public void CastSpell_CorrectlyDoesNotReflectsSpells_ReflectStatus_DoesNotMatchAttackingType( [Values(MagicType.Fire, MagicType.Ice, MagicType.Lightning)] MagicType spellType, [Values(MagicType.Wind, MagicType.Earth, MagicType.Water)] MagicType reflectType) { const int spellCost = 5; const int spellPower = 5; const int expectedRemainingHealth = 100 - spellPower; Spell spell = new Spell("foo", spellType, SpellType.Attack, TargetType.SingleEnemy, spellCost, spellPower); BattleMove runawayMove = MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.Runaway); ReflectStatus status = new ReflectStatus(1, reflectType); _human.SetHealth(100); _human.SetMana(spellCost); _human.SetMagicStrength(0); _human.SetMagicBonus(spellType, 0); _human.SetMagicResistance(0); _human.SetResistanceBonus(spellType, 0); _human.AddSpell(spell); _human.SetMove(spell, 1); _human.SetMove(runawayMove); _human.SetMoveTarget(_enemy); _enemy.AddStatus(status); _enemy.SetHealth(100); _battleManager.Battle(_humanTeam, _enemyTeam); Assert.AreEqual(_human.MaxHealth, _human.CurrentHealth, "human should still have full health, the spell should not have been reflected!"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedRemainingHealth, _enemy.CurrentHealth, "the enemy should have lost 5 health from being hit by the spell!"); }
public void CastSpell_CorrectlyReflectsSpells_WithCorrectMultiplier([Values(MagicType.Water, MagicType.Earth, MagicType.Wind)] MagicType spellType, [Values(true, false)] bool reflectAll) { const int spellCost = 5; const int spellPower = 5; const int expectedRemainingHealth = 100 - (spellPower * 2); Spell spell = new Spell("foo", spellType, SpellType.Attack, TargetType.SingleEnemy, spellCost, spellPower); BattleMove runawayMove = MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.Runaway); MagicType reflectType = reflectAll ? MagicType.All : spellType; ReflectStatus status = new ReflectStatus(1, reflectType, 2); _human.SetHealth(100); _human.SetMana(spellCost); _human.AddSpell(spell); _human.SetMove(spell, 1); _human.SetMove(runawayMove); _human.SetMoveTarget(_enemy); _enemy.AddStatus(status); _enemy.SetHealth(100); _battleManager.Battle(_humanTeam, _enemyTeam); Assert.AreEqual(_enemy.MaxHealth, _enemy.CurrentHealth, "enemy should still have full health, the spell should have been reflected!"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedRemainingHealth, _human.CurrentHealth, $"the human should have lost {spellPower * 2} health from being hit by their own spell reflected at double the power!"); }
static void processor() { Console.Write(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()+">"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); Factory factory; CommandExcute ce; if(input.ToLower().StartsWith("cd")) { factory = new CDFactory(); ce = factory.CreateFactory(); ce.Excute(input); } else { string command = input.ToLower().Split(' ')[0]; switch (command) { case "copy": factory = new CopyFactory(); ce = factory.CreateFactory(); ce.Excute(input); break; case "dir": factory = new DirFactory(); ce = factory.CreateFactory(); ce.Excute(input); break; case "md": factory = new MakeDirectoryFactory(); ce = factory.CreateFactory(); ce.Excute(input); break; case "rd": factory = new RemoveDirectoryFactory(); ce = factory.CreateFactory(); ce.Excute(input); break; case "move": factory = new MoveFactory(); ce = factory.CreateFactory(); ce.Excute(input); break; case "del": factory = new DeletesFileFactory(); ce = factory.CreateFactory(); ce.Excute(input); break; case "rename": factory = new RenameFileFactory(); ce = factory.CreateFactory(); ce.Excute(input); break; default: break; } } processor(); }
public override List <MenuAction> GetInteractableMenuActions(IInput input = null, IOutput output = null) { IMenu offerBloodTargetMenu = MenuFactory.GetMenu(MenuType.ChooseTargetMenu, input, output); IMenu offerBloodSubMenu = MenuFactory.GetMenu(MenuType.KeysOffOwnerNumberInputMenu, input, output, prompt: "how much HP shall you offer?", subMenu: offerBloodTargetMenu); IMenu praySubMenu = MenuFactory.GetMenu(MenuType.ChooseTargetMenu, input, output); string bellType = BellType.ToString().ToLower(); string bloodShortcut = $"blood {bellType}"; string prayShortcut = $"pray {bellType}"; return(new List <MenuAction> { new MenuAction($"offer blood to {DisplayName} ('{bloodShortcut}')", altText: bloodShortcut, move: MoveFactory.Get(BellMoveType.ControlMove), moveExecutor: this, subMenu: offerBloodSubMenu), new MenuAction($"pray to {DisplayName} ('{prayShortcut}')", altText: prayShortcut, move: MoveFactory.Get(BellMoveType.SealMove), moveExecutor: this, subMenu: praySubMenu) }); }
public void CastSpell_SpellsVanishIfReflectedTwice([Values(MagicType.Fire, MagicType.Ice, MagicType.Lightning)] MagicType spellType, [Values(true, false)] bool reflectAll) { const int spellCost = 5; const int spellPower = 5; Spell spell = new Spell("foo", spellType, SpellType.Attack, TargetType.SingleEnemy, spellCost, spellPower); BattleMove runawayMove = MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.Runaway); MagicType reflectType = reflectAll ? MagicType.All : spellType; ReflectStatus status = new ReflectStatus(1, reflectType); _human.SetHealth(100); _human.SetMana(spellCost); _human.AddStatus(status); _human.AddSpell(spell); _human.SetMove(spell, 1); _human.SetMove(runawayMove); _human.SetMoveTarget(_enemy); _enemy.AddStatus(status); _enemy.SetHealth(100); _battleManager.Battle(_humanTeam, _enemyTeam); Assert.AreEqual(_enemy.MaxHealth, _enemy.CurrentHealth, "enemy should still have full health, the spell should have disappeared without hurting anyone!"); Assert.AreEqual(_human.MaxHealth, _human.CurrentHealth, "the human should still have full health, the spell should have disappeared without hurting anyone"); }
/// <summary> /// Conducts the OpenSauce & HAC2 data backup routines. /// </summary> /// <param name="backupDir"> /// Backup directory to use for backing up OpenSauce & HAC2 data. /// </param> private void CommitBackups(string backupDir) { Directory.CreateDirectory(backupDir); var OSIDEbackupDir = Path.Combine(backupDir, OpenSauceDeveloper); new List <Move> { MoveFactory.Get(MoveFactory.Type.BackupOsFiles, _path, backupDir), MoveFactory.Get(MoveFactory.Type.BackupOsDirectories, _path, backupDir), MoveFactory.Get(MoveFactory.Type.BackupHac2Files, _path, backupDir) }.ForEach(move => move.Commit()); if (Directory.Exists(Paths.KStudios)) { Copy.All(Paths.KStudios, OSIDEbackupDir); try { Directory.Delete(Paths.KStudios, true); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { /// <see cref=""/> /// <seealso cref=""/> var batPath = Path.Combine(Paths.Temp, "AdminDelKorn.bat"); var batText = "del /s /q \"Kornner Studios\" && rmdir /s /q \"Kornner Studios\""; File.WriteAllText(batPath, batText); new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo { FileName = batPath, Verb = "RunAs", WorkingDirectory = Paths.ProgData }; } } }
public void MimicMove(Move mimicItself, BattlePokemon opponent) { Move moveToCopy = opponent.LastMoveUsed; if (moveToCopy == null) //failsafe for using mimic on first turn before a last move used is even initialized { moveToCopy = opponent.Move1; } OnMimic(moveToCopy, opponent); Move mimicedMove = MoveFactory.Create(moveToCopy.Index); int moveIndex = 0; if (Move1 == mimicItself) { moveIndex = 1; } else if (Move2 == mimicItself) { moveIndex = 2; } else if (Move3 == mimicItself) { moveIndex = 3; } else if (Move4 == mimicItself) { moveIndex = 4; } mimic.Activate(mimicedMove, moveIndex); }
public void FactoryReturnsPaper() { var move = "P"; var moveReturned = MoveFactory.GetMoveFor(move); Assert.IsType(typeof(Paper), moveReturned); }
public void Factory_Returns_Scissors() { var move = "S"; var moveReturned = MoveFactory.GetMoveFor(move); Assert.IsType(typeof(Scissors), moveReturned); }
public void Factory_Returns_Rock() { var move = "R"; var moveReturned = MoveFactory.GetMoveFor(move); Assert.IsType(typeof(Rock), moveReturned); }
private Move TranslateCommand(String command) { Move result = null; switch (command.Trim()) { case Moves.C_MP: result = MoveFactory.C_MP(); // this.log.Write(LogLevel.TRACE, LogType.CONSOLE, "Crouching MP"); // this.marshaller.executeMove(MoveFactory.C_MP()); break; case Moves.C_HP: result = MoveFactory.C_HP(); // this.log.Write(LogLevel.TRACE, LogType.CONSOLE, "Crouching HP"); // this.marshaller.executeMove(MoveFactory.C_HP()); break; case Moves.C_MK: result = MoveFactory.C_MK(); break; case Moves.S_MP: result = MoveFactory.S_MP(); break; } return(result); }
public void MoveFactory_SmokeTest() { BattleMove ret = null; Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => ret = MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.ShieldBuster)); Assert.NotNull(ret); }
List <Move> _GetMoves(Piece.pieceWork color) { List <Move> turnMove = new List <Move>(); List <Tile> pieces = new List <Tile>(); if (color == Piece.pieceWork.BWORK) { pieces = _blackPieces; } else if (color == Piece.pieceWork.WWORK) { pieces = _whitePieces; } foreach (Tile tile in pieces) { MoveFactory factory = new MoveFactory(_board); List <Move> pieceMoves = factory.GetMoves(tile.CurrentPiece, tile.Position); foreach (Move move in pieceMoves) { Move newMove = _CreateMove(move.firstPosition, move.secondPosition); turnMove.Add(newMove); } } return(turnMove); }
public DancerBoss(FighterClass fighterClass, int level, IChanceService chanceService) : base("", level, LevelUpManager.GetHealthByLevel <DancerBoss>(level, fighterClass), LevelUpManager.GetManaByLevel <DancerBoss>(level, fighterClass), LevelUpManager.GetStrengthByLevel <DancerBoss>(level, fighterClass), LevelUpManager.GetDefenseByLevel <DancerBoss>(level, fighterClass), LevelUpManager.GetSpeedByLevel <DancerBoss>(level, fighterClass), LevelUpManager.GetEvadeByLevel <DancerBoss>(level, fighterClass), LevelUpManager.GetLuckByLevel <DancerBoss>(level, fighterClass), chanceService, SpellFactory.GetSpellsByLevel <DancerBoss>(level, fighterClass: fighterClass) , MoveFactory.GetMovesByLevel <DancerBoss>(level, fighterClass: fighterClass)) { if (fighterClass == FighterClass.BossDancerKiki) { BaseName = "Kiki"; } else if (fighterClass == FighterClass.BossDancerRiki) { BaseName = "Riki"; } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(fighterClass), "DancerBoss class can only be initialized with Kiki or Riki fighter class!"); } }
public HumanFighter(string name, int level, List <Spell> spells = null, List <SpecialMove> specialMoves = null) : base(name , level , LevelUpManager.GetHealthByLevel(level) , LevelUpManager.GetManaByLevel(level) , LevelUpManager.GetStrengthByLevel(level) , LevelUpManager.GetDefenseByLevel(level) , LevelUpManager.GetSpeedByLevel(level) , LevelUpManager.GetEvadeByLevel(level) , LevelUpManager.GetLuckByLevel(level) , SpellFactory.GetSpellsByLevel <HumanFighter>(level) , MoveFactory.GetMovesByLevel <HumanFighter>(level) ) { if (spells != null) { Spells.AddRange(spells); } if (specialMoves != null) { SpecialMoves.AddRange(specialMoves); } _extraSpecialMoves = new List <BattleMove>(); CurrentExp = LevelUpManager.GetExpForLevel(level); _expToNextLevel = LevelUpManager.GetExpForLevel(level + 1); }
protected EnemyFighter(string name , int level , int health , int mana , int strength , int defense , int speed , int evade , int luck , IChanceService chanceService , List <Spell> spells = null , List <BattleMove> specialMoves = null) : base(name, level, health, mana, strength, defense, speed, evade, luck, spells, specialMoves) { ChanceService = chanceService; ExpGivenOnDefeat = 5 * level; _availableMoves = new List <BattleMove> { MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.Attack) }; if (spells != null) { _availableMoves.AddRange(spells); } if (specialMoves != null) { _availableMoves.AddRange(specialMoves); } }
List <Move_new> _GetMoves(Piece_new.playerColor color) { List <Move_new> turnMove = new List <Move_new>(); List <Tile_new> pieces = new List <Tile_new>(); if (color == Piece_new.playerColor.BLACK) { pieces = _blackPieces; } else { pieces = _whitePieces; } foreach (Tile_new tile in pieces) { MoveFactory factory = new MoveFactory(_board); List <Move_new> pieceMoves = factory.GetMoves(tile.CurrentPiece, tile.Position); foreach (Move_new move in pieceMoves) { Move_new newMove = _CreateMove(move.firstPosition, move.secondPosition); turnMove.Add(newMove); } } return(turnMove); }
public void CorrectlyRenamesEnemiesIfMultipleEnemiesOfSameType() { _menuInput.Push("Goblin A"); var ret = _menu.GetInput(MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.Attack), null); Assert.AreEqual(_enemyTeam.Fighters[0], ret.Target); }
public void UseMove(int i) { string _moveName = moves[i]; MoveFactory _factory = new MoveFactory(); this.selectedMove = _factory.GetMove(this, enemy, _moveName); this.state = CharacterState.Attacking; }
public void TargetMenu_CorrectlyHandlesBackOption() { //should result in an error _menuInput.Push("back"); var ret = _menu.GetInput(MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.Attack), null); Assert.AreEqual("back", ret.Description); }
/// <summary> /// Conducts the OpenSauce & HAC2 data backup routines. /// </summary> /// <param name="backupDir"> /// Backup directory to use for backing up OpenSauce & HAC2 data. /// </param> private void CommitBackups(string backupDir) { Directory.CreateDirectory(backupDir); new List <Move> { MoveFactory.Get(MoveFactory.Type.BackupOsFiles, _path, backupDir), MoveFactory.Get(MoveFactory.Type.BackupOsDirectories, _path, backupDir), MoveFactory.Get(MoveFactory.Type.BackupHac2Files, _path, backupDir) }.ForEach(move => move.Commit()); }
private static List <Operation> GenerateFor(List <Machine> allMachines, List <Material> allMaterials, Batch currentBatch, Job currentJob, int quantity, bool isComplexProduction) { List <Operation> AllOperations = new List <Operation>(); List <Machine> CurrentCapableMachines = new List <Machine>(); for (int OperationIndex = 0; OperationIndex < quantity; OperationIndex++) { int numberOfMaterials = RandomGenerator.MaterialsInOperation(); Dictionary <Material, int> CurrentMaterialsDemand = new Dictionary <Material, int>(); for (int MaterialIndex = 0; MaterialIndex < numberOfMaterials && MaterialIndex < allMaterials.Count; MaterialIndex++) { CollectionUtils.AddUniqeElementToDictionary(CurrentMaterialsDemand, allMaterials, RandomGenerator.MaterialsDemandInOperation()); } int numberOfMachines = RandomGenerator.MachinesInOperation(); Dictionary <Machine, int> CurrentCapableMachinesWithProductionTime = new Dictionary <Machine, int>(); for (int MachineIndex = 0; MachineIndex < numberOfMachines && MachineIndex < allMachines.Count; MachineIndex++) { CollectionUtils.AddUniqeElementToDictionary(CurrentCapableMachinesWithProductionTime, allMachines, RandomGenerator.ProductionTimeForMachinesInOperation()); } CurrentCapableMachines = new List <Machine>(CurrentCapableMachinesWithProductionTime.Keys); AllOperations.Add(new Operation(OperationIndex, "Operation" + OperationIndex, DateTime.MaxValue, CurrentMaterialsDemand, CurrentCapableMachinesWithProductionTime, null, MoveFactory.GenerateFor(CurrentCapableMachines), currentBatch, currentJob, RandomGenerator.ColorForChart())); // no setup times yet } foreach (Operation CurrentOperation in AllOperations) { List <SetupForBatch> CurrentSetupTimes = new List <SetupForBatch>(); foreach (Operation PreviousOperation in AllOperations) { foreach (Machine CurrentMachine in CurrentOperation.CapableMachinesWithProcessingTime.Keys.ToList()) { if (CurrentOperation.Equals(PreviousOperation)) { CurrentSetupTimes.Add(new SetupForBatch(CurrentMachine, PreviousOperation, 0)); } else if (isComplexProduction) { CurrentSetupTimes.Add(SetupFactory.GenerateComplexProductionFor(CurrentMachine, PreviousOperation)); } else { CurrentSetupTimes.Add(SetupFactory.GenerateSmallScaleProductionFor(CurrentMachine, PreviousOperation)); } } } CurrentOperation.SetupTimes = CurrentSetupTimes; } return(AllOperations); }
private void Awake() { if (MoveFactory.instance == null) { MoveFactory.instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
public static List <Move> lastNMoves(Board board, int N) { List <Move> moveHistory = new List <Move>(); Move currentMove = board.getTransitionMove(); int i = 0; while (currentMove != MoveFactory.getNullMove() && i < N) { moveHistory.Add(currentMove); currentMove = currentMove.getBoard().getTransitionMove(); i++; } return(moveHistory); }
public void TestUndoDebuffsEffect_IndividualEffect() { StatMultiplierStatus lowerAttackStatus = new StatMultiplierStatus(3, StatType.Strength, 1.0 / 3); StatusMove lowerEnemyAttackMove = new StatusMove("raise attack", TargetType.SingleEnemy, lowerAttackStatus); UndoDebuffsStatus undoDebuffStatus = new UndoDebuffsStatus(1); StatusMove undoDebuffMove = new StatusMove("reset stats", TargetType.SingleAlly, undoDebuffStatus); TestHumanFighter fighter2 = new TestHumanFighter("foo 2", 1); _humanTeam = new TestTeam(_humanFighter, fighter2); //enemy won't be killed if the status isn't assigned to _fighter2 _enemy.SetHealth(3); _enemy.SetSpeed(2); _enemy.SetMove(lowerEnemyAttackMove); _chanceService.PushEventOccurs(true); //status hits _enemy.SetMoveTarget(fighter2); _humanFighter.SetSpeed(1); _humanFighter.SetMove(undoDebuffMove); _chanceService.PushEventOccurs(true); //status hits _humanFighter.SetMoveTarget(fighter2); _logger.Subscribe(EventType.StatusAdded, fighter2); _logger.Subscribe(EventType.StatusRemoved, fighter2); BattleMove attack = MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.Attack); fighter2.SetStrength(3); fighter2.SetMove(attack); fighter2.SetMoveTarget(_enemy); _chanceService.PushEventOccurs(true); //attack hits _chanceService.PushEventOccurs(false); //attack is not a crit //once Statuses are removed after battle, won't be able to _battleManager.Battle(_humanTeam, _enemyTeam); List <EventLog> logs = _logger.Logs; Assert.AreEqual(2, logs.Count); EventLog log = logs[1]; Assert.AreEqual(EventType.StatusRemoved, log.Type); StatusRemovedEventArgs e = log.E as StatusRemovedEventArgs; Assert.NotNull(e); Assert.IsTrue(lowerAttackStatus.AreEqual(e.Status)); }
public Ogre(int level, IChanceService chanceService) : base("Ogre", level, LevelUpManager.GetHealthByLevel <Ogre>(level), LevelUpManager.GetManaByLevel <Ogre>(level), LevelUpManager.GetStrengthByLevel <Ogre>(level), LevelUpManager.GetDefenseByLevel <Ogre>(level), LevelUpManager.GetSpeedByLevel <Ogre>(level), LevelUpManager.GetEvadeByLevel <Ogre>(level), LevelUpManager.GetLuckByLevel <Ogre>(level), chanceService, SpellFactory.GetSpellsByLevel <Ogre>(level) , MoveFactory.GetMovesByLevel <Ogre>(level)) { }
public void SetUp() { _input = new MockInput(); _output = new MockOutput(); _menuManager = new TestMenuManager(_input, _output); _chanceService = new MockChanceService(); _battleManager = new BattleManager(_chanceService, _input, _output); _human = (TestHumanFighter)TestFighterFactory.GetFighter(TestFighterType.TestHuman, 1); _humanTeam = new TestTeam(_menuManager, _human); _enemy = (TestEnemyFighter)TestFighterFactory.GetFighter(TestFighterType.TestEnemy, 1); _enemyTeam = new Team(_menuManager, _enemy); _doNothingMove = (DoNothingMove)MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.DoNothing); }
public Barbarian(int level, IChanceService chanceService, string name = null) : base(name ?? "Barbarian" , level , LevelUpManager.GetHealthByLevel <Barbarian>(level) , LevelUpManager.GetManaByLevel <Barbarian>(level) , LevelUpManager.GetStrengthByLevel <Barbarian>(level) , LevelUpManager.GetDefenseByLevel <Barbarian>(level) , LevelUpManager.GetSpeedByLevel <Barbarian>(level) , LevelUpManager.GetEvadeByLevel <Barbarian>(level) , LevelUpManager.GetLuckByLevel <Barbarian>(level) , chanceService , SpellFactory.GetSpellsByLevel <Barbarian>(level) , MoveFactory.GetMovesByLevel <Barbarian>(level)) { _shieldBusterFails = 0; }
public GameResult Run() { GameResult gameResult = new GameResult(Moves.Count); MoveFactory factory = new MoveFactory(); int counter = 0; foreach (var moveRow in Moves) { gameResult.ResultList.Add(Status.StillInDanger); foreach (MoveType moveType in moveRow) { IMove move = factory.GetMove(moveType); IPosition tempPosition = move.Move(Turtle.CurrentPosition); gameResult.VisitedPositions.Add(new List <IPosition>(moveRow.Count)); if (Board.IsInBoard(tempPosition.Coordinate)) // target position must be in board { gameResult.VisitedPositions[counter].Add(tempPosition); Turtle.CurrentPosition = tempPosition; if (CheckMine(Turtle.CurrentPosition.Coordinate)) { gameResult.ResultList[counter] = Status.MineHit; break; } if (CheckExit(Turtle.CurrentPosition.Coordinate)) { gameResult.ResultList[counter] = Status.Success; break; } } else { gameResult.ResultList[counter] = Status.OutOfBoard; gameResult.VisitedPositions[counter].Add(tempPosition); break; } } counter++; Turtle.CurrentPosition = StartPosition; } return(gameResult); }
private static IEnumerable <BattleMove> GetRegionMovesForRegion(WorldRegion region) { BattleMove[] ret; switch (region) { case WorldRegion.Desert: ret = new[] { MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.ShieldBuster), MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.Attack, "feint") }; break; default: ret = new BattleMove[0]; break; } return(ret); }
public void CorrectlySetsUpMenuForHumanPlayer() { BattleMove doNothing = MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.DoNothing); BattleMove shieldMove = MoveFactory.Get(BattleMoveType.Shield, "iron shield"); _player.AddMove(doNothing); _player.AddMove(shieldMove); _menu.Build(_player, _playerTeam, _enemyTeam, null); List <MenuAction> menuActions = _menu.MenuActions; Assert.AreEqual(2, menuActions.Count); Assert.True(menuActions.Exists(ma => ma.BattleMove == doNothing)); Assert.True(menuActions.Exists(ma => ma.BattleMove == shieldMove)); }