public static RobotCreature Create(CreatureInfo info, Vector3_ pos, Vector3 rot, string name = "", string uiName = "") { if (info == null) { Logger.LogError("RobotCreature::Create: Create robot failed, invalid config"); return(null); } var rootNode = new GameObject().transform; if (!CreateMorphNodes(info, rootNode)) { Logger.LogError("RobotCreature::Create: Create robot [{0}:{1}] failed, main model [{2}] not loaded", info.ID,, CreatureInfo.GetMorphModelName(info.models, 0)); return(null); } rootNode.position = pos; rootNode.eulerAngles = rot; // Protect invalid weapon config if (info.weaponID < 1) { info.weaponID = 1; info.weaponItemID = 1101; } var c = Create <RobotCreature>(string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? : name, rootNode.gameObject); c.InitPosition(pos); c.isPlayer = false; c.isMonster = false; c.isRobot = true; c.isCombat = true; c.creatureCamp = CreatureCamp.MonsterCamp; // 机器人默认必须是怪物的阵营 c.uiName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(uiName) ? : uiName; c.isDead = false; c.realDead = false; c.useSpringBone = true; c.teamIndex = MonsterCreature.GetMonsterRoomIndex(); c.UpdateConfig(info); c.OnCreate(info.buffs); return(c); }
public static FlyingEffect Create(StateMachineInfo.FlyingEffect effInfo, Creature source, int overrideForward, bool invert, StateMachineInfo.Effect hitEffect, Vector3_ root, Vector3_ rootEular, Vector3 rootRot) { var fe = ConfigManager.Get <FlyingEffectInfo>(effInfo.effect); if (!fe) { Logger.LogWarning("FlyingEffect::Create: Could not create flying effect [{0}], could not find effect config from config_flyingEffectInfos", effInfo.effect); return(null); } FightRecordManager.RecordLog <LogString>(log => { log.tag = (byte)TagType.CreateFlyEffect; log.value = fe.effect; }); var off = effInfo.offset * 0.1; if (invert) { off.x = -off.x; off.z = -off.z; } var direction = effInfo.direction; var rotation = effInfo.rotation; direction.Set(direction.z, direction.y, -direction.x); rotation.Set(-rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z); var eular = rootEular + direction; eular.z = Mathd.ClampAngle(eular.z); var z = Mathd.AngToRad(eular.z); var dir = new Vector3_(Mathd.Cos(z), -Mathd.Sin(z)); var pos = root + off; var eff = Create <FlyingEffect>(fe.effect, fe.effect, pos, rotation); eff.enableUpdate = true; if (invert) { dir.x = -dir.x; } eff.sourceBuff = null; eff.follow = false; eff.m_inherit = false; eff.m_time = 0; eff.m_originEular = eff.localEulerAngles; eff.lockForward =; eff.startForward = overrideForward == 0 ? !source || source.isForward : overrideForward > 0; eff.m_curSectionIdx = 0; eff.m_curActivedSection = -1; eff.m_curSubEffectIdx = 0; eff.m_curSoundEffectIdx = 0; eff.m_curShakeIdx = 0; eff.m_groundHited = false; eff.m_renderTime = 0; eff.effectInfo = fe; eff.source = source; eff.position_ = pos; eff.velocity = effInfo.velocity * 0.0001; eff.acceleration = effInfo.acceleration * 0.0001; eff.lifeTime = fe.lifeTime; eff.hitEffect = hitEffect; eff.CreateCollider(rootRot, dir, eular); eff.m_inverted = invert; eff.UpdateInvert(); #if AI_LOG eff.logId = MonsterCreature.GetMonsterRoomIndex(); Module_AI.LogBattleMsg(source, "create a flying effect[logId:{0}] with pos {1}, lifeTime = {2} startForward is {3}", eff.logId, eff.position_, eff.lifeTime, eff.startForward); #endif return(eff); }
public static FollowTargetEffect Create(StateMachineInfo.FollowTargetEffect effInfo, Transform node, Creature target, Vector3_ position, Creature source = null, Buff sourceBuff = null) { var eff = Create <FollowTargetEffect>(effInfo.effect, effInfo.effect, position + effInfo.motionData.offset, (node.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(effInfo.rotation)).eulerAngles); eff.enableUpdate = true; eff.source = source; eff.follow = false; eff.m_time = 0; eff.offset = effInfo.motionData.offset; = target; eff.sourceBuff = sourceBuff; eff.triggerType = effInfo.triggerType; eff.m_originEular = eff.localEulerAngles; eff.localScale = effInfo.scale; eff.velocity = effInfo.motionData.velocity; eff.acceleration = effInfo.motionData.acceleration; eff.randomPosition = eff.position_ = position + effInfo.motionData.offset; eff.motion = new Motion_SlantingThrow(eff, target, effInfo.motionData); eff.lifeTime = -1; //粒子系统要更改粒子节点才能改其缩放。搞不懂为什么 var particles = eff.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>(); if (particles != null && particles.Length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++) { particles[i].transform.localScale = effInfo.scale; } } eff.transform.SetParent(null); if (effInfo.randomPosition) { var p = eff.position_; eff.randomPosition = new Vector3_(p.x + 1.5 * moduleBattle._Range(-1.0, 1.0), p.y + 1.5 * moduleBattle._Range(0, 1.0)); eff.startPos = eff.randomPosition; } else { eff.startPos = eff.position_; } if (sourceBuff != null) { eff.m_buffCheck = sourceBuff.version; eff.lifeTime = -1; } else { eff.m_buffCheck = 0; } eff.m_inverted = source && !source.isForward; eff.UpdateInvert(); eff.InitTrigger(); #if AI_LOG eff.logId = MonsterCreature.GetMonsterRoomIndex(); Module_AI.LogBattleMsg(source, "create a FollowTargetEffect[logId: {0}] with target {0} startPos {1}, lifeTime = {1} startForward is {2}", eff.logId, eff.position_, eff.lifeTime, eff.startForward); #endif return(eff); }
public static PetCreature Create(Creature parent, PetInfo info, Vector3_ pos, Vector3 rot, bool player = false, string name = "", string uiName = "", bool combat = true, bool useSpringBone = true) { if (info == null) { Logger.LogError("PetCreature::Create: Create pet failed, invalid config info"); return(null); } var petInfo = info.BuildCreatureInfo(); if (petInfo == null) { Logger.LogError("PetCreature::Create Create pet [{0}] failed, invalid config info", info.ID); return(null); } var rootNode = new GameObject().transform; if (!CreateMorphNodes(petInfo, rootNode)) { Logger.LogError("PetCreature::Create: Create pet [{0}:{1}] failed, main model [{2}] not loaded", info.ID,, CreatureInfo.GetMorphModelName(petInfo.models, 0)); return(null); } rootNode.position = pos; rootNode.eulerAngles = rot; var c = Create <PetCreature>(string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? : name, rootNode.gameObject); c.InitPosition(pos); c.petInfo = info; c.ParentCreature = parent; c.isPlayer = player; c.isMonster = false; c.isCombat = combat; c.isRobot = false; c.creatureCamp = parent ? parent.creatureCamp : CreatureCamp.PlayerCamp; c.uiName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(uiName) ? : uiName; c.isDead = false; c.realDead = false; c.useSpringBone = useSpringBone; c.UpdateConfig(petInfo); c.behaviour.UpdateAllColliderState(false); c.behaviour.attackCollider.enabled = true; c.teamIndex = MonsterCreature.GetMonsterRoomIndex(); c.Buffs = info.GetBuff(info.AdditiveLevel); c.OnCreate(info.GetInitBuff()); c.avatar = info.UpGradeInfo.icon; c.skills.Clear(); var skill = info.GetSkill(); if (skill != null) { c.skills.Add(skill.state, PetSkillData.Create(skill)); } return(c); }