コード例 #1
 private void SetStopped()
     currentSpeed           = 0;
     currentGroundDirection = MoveGroundDirection.Stop;
     isAccelerating         = false;
     isBraking        = false;
     stickyDelayCount = 0;
コード例 #2
    private void FixedUpdate()
        if (gameManager.prefabLocation != null)
            if (GameObject.Find(gameManager.prefabLocation.name).transform)
                obj1      = GameObject.Find(gameManager.prefabLocation.name).transform;
                obj2      = transform;
                _distance = Vector3.Distance(obj1.position, obj2.position);
        // Direction to move this update.
        Vector3 moveGroundDirection = Vector3.zero;

        // Direction requested this update.
        MoveGroundDirection requestedDirection = MoveGroundDirection.Stop;

        if (m_Controller.isGrounded)
            // Simulate loss of turn rate at speed.
            float currentTurnRate = Mathf.Lerp(currentGroundDirection == MoveGroundDirection.Forward ?
                                               topForwardTurnRate : topReverseTurnRate, stoppedTurnRate, 1 - (currentSpeed / currentTopSpeed));

            Vector3 angles = m_Transform.eulerAngles;
            angles.y += (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * currentTurnRate);
            m_Transform.eulerAngles = angles;

            // Based on input, determine requested action.
            if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0)  // Requesting forward.
                requestedDirection = MoveGroundDirection.Forward;
                isAccelerating     = true;
                if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < 0)  // Requesting reverse.
                    requestedDirection = MoveGroundDirection.Reverse;
                    isAccelerating     = true;
                    requestedDirection = currentGroundDirection;
                    isAccelerating     = false;

            isBraking = false;

            if (currentGroundDirection == MoveGroundDirection.Stop)
                stickyDelayCount = stickyDelayCount + Time.deltaTime;

                // If we are not sticky throttle or if we have hit the delay then change direction.
                if (!stickyThrottle || (stickyDelayCount > stickyThrottleDelay))
                    // Make sure we can go in the requested direction.
                    if (((requestedDirection == MoveGroundDirection.Reverse) && (topReverseSpeed > 0)) ||
                        ((requestedDirection == MoveGroundDirection.Forward) && (topForwardSpeed > 0)))
                        currentGroundDirection = requestedDirection;
                // Requesting a change of direction, but not stopped so we are braking.
                if (currentGroundDirection != requestedDirection)
                    isBraking      = true;
                    isAccelerating = false;

            // Setup top speeds and move direction.
            if (currentGroundDirection == MoveGroundDirection.Forward)
                moveGroundDirection = Vector3.forward;
                currentTopSpeed     = topForwardSpeed;
                if (currentGroundDirection == MoveGroundDirection.Reverse)
                    moveGroundDirection = -1 * Vector3.forward;
                    currentTopSpeed     = topReverseSpeed;
                    if (currentGroundDirection == MoveGroundDirection.Stop)
                        moveGroundDirection = Vector3.zero;

            if (isAccelerating)
                // If we haven't hit top speed yet, accelerate.
                if (currentSpeed < currentTopSpeed)
                    currentSpeed = currentSpeed + (acceleration * Time.deltaTime);
                // If we are not accelerating and still have some speed, decelerate.
                if (currentSpeed > 0)
                    // Adjust deceleration for braking and implement sticky throttle.
                    float currentDecelerationRate = isBraking ? brakingDeceleration : (!stickyThrottle ? deceleration : 0);
                    currentSpeed = currentSpeed - (currentDecelerationRate * Time.deltaTime);

            // If our speed is below zero, stop and initialize.
            if ((currentSpeed < 0) || ((currentSpeed == 0) && (currentGroundDirection != MoveGroundDirection.Stop)))
                // Limit the speed to the current top speed.
                if (currentSpeed > currentTopSpeed)
                    currentSpeed = currentTopSpeed;

            moveGroundDirection = m_Transform.TransformDirection(moveGroundDirection);

        // Implement gravity so we can stay grounded.
        moveGroundDirection.y = moveGroundDirection.y - (gravity * Time.deltaTime);

        moveGroundDirection.z = moveGroundDirection.z * (Time.deltaTime * currentSpeed);
        moveGroundDirection.x = moveGroundDirection.x * (Time.deltaTime * currentSpeed);