コード例 #1
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            MoviesTV moviesTV = db.MoviesTVs.Find(id);

            //Delete the image file of the record that is being removed
            if (moviesTV.TitleImage != null && moviesTV.TitleImage != "NoImage.png")
                string path = Server.MapPath("~/Content/img/MoviesTV/");
                ImageUploadUtility.Delete(path, moviesTV.TitleImage);
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            MoviesTV moviesTV = db.MoviesTVs.Find(id);

            if (moviesTV == null)
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "MovieTVID,DiscTypeID,RegionCodeID,UPC,TitleTypeID,Title,Description,GenreID,Runtime,MPAARatingID,Price,UnitsSold,ReleaseDate,StudioID,TitleImage,IsSiteFeature,IsOnSaleFeature,TitleStatusID")] MoviesTV moviesTV, HttpPostedFileBase titleCover)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                #region File Upload
                if (titleCover != null)
                    string   file     = titleCover.FileName;
                    string   ext      = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf('.'));
                    string[] goodExts = { ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".png", ".gif" };
                    //check that the uploaded file ext is in our list of good file extensions
                    if (goodExts.Contains(ext))
                        //if valid ext, check file size <= 4mb (max by default from ASP.NET)
                        if (titleCover.ContentLength <= 4194304)
                            //create a new file name using a guid
                            //file = Guid.NewGuid() + ext;

                            #region Resize Image
                            string savePath       = Server.MapPath("~/Content/img/MoviesTV/");
                            Image  convertedImage = Image.FromStream(titleCover.InputStream);
                            int    maxImageSize   = 650;
                            int    maxThumbSize   = 250;
                            ImageUploadUtility.ResizeImage(savePath, file, convertedImage, maxImageSize, maxThumbSize);

                            if (moviesTV.TitleImage != null && moviesTV.TitleImage != "NoImage.png")
                                string path = Server.MapPath("~/Content/img/MoviesTV/");
                                ImageUploadUtility.Delete(path, moviesTV.TitleImage);
                    moviesTV.TitleImage = file;
                db.Entry(moviesTV).State = EntityState.Modified;
            ViewBag.GenreID       = new SelectList(db.Genres, "GenreID", "GenreName", moviesTV.GenreID);
            ViewBag.StudioID      = new SelectList(db.Studios, "StudioID", "StudioName", moviesTV.StudioID);
            ViewBag.TitleStatusID = new SelectList(db.TitleStatuses, "TitleStatusID", "TitleStatusName", moviesTV.TitleStatusID);
            ViewBag.DiscTypeID    = new SelectList(db.DiscTypes, "DiscTypeID", "DiscTypeName", moviesTV.DiscTypeID);
            ViewBag.TitleTypeID   = new SelectList(db.TitleTypes, "TitleTypeID", "TitleTypeName", moviesTV.TitleTypeID);
            ViewBag.RegionCodeID  = new SelectList(db.RegionCodes, "RegionCodeID", "RegionCodeID", moviesTV.RegionCodeID);
            ViewBag.MPAARatingID  = new SelectList(db.MPAARatings, "MPAARatingID", "Rating", moviesTV.MPAARatingID);
コード例 #4
        public ActionResult AddToCart(int qty, int movieTVID)
            //We will use a Dictionary collection type to store items into the cart
            //Dictionaries store info as Key, Value pairs
            Dictionary <int, CartItemViewModel> shoppingCart = null;

            //check if the session variable called cart already exists - if it does we will use it to populate the local collection of shopping cart items we called shoppingCart
            if (Session["cart"] != null)
                //session variable already exists and we will put items from it into our Dictionary called shoppingCart (local list of shopping cart items)
                shoppingCart = (Dictionary <int, CartItemViewModel>)Session["cart"];
                //when we UNBOX an object stored in Session to it's smaller more specific type we are using explicit casting
                //if session cart doesn't exist yet, we need to instantiate it (aka NEW IT UP)
                shoppingCart = new Dictionary <int, CartItemViewModel>();
            //after the if/else above we have a local version of the shopping cart list that is ready to have items added to it

            //find the product referenced by the ID that was passed to this method
            MoviesTV product = db.MoviesTVs.Where(m => m.MovieTVID == movieTVID).FirstOrDefault();

            if (product == null)
                //if bad ID, kick them back to the same page to try again or you could throw an error
                //if the book IS valid, add the line-item to the cart
                CartItemViewModel item = new CartItemViewModel(qty, product);

                //put item in the local cart BUT if we already have that product as a cart item, then we will just update the quantity
                //THIS is why Dictionary is a great choice for the shopping cart collection
                if (shoppingCart.ContainsKey(product.MovieTVID))
                    shoppingCart[product.MovieTVID].Qty += qty;
                    shoppingCart.Add(product.MovieTVID, item);
                //now update the Session version of Shopping Cart so we can maintain the info between request/response cycles
                Session["cart"]    = shoppingCart; //implicit casting or boxing
                Session["confirm"] = $"'{product.Title}' (Quantity: {qty}) added to cart";
            //send the user to a view that shows their cart items
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ShoppingCart"));
コード例 #5
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            MoviesTV moviesTV = db.MoviesTVs.Find(id);

            if (moviesTV == null)
            ViewBag.GenreID       = new SelectList(db.Genres, "GenreID", "GenreName", moviesTV.GenreID);
            ViewBag.StudioID      = new SelectList(db.Studios, "StudioID", "StudioName", moviesTV.StudioID);
            ViewBag.TitleStatusID = new SelectList(db.TitleStatuses, "TitleStatusID", "TitleStatusName", moviesTV.TitleStatusID);
            ViewBag.DiscTypeID    = new SelectList(db.DiscTypes, "DiscTypeID", "DiscTypeName", moviesTV.DiscTypeID);
            ViewBag.TitleTypeID   = new SelectList(db.TitleTypes, "TitleTypeID", "TitleTypeName", moviesTV.TitleTypeID);
            ViewBag.RegionCodeID  = new SelectList(db.RegionCodes, "RegionCodeID", "RegionCodeID", moviesTV.RegionCodeID);
            ViewBag.MPAARatingID  = new SelectList(db.MPAARatings, "MPAARatingID", "Rating", moviesTV.MPAARatingID);
コード例 #6
 public CartItemViewModel(int qty, MoviesTV product)
     Qty     = qty;
     Product = product;
コード例 #7
        // GET: MoviesTV/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int?id, int?formatId)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            MoviesTV moviesTV = db.MoviesTVs.Find(id);

            if (moviesTV == null)

            #region Actors
            var          movieActors = db.MovieTVActors.Where(m => m.MovieTVID == id).ToList();
            var          actors      = db.Actors.ToList();
            List <Actor> cast        = new List <Actor>();
            foreach (var a in actors)
                foreach (var ma in movieActors)
                    if (a.ActorID == ma.ActorID)
                        a.ActorOrder = ma.ActorOrder;
                        a.Character  = ma.Character;
            ViewBag.Cast = cast;

            #region Directors
            var             movieDirectors = db.MovieTVDirectors.Where(m => m.MovieTVID == id).ToList();
            var             directors      = db.Directors.ToList();
            List <Director> directedBy     = new List <Director>();
            foreach (var d in directors)
                foreach (var md in movieDirectors)
                    if (d.DirectorID == md.DirectorID)
                        d.DirectorOrder = md.DirectorOrder;
            ViewBag.DirectedBy = directedBy;

            #region Writers
            var           movieWriters = db.MovieTVWriters.Where(m => m.MovieTVID == id).ToList();
            var           writers      = db.Writers.ToList();
            List <Writer> writtenBy    = new List <Writer>();
            foreach (var w in writers)
                foreach (var mw in movieWriters)
                    if (w.WriterID == mw.WriterID)
                        w.WriterOrder = mw.WriterOrder;
            ViewBag.WrittenBy = writtenBy;

            #region Related Products
            ViewBag.RelatedMoviesTVs = db.MoviesTVs.ToList();
