[]> f1 = () => //{ // SqlCommand cmd = null; // long newtime = rate[n].time + 60 * WekaUtils.GetMinuteofPeriod(period); // DateTime newDate = WekaUtils.GetDateFromTime(newtime); // if (existRows.ContainsKey(newtime))// newDate >= minDate && newDate <= maxDate) // { // } // else // { // //if (!ind2.ContainsKey(rate[i].time / 3600 * 3600)) // //{ // // WriteLog("No indicator of " + rate[i].time); // // continue; // //} // string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO [{0}] ([time],[date],[hour],[dayofweek],[open],[close],[high],[low],[spread]", symbolPeriodTime); // foreach (var kvp in inds) // { // sql += ",[" + kvp.Key + "]"; // } // sql += ") VALUES (@time, @date, @hour,@dayofweek,@open, @close,@high,@low,@spread"; // foreach (var kvp in inds) // { // sql += ",@" + kvp.Key; // } // sql += ")"; // cmd = new SqlCommand(sql); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@time", newtime); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", newDate); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hour", newDate.Hour); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dayofweek", newDate.DayOfWeek); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@open", rate[n].open); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@close", rate[n].close); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@high", rate[n].high); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@low", rate[n].low); // //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tick_volume", rate[i].tick_volume); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@spread", rate[n].spread); // //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@real_volume", rate[i].real_volume); // foreach (var kvp in inds) // { // if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey(rate[n].time)) // { // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + kvp.Key, kvp.Value[rate[n].time]); // } // else // { // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + kvp.Key, 0); // } // } // } // n++; // if (cmd != null) // { // return new SqlCommand[] { cmd }; // } // else // { // return null; // } //}; //DbUtils.BatchDb(f1, f2); }
public static void GeneratePeriodData(string symbol, string period, int aheadHour) { //var rateM1 = MT5Data.ReadRates(symbol + "_M1"); var rateM1 = DbData.Instance.ReadRates(symbol + "_M1"); List<MqlRates> ratesNew = new List<MqlRates>(); for(int i=0; i<rateM1.Length; ++i) { rateM1[i].time += aheadHour * 3600; } int newPeriodSecond = 60 * WekaUtils.GetMinuteofPeriod(period); MqlRates newRate = new MqlRates(); newRate.low = double.MaxValue; = rateM1[0].open; newRate.time = rateM1[0].time / newPeriodSecond * newPeriodSecond; int cnt = 0; for(int i=1; i<rateM1.Length; ++i) { if (rateM1[i].time - newRate.time >= newPeriodSecond) { if (newRate.low != double.MaxValue && newRate.high != 0) { if (cnt > newPeriodSecond / 60 / 8) { ratesNew.Add(newRate); } } else { } newRate = new MqlRates(); newRate.low = double.MaxValue; = rateM1[i].open; newRate.time = rateM1[i].time / newPeriodSecond * newPeriodSecond; cnt = 0; } else { newRate.high = Math.Max(newRate.high, rateM1[i].high); newRate.low = Math.Min(newRate.low, rateM1[i].low); newRate.real_volume += rateM1[i].real_volume; newRate.spread = Math.Max(newRate.spread, rateM1[i].spread); newRate.tick_volume += rateM1[i].tick_volume; newRate.close = rateM1[i].close; cnt++; } } var rate = ratesNew.ToArray(); for (int n = 0; n < rate.Length; ++n) { long newtime = rate[n].time + 60 * WekaUtils.GetMinuteofPeriod(period); rate[n].time = newtime; } ImportToDb(symbol, period, 0, rate, null); }
private static bool CheckTimeIdx(long time, MqlRates[] rates, ref int idx) { if (idx >= 0) return true; idx = ~idx; if (idx >= 0 && idx < rates.Length && (rates[idx].time - time) / 60 <= 60 * 24) return true; return false; }
//private ParameterdCandidateStrategy _realDealsCandidate; public void RunOnTick(long nowTime, MqlRates nowRate) { // We now updateHpData on every bar //DateTime nowDate = WekaUtils.GetDateFromTime(nowTime); //if (!TestParameters2.UseFutureHpData) //{ // realDealsCandidate.ExecuteCandidateNowDeals(nowDate, nowRate); //} }
private void ExecuteCandidateNowDeals(DateTime nowDate, MqlRates nowRate) { foreach (var kvp in m_classifierInfos) { var clsInfo = kvp.Value; clsInfo.Deals.NowDeals(nowDate, nowRate); } }
public void NowDeals(DateTime nowTime, MqlRates nowRate) { if (!TestParameters2.RealTimeMode) { WekaUtils.Instance.WriteLog("in not realTimeMode, NowDeals should not be called."); return; } m_nowTime = nowTime; m_nowPrice = nowRate; foreach (var i in m_deals) { if (i.OpenTime >= m_nowTime) continue; if (!i.CloseTime.HasValue) { CalculateDealCloseTimeOnly(i); } } }
public void OnTick(MqlRates mqlRate, double zigzag, ReturnActionInfo returnAction) { //if (mqlRate.time != (new DateTime(2010, 5, 3, 16, 25, 0) - this.MtStartTime).TotalSeconds) // return; //if (mqlRate.time < (new DateTime(2009, 08, 10, 07, 25, 0) - this.MtStartTime).TotalSeconds) // return; //if (mqlRate.time > (new DateTime(2010, 08, 10, 07, 25, 0) - this.MtStartTime).TotalSeconds) // return; if (zigzag == 0) return; if (m_lastTime == mqlRate.time && m_lastZigzag == zigzag) return; if (m_isCalculating) return; m_isCalculating = true; m_lastTime = mqlRate.time; m_lastZigzag = zigzag; try { int nowRatePos = m_simulator.Rates.Count - 1; int nowZigzagPos = this.ZigzagValues.Count - 1; // Add Data if ((m_simulator.Rates[m_simulator.Rates.Count - 1].time - Parameters.MtStartTime).TotalSeconds < mqlRate.time) { m_simulator.Rates.Add(new ZigzagRate { time = Parameters.MtStartTime.AddSeconds(mqlRate.time), open =, high = mqlRate.high, low = mqlRate.low, close = mqlRate.close, tick_volume = mqlRate.tick_volume, spread = mqlRate.spread, real_volume = mqlRate.real_volume, zigzag = zigzag }); nowRatePos++; if (zigzag != 0) { this.ZigzagValues.Add(zigzag); this.ZigzagToRatePos.Add(m_simulator.Rates.Count - 1); nowZigzagPos++; } } else if ((m_simulator.Rates[m_simulator.Rates.Count - 1].time - Parameters.MtStartTime).TotalSeconds == mqlRate.time) { var v = m_simulator.Rates[m_simulator.Rates.Count - 1]; =; v.high = mqlRate.high; v.low = mqlRate.low; v.close = mqlRate.close; v.tick_volume = mqlRate.tick_volume; v.spread = mqlRate.spread; v.real_volume = mqlRate.real_volume; v.zigzag = zigzag; if (zigzag != this.ZigzagValues[this.ZigzagValues.Count - 1]) { this.ZigzagValues[this.ZigzagValues.Count - 1] = zigzag; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < m_simulator.Rates.Count; ++i) { if ((m_simulator.Rates[i].time - Parameters.MtStartTime).TotalSeconds == mqlRate.time) { nowRatePos = i; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < this.ZigzagToRatePos.Count; ++i) { if (this.ZigzagToRatePos[i] > nowRatePos) { nowZigzagPos = i - 1; break; } } //throw new ArgumentException("Invalid mqlRate's Time in OnTick!"); } if (nowZigzagPos < m_zigzagPatternLength) { return; } if (nowZigzagPos == m_lastZigzagPos) { return; } m_lastZigzagPos = nowZigzagPos; Dictionary<int, int> priceStatIn = new Dictionary<int, int>(); Dictionary<int, int> priceStatOut = new Dictionary<int, int>(); List<List<ZigzagRate>> likeRatesList = new List<List<ZigzagRate>>(); double[] nowZigzag = new double[m_zigzagPatternLength]; double[] prevZigzag = new double[m_zigzagPatternLength]; for (int i = 0; i < m_zigzagPatternLength; ++i) { nowZigzag[i] = this.ZigzagValues[nowZigzagPos + i + 1 - m_zigzagPatternLength]; // } Normalize(nowZigzag); for (int j = m_zigzagPatternLength - 1; j < nowZigzagPos; ++j) { // 加 1 - m_zigzagPatternLength为朝后看 for (int i = 0; i < m_zigzagPatternLength; ++i) { prevZigzag[i] = this.ZigzagValues[j + i + 1 - m_zigzagPatternLength]; } Normalize(prevZigzag); double[] ret; if (m_simiCache[nowZigzagPos, j, 0] != 0) { ret = new double[] { m_simiCache[nowZigzagPos, j, 0], m_simiCache[nowZigzagPos, j, 1] }; } else { //ret = weka.timeseries.SimilarityAnalysis.GetSimilarity(nowZigzag, prevZigzag); //m_simiCache[nowZigzagPos, j, 0] = ret[0]; //m_simiCache[nowZigzagPos, j, 1] = ret[1]; ret = new double[1] { 0 }; } if (ret[0] < m_zigzagSimilarityFreqE && ret[1] < m_zigzagSimilarityTimeE) { //GetPriceStat(this.ZigzagToRatePos[j], 0, 50, priceStatIn); //GetPriceStat(this.ZigzagToRatePos[j], 50, 200, priceStatOut); var l = new List<ZigzagRate>(); likeRatesList.Add(l); for (int i = 0; i < 120; ++i) { l.Add(m_simulator.Rates[this.ZigzagToRatePos[j] + i]); } } } if (likeRatesList.Count == 0) return; double maxP = double.MinValue; int maxDealType = 0, maxBl = 0, maxTp = 0, maxSl = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i += 5) { for (int tp = 20; tp <= 100; tp += 5) { for (int sl = 10; sl < 50; sl += 5) { double profit = 0; foreach (List<ZigzagRate> l in likeRatesList) { bool hasPosition = false; double dealPrice = 0; double nowPrice = l[0].open; foreach (ZigzagRate r in l) { if (!hasPosition) { double price = nowPrice - i * 0.0001; if (price >= r.low && price < r.high) { hasPosition = true; dealPrice = price; } } else { if (dealPrice + tp * 0.0001 >= r.low && dealPrice + tp * 0.0001 < r.high) { profit += tp; break; } else if (dealPrice - sl * 0.0001 + this.Spread * 0.0001 >= r.low && dealPrice - sl * 0.0001 + this.Spread * 0.0001 < r.high) { profit -= sl; break; } } } } if (profit > 0 && profit > maxP) { maxDealType = 1; maxP = profit; maxBl = i; maxTp = tp; maxSl = sl; } // sell profit = 0; foreach (List<ZigzagRate> l in likeRatesList) { bool hasPosition = false; double dealPrice = 0; double nowPrice = l[0].open; foreach (ZigzagRate r in l) { if (!hasPosition) { double price = nowPrice + i * 0.0001; if (price + this.Spread * 0.0001 >= r.low && price + this.Spread * 0.0001 < r.high) { hasPosition = true; dealPrice = price; } } else { if (dealPrice - tp * 0.0001 - this.Spread * 0.0001 >= r.low && dealPrice - tp * 0.0001 - this.Spread * 0.0001 < r.high) { profit += tp; break; } else if (dealPrice + sl * 0.0001 >= r.low && dealPrice + sl * 0.0001 < r.high) { profit -= sl; break; } } } } if (profit > 0 && profit > maxP) { maxDealType = -1; maxP = profit; maxBl = i; maxTp = tp; maxSl = sl; } } } } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("c:\\forex\\ea_order_detail.txt", true)) { sw.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}", nowZigzagPos, maxDealType, maxBl, maxTp, maxSl, maxP, Parameters.MtStartTime.AddSeconds(mqlRate.time).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm"))); } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("c:\\forex\\ea_order.txt", true)) { if (maxDealType == 1) { sw.WriteLine(string.Format("Buy, {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", Parameters.MtStartTime.AddSeconds(mqlRate.time).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm"), maxBl, maxTp, maxSl, maxP)); } else if (maxDealType == -1) { sw.WriteLine(string.Format("Sell, {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", Parameters.MtStartTime.AddSeconds(mqlRate.time).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm"), maxBl, maxTp, maxSl, maxP)); } } //if (priceStatIn.Count == 0 && priceStatOut.Count == 0) // return; //double count = 0, count2 = 0; //foreach (var dealIn in priceStatIn) // count += dealIn.Value; //foreach (var dealOut in priceStatOut) // count2 += dealOut.Value; //double maxPSell = double.MinValue, minPSell = double.MaxValue, allPSell = 0; //double maxPBuy = double.MinValue, minPBuy = double.MaxValue, allPBuy = 0; //int maxDealInBuy = 0, maxDealOutBuy = 0; //int maxDealInSell = 0, maxDealOutSell = 0; //foreach (var dealIn in priceStatIn) //{ // foreach (var dealOut in priceStatOut) // { // int profitSell = 0, profitBuy = 0; // profitBuy = dealOut.Key - dealIn.Key - this.Spread; // profitSell = dealIn.Key - dealOut.Key - this.Spread; // double prob = (dealIn.Value / count) * (dealOut.Value / count2); // double p1 = prob * profitBuy; // double p2 = prob * profitSell; // if (p1 > maxPBuy) // { // maxPBuy = p1; // maxDealInBuy = dealIn.Key; // maxDealOutBuy = dealOut.Key; // } // if (p1 < minPBuy) // { // minPBuy = p1; // } // if (p2 > maxPSell) // { // maxPSell = p2; // maxDealInSell = dealIn.Key; // maxDealOutSell = dealOut.Key; // } // if (p2 < minPSell) // { // minPSell = p2; // } // allPBuy += p1; // allPSell += p2; // } //} //if (allPBuy > allPSell && allPBuy > 0) ////if (maxPBuy > maxPSell && maxPBuy > 0) //{ // returnAction.DealType = 1; // returnAction.DealIn = maxDealInBuy; // returnAction.DealOut = maxDealOutBuy; // returnAction.WinProb = allPBuy; // returnAction.LoseProb = minPBuy; // using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("c:\\forex\\ea_order.txt", true)) // { // sw.WriteLine(string.Format("Buy, {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", this.MtStartTime.AddSeconds(mqlRate.time).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm"), maxDealInBuy, maxDealOutBuy, allPBuy.ToString("N2"), minPBuy.ToString("N2"))); // } //} //else if (allPSell > allPBuy && allPSell > 0) ////else if (maxPSell > maxPBuy && maxPSell > 0) //{ // returnAction.DealType = -1; // returnAction.DealIn = maxDealInSell; // returnAction.DealOut = maxDealOutSell; // returnAction.WinProb = allPSell; // returnAction.LoseProb = minPSell; // using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("c:\\forex\\ea_order.txt", true)) // { // sw.WriteLine(string.Format("Sell, {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", this.MtStartTime.AddSeconds(mqlRate.time).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm"), maxDealInSell, maxDealOutSell, allPSell.ToString("N2"), minPSell.ToString("N2"))); // } //} //else //{ // returnAction.DealType = 0; //} } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { m_isCalculating = false; } }