public static MovieEntity ToBllEntity(this MovieViewModel model) { var result = new MovieEntity() { Id = model.Id, Title = model.Title, Description = model.Description, Year = model.Year, Length = model.Length, Mark = model.Mark, Producer = model.Producer, Budget = model.Budget }; if (model.Picture != null) { byte[] input = null; var br = new BinaryReader(model.Picture.InputStream); input = br.ReadBytes((int)model.Picture.ContentLength); result.Picture = new byte[input.Length]; input.CopyTo(result.Picture, 0); } else { result.Picture = null; } return(result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Update(int id, [FromBody] MovieEntity movieEntity) { try { if (movieEntity == null) { return(BadRequest()); } MovieEntity movieEntityToUpdate = await _MoviesRepository.GetSingle(id); if (movieEntityToUpdate == null) { return(NotFound()); } movieEntityToUpdate.Title = movieEntity.Title; movieEntityToUpdate.Director = movieEntity.Director; await _MoviesRepository.Update(movieEntityToUpdate); return(Ok(movieEntityToUpdate)); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.Write(exception.ToString()); return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddMovie( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = "movies")] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { try { string apiKey = req.Headers["x-api-key"]; string encryptedApiKey = StaticMethods.Hash(apiKey); if (encryptedApiKey == await _apiKeyRepository.Get()) { string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); Movie movie = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Movie>(requestBody); MovieEntity movieEntity = new MovieEntity(movie); await _repository.Add(movieEntity); return(new OkObjectResult(movieEntity)); } else { var result = new ObjectResult("Api Key Invalid"); result.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized; return(result); } } catch (Exception exception) { log.LogError(exception.ToString()); var result = new ObjectResult(exception.Message); result.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError; return(result); } }
public async Task Delete(int id) { MovieEntity model = await GetSingle(id); _context.Movies.Remove(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public async Task <MovieModel> AddMovieAsync(MovieEntity entity) { this.appDbContext.Movies.Add(entity); await this.appDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(entity.AsModel()); }
public void Insert_adds_entity() { // Arrange var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Database>(); builder.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Insert_adds_entity"); var context = new Database(builder.Options); InitDbContext(context); var repo = new MovieRepository(context); var entity = new MovieEntity { Id = 4, Title = "A View to Kill", ReleaseYear = 1979, Summary = "Roger Moore's last movie" }; // Act repo.Insert(entity); // Assert Assert.Equal(expected: 4, actual: context.Movies.Count()); }
public MovieEntity GetMovieEntity() { // TODO: Add error/edge-case handling as appropriate MovieEntity movie = new MovieEntity(); movie.MovieId = this.MovieId; movie.Name = this.Name; movie.AltNames = this.AltNames; movie.Posters = this.Posters; movie.Rating = this.Ratings; movie.Synopsis = this.Synopsis; movie.Cast = this.Casts ?? string.Empty; movie.Stats = this.Stats ?? string.Empty; movie.Songs = this.Songs; movie.Trailers = this.Trailers; movie.Pictures = this.Pictures; movie.Genre = this.Genre; movie.Month = this.Month; movie.Year = this.Year; movie.UniqueName = this.UniqueName; movie.State = this.State; movie.MyScore = this.MyScore; movie.JsonString = this.JsonString; movie.Popularity = this.Popularity; return(movie); }
public ActionResult AddMovie(MoviePostData data) { if (data == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.UniqueName)) { return(null); } try { var tableMgr = new TableManager(); MovieEntity movie = data.GetMovieEntity(); movie.RowKey = movie.MovieId; tableMgr.UpdateMovieById(movie); UpdateCache(movie); UpdateLuceneIndex(movie); } catch (Exception) { return(null); } return(null); }
public void Edit(MovieEntity movieEntity) //filmleri düzenleyen metot { var entity = _movieContext.Movies.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == movieEntity.Id); _movieContext.Movies.Remove(entity); _movieContext.Movies.Add(movieEntity); }
public override void Init() { base.Init(); string key = string.Format(Constant.MovieDetailApi, this._id); this.Entity = this.ServiceManager.Cache.GetOrAdd(key, () => { string error; Stream response = Utils.ExecuteWebRequest(key, 4, out error); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { var result = JObject.Load(new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(response, Encoding.UTF8))); return(MovieEntity.Parse(result)); } else { throw new DoubanApiException(error); } }, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)); this.Comments = this.ServiceManager.MovieCommentService.GetAll() .Where(item => item.MovieId.Equals(this._id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .ToList(); this.Comments.Sort((left, right) => { return(left.CreatedTime.CompareTo(right.CreatedTime)); }); }
// Parent Node/Body public MovieEntity GetMovieDetails(HtmlNode body) { MovieEntity movie = new MovieEntity(); movie.RowKey = movie.MovieId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); movie.Name = GetMovieName(body); movie.AltNames = GetMovieByAltName(body); movie.UniqueName = GetMovieUniqueName(movie.Name); movie.Rating = GetMovieRating(body); movie.Synopsis = GetMovieStory(body); movie.Genre = GetMovieGenre(body); movie.Month = GetMovieMonth(body); movie.Year = GetMovieYear(body); movie.Stats = GetMovieStats(body); movie.TwitterHandle = string.Empty; movie.Trailers = string.Empty; movie.Pictures = string.Empty; movie.State = string.Empty; movie.MyScore = Util.DEFAULT_SCORE; movie.JsonString = "[]"; movie.Name = movie.Name.Replace(":", string.Empty); movie.AltNames = movie.AltNames.Replace(":", string.Empty); movie.UniqueName = movie.UniqueName.Replace(":", string.Empty); return(movie); }
internal static string SetReviewAndUpdateMovieRating(string movieId, string reviewId, int rating, string bag) { var tableMgr = new TableManager(); MovieEntity movie = tableMgr.GetMovieById(movieId); if (movie != null) { ReviewEntity review = tableMgr.GetReviewById(reviewId); if (review != null) { // -1 => Negative // 0 => No rating // +1 => Positive rating = (rating < 0) ? -1 : 1; review.SystemRating = rating; tableMgr.UpdateReviewById(review); string myscore = movie.MyScore; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(myscore) || myscore == "0") { myscore = "{\"teekharating\":\"0\",\"feekharating\":\"0\",\"criticrating\":\"\"}"; } RatingConvertion newRating = new RatingConvertion(); RatingConvertion oldRating; try { oldRating = jsonSerializer.Value.Deserialize(myscore, typeof(RatingConvertion)) as RatingConvertion; } catch { myscore = "{\"teekharating\":\"0\",\"feekharating\":\"0\",\"criticrating\":\"\"}"; oldRating = jsonSerializer.Value.Deserialize(myscore, typeof(RatingConvertion)) as RatingConvertion; } var teekha = oldRating.teekharating + (rating > 0 ? 1 : 0); var feekha = oldRating.feekharating + (rating < 0 ? 1 : 0); newRating.teekharating = teekha; newRating.feekharating = feekha; newRating.criticrating = ((int)(teekha / (double)(teekha + feekha) * 100)).ToString(); string strNewRating = jsonSerializer.Value.Serialize(newRating); movie.Rating = newRating.criticrating; movie.MyScore = strNewRating; tableMgr.UpdateMovieById(movie); return(jsonSerializer.Value.Serialize(new { Status = "Ok", UserMessage = "Successfully update movie rating" })); } else { return(jsonSerializer.Value.Serialize(new { Status = "Error", UserMessage = "Unable to find review with passed review id. Please check review id." })); } } else { return(jsonSerializer.Value.Serialize(new { Status = "Error", UserMessage = "Unable to find movie with passed movie id. Please check movie id." })); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> private protected override CommandResult Execute(AddOrUpdateMovieCommandModel model) { if (Movie == null) { Movie = new MovieEntity(); } Movie.Title = model.Title; Movie.Type = model.Type; Movie.Year = model.Year; Context.SaveChanges(); var removedFiles = Context.MovieFileEntities.Where(mf => mf.MovieId == Movie.Id && !model.FileIds.Contains(mf.Id)); foreach (var removedFile in removedFiles) { removedFile.MovieId = null; } var newFiles = Context.MovieFileEntities.Where(mf => mf.MovieId != Movie.Id && model.FileIds.Contains(mf.Id)); foreach (var newFile in newFiles) { newFile.MovieId = Movie.Id; } Context.SaveChanges(); return(new CommandResult()); }
// Movie 实体 private movie MovieMapperInitializer(MovieEntity movieEntity) { Mapper.Initialize(x => x.CreateMap <MovieEntity, movie>() .ForMember(dest => dest.movieDirectors, opt => opt.Ignore()) .ForMember(dest => dest.movieGenres, opt => opt.Ignore())); return(Mapper.Map <MovieEntity, movie>(movieEntity)); }
public async Task <MovieEntity> Add(MovieEntity newMovie) { _context.Movies.Add(newMovie); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(newMovie); }
public IActionResult Edit(MovieViewModel model) { var movieEntity = new MovieEntity { Id = model.Id, Name = model.Name, Director = model.Director, Cast = model.Cast, ReleaseYear = model.ReleaseYear, Writer = model.Writer, Category = model.Category, ImdbUrl = model.ImdbUrl, Score = model.Score, Review = model.Review }; _movieService.Edit(movieEntity); var updatedEntity = _movieService.Get(model.Id); return(View(new MovieViewModel { Id = updatedEntity.Id, Name = updatedEntity.Name, Director = updatedEntity.Director, Cast = updatedEntity.Cast, ReleaseYear = updatedEntity.ReleaseYear, Writer = updatedEntity.Writer, Category = updatedEntity.Category, ImdbUrl = updatedEntity.ImdbUrl, Score = updatedEntity.Score, Review = updatedEntity.Review })); }
public async Task UpsertRatingAsync(Guid userId, Guid movieId, decimal rating, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { using (MoviesDbContext context = _dbContextFactory()) { UserEntity user = context.Users.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == userId); if (user == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException($"User with ID {userId} not found"); } MovieEntity movie = context.Movies.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == movieId); if (movie == null) { throw new MovieNotFoundException($"Movie with ID {movieId} not found"); } RatingEntity entity = context.Ratings.SingleOrDefault(a => a.UserId == userId && a.MovieId == movieId) ?? new RatingEntity { User = user, Movie = movie, }; entity.Rating = rating; entity.DateSet = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; await context.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken); } }
public void Update(MovieEntity movie) { var m = GetById(movie.Id); if (m != null) m.Likes = movie.Likes; //Only updates likes for the moment }
/// <summary> /// 通过 Infalte 数据获取 SVGA 的 MovieEntity. /// </summary> /// <param name="inflatedBytes"></param> private void GetMovieEntity() { if (this.InflatedBytes != null) { this.MovieEntity = MovieEntity.Parser.ParseFrom(this.InflatedBytes); } }
public async Task Run([QueueTrigger("movies", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")] string myQueueItem, ILogger log) { try { Movie movie = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Movie>(myQueueItem); MovieEntity movieEntity = new MovieEntity(movie); if (movieEntity.Title != "") { //Download the image from the Url var imageBytes = StaticMethods.GetImageFromUrl(movieEntity.ImageUrl); //Add or update entity to the storage table movies await _movieEntityCrudRepository.AddOrUpdate(movieEntity); //Add image to the storage blob imagemovies await _movieImageCrudRepository.Add(imageBytes, movieEntity.Id + "/" + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString()); } else { //Delete the entity from the storage table movies await _movieEntityCrudRepository.Delete(movieEntity.Id); //Delete the image from the storage blob movieimages await _movieImageCrudRepository.DeleteFolder(movieEntity.Id); } } catch (Exception exception) { log.LogError(exception.Message); } }
public void AddNew_Movie_Persistent() { //Arrange var movie = new MovieEntity() { Id = new Guid("82a58772-dd6a-4a66-b7cc-08e316232663"), OriginalTitle = "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith", CzechTitle = "Star Wars: Epizoda III - Pomsta Sithù", Genre = GenreType.ScienceFiction, PosterImageUrl = "", CountryOfOrigin = "USA", Length = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(140), Description = "V tøetí epizodì ságy Star Wars zuøí Klonové války, které prohloubily rozpory mezi kancléøem Palpatinem a Radou Jediù. Mladý rytíø Jedi Anakin Skywalker se musí rozhodnout, na èí stranì bude stát. Podlehne slibùm moci a pokušení Temné strany, vstoupí do služeb zlého Darth Sidiouse a stane se z nìj Darth Vader. Sithští lordové se chtìjí spoleènì pomstít a prvním krokem jejich plánu je likvidace Jediù. Pouze Yoda a Obi-Wan pøežijí a musejí se Sithùm postavit, což vede k dramatickému souboji svìtelnými meèi mezi Anakinem a Obi-Wanem, který rozhodne o osudu galaxie.", }; //Act _testContext.MoviesDbContextSUT.Movies.Add(movie); _testContext.MoviesDbContextSUT.SaveChanges(); //Assert using var dbx = _testContext.DbContextFactory.CreateDbContext(); var movieFromDb = dbx.Movies.First(m => m.Id == movie.Id); Assert.Equal(movie, movieFromDb, MovieEntity.MovieComparer); }
public void Put(MovieEntity entity) { var realm = Realm.GetInstance(); realm.Write(() => { realm.Add(entity); }); }
public static MovieListModel MapMovieEntityToListModel(MovieEntity entity) { return(new MovieListModel { Id = entity.Id, Name = entity.OriginalTitle }); }
public bool Put(string movie_name, [FromBody] MovieEntity movieEntity) { if (movie_name != null) { return(_movieServices.UpdateMovie(movie_name, movieEntity)); } return(false); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(Guid id) { MovieEntity movieEntity = db.Movies.Find(id); db.Movies.Remove(movieEntity); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
/* * public MovieEntity CreateMovie(MovieEntity movie) * { * int newId; * var lastMovie = movies.OrderByDescending(s => s.Id).FirstOrDefault(); * { * newId = lastMovie.Id + 1; * } * movie.Id = newId; * movies.Add(movie); * return movie; * }*/ public void CreateMovie(MovieEntity movie) { //_dbContext.Entry(movie.Production).State = EntityState.Unchanged; if (movie.Production != null) { _dbContext.Entry(movie.Production).State = EntityState.Unchanged; } _dbContext.Movies.Add(movie); }
public MovieDto MapToDto(MovieEntity MovieEntity) { return(new MovieDto() { Id = MovieEntity.Id, Title = MovieEntity.Title, Director = MovieEntity.Director }); }
/* * public bool DeleteMovie(int movieId) * { * var movieToDelete = movies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == movieId); * movies.Remove(movieToDelete); * return true; * }*/ public bool DeleteMovie(int movieId) { var movieToDelete = new MovieEntity() { Id = movieId }; _dbContext.Entry(movieToDelete).State = EntityState.Deleted; return(true); }
public async Task IfTheMovieToUpdate_DoesntExist_ReturnNull() { var movie = new MovieEntity { Id = 3, Name = "Jumanji" }; var result = await _movieRepository.Update(movie); Assert.Null(result); }
public async Task <GetMovieResponseModel> GetMovieByIdAsync(Guid movieId, CancellationToken token) { Contract.Requires <Exception>(movieId != Guid.Empty, nameof(movieId)); MovieEntity movieEntity = await _movieRepository.GetMovieByIdAsync(movieId, token); GetMovieResponseModel responseModel = await movieEntity.BuildAdapter().AdaptToTypeAsync <GetMovieResponseModel>(); return(responseModel); }