public void btnSavePageAccessRole_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { MonkData db = new MonkData(); Guid roleId = new Guid(hidRoleId.Value); var pagesUnderRole = db.aspnet_PageUnderRoles.Where(p=>p.RoleId == roleId && p.FilePath == dlPages.SelectedValue); if(pagesUnderRole.Count() > 0) { // Role was already found that was defined for this page. return; } Monks.aspnet_PageUnderRole pageUnderRole = new Monks.aspnet_PageUnderRole(); pageUnderRole.FilePath = dlPages.SelectedValue.Trim(); pageUnderRole.PageId = Guid.NewGuid(); pageUnderRole.RoleId = roleId; db.aspnet_PageUnderRoles.InsertOnSubmit(pageUnderRole); db.SubmitChanges(); var pagePermissions = db.aspnet_PageUnderRoles.Where(p=>p.RoleId == roleId); rpPagePermissions.DataSource = pagePermissions; rpPagePermissions.DataBind(); var tablePermissions = db.aspnet_TableUnderRoles.Where(p=>p.RoleId == roleId); rpTablePermissions.DataSource = tablePermissions; rpTablePermissions.DataBind(); }
public void btnAddMediaRole_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(dlRolesToAssign.Items.Count == 0) throw new Exception("Roles must be created first before trying to assign roles."); MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.jkp_MediaRole mediaRole = new Monks.jkp_MediaRole(); if(MediaType == Monks.Enums.MediaTypes.Audio) mediaRole.AudioId = ItemId; else if(MediaType == Monks.Enums.MediaTypes.Book) mediaRole.BookId = ItemId; else if(MediaType == Monks.Enums.MediaTypes.Image) mediaRole.ImageId = ItemId; else if(MediaType == Monks.Enums.MediaTypes.Video) mediaRole.VideoId = ItemId; mediaRole.RoleId = new Guid(dlRolesToAssign.SelectedValue); mediaRole.MediaRoleId = Guid.NewGuid(); var existingSameRole = from d in db.jkp_MediaRoles where object.Equals( d.AudioId, mediaRole.AudioId) && object.Equals( d.BookId, mediaRole.BookId) && object.Equals( d.ImageId, mediaRole.ImageId) && object.Equals(d.VideoId , mediaRole.VideoId) && d.RoleId == mediaRole.RoleId select d; if(existingSameRole.Count() > 0) { modalAddRole.Hide(); return; } db.jkp_MediaRoles.InsertOnSubmit(mediaRole); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadPageData(); modalAddRole.Hide(); }
public void lbtnRemoveMediaRole_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { LinkButton lbtnRemoveMediaRole = (LinkButton)sender; Guid mediaRoleId = new Guid(lbtnRemoveMediaRole.Attributes["mediaroleid"]); MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.jkp_MediaRole mediaRole = db.jkp_MediaRoles.First(p => p.MediaRoleId == mediaRoleId); db.jkp_MediaRoles.DeleteOnSubmit(mediaRole); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadPageData(); }
public void btnDelete_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { LinkButton lbtnDelete = (LinkButton)sender; Guid itemIdToDelete = new Guid(lbtnDelete.Attributes["itemid"]); MonkData db = new MonkData(); string tableName = ((System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute)DataType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute), false).First()).Name; primaryKeyProp = GetPrimaryKeyProperty(DataType); db.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM " + tableName + " WHERE " + primaryKeyProp.Name + " = '" + itemIdToDelete.ToString() + "'"); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public void lbtnRemoveRole_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { MonkData db = new MonkData(); LinkButton lbtnRemoveRole = (LinkButton)sender; Guid roleId = new Guid( lbtnRemoveRole.Attributes["roleid"]); Monks.aspnet_UsersInRole userInRole = db.aspnet_UsersInRoles.First(p=>p.RoleId == roleId && p.UserId == PageUserId); db.aspnet_UsersInRoles.DeleteOnSubmit(userInRole); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadPageData(); }
public void detailsAddress_OnItemUpdated(object sender, DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs e) { DropDownList dlSanghas = (DropDownList)detailsAddress.FindControl("dlSanghas"); string idStringOfSangha = dlSanghas.SelectedValue; MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.jkp_Person jPerson = db.aspnet_Memberships.First(p => p.UserId == UserId).jkp_Person; jPerson.jkp_Address.Add_San_ID = new Guid(idStringOfSangha); db.SubmitChanges(); detailsAddress.DataBind(); }
public void DetailsView2_OnItemUpdated(object sender, DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs e) { DropDownList dlGender = (DropDownList)DetailsView2.FindControl("genderSelection"); string valueOfGender = dlGender.SelectedItem.Text; MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.jkp_Person jPerson = db.aspnet_Memberships.First(p => p.UserId == UserId).jkp_Person; jPerson.Per_Gender = valueOfGender[0]; db.SubmitChanges(); DetailsView2.DataBind(); }
public void btnMarkAsPaidSave_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { Guid contribId = new Guid(btnMarkAsPaidSave.Attributes["contid"]); MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.jkp_Contribution contrib = db.jkp_Contributions.First(p => p.Cont_ID == contribId); if (!contrib.Cont_AmountPaid.HasValue || contrib.Cont_AmountPaid.Value == 0) contrib.Cont_AmountPaid = decimal.Parse(txtAmountPaid.Text); else contrib.Cont_AmountPaid += decimal.Parse(txtAmountPaid.Text); db.SubmitChanges(); modalMarkAsPaid.Hide(); LoadContributions(); }
/// <summary> /// Event clicked when the user signs up. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSignup_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CheckUsername() || CheckEmail()) return; btnSignup.Enabled = false; MonkData db = new MonkData(); // Get the application from the ASP.NET Membership object. When we create the user, we'll need to know what aspnet_Application object they will use. // This is the only spot in the entire site where we'll care about the application. var app = (from u in db.aspnet_Applications where u.ApplicationName == "DeerPark" select u).Single(); string salt = GenerateSalt(); // Gets the salt that will be used for encoding the password if encoding the password is turned on. // Load up all of the LINQ objects for a new user bool personExists = false; // use a bool to see if the corresponding person entry exists. if so, do not perform insert to db Monks.jkp_Person jPerson = Create_jkp_Person(ref personExists, ref db); if (personExists) { jPerson.Per_Email = txtEmailAddress1.Text; } Monks.jkp_Address jAddress = Create_jkp_Address(); Monks.aspnet_Membership curMembership = Create_aspnet_Membership(app, salt); Monks.aspnet_User curUser = Create_aspnet_User(curMembership); // Attach the Person ID to the aspnet_Membership object curMembership.PersonId = jPerson.Per_ID; jPerson.Per_Add_ID = jAddress.Add_ID; // Setup the inserts. db.jkp_Addresses.InsertOnSubmit(jAddress); // do not perform insert to the person table if an entry was already found for them if (!personExists) { db.jkp_Persons.InsertOnSubmit(jPerson); } db.aspnet_Users.InsertOnSubmit(curUser); db.aspnet_Memberships.InsertOnSubmit(curMembership); // Submit the inserts. This is a transactional insert. If one fails, they all fail. db.SubmitChanges(); // Show the success view. mvSignup.ActiveViewIndex = 1; FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(txtUsername.Text, false); }
public void btnCreateBuilding_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { MonkData db = new MonkData(); Guid hamletId = new Guid(dlHamlets.SelectedValue); Monks.jkp_Building building = new Monks.jkp_Building(); building.Bld_EnglishName = txtBuildingEnglishName.Text; building.Bld_LocalName = txtBuildingLocalName.Text; building.Bld_VietnameseName = txtBuildingVietnameseName.Text; building.Bld_Ham_ID = hamletId; building.Bld_ID = Guid.NewGuid(); db.jkp_Buildings.InsertOnSubmit(building); db.SubmitChanges(); RedrawBuildingsList(db); txtBuildingEnglishName.Text = ""; txtBuildingLocalName.Text = ""; txtBuildingVietnameseName.Text = ""; }
public void btnCreateHamlet_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.jkp_Retreat retreat = db.jkp_Retreats.First(p => p.Ret_ID == RetreatId); Monks.jkp_Hamlet hamlet = new Monks.jkp_Hamlet(); hamlet.Ham_ID = Guid.NewGuid(); hamlet.Ham_LocalName = txtHamletLocalName.Text; hamlet.Ham_EnglishName = txtHamletEnglishName.Text; hamlet.Ham_VietnameseName = txtHamletVietName.Text; hamlet.Ham_Site_ID = retreat.Ret_Site_ID; db.jkp_Hamlets.InsertOnSubmit(hamlet); db.SubmitChanges(); RedrawHamletList(db); txtHamletEnglishName.Text = ""; txtHamletLocalName.Text = ""; txtHamletVietName.Text = ""; }
public void btnSaveTablePermission_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { MonkData db = new MonkData(); Guid roleId = new Guid(hidRoleId.Value); var tablesWithSameName = from t in db.aspnet_TableUnderRoles where t.TableName == dlTables.SelectedValue && t.RoleId == roleId select t; if(tablesWithSameName.Count() > 0) return; // Found a table role assignment that was alredy created. Monks.aspnet_TableUnderRole tableUnderRole = new Monks.aspnet_TableUnderRole(); tableUnderRole.RoleId = roleId; tableUnderRole.TableName = dlTables.SelectedValue; tableUnderRole.TableUnderRoleId = Guid.NewGuid(); db.aspnet_TableUnderRoles.InsertOnSubmit(tableUnderRole); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadRoles(db); }
public void btnAddRole_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { modalAddRole.Hide(); MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.aspnet_UsersInRole userInRole = new Monks.aspnet_UsersInRole(); userInRole.RoleId = new Guid(dlRolesToAssign.SelectedValue); userInRole.UserId = PageUserId; var usersInRolesSame = from u in db.aspnet_UsersInRoles where u.UserId == PageUserId && u.RoleId == userInRole.RoleId select u; if(usersInRolesSame.Count() > 0) return; db.aspnet_UsersInRoles.InsertOnSubmit(userInRole); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadPageData(); }
public void btnSaveNewRole_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.aspnet_Role role = new Monks.aspnet_Role(); var app = (from u in db.aspnet_Applications where u.ApplicationName == "DeerPark" select u).Single(); role.ApplicationId = app.ApplicationId; role.Description = txtDescription.Text; role.LoweredRoleName = txtRoleName.Text.ToLower(); role.RoleName = txtRoleName.Text; role.RoleId = Guid.NewGuid(); db.aspnet_Roles.InsertOnSubmit(role); db.SubmitChanges(); txtRoleName.Text = ""; txtDescription.Text = ""; LoadPageData(); }
public void btnSave_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.jkp_Site site; if(SiteId != null) { site = db.jkp_Sites.First(p=>p.Site_ID == SiteId); } else { site = new Monks.jkp_Site(); site.Site_ID = Guid.NewGuid(); } site.Site_EnglishName = txtEnglishName.Text; site.Site_Description = txtDescription.Text; if(SiteId == null) db.jkp_Sites.InsertOnSubmit(site); db.SubmitChanges(); mvAddEdit.ActiveViewIndex = 1; }
public void btnSave_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.jkp_Address address; if(AddressId != null) { address = db.jkp_Addresses.First(p=>p.Add_ID == AddressId); } else { address = new Monks.jkp_Address(); address.Add_ID = Guid.NewGuid(); } address.Add_Street = txtAddress.Text; address.Add_State = txtState.Text; address.Add_PostalCode = txtZip.Text; address.Add_Country = txtCountry.Text; address.Add_City = txtCity.Text; if(AddressId == null) db.jkp_Addresses.InsertOnSubmit(address); db.SubmitChanges(); mvAddEdit.ActiveViewIndex = 1; }
public void btnSave_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.jkp_Retreat retreat; if(RetreatId != null) { retreat = db.jkp_Retreats.First(p=>p.Ret_ID == RetreatId); } else { retreat = new Monks.jkp_Retreat(); retreat.Ret_ID = Guid.NewGuid(); } //if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtArrivalTime.Text)) // retreat.Ret_ArrivalTime = DateTime.Parse(txtArrivalTime.Text); //if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDepartureTime.Text)) // retreat.Ret_DepartureTime = DateTime.Parse(txtDepartureTime.Text); if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEndDate.Text)) retreat.Ret_EndDate = DateTime.Parse(txtEndDate.Text); if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtStartDate.Text)) retreat.Ret_StartDate = DateTime.Parse(txtStartDate.Text); retreat.Ret_Name = txtName.Text.Trim(); retreat.Ret_Description = txtDescription.Text; if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dlSite.SelectedValue)) retreat.Ret_Site_ID = new Guid( dlSite.SelectedValue); var selectedLanguage = db.jkp_Languages.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Lang_ID.ToString() == dlLanguage.SelectedValue); retreat.Ret_LanguageId = selectedLanguage.Lang_ID; Request.QueryString.Add("retreatid", retreat.Ret_ID.ToString()); if(RetreatId == null) db.jkp_Retreats.InsertOnSubmit(retreat); db.SubmitChanges(); mvAddEdit.ActiveViewIndex = 1; }
public void lbtnRoomDelete_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { LinkButton lbtnRoomDelete = (LinkButton)sender; Guid roomId = new Guid(lbtnRoomDelete.Attributes["roomid"]); MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.jkp_Room roomToDelete = db.jkp_Rooms.First(p=>p.Rm_ID == roomId); db.jkp_Rooms.DeleteOnSubmit(roomToDelete); db.SubmitChanges(); RedrawRoomsForRetreat(db); }
public void lbtnDeletePageRole_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { LinkButton lbtnDeletePageRole = (LinkButton)sender; Guid pageRoleId = new Guid(lbtnDeletePageRole.Attributes["pageroleid"]); MonkData db = new MonkData(); Monks.aspnet_PageUnderRole pageUnderRole = db.aspnet_PageUnderRoles.First(p=>p.PageId == pageRoleId); db.aspnet_PageUnderRoles.DeleteOnSubmit(pageUnderRole); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadRoles(db); }
public void btnSave_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { object itemToCreateOrEdit; MonkData db = new MonkData(); // Find the primary key property PropertyInfo primaryKey = GetPrimaryKeyProperty(DataType); if (ItemId == null) { // Dynamically get the datatype Type[] emptyConstructorArgs = { }; itemToCreateOrEdit = DataType.GetConstructor(emptyConstructorArgs).Invoke(null); } else { // Load the object from the database. Type[] emptyConstructorArgs = { }; string tableName = ((System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute)DataType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute), false).First()).Name; IEnumerable itemsFromDB = db.ExecuteQuery(DataType, "select * from " + tableName + " where " + primaryKey.Name + " = '" + ItemId.ToString() + "'", emptyConstructorArgs); IEnumerator dbItemsEnumberator = itemsFromDB.GetEnumerator(); dbItemsEnumberator.MoveNext(); itemToCreateOrEdit = dbItemsEnumberator.Current; } // Load all the values from the form into the object foreach (Control cntItem in plcForm.Controls) { var propertiesFound = from p in DataType.GetProperties() where p.Name == cntItem.ID select p; if (propertiesFound.Count() < 1) continue; PropertyInfo pInfo = propertiesFound.First(); object[] attributesOfProperty = pInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false); if (attributesOfProperty[0].GetType() == typeof(ColumnAttribute)) { ColumnAttribute columnAttrib = (ColumnAttribute)attributesOfProperty[0]; if (columnAttrib.DbType.Contains("VarChar") || columnAttrib.DbType.Contains("NChar")) { TextBox txtControl = (TextBox)cntItem; pInfo.SetValue(itemToCreateOrEdit, txtControl.Text, null); } else if (columnAttrib.DbType.Contains("Decimal")) { TextBox txtControl = (TextBox)cntItem; pInfo.SetValue(itemToCreateOrEdit, decimal.Parse(txtControl.Text), null); } else if (columnAttrib.DbType.Contains("DateTime")) { TextBox txtControl = (TextBox)cntItem; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtControl.Text)) { DateTime time; // Check if the datetime supplied is actually parseable. if(!DateTime.TryParse(txtControl.Text, out time)) { throw new Exception("Failed to parse the datetime in the textbox to the proper datetime format. An example is 12/31/2008 12:59:59 AM. The field was " + GetFieldNameFromString(pInfo.Name)); } pInfo.SetValue(itemToCreateOrEdit, time, null); } else if (columnAttrib.CanBeNull) pInfo.SetValue(itemToCreateOrEdit, null, null); else if (!columnAttrib.CanBeNull) throw new Exception("Tried to insert a null datetime into a field tha required a datetime. Field was " + GetFieldNameFromString(pInfo.Name)); } else if (columnAttrib.DbType.Contains("Text")) { FreeTextBox txtControl = (FreeTextBox)cntItem; pInfo.SetValue(itemToCreateOrEdit, txtControl.Text, null); } else if (columnAttrib.DbType.Contains("Bit")) { CheckBox chkBox = (CheckBox)cntItem; pInfo.SetValue(itemToCreateOrEdit, chkBox.Checked, null); } else if (columnAttrib.DbType.Contains("Int")) { TextBox txtControl = (TextBox)cntItem; int parsedValue = 0; if(!int.TryParse(txtControl.Text, out parsedValue)) { throw new Exception("Failed converting the text in the textbox to an integer. The property name was " + GetFieldNameFromString(pInfo.Name)); } pInfo.SetValue(itemToCreateOrEdit, parsedValue, null); } } else if (attributesOfProperty[0].GetType() == typeof(AssociationAttribute)) { AssociationAttribute assocAttrib = (AssociationAttribute)attributesOfProperty[0]; if (cntItem.GetType() == typeof(DropDownList)) { DropDownList dList = (DropDownList)cntItem; PropertyInfo propIDOfOtherTableItem = DataType.GetProperties().First(p => p.Name == assocAttrib.ThisKey); if (dList.SelectedValue == "null" || dList.SelectedValue == "") { propIDOfOtherTableItem.SetValue(itemToCreateOrEdit, null, null); } else { Guid selectedGuidOfItem = new Guid(dList.SelectedValue); propIDOfOtherTableItem.SetValue(itemToCreateOrEdit, selectedGuidOfItem, null); } } } } // Save the object... if (ItemId == null) { if (primaryKey.PropertyType != typeof(Guid)) throw new Exception("Primary key of " + DataType.Name + " is not a Guid."); primaryKey.SetValue(itemToCreateOrEdit, Guid.NewGuid(), null); object[] itemToInsert = { itemToCreateOrEdit }; // Where finds the table we need to examine // Find the one that's shortest //Get prop vlaue // Get the method to insert // Insert var propertyInfosForDatabaseWhereName = db.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.Name.StartsWith(DataType.Name.Substring(0, DataType.Name.Length - 1))); var propertyObjectOfTableFromDB = propertyInfosForDatabaseWhereName.OrderBy(p => p.Name.Length).First().GetValue(db, null); propertyObjectOfTableFromDB.GetType().GetMethod("InsertOnSubmit").Invoke(propertyObjectOfTableFromDB, itemToInsert); } db.SubmitChanges(); mvAddEdit.ActiveViewIndex = 1; hlViewItem.NavigateUrl = "AddEdit.aspx?typename=" + DataType.Name + "&itemid=" + primaryKey.GetValue(itemToCreateOrEdit, null).ToString(); hlReturnToList.NavigateUrl = "GridView.aspx?typename=" + DataType.Name; }
public void btnCreateRoom_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { MonkData db = new MonkData(); Guid buildingId = new Guid(dlBuildings.SelectedValue); // Check to see if there are any rooms with this same name already on the building. var roomsWithSameNameInBuilding = from r in db.jkp_Rooms where r.Rm_Bld_ID == buildingId && r.Rm_Name == txtCreateRoomsName.Text.Trim().ToUpper() select r; if(roomsWithSameNameInBuilding.Count() > 0) return; // Duplicate room found. Monks.jkp_Room room = new Monks.jkp_Room(); room.Rm_Bld_ID = buildingId; room.Rm_ID = Guid.NewGuid(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCreateRoomLevelNumber.Text)) room.Rm_Level = int.Parse(txtCreateRoomLevelNumber.Text); room.Rm_Name = txtCreateRoomsName.Text.Trim().ToUpper(); room.Rm_RmType_ID = new Guid( dlRoomType.SelectedValue); room.Rm_TotalCapacity = int.Parse(txtCreateRoomCapacity.Text); room.Rm_ContructedDate = DateTime.Parse(txtCreateRoomConstructionDate.Text); if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCreateRoomDestructionDate.Text)) room.Rm_DestroyedDate = DateTime.Parse(txtCreateRoomDestructionDate.Text); db.jkp_Rooms.InsertOnSubmit(room); db.SubmitChanges(); RedrawRoomsForRetreat(db); txtCreateRoomsName.Text = ""; modalRoom.Hide(); }