/// <summary> /// Get related compound ids & update display /// </summary> /// <param name="parm"></param> void SearchAndRetrieveRelatedStructuresThreadMethod(object parm) { try { int searchId = 0; // id for search associated with this thread lock (RSMLock) { SearchCounter++; // assign id for the search associated with this thread searchId = SearchCounter; } RelatedStructureSearchResults rss = RelatedStructureSearchResults.SearchHistory(Cid, CidMtName); if (rss == null || Lex.IsUndefined(Cid) || Lex.IsUndefined(CidMtName) || !UseCachedResults) { PendingStatusMessage = "Searching..."; rss = new RelatedStructureSearchResults(); rss.Cid = Cid; rss.CidMtName = CidMtName; if (Debug) { DebugLog.Message("=== Client === " + searchId + ". Starting search for CID: " + Cid + " ========="); } string hitString = MoleculeUtil.GetRelatedMatchCounts(Cid, CidMtName, QueryStruct.GetChimeString(), SearchTypes, searchId); if (Superseded(searchId)) { return; // return now if superceded and no longer needed } if (Debug) { DebugLog.Message("=== Client === " + searchId + ". Search step complete: " + hitString); } if (Lex.IsUndefined(hitString)) { if (Debug) { DebugLog.Message("=== Client === " + searchId + ". Hit string is undefined."); } return; } string[] sa = hitString.Split(';'); if (sa.Length != 10) { return; } rss.AltCorpDbCnt = int.Parse(sa[0]); rss.SimCorpDbCnt = int.Parse(sa[1]); rss.MmpCorpDbCnt = int.Parse(sa[2]); rss.SwCorpDbCnt = int.Parse(sa[3]); rss.CorpDbCnt = int.Parse(sa[4]); rss.AltChemblCnt = int.Parse(sa[5]); rss.SimChemblCnt = int.Parse(sa[6]); rss.MmpChemblCnt = int.Parse(sa[7]); rss.SwChemblCnt = int.Parse(sa[8]); rss.ChemblCnt = int.Parse(sa[9]); RelatedStructureSearchResults.History.Add(rss); } RelatedStructuresResults = rss; RenderResultsRequested = true; // request render of initial results if (rss.CorpDbCnt <= 0 && rss.ChemblCnt <= 0) // if no hits then assign empty structure list and don't do retrieve { rss.MatchList = new List <StructSearchMatch>(); } if (rss.MatchList == null) // retrieve structures if structure list doesn't exist { if (Debug) { DebugLog.Message("=== Client === " + searchId + ". Starting structure retrieval..."); } PendingStatusMessage = "Retrieving..."; rss.Cid = Cid; rss.CidMtName = CidMtName; List <StructSearchMatch> ssml = MoleculeUtil.GetRelatedMatchRows(Cid, CidMtName); if (Superseded(searchId)) { return; // return now if superceded and no longer needed } rss.MatchList = ssml; if (Debug) { DebugLog.Message("=== Client === " + searchId + ". Structure retrieval complete"); } } else { if (Debug) { DebugLog.Message("=== Client === " + searchId + ". Already have structures"); } } PendingStatusMessage = ""; RenderResultsRequested = true; // request render of associated structures StructureRetrievalCompletedRenderRequest = true; if (Debug) { DebugLog.Message("=== Client === " + searchId + ". Search and retrieval complete"); } return; } catch (Exception ex) // log any exception since any thrown exception for thread can't be caught { DebugLog.Message(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Build query table for decomposition & add to query /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> DialogResult ProcessInput() { Query q; MetaTable mt; MetaColumn mc; QueryTable qt; QueryColumn qc; q = QbUtil.Query; if (q == null || q.Tables.Count == 0) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No current query."); return(DialogResult.None); } qt = q.GetQueryTableByName("Rgroup_Decomposition"); bool newTable = false; if (qt == null) { mt = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException("Rgroup_Decomposition"); qt = new QueryTable(mt); newTable = true; } qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("Core"); MoleculeMx core = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, QueryMolCtl.MolfileString); if (core.AtomCount == 0) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("A Core structure with R-groups must be defined."); return(DialogResult.None); } qc.MolString = core.GetMolfileString(); // put core structure into table criteria qc.CriteriaDisplay = "Substructure search (SSS)"; qc.Criteria = "CORE SSS SQUERY"; if (!Structure.Checked && !Smiles.Checked && !Formula.Checked && !Weight.Checked && !Index.Checked) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("At least one substituent display format must be selected."); return(DialogResult.None); } qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName("R1_Structure"); if (ShowCoreStructure.Checked) { qc.Label = "R-group, Core\tChime=" + core.GetChimeString(); // reference core in query col header label qc.MetaColumn.Width = 25; } SetSelected(qt, "R1_Structure", Structure.Checked); SetSelected(qt, "R1_Smiles", Smiles.Checked); SetSelected(qt, "R1_Formula", Formula.Checked); SetSelected(qt, "R1_Weight", Weight.Checked); SetSelected(qt, "R1_SubstNo", Index.Checked); string terminateOption = TerminateOption.Text; qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName("Terminate_Option"); if (qc != null && Lex.IsDefined(terminateOption)) { qc.Criteria = qt.MetaTable.Name + " = " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(terminateOption); qc.CriteriaDisplay = "= " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(terminateOption); } else { qc.Criteria = qc.CriteriaDisplay = ""; // not defined } if (newTable) { q.AddQueryTable(qt); // add to query if new } QbUtil.RenderQuery(); // show it UsageDao.LogEvent("RgroupDecomposition"); return(DialogResult.OK); }
/// <summary> /// Search button clicked, process input /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> DialogResult ProcessInput() { CidList cidList = null; StreamReader structureFileReader = null; string qid; // query identifier, compoundId, file name or sdFile key value QueryManager qm; DataTableMx dt; DataColumn dc; DataRowMx dr; //object[] dr; // if using Qe DialogResult dlgRslt = DialogResult.OK; Query q = null; QueryTable qt = null; QueryColumn simScoreQc, structQc; // query column containing latest query settings MetaTable mt = null; MetaColumn keyMc = null, structMc = null, dbSetMc = null, simScoreMc = null, mc; MetaColumnType storageType; string txt, tok; if (DatabasesToSearch.Text == "") { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Databases to search must be defined."); DatabasesToSearch.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } // Get list of databases string[] dba = DatabasesToSearch.Text.Split(','); List <MetaTable> tables = new List <MetaTable>(); foreach (string dbLabel0 in dba) { string dbLabel = dbLabel0.Trim(); RootTable dbInfo = RootTable.GetFromTableLabel(dbLabel); if (dbInfo == null) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Can't find database " + DatabasesToSearch.Text); DatabasesToSearch.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } mt = MetaTableCollection.Get(dbInfo.MetaTableName); if (mt == null) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Unable to locate parent structure table for database: " + DatabasesToSearch.Text); DatabasesToSearch.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } if (dbSetMc == null) { dbSetMc = mt.DatabaseListMetaColumn; } tables.Add(mt); } if (dbSetMc == null) { throw new Exception("\"Databases\" metacolumn not found for any of the databases to search"); } // Validate other form values RetrieveStructures = RetrieveMatchingStructures.Checked; bool fromList = FromList.Checked; int listCidsRead = 0; int inputQueryCount = -1; if (fromList) // using list, validate list name { if (SavedListUo == null) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Compound list must be defined."); ListName.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } cidList = CidListCommand.Read(SavedListUo); if (cidList == null) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Error reading list."); ListName.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } inputQueryCount = cidList.Count; } else // Using SdFile, validate SdFile name { StructureFile = FileName.Text; if (StructureFile == "") { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("File must be defined."); FileName.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } try { structureFileReader = new StreamReader(StructureFile); structureFileReader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Can't read file: " + Lex.Dq(StructureFile)); FileName.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } keyField = KeyField.Text; // get key, blank to use name in 1st line inputQueryCount = -1; // don't know how many queries unless we read the file (todo?) } tok = ResultsName.Text.Trim(); // name to store results under if (tok == "") { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("A name for the results must be provided."); ResultsName.Focus(); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } if (SubStruct.Checked) { Psc.SearchType = StructureSearchType.Substructure; } else if (Full.Checked) { Psc.SearchType = StructureSearchType.FullStructure; } else if (Similarity.Checked) { Psc.SearchType = StructureSearchType.MolSim; } else { throw new Exception("Unrecognized search type"); } // Write initial log entries SearchCount++; string logFileName = ClientDirs.DefaultMobiusUserDocumentsFolder + @"\Multistructure Search " + SearchCount + ".txt"; if (!UIMisc.CanWriteFileToDefaultDir(logFileName)) { return(DialogResult.Cancel); } LogStream = new StreamWriter(logFileName); if (ResultsUo == null) { ResultsUo = new UserObject(UserObjectType.Annotation); } ResultsUo.Name = tok; UserObjectTree.GetValidUserObjectTypeFolder(ResultsUo); DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; WriteToLog("Multiple " + Psc.SearchType + " Search"); WriteToLog("Databases: " + DatabasesToSearch.Text); WriteToLog("Date: " + startTime); if (fromList) { WriteToLog("Input List: " + SavedListUo.Name); } else { WriteToLog("Input Structure File: " + StructureFile); } WriteToLog("Output List: " + ResultsUo.Name); WriteToLog("Log File: " + logFileName); WriteToLog(""); WriteToLog("Query, Match, Score"); int queryCount = 0; int matchAtLeastOneCount = 0; MoleculeMx queryStructure = null; // current structure being searched CidList matchList = new CidList(); List <MatchData> matchData = new List <MatchData>(); if (FromFile.Checked) // open SdFile as required { structureFileReader = new StreamReader(StructureFile); } // Search of structures one at a time while (true) { if (fromList) // get next structure from list { if (listCidsRead >= cidList.Count) { break; } qid = cidList[listCidsRead].Cid; listCidsRead++; if (qid.Trim() == "") { continue; } if (qid.ToLower().IndexOf(".mol") > 0 || qid.ToLower().IndexOf(".skc") > 0) { // file reference if (!File.Exists(qid)) { continue; } if (qid.ToLower().IndexOf(".mol") > 0) { queryStructure = MoleculeMx.ReadMolfile(qid); } else { queryStructure = MoleculeMx.ReadSketchFile(qid); } } else { queryStructure = MoleculeUtil.SelectMoleculeForCid(qid); } if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0) { continue; // oops } } else // get next structure from input file { qid = null; if (StructureFile.ToLower().EndsWith(".sdf")) { List <SdFileField> fList = SdFileDao.Read(structureFileReader); if (fList == null) // end of sdFile { structureFileReader.Close(); break; } if (fList.Count == 0) { continue; } queryStructure = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, fList[0].Data); if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0) { continue; } if (keyField != "") // key field specified? { qid = SdFileDao.GetDataField(fList, keyField); } else // get name from 1st line of molfile { string molFile = fList[0].Data; int i1 = molFile.IndexOf("\n"); if (i1 == 0) { qid = ""; } else { qid = molFile.Substring(0, i1).Trim(); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qid)) { qid = SdFileDao.GetDataField(fList, "compound_id"); } } else // assume smiles file { string smiles = structureFileReader.ReadLine(); if (smiles == null) // end of sdFile { structureFileReader.Close(); break; } smiles = smiles.Trim(); if (smiles.Length == 0) { continue; } int i1 = smiles.IndexOf(","); // get any preceeding queryId if (i1 < 0) { i1 = smiles.IndexOf("\t"); } if (i1 >= 0) { qid = smiles.Substring(0, i1).Trim(); smiles = smiles.Substring(i1 + 1).Trim(); } queryStructure = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Smiles, smiles); if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0) { continue; } } if (qid == null || qid.Trim() == "") { qid = (queryCount + 1).ToString(); // be sure we have a query id } } queryCount++; // count the query if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0) { WriteToLog("Error converting specific structure " + queryCount.ToString() + ", " + qid); continue; } queryStructure.RemoveStructureCaption(); // remove any Mobius-added caption Psc.Molecule = queryStructure; string msg = "Searching Structure: " + queryCount.ToString(); if (inputQueryCount > 0) { msg += " of " + inputQueryCount.ToString(); } msg += "\n" + "Structures with one or more matches: " + matchAtLeastOneCount.ToString() + "\n" + "Total Matches: " + matchList.Count.ToString(); Progress.Show(msg); // Do the search over the list of databases for (int ti = 0; ti < tables.Count; ti++) { mt = tables[ti]; q = new Query(); // build basic query //q.SingleStepExecution = true; // do in single step (doesn't currently return sim score) q.ShowStereoComments = false; qt = new QueryTable(mt); q.AddQueryTable(qt); qt.SelectKeyOnly(); // start selecting desired cols keyMc = mt.KeyMetaColumn; structMc = mt.FirstStructureMetaColumn; structQc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(structMc.Name); structQc.Selected = RetrieveStructures; dbSetMc = mt.DatabaseListMetaColumn; if (dbSetMc == null) { throw new Exception("\"Databases\" metacolumn not found for table: " + mt.Label); } QueryColumn dbSetQc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(dbSetMc.Name); dbSetQc.Selected = true; // select the database name RootTable root = RootTable.GetFromTableName(mt.Name); txt = " in (" + root.Label + ")"; dbSetQc.Criteria = dbSetMc.Name + txt; dbSetQc.CriteriaDisplay = txt; simScoreMc = mt.SimilarityScoreMetaColumn; simScoreQc = null; if (simScoreMc != null) // get sim score if it exists { simScoreQc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(simScoreMc.Name); simScoreQc.Selected = true; // return sim score } Psc.QueryColumn = structQc; ParsedStructureCriteria psc2 = AdjustSearchForSmallWorldAsNeeded(Psc); psc2.ConvertToQueryColumnCriteria(structQc); // format the QC for the structure search DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now; //QueryEngine qe = new QueryEngine(); //qe.NextRowsMin = 1000; // minimum number of rows to prefetch //qe.NextRowsMax = -1; // maximum number of rows to prefetch //qe.NextRowsMaxTime = 10000; // max time in milliseconds for next fetch //qe.ExecuteQuery(q); qm = new QueryManager(); try { dlgRslt = qm.ExecuteQuery(ref q); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToLog("Error searching structure: " + ex.Message + ", " + queryCount.ToString() + ", " + qid); continue; } if (dlgRslt != DialogResult.OK) { return(dlgRslt); } double executeTime = TimeOfDay.Delta(ref t0); int offset = qm.DataTableManager.KeyValueVoPos + 1; //int offset = 0; // for QE int keyPos = offset++; int strPos = RetrieveStructures ? offset++ : -1; int dbPos = offset++; int simPos = offset++; int fetchCnt = 0; while (true) { dr = qm.NextRow(); //dr = qe.NextRow(); // for Qe if (dr == null) { break; } fetchCnt++; if (fetchCnt == 1) { matchAtLeastOneCount++; // number of queries that have at least one match } MatchData md = new MatchData(); md.Qno = queryCount; md.Qid = qid; if (RetrieveStructures) { md.Qstr = "Chime=" + queryStructure.GetChimeString(); } CompoundId cid = CompoundId.ConvertTo(dr[keyPos]); md.Mid = cid.Value; if (RetrieveStructures) { MoleculeMx ms = MoleculeMx.ConvertTo(dr[strPos]); if (!NullValue.IsNull(ms)) { md.Mstr = "Chime=" + ms.GetChimeString(); } } StringMx db = StringMx.ConvertTo(dr[dbPos]); if (!NullValue.IsNull(db)) { md.Db = db.Value; } if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim) { NumberMx nex = NumberMx.ConvertTo(dr[simPos]); if (!NullValue.IsNull(nex)) { md.Score = nex.Value; } } if (matchList.Contains(cid.Value)) // already have compound id as match for other query? { if (Psc.SearchType != StructureSearchType.MolSim) { continue; // if similarity search see if more similar } CidListElement le = matchList.Get(cid.Value); // reference current score if (le.Tag > md.Score) { continue; // only replace if more similar } matchList.Remove(le.Cid); // remove from list for (int mi = 0; mi < matchData.Count; mi++) // remove from data { if (matchData[mi].Mid == md.Mid) { matchData.RemoveAt(mi); break; } } } matchList.Add(md.Mid); matchList.Get(md.Mid).Tag = md.Score; // keep score in list matchData.Add(md); // add to results txt = md.Qid + ", " + md.Mid + ", " + md.Score.ToString(); WriteToLog(txt); } // Fetch result loop double fetchTime = TimeOfDay.Delta(ref t0); } // DB loop if (Progress.CancelRequested) { Progress.Hide(); MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Search cancelled."); try { LogStream.Close(); } catch { } return(DialogResult.Cancel); } } // key loop CidListCommand.WriteCurrentList(matchList); // write the list of numbers UsageDao.LogEvent("MultipleStructSearch"); txt = "=== Multiple structure search complete ===\r\n\r\n" + "Structures Searched: " + queryCount.ToString() + "\r\n"; txt += "Structures with one or more matches: " + matchAtLeastOneCount.ToString() + "\r\n" + "Total Matches: " + matchList.Count.ToString() + "\r\n"; TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime); ts = new TimeSpan(ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds); txt += "Total Time: " + ts + "\r\n\r\n"; WriteToLog("\r\n" + txt); try { LogStream.Close(); } catch { } if (matchList.Count == 0) { Progress.Hide(); MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No matches have been found."); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } tok = "Matching compound ids"; if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim) { tok = "Similar compound ids"; } txt += tok + " have been written to the current list: " + ResultsUo.Name + "\n" + "Log file written to: " + logFileName + "\n\n" + "Do you want to view the match results?"; DialogResult dRslt = MessageBoxMx.Show(txt, "Multiple Structure Search", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dRslt == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(DialogResult.Cancel); } else if (dRslt == DialogResult.No) // show log { SystemUtil.StartProcess(logFileName); return(DialogResult.Cancel); } // Display results Progress.Show("Formatting results..."); mt = new MetaTable(); mt.Name = "MULTSTRUCTSEARCH_" + SearchCount; mt.Label = "Multiple Structure Search " + SearchCount; mt.TableMap = "Mobius.Tools.MultStructSearch"; // plugin id mt.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.NoSql; ColumnSelectionEnum structureColumnSelection = RetrieveStructures ? ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected : ColumnSelectionEnum.Unselected; keyMc = keyMc.Clone(); keyMc.Name = "MatchingCid"; keyMc.Label = "Matching Compound Id"; mt.AddMetaColumn(keyMc); structMc = structMc.Clone(); structMc.Name = "MatchingStructure"; structMc.Label = "Matching Structure"; structMc.InitialSelection = structureColumnSelection; mt.AddMetaColumn(structMc); dbSetMc = dbSetMc.Clone(); dbSetMc.Name = "Database"; mt.AddMetaColumn(dbSetMc); //if (DatabasesToSearch.Text.Contains(",")) dbSetMc.InitialSelection = ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected; mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("Molsimilarity", "Similarity Search Score", MetaColumnType.Number, ColumnSelectionEnum.Unselected, 10); if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim) { mc.InitialSelection = ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected; } mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryNo", "Query Number", MetaColumnType.Integer); //mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryMatchNo", "Query Match Number", MetaColumnType.Integer); mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryId", "Query Id", MetaColumnType.String); mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryStructure", "Query Structure", MetaColumnType.Structure); mc.InitialSelection = structureColumnSelection; q = ToolHelper.InitEmbeddedDataToolQuery(mt); dt = q.ResultsDataTable as DataTableMx; for (int mi = 0; mi < matchData.Count; mi++) { MatchData md = matchData[mi]; dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[qt.Alias + ".MatchingCid"] = new CompoundId(md.Mid); if (RetrieveStructures) { dr[qt.Alias + ".MatchingStructure"] = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Chime, md.Mstr); } dr[qt.Alias + ".Database"] = new StringMx(md.Db); if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim) { dr[qt.Alias + ".Molsimilarity"] = new NumberMx(md.Score); } dr[qt.Alias + ".QueryNo"] = new NumberMx(md.Qno); dr[qt.Alias + ".QueryId"] = new StringMx(md.Qid); if (RetrieveStructures) { dr[qt.Alias + ".QueryStructure"] = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Chime, md.Qstr); } dt.Rows.Add(dr); } ToolHelper.DisplayData(q, dt, true); Progress.Hide(); return(DialogResult.OK); }
/// <summary> /// Format a chemical structure for Html output /// </summary> /// <param name="mol"></param> /// <param name="destRect"></param> /// <param name="width"></param> /// <param name="r"></param> /// <returns></returns> string FormatChemStructureHtml( MoleculeMx mol, Rectangle destRect, int width, int r) { string source, molfil, html, shtml, fname, txt, txt2, str, hdisp, rntxt, html_end; int width2, pixWidth, pixHeight, height, rc, i1; bool useChimeString = false; // must use molfile format for .Net 4.0 with Draw 4.0 MolCount++; string objId = "Mol" + MolCount; //double scaleUp = (SS.I.GraphicsColumnZoom / 100.0) * 1.2; // do graphics scaleup plus a bit double scaleUp = 1.2; // extra scaleup pixWidth = (int)(width / 1000.0 * GraphicsMx.LogicalPixelsX * scaleUp); height = (int)(width * .67); if (destRect.Height > height) { height = destRect.Height; } pixHeight = (int)(height / 1000.0 * GraphicsMx.LogicalPixelsY * scaleUp); shtml = // html for structure "<object id=\"" + objId + "\" " + "codebase=\"<editor>.dll#-1,-1,-1,-1\" " + "height=\"<pixHeight>\" width=\"<pixWidth>\" " + "classid=\"CLSID:46803AAE-C327-4002-8CEC-05036E2FDEF4\"> " + // "<param name=\"<molStringFormat>\" value=\"<molString>\"> " + "</object>"; shtml = shtml.Replace("<pixWidth>", pixWidth.ToString()); shtml = shtml.Replace("<pixHeight>", pixHeight.ToString()); if (useChimeString) { shtml = shtml.Replace("<molStringFormat>", "ChimeString"); shtml = shtml.Replace("<molString>", mol.GetChimeString()); } else { shtml = shtml.Replace("<molStringFormat>", "MolfileString"); string mfs = mol.GetMolfileString(); if (mfs.Contains("\t")) // replace any tabs by a space { mfs = mfs.Replace("\t", " "); } shtml = shtml.Replace("<molString>", mfs); } string script = // set mol parameters "<script language=\"JavaScript\"> " + objId + ".Preferences.WedgeWidth = .3; " + // in .33 inch units objId + ".Preferences.StandardBondLength = 144; " + objId + ".Preferences.ColorAtomsByType = false; " + objId + ".Preferences.HydrogenDisplayMode = 1; " + // 1= Hetero objId + ".Preferences.ChemLabelFontString = \"Arial, 16\"; "; // make font larger // New stero parameters script += objId + ".Preferences.StereoAbsColorString = \"Black\"; " + objId + ".Preferences.StereoAndColorString = \"Black\"; " + objId + ".Preferences.StereoOrColorString = \"Black\"; " + objId + ".Preferences.DisplayChiralStereoLabels = 2; " + // (On = 2, default is IUPAC = 0) objId + ".Preferences.DisplayRS = true; " + // (default = false) objId + ".Preferences.RLabelAtAbsCenter = \"R\"; " + // (default = "R") objId + ".Preferences.RLabelAtAndCenter = \"\"; " + // (default = "R*") objId + ".Preferences.RLabelAtOrCenter = \"\"; " + // (default = "(R)") objId + ".Preferences.SLabelAtAbsCenter = \"S\"; " + // (default = "S") objId + ".Preferences.SLabelAtAndCenter = \"\"; " + // (default = "S*") objId + ".Preferences.SLabelAtOrCenter = \"\"; " + // (default = "(S)") objId + ".Preferences.AbsStereoLabelText = \"\"; " + // (default = "") objId + ".Preferences.AndStereoLabelText = \"\"; " + // (default = "AND Enantiomer") objId + ".Preferences.OrStereoLabelText = \"\"; " + // (default = "OR Enantiomer") objId + ".Preferences.MixedStereoLabelText = \"\"; "; // (default = "Mixed") script += "</script> "; shtml += " " + script; html = "E <td>"; html_end = ""; // clear html to add to end string label = mol.Caption; if (label != null && label != "") // include compound number { txt = label; if (txt.IndexOf("</") >= 0) // label contains already formatted html { txt2 = txt.Replace("</a>", ""); if (txt2 != txt) // move anchor close after structure to allow structure click { txt = txt2; html_end = "</a>"; } html += txt; } else // label contains a registry number possibly followed by other text, make regno an anchor { txt.Replace("\n", "<br>"); // change any newlines to breaks for (i1 = 0; i1 < txt.Length; i1++) // look for end of regno { if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit(txt[i1]) && txt[i1] != '-' && txt[i1] != ' ') { break; } } if (i1 < txt.Length) { rntxt = txt.Substring(0, i1); txt = txt.Substring(i1 + 1); } else { rntxt = txt; txt = ""; } string linkTag = "<a href=\"http://Mobius/command?ShowContextMenu:CompoundIdContextMenu:" + rntxt + "\">"; txt = // create a link to popup the regno operation menu linkTag + rntxt + "</a>" + txt; shtml = linkTag + shtml + "</a>"; // also include popup on structure html += txt + "<br>"; } } html += "<center>" + shtml + "</center>" + html_end + "</td>\t"; Tb.Lines[r] += html; /* finish up & put in buffer */ return(html); }
/// <summary> /// Scale and translate structure and format into buffer /// </summary> /// <param name="mol">The structure</param> /// <param name="cellStyle">Style/conditional formatting to apply to cell</param> /// <param name="commandChar">Command character to use in buffer</param> /// <param name="x">Coordinate of left side of structure</param> /// <param name="width">Width of molecule box in milliinches</param> /// <param name="r">Row in buffer to put on. If less than 0 then return formatted data</param> /// <param name="heightInLines">number of lines used</param> public FormattedFieldInfo FormatStructure( MoleculeMx mol, CellStyleMx cellStyle, char commandChar, int x, int width, int r, ResultsField rfld = null, DataRowMx dataRow = null) { Rectangle destRect, boundingRect; int height; // formatted height in milliinches bool markBoundaries; int fixedHeight; Bitmap bm; Font font; string txt, molfile, molString = "", svg, cid = null; int translateType, desiredBondLength = 100; int pixWidth = 0, pixHeight = 0; bool debug = DataTableManager.DebugDetails; if (debug) { DebugLog.Message("=============================== FormattingStructure ==============================="); } PerformanceTimer pt = PT.Start("FormatStructure"); Stopwatch swTotal = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); try { MoleculeFormat initialCsType = mol.PrimaryFormat; string initialCsValue = mol.PrimaryValue; QueryColumn qc = (rfld != null) ? rfld.QueryColumn : null; FormattedFieldInfo ffi = new FormattedFieldInfo(); if (dataRow != null) // get any cid in row { int ki = DataTableManager.DefaultKeyValueVoPos; if (ki < dataRow.Length) { cid = dataRow[ki] as string; } } //DebugLog.Message("FormatStructure " + cid); //if (!Rf.Grid) x = x; // debug /////////////////////////////////// // Highlight structure /////////////////////////////////// if (StructureHighlightPssc != null) { ParsedStructureCriteria pssc = StructureHighlightPssc; // Hilight substructure search match if (pssc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.Substructure || // regular SSS pssc.SearchTypeUnion == StructureSearchType.Substructure) // handles related search for just SSS to get hilighting { if (HighlightStructureMatches) { try { mol = StrMatcher.HighlightMatchingSubstructure(mol); if (DebugMx.False) // debug { //string highlightChildren = mol.MolLib.HighlightChildren; //Color highlightColor = mol.MolLib.HighlightColor; if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tHilight", sw); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex = ex; } } if (AlignStructureToQuery) { try { mol = StrMatcher.AlignToMatchingSubstructure(mol); if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tOrient", sw); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex = ex; } } } // Hilight SmallWorld structure match else if (pssc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.SmallWorld) // Hilight SmallWorld structure search results { if (SmallWorldDepictions == null) { SmallWorldDepictions = new SmallWorldDepictions(); } SmallWorldPredefinedParameters swp = pssc.SmallWorldParameters; //DebugLog.Message("Depict " + cid + ", Hilight " + swp.Highlight + ", Align " + swp.Align); // + "\r\n" + new StackTrace(true)); if ((swp.Highlight || swp.Align) & Lex.IsDefined(cid)) // call depiction for these { svg = SmallWorldDepictions.GetDepiction(cid, swp.Highlight, swp.Align); if (Lex.IsDefined(svg)) // have depiction? { { pixWidth = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToPixels(width); bm = SvgUtil.GetBitmapFromSvgXml(svg, pixWidth); ffi.FormattedBitmap = mol.FormattedBitmap = bm; // store in formatting info and chem structure return(ffi); } } else if (svg == null) // start retrieval of this decpiction type & fall through to get default structure initially { SmallWorldDepictions.StartDepictionRetrieval(Qm, StructureHighlightQc, swp.Highlight, swp.Align); } else { } // tried to get it but failed, fall through to get basic structure } } else if (mol.AltFormDefined("Svg")) // svg form exist (e.g. SmallWorld or "related" structure search)? { svg = mol.SvgString; if (Lex.IsDefined(svg)) { pixWidth = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToPixels(width); bm = SvgUtil.GetBitmapFromSvgXml(svg, pixWidth); ffi.FormattedBitmap = mol.FormattedBitmap = bm; // store in formatting info and chem structure return(ffi); } } } /////////////////////////////////// // Handle each output device /////////////////////////////////// ffi.HeightInLines = 1; // min of 1 line if (Rf.SdFile) { FormatSdfileStructure(mol); return(null); } int pageHeight = 11000; if (Rf.PageMargins != null) { pageHeight = Rf.PageMargins.Top + Rf.PageHeight + Rf.PageMargins.Bottom; } if (Rf.Excel || Rf.Word) { translateType = 2; } else { translateType = 0; } if (!Rf.FixedHeightStructures) { fixedHeight = 0; // not fixed height } else if (Rf.Excel || Rf.Word) { fixedHeight = 1; // always fixed height } else { fixedHeight = 2; // fixed height unless need to expand } if (Rf.Word && Rf.FixedHeightStructures) { markBoundaries = true; } else { markBoundaries = false; } destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, width * 4 / 5); // default dest rect /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tempory fake generation of HELM & associatedimage for biopolymer testing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //if (MoleculeMx.HelmEnabled == DebugMx.False) // artificially generate helm molecules // MoleculeMx.SetMoleculeToTestHelmString(mol.GetCorpId().ToString(), mol); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End of tempory fake generation of HELM & associatedimage for biopolymer testing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool fitStructure = true; if (mol.IsChemStructureFormat) { if (Rf.Grid) // special scale for grid { double scale = (float)width / MoleculeMx.StandardBoxWidth; desiredBondLength = mol.CdkMol.AdjustBondLengthToValidRange((int)(MoleculeMx.StandardBondLength * scale)); //desiredBondLength = (int)(ChemicalStructure.StandardBondLength * (Rf.PageScale / 100.0)); desiredBondLength = (int)(desiredBondLength * 90.0 / 100.0); // scale down a bit for grid if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tAdjustBondLength1", sw); } } else // set desired bond length based on page scaling { float scale = (float)width / MoleculeMx.StandardBoxWidth; desiredBondLength = mol.CdkMol.AdjustBondLengthToValidRange((int)(MoleculeMx.StandardBondLength * scale)); //desiredBondLength = (int)(ChemicalStructure.StandardBondLength * (Rf.PageScale / 100.0)); if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tAdjustBondLength2", sw); } } if (desiredBondLength < 1) { desiredBondLength = 1; } if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tBeforeFit", sw); } if (fitStructure) { mol.CdkMol.FitStructureIntoRectangle // scale and translate structure into supplied rectangle. (ref destRect, desiredBondLength, translateType, fixedHeight, markBoundaries, pageHeight, out boundingRect); } if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tFitStructure", sw); } ffi.HeightInLines = (int)(destRect.Height / Rf.LineHeight + 1); // lines needed } else if (mol.IsBiopolymerFormat) { if (mol.PrimaryFormat == MoleculeFormat.Helm && Rf.Excel) { svg = HelmControl.GetSvg(mol.HelmString); float inchWidth = width / 1000.0f; // convert width milliinches to inches Svg.SvgDocument svgDoc = SvgUtil.AdjustSvgDocumentToFitContent(svg, inchWidth, Svg.SvgUnitType.Inch); RectangleF svgbb = svgDoc.Bounds; float ar = svgbb.Width / svgbb.Height; // aspect ratio of svg bounding box height = (int)(width / ar); // height in milliinches ffi.HeightInLines = (int)(height / Rf.LineHeight) + 1; // lines needed destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); } } ////////////////////////// /// Output to Grid ////////////////////////// if (Rf.Grid) { pixWidth = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToPixels(destRect.Width); pixHeight = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToPixels(destRect.Height); if (cellStyle == null) { if (Qm == null || Qm.MoleculeGrid == null) { font = new Font("Tahoma", 8.25f); } else { font = new Font(Qm.MoleculeGrid.Font, FontStyle.Underline); } cellStyle = new CellStyleMx(font, Color.Blue, Color.Empty); } if (mol.IsChemStructureFormat) // molfile type molecule { if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tBeforeGetDisplayPreferences", sw); } DisplayPreferences dp = mol.GetDisplayPreferences(); if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tGetDisplayPreferences", sw); } //desiredBondLength = mol.CdkMol.AdjustBondLengthToValidRange(desiredBondLength); // be sure bond len within allowed range //if (debug) DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tAdjustBondLengthToValidRange", sw); //dp.StandardBondLength = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToDecipoints(desiredBondLength); bm = mol.CdkMol.GetFixedHeightMoleculeBitmap(pixWidth, pixHeight, dp, cellStyle, mol.Caption); if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tGetBitmap", sw); } } else if (mol.IsBiopolymerFormat) // Output HELM image for biopolymer { pixWidth = MoleculeMx.MilliinchesToPixels(width); bm = HelmConverter.HelmToBitmap(mol, pixWidth); } else { bm = new Bitmap(1, 1); } ffi.FormattedBitmap = mol.FormattedBitmap = bm; // store in formatting & structure ffi.FormattedText = "Formatted"; // indicate formatted (could save structure string but not needed and avoids possible conversion overhead) return(ffi); } ////////////////////////// /// Output to Html ////////////////////////// else if (Rf.Html) { if (r >= 0) { AssureTbFree(0, r + ffi.HeightInLines - 1); } if (mol.IsChemStructureFormat) { FormatChemStructureHtml(mol, destRect, width, r); } else if (mol.IsBiopolymerFormat) { FormatBiopolymerStructureHtml(mol, destRect, width, r); } if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tFormatHtmlStructure", sw); } ffi.FormattedBitmap = mol.FormattedBitmap; ffi.FormattedText = mol.FormattedText; return(ffi); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Other format, store Smiles or Helm & any cellStyle in buffer ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else { if (mol.IsChemStructureFormat) { if (Rf.ExportStructureFormat == ExportStructureFormat.Smiles) { molString = mol.GetSmilesString(); } else { molString = mol.GetChimeString(); // use Chime if not smiles } } else if (mol.IsBiopolymerFormat) { molString = mol.PrimaryValue; // usually Helm but could be sequence } txt = String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", x, width, destRect.Left, destRect.Top, destRect.Right, destRect.Bottom, molString); if (cellStyle != null) // apply style to cell? { txt += " <CellStyle " + cellStyle.Serialize() + ">"; } txt = commandChar + " " + txt + "\t"; if (r >= 0) { AssureTbFree(0, r + ffi.HeightInLines - 1); Tb.Lines[r] += txt; // put in buffer } else { return(new FormattedFieldInfo(txt)); // just return formatting } } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { DebugLog.Message(DebugLog.FormatExceptionMessage(ex)); return(null); } finally { pt.Update(); int formatCount = pt.Count; //ClientLog.Message(pt.ToString() + ", " + cs.GetMolHeader()[2]); // + ", " + new StackTrace(true)); if (debug) { DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("tTotalTime", swTotal); } } }
/// <summary> /// OK button clicked, process input /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> DialogResult ProcessInput() { int rgCount; // number of Rgroups List <Rgroup> rgList; // list of existing Rgroups bool[] rgExists; // entry = true if rgroup exists in core Rgroup rg; bool oneD, twoD; // matrix dimensionality List <string> keys = null; Dictionary <string, List <QualifiedNumber> > mElem; // matrix element dictionary List <RgroupSubstituent>[] rSubs; // substituents seen for each Rgroup Query q, q0, q2; QueryTable qt, qt2; QueryColumn qc, qc2; MetaTable mt, mt2; MetaColumn mc, mc2; DataTableMx dt; DataRowMx dr; DialogResult dlgRslt; string tok; int ri, rii, si, qti, qci, bi, bi2; // Get core structure & list of R-groups MoleculeMx core = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, SQuery.MolfileString); if (core.AtomCount == 0) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("A Core structure with R-groups must be defined"); return(DialogResult.None); } if (!Structure.Checked && !Smiles.Checked && !Formula.Checked && !Weight.Checked && !Index.Checked) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("At least one substituent display format must be selected."); return(DialogResult.None); } mt = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException("Rgroup_Decomposition"); qt = new QueryTable(mt); qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("Core"); qc.MolString = core.GetMolfileString(); // put core structure into table criteria qc.CriteriaDisplay = "Substructure search (SSS)"; qc.Criteria = "CORE SSS SQUERY"; qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("R1_Structure"); if (ShowCoreStructure.Checked) { qc.Label = "R-group, Core\tChime=" + core.GetChimeString(); // reference core in query col header label qc.MetaColumn.Width = 25; } RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Structure", Structure.Checked); // select for retrieval if checked RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Smiles", Smiles.Checked); RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Formula", Formula.Checked); RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Weight", Weight.Checked); RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_SubstNo", Index.Checked); string terminateOption = "First mapping"; // terminate on first complete match qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("Terminate_Option"); qc.Criteria = qt.MetaTable.Name + " = " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(terminateOption); qc.CriteriaDisplay = "= " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(terminateOption); QueryTable rgdQt = qt; // keep a ref to it if (QbUtil.Query == null || QbUtil.Query.Tables.Count == 0) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No current query."); return(DialogResult.None); } q0 = QbUtil.Query; // original query this analysis is based on q = q0.Clone(); // make copy of source query we can modify q.SingleStepExecution = false; qti = 0; while (qti < q.Tables.Count) // deselect query columns that we don't want { qt = q.Tables[qti]; if (Lex.Eq(qt.MetaTable.Name, "Rgroup_Decomposition")) { // remove any rgroup decomp table qti++; continue; } mt = qt.MetaTable; if (mt.MultiPivot || // check for tables not allowed in underlying query mt.MetaBrokerType == MetaBrokerType.CalcField || // (called ShouldPresearchAndTransform previously) mt.MetaBrokerType == MetaBrokerType.MultiTable || mt.MetaBrokerType == MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Multipivot/Rgroup table \"" + qt.ActiveLabel + "\" can't be included in an underlying Rgroup Matrix query"); return(DialogResult.None); } for (qci = 0; qci < qt.QueryColumns.Count; qci++) { qc = qt.QueryColumns[qci]; if (qc.MetaColumn == null) { continue; } switch (qc.MetaColumn.DataType) { case MetaColumnType.CompoundId: // keep only these case MetaColumnType.Integer: case MetaColumnType.Number: case MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo: case MetaColumnType.String: break; default: qc.Selected = false; break; } } qti++; } q.AddQueryTable(rgdQt); // Add Rgroup decom table to end of cloned source query Progress.Show("Retrieving data..."); try { dlgRslt = ToolHelper.ExecuteQuery(ref q, out keys); if (dlgRslt != DialogResult.OK) { return(dlgRslt); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Error executing query:\r\n" + ex.Message); return(DialogResult.None); } if (keys == null || keys.Count == 0) { Progress.Hide(); MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No results were returned by the query."); return(DialogResult.None); } // Scan modified query to get list of rgroup indexes that are present rgExists = new bool[32]; rgList = new List <Rgroup>(); QueryTable rgQt = q.GetQueryTableByName("Rgroup_Decomposition"); foreach (QueryColumn qc0 in rgQt.QueryColumns) { mc = qc0.MetaColumn; if (!(mc.Name.StartsWith("R") && mc.Name.EndsWith("_STRUCTURE") && qc0.Selected)) { continue; // skip if not a selected Rgroup structure } int len = mc.Name.Length - ("R" + "_STRUCTURE").Length; tok = mc.Name.Substring(1, len); if (!int.TryParse(tok, out ri)) { continue; } rgExists[ri - 1] = true; rg = new Rgroup(); rg.RIndex = ri; rg.VoPos = qc0.VoPosition; rgList.Add(rg); } for (bi = 1; bi < rgList.Count; bi++) { // sort by increasing R index rg = rgList[bi]; for (bi2 = bi - 1; bi2 >= 0; bi2--) { if (rg.RIndex >= rgList[bi2].RIndex) { break; } rgList[bi2 + 1] = rgList[bi2]; } rgList[bi2 + 1] = rg; } rgCount = rgList.Count; twoD = TwoD.Checked; if (rgCount == 1) { twoD = false; // if only 1 rgroup can't do as 2d } oneD = !twoD; // Read data into mElem and rgroup substituents into rSubs. // Matrix mElem is keyed on [R1Smiles, R2Smiles,... RnSmiles, FieldName] for 1d and // [R1Smiles, R2Smiles,... FieldName, RnSmiles] for 2d QueryManager qm = q.QueryManager as QueryManager; DataTableManager dtm = qm.DataTableManager; dt = qm.DataTable; mElem = new Dictionary <string, List <QualifiedNumber> >(); // matrix element dictionary rSubs = new List <RgroupSubstituent> [32]; // list of substituents seen for each Rgroup for (rii = 0; rii < rgCount; rii++) // alloc substituent list for rgroup { rSubs[rii] = new List <RgroupSubstituent>(); } int rowCount = 0; while (true) { // scan data accumulating rgroup substituents and data values dr = dtm.FetchNextDataRow(); if (dr == null) { break; } rowCount++; string cid = dr[dtm.KeyValueVoPos] as string; string lastMapCid = "", rgroupKey = "", rgroupKeyLast = ""; int mapCount = 0; for (rii = 0; rii < rgCount; rii++) // for { MoleculeMx rSub = dr[rgList[rii].VoPos] as MoleculeMx; if (rSub == null || rSub.AtomCount == 0) { continue; } ri = rgList[rii].RIndex; // actual R index in query int subIdx = RgroupSubstituent.Get(rSub, rSubs[rii]); // if (ri == 1 && subIdx != 0) subIdx = subIdx; // debug if (subIdx < 0) { continue; } string rKey = "R" + ri.ToString() + "_" + (subIdx + 1).ToString(); if (oneD || rii < rgCount - 1) { if (rgroupKey != "") { rgroupKey += "\t"; } rgroupKey += rKey; } else { rgroupKeyLast = rKey; } lastMapCid = cid; mapCount++; } if (lastMapCid == cid) // add the data if compound has a mapping { AccumulateMatrixElements(mElem, q, dr, rgroupKey, rgroupKeyLast, cid); } if (Progress.IsTimeToUpdate) { Progress.Show("Retrieving data: " + StringMx.FormatIntegerWithCommas(rowCount) + " rows..."); } } if (rowCount == 0) { Progress.Hide(); MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No data rows retrieved"); return(DialogResult.None); } if (twoD && (rSubs[rgCount - 1] == null || rSubs[rgCount - 1].Count == 0)) { // if 2D be sure we have at least one substituent for the last Rgroup Progress.Hide(); MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No substituents found for R" + rgCount.ToString()); return(DialogResult.None); } // Create a MetaTable & DataTable for matrix results Progress.Show("Analyzing data..."); mt = new MetaTable(); // create output table MatrixCount++; mt.Name = "RGROUPMATRIX_" + MatrixCount; mt.Label = "R-group Matrix " + MatrixCount; mt.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp; mc = // use sequence for key mt.AddMetaColumn("RgroupMatrixId", "No.", MetaColumnType.Integer, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 3); mc.ClickFunction = "None"; // avoid hyperlink on this key mc.IsKey = true; int maxLeftR = rgCount; if (twoD) { maxLeftR = rgCount - 1; } for (ri = 0; ri < maxLeftR; ri++) { string rStr = "R" + (ri + 1).ToString(); if (Structure.Checked) { mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Str", rStr, MetaColumnType.Structure, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12); if (ri == 0 && ShowCoreStructure.Checked) // include core structure above R1 if requested { string chimeString = MoleculeMx.MolfileStringToSmilesString(SQuery.MolfileString); mc.Label = "R1, Core\tChime=" + chimeString; mc.Width = 25; } } if (Smiles.Checked) { mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Smi", rStr + " Smiles", MetaColumnType.String, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12); } if (Formula.Checked) { mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Mf", rStr + " Formula", MetaColumnType.String, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 8); } if (Weight.Checked) { mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "MW", rStr + " Mol. Wt.", MetaColumnType.Number, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 6, ColumnFormatEnum.Decimal, 2); } if (Index.Checked) { mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Index", rStr + " Subst. Idx.", MetaColumnType.Number, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 4); mc.Format = ColumnFormatEnum.Decimal; } } mc = // add column to contain result type mt.AddMetaColumn("ResultType", "Result Type", MetaColumnType.String, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12); if (oneD) // add just 1 column to contain results { mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("Results", "Results", MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12); mc.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp; // broker to do special col handling for cond formtting if (QbUtil.Query.UserObject.Id > 0) { mc.DetailsAvailable = true; } } else // add col for each substituent for last rgroup { string rStr = "R" + rgCount.ToString(); for (si = 0; si < rSubs[rgCount - 1].Count; si++) { string cName = rStr + "_" + (si + 1).ToString(); string cLabel = cName.Replace("_", "."); RgroupSubstituent rgs = rSubs[ri][si]; // get substituent info if (Structure.Checked) // include structure { cLabel += "\tChime=" + rgs.Struct.GetChimeString(); } else if (Smiles.Checked) { cLabel += " = " + rgs.Struct.GetSmilesString(); } else if (Formula.Checked) { cLabel += " = " + rgs.Struct.MolFormula; } else if (Weight.Checked) { cLabel += " = " + rgs.Struct.MolWeight; } else if (Index.Checked) { cLabel += " = " + (si + 1).ToString(); } mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(cName, cLabel, MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12); mc.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp; if (QbUtil.Query.UserObject.Id > 0) { mc.DetailsAvailable = true; } } } MetaTableCollection.UpdateGlobally(mt); // add as a known metatable if (mElem.Count == 0) // be sure we have a matrix { Progress.Hide(); MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No matrix can be created because insufficient data was found."); return(DialogResult.None); } // Build the DataTable Progress.Show("Building data table..."); q2 = new Query(); // build single-table query to hold matrix qt2 = new QueryTable(q2, mt); dt = DataTableManager.BuildDataTable(q2); Dictionary <string, List <QualifiedNumber> > .KeyCollection kc = mElem.Keys; string[] rgKeys = new string[mElem.Count]; kc.CopyTo(rgKeys, 0); Array.Sort(rgKeys); string[] rgKey = null, lastRgKey = null; int rki = 0; for (rki = 0; rki < rgKeys.Length; rki++) { rgKey = rgKeys[rki].Split('\t'); int riTop = rgCount + 1; // all r substituents & field name on left if (twoD) { riTop = rgCount; } for (ri = 0; ri < riTop; ri++) // see if any changes in left side substituents or field name { if (lastRgKey == null || rgKey[ri] != lastRgKey[ri]) { break; } } if (ri < riTop || oneD) // if 2d then new row only if some change before last R { dr = dt.NewRow(); dt.Rows.Add(dr); dr[dtm.KeyValueVoPos + 1] = new NumberMx(dt.Rows.Count); // integer row key } if (!HideRepeatingSubstituents.Checked) { ri = 0; // start at first if not hiding } lastRgKey = rgKey; for (ri = ri; ri < riTop; ri++) // build row with these { string rgSub = rgKey[ri]; // get substituent id or table.column name if (rgSub == "") { continue; } if (ri < riTop - 1) { // output substituent and/or smiles string rStr = "R" + (ri + 1).ToString(); si = rgSub.IndexOf("_"); si = Int32.Parse(rgSub.Substring(si + 1)) - 1; // get substituent index RgroupSubstituent rgs = rSubs[ri][si]; // get substituent info if (Structure.Checked) { qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Str"); dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = rgs.Struct; } if (Smiles.Checked) { qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Smi"); dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new StringMx(rgs.Struct.GetSmilesString()); } if (Formula.Checked) { qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Mf"); dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new StringMx(rgs.Struct.MolFormula); } if (Weight.Checked) { qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Mw"); dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new NumberMx(rgs.Struct.MolWeight); } if (Index.Checked) { qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Index"); dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new NumberMx(si + 1); } } else // output field name { string[] sa = rgSub.Split('.'); // get field name qt = q.GetQueryTableByName(sa[0]); qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(sa[1]); string fieldName = qc.ActiveLabel; if (q0.Tables.Count >= 3) // qualify by table if 3 or more tables in original query { fieldName = qt.ActiveLabel + " - " + fieldName; } qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName("ResultType"); dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new StringMx(fieldName); } } // Output value string cName; if (oneD) { cName = "Results"; } else { cName = rgKey[rgCount]; // get key for this substituent (e.g. R2_1) } if (Lex.IsUndefined(cName)) { continue; // may be no substituent match } qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(cName); QualifiedNumber qn = SummarizeData(mElem[rgKeys[rki]]); // get summarized value dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = qn; } ToolHelper.DisplayData(q2, dt, true); UsageDao.LogEvent("RgroupMatrix"); Progress.Hide(); return(DialogResult.OK); }
/// <summary> /// SetupQueryTableForRGroupDecomposition /// </summary> /// <param name="qt"></param> /// <param name="q"></param> public void SetupQueryTableForRGroupDecomposition( QueryTable qt, Query q) { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); MetaTable mt = qt.MetaTable; QueryColumn qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName("core"); if (qc == null) { throw new UserQueryException("Core column not defined in rgroup_decomposition table"); } string molfile = qc.MolString; if (molfile == null || molfile == "") { // core not defined in Rgroup decomposition table, try to get from structure search in rest of query foreach (QueryTable qt3 in q.Tables) { if (!qt3.MetaTable.IsRootTable) { continue; } MetaColumn mc3 = qt3.MetaTable.FirstStructureMetaColumn; if (mc3 != null) { QueryColumn qc3 = qt3.GetQueryColumnByName(mc3.Name); molfile = qc3.MolString; break; } } } if (molfile == null || molfile == "") { throw new UserQueryException("R-group decomposition core structure is not defined"); } MoleculeMx cs = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, molfile); cs.GetCoreRGroupInfo(out RgCounts, out RgTotalCount); if (RgCounts.Count == 0 || (RgCounts.ContainsKey(0) && RgCounts.Count == 1)) { throw new UserQueryException("R-group decomposition core structure must contain at least one numbered R-group"); } qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName("R1_Structure"); // update any core structure label if (qc == null) { throw new UserQueryException("Can't find R1_Structure in " + mt.Label); } if (qc.Label.IndexOf("\tChime=") > 0) { qc.Label = "R-group, Core\tChime=" + cs.GetChimeString(); // reference core in query col header label qc.MetaColumn.Width = 25; } SetRnToMatchR1(qt, "Structure"); // reset querycolumn selection & width to match R1 SetRnToMatchR1(qt, "Smiles"); SetRnToMatchR1(qt, "Formula"); SetRnToMatchR1(qt, "Weight"); SetRnToMatchR1(qt, "SubstNo"); int msTime = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; //if (RGroupDecomp.Debug) DebugLog.Message("Time(ms): " + msTime); return; }