コード例 #1
    // Creates 6 planes that form a box. Objects can move inside the box.
    private void CreateBoundaryPlanes()
      // Planes (class DigitalRune.Geometry.Shapes.PlaneShape) are infinite planes that 
      // divide the world into two half-spaces. The space into which the plane normal
      // is pointing is "empty" and the other space is considered "solid".

      // Planes are infinite, but to draw a visual representation of the plane a mesh 
      // is generated with plane.GetMesh() in the DebugRenderer. Rectangle meshes
      // are automatically generated and the size of these rectangles is defined with
      // PlaneShape.MeshSize. 
      // Here we set MeshSize such that rectangles for each plane have the size of 
      // a box face - but don't forget that planes are infinite for the collision detection.
      _defaultPlaneShapeMeshSize = PlaneShape.MeshSize;
      PlaneShape.MeshSize = BoxSize * 2;

      // Left plane.
      var leftPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
        Shape = new PlaneShape(Vector3.UnitX, 0),
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3(-BoxSize, 0, 0)),
      _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(leftPlane));

      // Right plane.
      var rightPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
        Shape = new PlaneShape(-Vector3.UnitX, 0),
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3(BoxSize, 0, 0)),
      _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(rightPlane));

      // Top plane.
      var topPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
        Shape = new PlaneShape(-Vector3.UnitY, 0),
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3(0, BoxSize, 0)),
      _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(topPlane));

      // Bottom plane.
      //var bottomPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
      //  Shape = new PlaneShape(Vector3.UnitY, 0),
      //  Pose = new Pose(new Vector3(0, -BoxSize, 0)),
      //_domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(bottomPlane));

      // Front plane.
      var frontPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
        Shape = new PlaneShape(-Vector3.UnitZ, 0),
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3(0, 0, BoxSize)),
      _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(frontPlane));

      // Back plane.
      var backPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
        Shape = new PlaneShape(Vector3.UnitZ, 0),
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3(0, 0, -BoxSize)),
      _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(backPlane));
コード例 #2
    // Creates a lot of random objects.
    private void CreateRandomObjects()
      var random = new Random();

      var isFirstHeightField = true;

      int currentShape = 0;
      int numberOfObjects = 0;
      while (true)
        if (numberOfObjects > ObjectsPerType)
          numberOfObjects = 0;

        Shape shape;
        switch (currentShape)
          case 0:
            // Box
            shape = new BoxShape(ObjectSize, ObjectSize * 2, ObjectSize * 3);
          case 1:
            // Capsule
            shape = new CapsuleShape(0.3f * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 2:
            // Cone
            shape = new ConeShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 3:
            // Cylinder
            shape = new CylinderShape(0.4f * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 4:
            // Sphere
            shape = new SphereShape(ObjectSize);
          case 5:
            // Convex hull of several points.
            ConvexHullOfPoints hull = new ConvexHullOfPoints();
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, -2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3(2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize, -0.5f * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, -0.6f * ObjectSize));
            shape = hull;
          case 6:
            // A composite shape: two boxes that form a "T" shape.
            var composite = new CompositeShape();
              new GeometricObject(
                new BoxShape(ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize, ObjectSize),
                new Pose(new Vector3(0, 0, 0))));
              new GeometricObject(
                new BoxShape(2 * ObjectSize, ObjectSize, ObjectSize),
                new Pose(new Vector3(0, 2 * ObjectSize, 0))));
            shape = composite;
          case 7:
            shape = new CircleShape(ObjectSize);
          case 8:
              var compBvh = new CompositeShape();
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f, 1, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0), Matrix.Identity)));
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.7f, 0), Matrix.CreateRotationZ(-MathHelper.ToRadians(15)))));
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f), new Pose(new Vector3(0, 1.15f, 0), Matrix.Identity)));
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new CapsuleShape(0.2f, 1), new Pose(new Vector3(0.6f, 1.15f, 0), Matrix.CreateRotationX(0.3f))));
              compBvh.Partition = new AabbTree<int>();
              shape = compBvh;
          case 9:
            CompositeShape comp = new CompositeShape();
            comp.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize, 0.5f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3(0, 0.5f * ObjectSize, 0), Quaternion.Identity)));
            comp.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.8f * ObjectSize, 0.5f * ObjectSize, 0.5f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3(0.3f * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, 0), Quaternion.CreateRotationZ(-MathHelper.ToRadians(45)))));
            comp.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3(0, 1.15f * ObjectSize, 0), Quaternion.Identity)));
            shape = comp;
          case 10:
            shape = new ConvexHullOfPoints(new[]
              new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, -2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3(2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize, -0.5f * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, -0.6f * ObjectSize)
          case 11:
            ConvexHullOfShapes shapeHull = new ConvexHullOfShapes();
            shapeHull.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3(0, 2 * ObjectSize, 0), Matrix.Identity)));
            shapeHull.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize), Pose.Identity));
            shape = shapeHull;
          case 12:
            shape = Shape.Empty;
          case 13:
            var numberOfSamplesX = 10;
            var numberOfSamplesZ = 10;
            var samples = new float[numberOfSamplesX * numberOfSamplesZ];
            for (int z = 0; z < numberOfSamplesZ; z++)
              for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSamplesX; x++)
                samples[z * numberOfSamplesX + x] = (float)(Math.Cos(z / 3f) * Math.Sin(x / 2f) * BoxSize / 6);
            HeightField heightField = new HeightField(0, 0, 2 * BoxSize, 2 * BoxSize, samples, numberOfSamplesX, numberOfSamplesZ);
            shape = heightField;
          //case 14:
          //shape = new LineShape(new Vector3(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), new Vector3(0.1f, 0.2f, -0.3f).Normalized);
          case 15:
            shape = new LineSegmentShape(
              new Vector3(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), new Vector3(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f) + 3 * ObjectSize * new Vector3(0.1f, 0.2f, -0.3f));
          case 16:
            shape = new MinkowskiDifferenceShape
              ObjectA = new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.1f * ObjectSize)),
              ObjectB = new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize))
          case 17:
            shape = new MinkowskiSumShape
              ObjectA = new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.1f * ObjectSize)),
              ObjectB = new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize)),
          case 18:
            shape = new OrthographicViewVolume(0, ObjectSize, 0, ObjectSize, ObjectSize / 2, ObjectSize * 2);
          case 19:
            shape = new PerspectiveViewVolume(MathHelper.ToRadians(60f), 16f / 10, ObjectSize / 2, ObjectSize * 3);
          case 20:
            shape = new PointShape(0.1f, 0.3f, 0.2f);
          case 21:
            shape = new RayShape(new Vector3(0.2f, 0, -0.12f), new Vector3(1, 2, 3).Normalized, ObjectSize * 2);
          case 22:
            shape = new RayShape(new Vector3(0.2f, 0, -0.12f), new Vector3(1, 2, 3).Normalized, ObjectSize * 2)
              StopsAtFirstHit = true
          case 23:
            shape = new RectangleShape(ObjectSize, ObjectSize * 2);
          case 24:
            shape = new TransformedShape(
              new GeometricObject(
                new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize),
                new Pose(new Vector3(0.1f, 1, -0.2f))));
          case 25:
            shape = new TriangleShape(
              new Vector3(ObjectSize, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, ObjectSize, 0), new Vector3(ObjectSize, ObjectSize, ObjectSize));
          //case 26:
          //  {
          //    // Create a composite object from which we get the mesh.
          //    CompositeShape compBvh = new CompositeShape();
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f, 1, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0), Matrix.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(
          //        new BoxShape(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
          //        new Pose(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.7f, 0), Matrix.CreateRotationZ(-(float)MathHelper.ToRadians(15)))));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f), new Pose(new Vector3(0, 1.15f, 0), Matrix.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(new CapsuleShape(0.2f, 1), new Pose(new Vector3(0.6f, 1.15f, 0), Matrix.CreateRotationX(0.3f))));

          //    TriangleMeshShape meshBvhShape = new TriangleMeshShape { Mesh = compBvh.GetMesh(0.01f, 3) };
          //    meshBvhShape.Partition = new AabbTree<int>();
          //    shape = meshBvhShape;
          //    break;
          //  }
          //case 27:
          //  {
          //    // Create a composite object from which we get the mesh.
          //    CompositeShape compBvh = new CompositeShape();
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f, 1, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0), Quaternion.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(
          //        new BoxShape(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
          //        new Pose(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.7f, 0), Quaternion.CreateRotationZ(-(float)MathHelper.ToRadians(15)))));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f), new Pose(new Vector3(0, 1.15f, 0), Quaternion.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(new CapsuleShape(0.2f, 1), new Pose(new Vector3(0.6f, 1.15f, 0), Quaternion.CreateRotationX(0.3f))));

          //    TriangleMeshShape meshBvhShape = new TriangleMeshShape { Mesh = compBvh.GetMesh(0.01f, 3) };
          //    meshBvhShape.Partition = new AabbTree<int>();
          //    shape = meshBvhShape;
          //    break;
          //  }
          case 28:
            shape = new ConvexPolyhedron(new[]
              new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, -2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3(2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize, -0.5f * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, -0.6f * ObjectSize)
          case 29:

        // Create an object with the random shape, pose, color and velocity.
        Pose randomPose = new Pose(
          random.NextVector3(-BoxSize + ObjectSize * 2, BoxSize - ObjectSize * 2),
        var newObject = new MovingGeometricObject
          Pose = randomPose,
          Shape = shape,
          LinearVelocity = random.NextQuaternion().Rotate(new Vector3(MaxLinearVelocity, 0, 0)),
          AngularVelocity = random.NextQuaternion().Rotate(Vector3.Forward)
                            * RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(0, MaxAngularVelocity),

        if (RandomHelper.Random.NextBool())
          newObject.LinearVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
        if (RandomHelper.Random.NextBool())
          newObject.AngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

        if (shape is LineShape || shape is HeightField)
          // Do not move lines or the height field.
          newObject.LinearVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
          newObject.AngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

        // Create only 1 heightField!
        if (shape is HeightField)
          if (isFirstHeightField)
            isFirstHeightField = true;
            newObject.Pose = new Pose(new Vector3(-BoxSize, -BoxSize, -BoxSize));
            numberOfObjects = 0;

        // Add collision object to collision domain.
        _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(newObject));

        //co.Type = CollisionObjectType.Trigger;
        //co.Name = "Object" + shape.GetType().Name + "_" + i;
コード例 #3
    // Creates 6 planes that form a box. Objects can move inside the box.
    private void CreateBoundaryPlanes()
      // Planes (class DigitalRune.Geometry.Shapes.PlaneShape) are infinite planes that 
      // divide the world into two half-spaces. The space into which the plane normal
      // is pointing is "empty" and the other space is considered "solid".

      // Planes are infinite, but to draw a visual representation of the plane a mesh 
      // is generated with plane.GetMesh() in the DebugRenderer. Rectangle meshes
      // are automatically generated and the size of these rectangles is defined with
      // PlaneShape.MeshSize. 
      // Here we set MeshSize such that rectangles for each plane have the size of 
      // a box face - but don't forget that planes are infinite for the collision detection.
      _defaultPlaneShapeMeshSize = PlaneShape.MeshSize;
      PlaneShape.MeshSize = BoxSize * 2;

      // Left plane.
      var leftPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
        Shape = new PlaneShape(Vector3F.UnitX, 0),
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-BoxSize, 0, 0)),
      _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(leftPlane));

      // Right plane.
      var rightPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
        Shape = new PlaneShape(-Vector3F.UnitX, 0),
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(BoxSize, 0, 0)),
      _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(rightPlane));

      // Top plane.
      var topPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
        Shape = new PlaneShape(-Vector3F.UnitY, 0),
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0, BoxSize, 0)),
      _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(topPlane));

      // Bottom plane.
      //var bottomPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
      //  Shape = new PlaneShape(Vector3F.UnitY, 0),
      //  Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0, -BoxSize, 0)),
      //_domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(bottomPlane));

      // Front plane.
      var frontPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
        Shape = new PlaneShape(-Vector3F.UnitZ, 0),
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0, BoxSize)),
      _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(frontPlane));

      // Back plane.
      var backPlane = new MovingGeometricObject
        Shape = new PlaneShape(Vector3F.UnitZ, 0),
        Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0, -BoxSize)),
      _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(backPlane));
コード例 #4
    // Creates a lot of random objects.
    private void CreateRandomObjects()
      var random = new Random();

      var isFirstHeightField = true;

      int currentShape = 0;
      int numberOfObjects = 0;
      while (true)
        if (numberOfObjects > ObjectsPerType)
          numberOfObjects = 0;

        Shape shape;
        switch (currentShape)
          case 0:
            // Box
            shape = new BoxShape(ObjectSize, ObjectSize * 2, ObjectSize * 3);
          case 1:
            // Capsule
            shape = new CapsuleShape(0.3f * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 2:
            // Cone
            shape = new ConeShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 3:
            // Cylinder
            shape = new CylinderShape(0.4f * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 4:
            // Sphere
            shape = new SphereShape(ObjectSize);
          case 5:
            // Convex hull of several points.
            ConvexHullOfPoints hull = new ConvexHullOfPoints();
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, -2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize, -0.5f * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, -0.6f * ObjectSize));
            shape = hull;
          case 6:
            // A composite shape: two boxes that form a "T" shape.
            var composite = new CompositeShape();
              new GeometricObject(
                new BoxShape(ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize, ObjectSize),
                new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0, 0))));
              new GeometricObject(
                new BoxShape(2 * ObjectSize, ObjectSize, ObjectSize),
                new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 2 * ObjectSize, 0))));
            shape = composite;
          case 7:
            shape = new CircleShape(ObjectSize);
          case 8:
              var compBvh = new CompositeShape();
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f, 1, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0.5f, 0), Matrix33F.Identity)));
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0.5f, 0.7f, 0), Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(-MathHelper.ToRadians(15)))));
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 1.15f, 0), Matrix33F.Identity)));
              compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new CapsuleShape(0.2f, 1), new Pose(new Vector3F(0.6f, 1.15f, 0), Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(0.3f))));
              compBvh.Partition = new AabbTree<int>();
              shape = compBvh;
          case 9:
            CompositeShape comp = new CompositeShape();
            comp.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize, 0.5f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0.5f * ObjectSize, 0), QuaternionF.Identity)));
            comp.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.8f * ObjectSize, 0.5f * ObjectSize, 0.5f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3F(0.3f * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, 0), QuaternionF.CreateRotationZ(-MathHelper.ToRadians(45)))));
            comp.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 1.15f * ObjectSize, 0), QuaternionF.Identity)));
            shape = comp;
          case 10:
            shape = new ConvexHullOfPoints(new[]
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, -2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize, -0.5f * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, -0.6f * ObjectSize)
          case 11:
            ConvexHullOfShapes shapeHull = new ConvexHullOfShapes();
            shapeHull.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f * ObjectSize), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 2 * ObjectSize, 0), Matrix33F.Identity)));
            shapeHull.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize), Pose.Identity));
            shape = shapeHull;
          case 12:
            shape = Shape.Empty;
          case 13:
            var numberOfSamplesX = 10;
            var numberOfSamplesZ = 10;
            var samples = new float[numberOfSamplesX * numberOfSamplesZ];
            for (int z = 0; z < numberOfSamplesZ; z++)
              for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSamplesX; x++)
                samples[z * numberOfSamplesX + x] = (float)(Math.Cos(z / 3f) * Math.Sin(x / 2f) * BoxSize / 6);
            HeightField heightField = new HeightField(0, 0, 2 * BoxSize, 2 * BoxSize, samples, numberOfSamplesX, numberOfSamplesZ);
            shape = heightField;
          //case 14:
          //shape = new LineShape(new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, -0.3f).Normalized);
          case 15:
            shape = new LineSegmentShape(
              new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f) + 3 * ObjectSize * new Vector3F(0.1f, 0.2f, -0.3f));
          case 16:
            shape = new MinkowskiDifferenceShape
              ObjectA = new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.1f * ObjectSize)),
              ObjectB = new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize))
          case 17:
            shape = new MinkowskiSumShape
              ObjectA = new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.1f * ObjectSize)),
              ObjectB = new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize)),
          case 18:
            shape = new OrthographicViewVolume(0, ObjectSize, 0, ObjectSize, ObjectSize / 2, ObjectSize * 2);
          case 19:
            shape = new PerspectiveViewVolume(MathHelper.ToRadians(60f), 16f / 10, ObjectSize / 2, ObjectSize * 3);
          case 20:
            shape = new PointShape(0.1f, 0.3f, 0.2f);
          case 21:
            shape = new RayShape(new Vector3F(0.2f, 0, -0.12f), new Vector3F(1, 2, 3).Normalized, ObjectSize * 2);
          case 22:
            shape = new RayShape(new Vector3F(0.2f, 0, -0.12f), new Vector3F(1, 2, 3).Normalized, ObjectSize * 2)
              StopsAtFirstHit = true
          case 23:
            shape = new RectangleShape(ObjectSize, ObjectSize * 2);
          case 24:
            shape = new TransformedShape(
              new GeometricObject(
                new BoxShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize),
                new Pose(new Vector3F(0.1f, 1, -0.2f))));
          case 25:
            shape = new TriangleShape(
              new Vector3F(ObjectSize, 0, 0), new Vector3F(0, ObjectSize, 0), new Vector3F(ObjectSize, ObjectSize, ObjectSize));
          //case 26:
          //  {
          //    // Create a composite object from which we get the mesh.
          //    CompositeShape compBvh = new CompositeShape();
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f, 1, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0.5f, 0), Matrix33F.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(
          //        new BoxShape(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
          //        new Pose(new Vector3F(0.5f, 0.7f, 0), Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(-(float)MathHelper.ToRadians(15)))));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 1.15f, 0), Matrix33F.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(new CapsuleShape(0.2f, 1), new Pose(new Vector3F(0.6f, 1.15f, 0), Matrix33F.CreateRotationX(0.3f))));

          //    TriangleMeshShape meshBvhShape = new TriangleMeshShape { Mesh = compBvh.GetMesh(0.01f, 3) };
          //    meshBvhShape.Partition = new AabbTree<int>();
          //    shape = meshBvhShape;
          //    break;
          //  }
          //case 27:
          //  {
          //    // Create a composite object from which we get the mesh.
          //    CompositeShape compBvh = new CompositeShape();
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(0.5f, 1, 0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0.5f, 0), QuaternionF.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(
          //        new BoxShape(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
          //        new Pose(new Vector3F(0.5f, 0.7f, 0), QuaternionF.CreateRotationZ(-(float)MathHelper.ToRadians(15)))));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.3f), new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 1.15f, 0), QuaternionF.Identity)));
          //    compBvh.Children.Add(
          //      new GeometricObject(new CapsuleShape(0.2f, 1), new Pose(new Vector3F(0.6f, 1.15f, 0), QuaternionF.CreateRotationX(0.3f))));

          //    TriangleMeshShape meshBvhShape = new TriangleMeshShape { Mesh = compBvh.GetMesh(0.01f, 3) };
          //    meshBvhShape.Partition = new AabbTree<int>();
          //    shape = meshBvhShape;
          //    break;
          //  }
          case 28:
            shape = new ConvexPolyhedron(new[]
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, -2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize, -0.5f * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize),
              new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, -0.6f * ObjectSize)
          case 29:

        // Create an object with the random shape, pose, color and velocity.
        Pose randomPose = new Pose(
          random.NextVector3F(-BoxSize + ObjectSize * 2, BoxSize - ObjectSize * 2),
        var newObject = new MovingGeometricObject
          Pose = randomPose,
          Shape = shape,
          LinearVelocity = random.NextQuaternionF().Rotate(new Vector3F(MaxLinearVelocity, 0, 0)),
          AngularVelocity = random.NextQuaternionF().Rotate(Vector3F.Forward)
                            * RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(0, MaxAngularVelocity),

        if (RandomHelper.Random.NextBool())
          newObject.LinearVelocity = Vector3F.Zero;
        if (RandomHelper.Random.NextBool())
          newObject.AngularVelocity = Vector3F.Zero;

        if (shape is LineShape || shape is HeightField)
          // Do not move lines or the height field.
          newObject.LinearVelocity = Vector3F.Zero;
          newObject.AngularVelocity = Vector3F.Zero;

        // Create only 1 heightField!
        if (shape is HeightField)
          if (isFirstHeightField)
            isFirstHeightField = true;
            newObject.Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(-BoxSize, -BoxSize, -BoxSize));
            numberOfObjects = 0;

        // Add collision object to collision domain.
        _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(newObject));

        //co.Type = CollisionObjectType.Trigger;
        //co.Name = "Object" + shape.GetType().Name + "_" + i;
コード例 #5
        // Creates a lot of random objects.
        private void CreateRandomObjects()
            var random = new Random(12345);

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfObjects; i++)
                // Randomly choose a shape.
                Shape randomShape;
                switch (random.Next(0, 7))
                case 0:
                    // Box
                    randomShape = new BoxShape(ObjectSize, ObjectSize * 2, ObjectSize * 3);

                case 1:
                    // Capsule
                    randomShape = new CapsuleShape(0.3f * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);

                case 2:
                    // Cone
                    randomShape = new ConeShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);

                case 3:
                    // Cylinder
                    randomShape = new CylinderShape(0.4f * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);

                case 4:
                    // Sphere
                    randomShape = new SphereShape(ObjectSize);

                case 5:
                    // Convex hull of several points.
                    ConvexHullOfPoints hull = new ConvexHullOfPoints();
                    hull.Points.Add(new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, -2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize));
                    hull.Points.Add(new Vector3(2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize, -0.5f * ObjectSize));
                    hull.Points.Add(new Vector3(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize));
                    hull.Points.Add(new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize));
                    hull.Points.Add(new Vector3(-1 * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, -0.6f * ObjectSize));
                    randomShape = hull;

                case 6:
                    // A composite shape: two boxes that form a "T" shape.
                    var composite = new CompositeShape();
                        new GeometricObject(
                            new BoxShape(ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize, ObjectSize),
                            new Pose(new Vector3(0, 0, 0))));
                        new GeometricObject(
                            new BoxShape(2 * ObjectSize, ObjectSize, ObjectSize),
                            new Pose(new Vector3(0, 2 * ObjectSize, 0))));
                    randomShape = composite;


                    Trace.Fail("Ups, we shouldn't land here :-(");

                    randomShape = new SphereShape();

                // Create an object with the random shape, pose, color and velocity.
                Pose randomPose = new Pose(
                    random.NextVector3(-BoxSize + ObjectSize * 2, BoxSize - ObjectSize * 2),

                var newObject = new MovingGeometricObject
                    Pose            = randomPose,
                    Shape           = randomShape,
                    LinearVelocity  = random.NextQuaternion().Rotate(new Vector3(MaxLinearVelocity, 0, 0)),
                    AngularVelocity = random.NextQuaternion().Rotate(Vector3.Forward)
                                      * RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(0, MaxAngularVelocity),

                // Add collision object to collision domain.
                _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(newObject));

                // We will collect a few statistics for debugging.
                Profiler.SetFormat("NumObjects", 1, "The total number of objects.");
                Profiler.SetFormat("NumObjectPairs", 1, "The number of objects pairs, which have to be checked.");
                Profiler.SetFormat("BroadPhasePairs", 1, "The number of overlaps reported by the broad phase.");
                Profiler.SetFormat("ContactSetCount", 1, "The number of actual collisions.");
コード例 #6
    // Creates a lot of random objects.
    private void CreateRandomObjects()
      var random = new Random(12345);

      for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfObjects; i++)
        // Randomly choose a shape.
        Shape randomShape;
        switch (random.Next(0, 7))
          case 0:
            // Box
            randomShape = new BoxShape(ObjectSize, ObjectSize * 2, ObjectSize * 3);
          case 1:
            // Capsule
            randomShape = new CapsuleShape(0.3f * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 2:
            // Cone
            randomShape = new ConeShape(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 3:
            // Cylinder
            randomShape = new CylinderShape(0.4f * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize);
          case 4:
            // Sphere
            randomShape = new SphereShape(ObjectSize);
          case 5:
            // Convex hull of several points.
            ConvexHullOfPoints hull = new ConvexHullOfPoints();
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, -2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(2 * ObjectSize, -1 * ObjectSize, -0.5f * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 2 * ObjectSize, 1 * ObjectSize));
            hull.Points.Add(new Vector3F(-1 * ObjectSize, 0.7f * ObjectSize, -0.6f * ObjectSize));
            randomShape = hull;
          case 6:
            // A composite shape: two boxes that form a "T" shape.
            var composite = new CompositeShape();
              new GeometricObject(
                new BoxShape(ObjectSize, 3 * ObjectSize, ObjectSize),
                new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0, 0))));
              new GeometricObject(
                new BoxShape(2 * ObjectSize, ObjectSize, ObjectSize),
                new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 2 * ObjectSize, 0))));
            randomShape = composite;
            Trace.Fail("Ups, we shouldn't land here :-(");
            randomShape = new SphereShape();

        // Create an object with the random shape, pose, color and velocity.
        Pose randomPose = new Pose(
          random.NextVector3F(-BoxSize + ObjectSize * 2, BoxSize - ObjectSize * 2),

        var newObject = new MovingGeometricObject
          Pose = randomPose,
          Shape = randomShape,
          LinearVelocity = random.NextQuaternionF().Rotate(new Vector3F(MaxLinearVelocity, 0, 0)),
          AngularVelocity = random.NextQuaternionF().Rotate(Vector3F.Forward)
                            * RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(0, MaxAngularVelocity),

        // Add collision object to collision domain.
        _domain.CollisionObjects.Add(new CollisionObject(newObject));

        // We will collect a few statistics for debugging.
        Profiler.SetFormat("NumObjects", 1, "The total number of objects.");
        Profiler.SetFormat("NumObjectPairs", 1, "The number of objects pairs, which have to be checked.");
        Profiler.SetFormat("BroadPhasePairs", 1, "The number of overlaps reported by the broad phase.");
        Profiler.SetFormat("ContactSetCount", 1, "The number of actual collisions.");