コード例 #1
 void TrajectoryResponse(MoverServiceResponse response)
     if (response.trajectories.Length > 0)
         Debug.Log("Trajectory returned.");
         Debug.LogError("No trajectory returned from MoverService.");
コード例 #2
 void TrajectoryResponse(MoverServiceResponse response)
     if (response.trajectories != null && response.trajectories.Length > 0)
         Debug.Log("Trajectory returned.");
         Debug.LogError("No trajectory returned from MoverService.");
         InitializeButton.interactable = true;
         RandomizeButton.interactable  = true;
         ServiceButton.interactable    = true;
コード例 #3
    /// <summary>
    ///     Execute the returned trajectories from the MoverService.
    ///     The expectation is that the MoverService will return four trajectory plans,
    ///         PreGrasp, Grasp, PickUp, and Place,
    ///     where each plan is an array of robot poses. A robot pose is the joint angle values
    ///     of the six robot joints.
    ///     Executing a single trajectory will iterate through every robot pose in the array while updating the
    ///     joint values on the robot.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="response"> MoverServiceResponse received from ur3_moveit mover service running in ROS</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerator ExecuteTrajectories(MoverServiceResponse response)
        if (response.trajectories != null)
            // For every trajectory plan returned
            for (int poseIndex = 0; poseIndex < response.trajectories.Length; poseIndex++)
                // For every robot pose in trajectory plan
                for (int jointConfigIndex = 0; jointConfigIndex < response.trajectories[poseIndex].joint_trajectory.points.Length; jointConfigIndex++)
                    var     jointPositions = response.trajectories[poseIndex].joint_trajectory.points[jointConfigIndex].positions;
                    float[] result         = jointPositions.Select(r => (float)r * Mathf.Rad2Deg).ToArray();

                    // Set the joint values for every joint
                    for (int joint = 0; joint < jointArticulationBodies.Length; joint++)
                        var joint1XDrive = jointArticulationBodies[joint].xDrive;
                        joint1XDrive.target = result[joint];
                        jointArticulationBodies[joint].xDrive = joint1XDrive;
                    // Wait for robot to achieve pose for all joint assignments
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(jointAssignmentWait));

                // Close the gripper if completed executing the trajectory for the Grasp pose
                if (poseIndex == (int)Poses.Grasp)
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(jointAssignmentWait));
                else if (poseIndex == (int)Poses.Place)
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(poseAssignmentWait));

                    // Open the gripper to place the target cube
                // Wait for the robot to achieve the final pose from joint assignment
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(poseAssignmentWait));

            // Re-enable buttons
            InitializeButton.interactable = true;
            RandomizeButton.interactable  = true;
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(jointAssignmentWait));