コード例 #1
    public void OpponentMove(MoveInfoGame moveInfo)
        // If the given coordinate is null
        if (moveInfo == null)
            throw new Exception("moveInfo should not be null");

        Debug.Log("Opponenet move is in game coordinator. Sending move signal to logic coordinator.");
        gameLogicCoordinator.Move(moveInfo.From, moveInfo.To, moveInfo.MoveType);
コード例 #2
    void IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData photonEvent)
        if (eventExecuting)

        eventExecuting = true;

        Debug.Log($"PlayerManager.OnEvent with code {photonEvent.Code} and with object {photonEvent.CustomData}");

        if (photonEvent.Code == movePiecePlacementEventCode)
            // Check if the custom data is right
            if (!(photonEvent.CustomData is MoveInfoPlacement))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Custom data given in the event with the code {photonEvent.Code} is not a {typeof(MoveInfoPlacement)}");

            // Cast the custom data
            MoveInfoPlacement moveInfo = (MoveInfoPlacement)photonEvent.CustomData;

            // Flip the board
            moveInfo.From.Row    = GameCoordinator.nr + 1 - moveInfo.From.Row;
            moveInfo.From.Column = GameCoordinator.nc + 1 - moveInfo.From.Column;
            moveInfo.To.Row      = GameCoordinator.nr + 1 - moveInfo.To.Row;
            moveInfo.To.Column   = GameCoordinator.nc + 1 - moveInfo.To.Column;
            //moveInfo.From = new Coordinate(GameCoordinator.nr + 1 - moveInfo.From.Row, GameCoordinator.nc + 1 - moveInfo.From.Column);
            //moveInfo.To = new Coordinate(GameCoordinator.nr + 1 - moveInfo.To.Row, GameCoordinator.nc + 1 - moveInfo.To.Column);

            // If the piece is moved from the game board to game board
            if (!moveInfo.FromPlacementBoard && !moveInfo.ToPlacementBoard)
                Debug.Log("Opponent moved from game board to game board. Trying to manage that.");
                if (GameCoordinator.Instance.IsPieceNull(moveInfo.From, false))
                    Debug.Log("There is a logic error. The piece you are trying to move is null. This event could be a duplicate!");

                GameCoordinator.Instance.MoveOpponentPieceInGameBoardPlacement(moveInfo.From, moveInfo.To);
            // If the piece is moved from the placement board to game board
            else if (moveInfo.FromPlacementBoard && !moveInfo.ToPlacementBoard)
                Debug.Log("Opponent moved from placement board to game board. Trying to manage that.");
                GameCoordinator.Instance.PlaceOpponentPieceToGameBoard(moveInfo.To, moveInfo.PieceType);
            else if (!moveInfo.FromPlacementBoard && moveInfo.ToPlacementBoard)
                Debug.Log("Opponent moved from game board to placement board. Trying to manage that.");
        else if (photonEvent.Code == readyEventCode)
        else if (photonEvent.Code == movePieceGameEventCode)
            // Check if the custom data is right
            if (!(photonEvent.CustomData is MoveInfoGame))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Custom data given in the event with the code {photonEvent.Code} is not a {typeof(MoveInfoGame)}");

            // Cast the custom data
            MoveInfoGame moveInfo = (MoveInfoGame)photonEvent.CustomData;

            // Flip the board
            moveInfo.From.Row    = GameCoordinator.nr + 1 - moveInfo.From.Row;
            moveInfo.From.Column = GameCoordinator.nc + 1 - moveInfo.From.Column;
            moveInfo.To.Row      = GameCoordinator.nr + 1 - moveInfo.To.Row;
            moveInfo.To.Column   = GameCoordinator.nc + 1 - moveInfo.To.Column;

            // Call the move method
            Debug.Log("Opponent moved a piece. Trying to manage that.");

        Debug.Log("Event execution ended");
        eventExecuting = false;